2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Hidayatullah Hidayatullah ◽  
Shobihatus Syifak ◽  
Choirotussanijjah Choirotussanijjah

Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage or ICH or hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding within brain parenchyma. Riskesdas reported that stroke patients in Indonesia experienced an increase from 7 permil in 2013 to 10.9 permil in 2018. Mortality rate for ICH is estimated 40% in 1 month and 54% in 1 year. Rumah sakit Islam Jemursari (RSI) is the only type B hospital in Wonocolo sub-district, Surabaya city. This study aimed to analyze the pattern of incidents and variations of ICH at RSI Jemursari Surabaya.Method: This was a descriptive observational study. Medical record data is collected  from 2017-2019. The data were obtained from medical records section of total number of ICH, gender, age and outcome of patients. Furthermore, data is analyzed and illustrated through a bar chart and the frequency of mortality is calculated.Results: Total ICH patients at Jemursari Hospital were 310 with 192 male patients and 118 female patients over 3 years. Meanwhile, the most groups experienced ICH were 45-64 years, followed by +65 age group. This is consistent with several epidemiological studies related to ICH, where the incidence of ICH increases with increasing age. The mortality rate for ICH patients, in the 2017-2019 periode, was around 23-30%.Conclusion: It can be concluded that male more susceptible to ICH than female subjects. Meanwhile, the mortality rate for ICH patients ranged from 23-30% in the 2017-2019 period. It is necessary to carry out further evaluation related to other data from the patient. So it could describe incidence rate as well as an overview of the ICH profile at RSI Jemursari.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-80
Juliana Ruminta Sijabat ◽  
Sartini Sartini ◽  
Abdul Karim

This study aims to determine the presence or absence of protein in urine in patients with chronic renal failure. From the results of the study it was found that patients with chronic kidney failure in Martha Friska Multatuli General Hospital Medan from the 80 most patients in positive +++. Many patients with chronic kidney failure are male patients (62.5%) compared to female patients (37.5%) and the results of the examination based on age increase with age, ie at the age of 45 years and above. This type of research is descriptive analytic. Data is taken by recording medical record data of patients with chronic kidney failure based on age, sex and year. The study was conducted from January 2015 to December 2016. The place for conducting the research was conducted at Martha Friska Multatuli General Hospital (RSU) Medan. The study sample was urine samples from all patients with chronic renal failure. It can be concluded that the picture of protein in urine in patients with chronic kidney failure increases every year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Beni Harzani ◽  
Diana Diana

Nagaswidak Health Center is one of the community health centers that is quite large and has complete facilities. But the problem that is often faced by officers in the puskesmas is the medical record data processing system which is still manual, causing the accumulation of patient medical record file data, in addition to patients who have been checked before and lost their medical records, it is very difficult for officers to find back, so the officer made a new medical record data. To overcome this problem, a Medical Records Filling Application was made at the Nagaswidak Health Center which includes the processing of medical records, patient data, drug data, action data, doctor data, and admin logins. So that the data search problem is not difficult, the turbo boyer moore algorithm method is applied which is expected to later be able to facilitate the search for patient data in the medical record filling application. Based on the test results Boyer Moore's Algorithm successfully applied to search for the beginning of a word, middle word, and final word. And the level of ease and usefulness of medical records application using Boyer Moore's algorithm obtained results that the level of ease is 80% and 100% usability rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 152-158
Yessi Sundari

DBD is a disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted through mosquito bites and reduces the platelet count in the sufferer. This study aims to determine the medical records of dengue hemorrhagic fever at Lubuk Pakam General Hospital. This type of research is descriptive. Data collection methods were medical records for all DHF patients from 2005 to 2009 at Lubuk Pakam General Hospital. Then the medical record data are grouped by age, sex and occupation. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the number of DHF sufferers from 2005 to 2009 increased in the 21-56 year age group with all male sex and work as entrepreneurs. This is due to a narrower environment, increasing population, and inadequate living quarters with no good air ventilation, so that the spread of dengue is increasing.

2014 ◽  
Vol 95 (6) ◽  
pp. 801-806
E V Suprun ◽  
N A But ◽  
S V Tereshchenko

Aim. To study the influence of recombinant interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum) on indicators of oxidative protein modification and severity of neurologic signs in rats with experimental hemorrhagic stroke. Methods. Oxidative protein modification (by aldehyde and carboxyl products), the survival rate, neurological deficit by McGrow Stroke-index and animal psychophysiological status were studied on the model of intracerebral hemorrhage in rats after treatment with 0.01 mg/kg of interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum). Results. The progression of experimental hemorrhagic stroke in rats was accompanied with typical pathophysiological signs - oxidative protein modification with following neurological and cognitive disorders, followed by death of experimental animals. Administration of interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum) 0.01 mg/kg hampered the processes of free radical proteins damage, therefore decreasing the mortality rate in animals with intracerebral hemorrhage. Animals that were administered interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum) died only during the first 24 hours after the stroke, with mortality rate significantly lower compared to controls starting form the 4th day of the experiment (р 0.05). The use of interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum) also statistically significantly decreased the severity of post-ischemic behavioral, neurological and cognitive disorders, improving the movement activity, psychoneurological status assessed by McGrow scale, stabilizing the memory and passive avoidance reflex recovery. Conclusion: interleukin-2 (Ronkoleukinum) can effectively prevent the formation of post-stroke neuronal disorders, so its use as a nosotropic nootropic agent seems to have a good perspective.

e-CliniC ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Richard Simon Ratanna ◽  
Laya M. Rares ◽  
J. S. M. Saerang

Abstract: The vision is one very important factor in all aspects of life. Hypermetropia is refractive disorders found in most newborns, where the eyeball is too short so that the eyes of infants and children is the hypermetropia of 2-3 diopters, which will increase in the first few years but will be gradually reduced until the age of adolescence into emetrop. This study aims to determine the refractive  disorders in children at Eye Polyclinic BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Method: This is a descriptive retrospective study by looking at the medical record data at Eyes Polyclinic BLU RSU  Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado period June 2010 – June 2012. Results: The result show as much as 40,49% in male patients and 59,51% in women. In the age group 10-14 year is the most common age group was found that as many as 64,41% and least in age group 1-4 year is 0,62%. Refractive disorders most frequently found is 71,78% myopia. Conclusion: The results of the distribution of refractive disorders in children BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, found 163 patient with refractive disorders in children, in which sufferers are women more found by 97 patients. Based on age, in the age group 10-14 years as many as 105 people. Refractive disorders in children are most commonly found are myopia, as many as 117 people. Keywords: refractive disorders, child.   Abstrak: Penglihatan adalah salah satu faktor yang sangat penting dalam seluruh aspekkehidupan. Hipermetropia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang terdapat pada sebagian bayi baru lahir, dimana bola matanya terlalu pendek sehingga mata bayi dan anak-anak adalah hipermetropia yaitu sebesar 2-3 dioptri, yang akan bertambah pada tahun-tahun pertama namun akan berangsur-angsur berkurang hingga pada usia remaja menjadi emetrop. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelainan refraksi pada anak di Poliklinik Mata BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R.D.Kandou Manado. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif retrospektif dengan cara melihat data rekam medik di Poliklinik Mata BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Juni 2010 – Juni 2012. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 40,49% pada penderita laki-laki, dan pada perempuan 59,51%. Kelompok umur 10-14 tahun merupakan kelompok umur tersering ditemukan yaitu sebanyak 64,41% dan paling sedikit pada golongan umur1-4 tahun sebanyak 0,62%. Kelainan refraksi yang paling sering ditemukan adalah miopia 71,78%. Simpulan: Hasil distribusi kelainan refraksi pada anak di BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, didapatkan 163 penderita kelainan refraksi pada  anak, dimana penderita perempuan lebih banyak ditemukan yaitu sebanyak 97 penderita. Berdasarkan Umur, pada kelompok umur 10-14 tahun sebanyak 105 penderita.  Kelainan refraksi pada anak yang paling sering ditemukan adalah miopia, yaitu sebanyak 117 penderita. Kata kunci: kelainan refraksi, anak.

KYAMC Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-132
Sk Abdullah Al Mamun ◽  
Saiyeedur Rahman ◽  
Sayedur Rahman Sheikh ◽  
Abdul Wadud ◽  
Gobindo Gain

Background: Hemorrhagic stroke accounts for 10-15% of all strokes with higher mortality rates than cerebral infarction. Intracerebral hemorrhage has a reported 30-day mortality of 44% to 51%, with almost half of the death occurs within the first 48 hours. Advanced age, low level of consciousness, large volume of hemorrhage has been linked with poor outcome. Objectives: To predict early outcome of hemorrhagic stroke patient in relation with age, Glasgow Coma Scale, volume of hemorrhage and ventricular extension. Materials and Methods: Hospital based prospective study carried out in hundred hemorrhagic stroke patients. The formula of ABC/2 was used to calculate hemorrhage volume in bedside by using CT scan. Results: 1st month mortality rates of hemorrhagic stroke was 44% with 45.45% of patients died within the first 48 hours of onset. Mean age of patients of hemorrhagic stroke was 61.2 ± 13.88 years. Mortality rate of intracerebral hemorrhage after age of 60 was 51.06% in 1st month. Volume of intracerebral hemorrhage was the strongest predictor of both 48 hours and 30 days mortality. Using three categories of intracerebral hemorrhage (X for < 30 ml, Y for 30 - 50 ml and Z for > 50 ml group) calculated by ABC/2 formula showed 100% mortality rate in Z group, 50% in Y group and only 12% mortality rate in X group in 1st month. Among all death, 61.5% of Z group 25% of Y group and 16.67% of patients of X group died within 48 hours. Two categories of Glasgow Coma Scale (≤ 8 and ≥ 9) were used and shown death rates 80.77% in GCS ≤ 8 and 4.55% in GCS ≥ 9 in 1st month. Conclusion: Volume of intracerebral hemorrhage in combination with advanced age, initial Glasgow Coma Scale is a powerful and easy to use in both 48 hours and 1st month mortality in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. KYAMC Journal. 2021;12(3): 127-132

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Risma Sakti Pambudi

Aging causes a decrease in renal blood flow velocity and clearance values ​​related to renal filtration function. A decrease in kidney filtration function results in a decrease in the ability of drug elimination so that the drug and its metabolites tend to accumulate in the blood. The dose of certain antibiotics must be adjusted to the patient's kidney function. Clinical estimates of kidney filtration function are expressed in terms of creatinine clearance (CrCl). This study aims to determine the percentage of suitability of the dose and interval of antibiotic administration with the CrCl value of elderly patients and to see description of the side effects arising from the administration of antibiotics. This research was observational with data retrospective retrieval of medical records. The subjects of the study were elderly patients who were hospitalized in the ward ward in dr. Moewardi Solo Hospital in the period January - May 2019 , ≥ 60 years aged with a diagnosis of Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Cellulitis and sepsis with complete medical record data. The antibiotics evaluated are all antibiotics given to the patient while being treated. The results showed the suitability of the dose and interval of antibiotic administration with the CrCl value of elderly patients hospitalized in the disease ward in RSUD Dr. Moewardi Solo for the period January-May 2019 was 63.35%, the incidence of side effects arising from the administration of antibiotics was nausea and vomiting (10 patients ) and diarrhea (4 patients).

e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Pamela M. Poluan ◽  
Ventje Kawengian ◽  
Cerelia Sugeng

Abstract: Liver cirrhosis is often associated with impaired renal function. This can be due to disturbances of hemodynamic and neurohormonal systems and increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This will lead to a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This study aimed to find out the connection of the liver cirrhosis degree and GFR values in liver cirrhosis subjects. This study was a cross-sectional design. Samples were 30 liver cirrhosis cases’ medical records at BLU Prof. Dr R.D Kandou Hospital Manado in the period of October 2013 to October 2014.The medical record data included age, gender, values of albumin, bilirubin, and creatinine, Child’s score, and the GFR values by using CKD-EPI formula. The corrrelation of the liver cirrhosis degrees and GFR values was tested by using the Spearman correlation test. The results showed that there was a negative, not significant correlation between class B Child’s score and GFR (r = -0.231, p = 0.618); a positive, not significant correlation between class C Child’s score and GFR (r = 0.188, p = 0.428), and btween Child’s score and GFR (r = 0.118, p = 0.533)Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between the liver cirrhosis degree (Child’s score) and GFR values.Keywords: liver cirhhosis, Child’s score, GFRAbstrak: Sirosis hati sering disertai gangguan fungsi ginjal. Hal tersebut dapat disebabkan adanya gangguan sistem hemodinamik dan neurohormonal, serta peningkatan aktivitas sistem saraf simpatis. Gangguan ini akan memicu penurunan laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan derajat keparahan sirosis hati dengan nilai laju filtrasi glomerulus pada subyek sirosis hati. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Sampel peneltian ini berjumlah 30 rekam medik subyek sirosis hati yang tercatat di BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado periode Oktober 2013 sampai Oktober 2014. Data rekam medik tersebut mencakup umur, jenis kelamin, nilai albumin, bilirubin, kreatinin, skor Child, dan nilai LFG menggunakan formula CKD-EPI. Hubungan derajat keparahan Child dengan LFGdiuji dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif dan tidak signifikan antara skor Child kelas B dengan LFG (r = -0,231, p = 0,618), hubungan positif dan tidak signifikan antara skor Child kelas Cdengan LFG (r = 0,188, p = 0,428), serta skor Child dengan LFG (r = 0,118, p = 0,533). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara derajat keparahan sirosis hati (Skor Child) dengan nilai LFG.Kata kunci: sirosis hati, skor Child, LFG

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 177-181 ◽  
Ryan J. Groll ◽  
Kevin J. Leonard ◽  
Joan Eakin ◽  
Padraig Warde ◽  
Jackie Bender ◽  

This study explores the basis for providing effective access to electronic medical record data as a reference source for patients with early-stage testicular cancer undergoing surveillance follow-up programs.

Anis Dwi Kristiyowati ◽  
Retnosari Andrajati ◽  
Anton Bahtiar

  Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of clopidogrel on the prevention of recurrent stroke.Methods: This study used case–control study; data were taken from patient’s medical record of DR. Moewardi Regional General Hospital in the period of January 2013 – February 2017. Case group is a recurrent stroke patient receiving an acetosal or clopidogrel. The control group is a nonrecurrent stroke patient who receives an acetosal or clopidogrel.Results: During the period of study, the number of medical sample record data are 177 samples from the entire study subjects that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 50 medical records entered as subject of case study, 32 medical record samples was excluded because medical record data at the first stroke was gone (obselete), 35 medical record was excluded because medical record data at first stroke was not at of DR. Moewardi Regional General Hospital, 4 samples of medical records was excluded for using a combination of acetosal and clopidogrel, 55 samples of medical records as control subjects. Patients who use clopidogrel have a tendency to prevent recurrent stroke, but statistically not significantly different. This study shows that men tend to suffer more recurrent ischemic stroke (64.0%) than women. While in the control group of recurrent ischemic stroke of women (56.4%) more experienced the first stroke than men. Patients who had a stroke almost all had a history of hypertension (90.2%). Recurrent stroke patients in this study almost all had a history of hypertension. Bivariate analysis was showed that gender, history of diabetes mellitus (DM) and history of hypertension had an effect on recurrent stroke events. From the multivariate analysis, it was found that men had a risk of 2.328 for recurrent stroke (p=0.047), the history of DM had a risk of 3.975 times for recurrent stroke (p=0.016) and history of hypertension was 4.021 times for recurrent stroke (p=0.03)

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