Journal of Natural Sciences
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Published By Mahesa Research Institute


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 114-127
Fierdania Yusvita ◽  
Putri Handayani ◽  
Nadya Shinta Nandra

Quality of life can be determined by the individual's perception of his current life, including his health condition. Among occupational diseases, degenerative diseases are the first cause of death, and metabolic syndrome is one of them. This study aims to describe the quality of life of pre-elderly workers (45-56 years) with the risk of metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia) at PT. X. The research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method. Data was collected by interview method and the results of medical check-up documents. The results showed that the respondents rated their quality of life quite well. They judged that his current physical condition was quite good. Respondents do not know that their current health condition can trigger degenerative diseases in the future if sedentary behavior is still ignored. Five of the seven respondents still do not exercise regularly and three of the seven respondents are active smokers with cigarette consumption of 3-20 cigarettes/day. The seven respondents did not pay enough attention to their food intake. Psychologically, respondents perceive their mental condition is very good, they perceive the work environment as a very comfortable place to build social relationships. More metabolic syndrome related support programs at PT X need to be offered to increase workers' awareness of their health status.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Veza Azteria
P Value ◽  

Kemajuan teknologi saat ini berdampak besar bagi kelangsungan dan kenyamanan hidup manusia, contohnya penggunaan AC. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah suhu ruangan dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan staf di Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota X. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan lembar observasi dan angket terbuka yang dibagikan kepada 20 karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa rata-rata suhu ruangan di kantor arsip dan perpustakaan Kota X berada pada kategori suhu tidak ideal yaitu 23.660°C. Hasil uji korelasi (r) antara suhu ruangan dengan AC terhadap kesehatan karyawan adalah 0,675 dengan p-value 0,001 yang berarti ada hubungan antara suhu ruangan dengan AC terhadap kesehatan karyawan. pegawai Kantor Arsip Kota X dan perpustakaan. Oleh karena itu, pihak Kantor Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota X diharapkan membuat jadwal rutin pembersihan AC di setiap ruangan. Untuk meningkatkan kesehatan karyawan, diusahakan untuk selalu membuka jendela agar terjadi pertukaran udara yang baik dan bergerak secara teratur minimal seminggu sekali.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Ade Onny Siagian

This research was conducted in order to improve the teaching material in the form of an educational CD for class VII SMP with material on physical and chemical changes (chemical reactions). The stages of research and improvement carried out include: (1) needs analysis, (2) product improvement stage, (3) feasibility study and trial stage. Analysis of the needs of class VII students of SMPN 8 Jakarta with 39 respondents was carried out with the results that 100% of respondents had used computers at relatively frequent intervals (79.92%). More than half of the respondents (66.67%) stated that the seventh grade science (chemistry) subject was quite difficult. The product improvement stage begins with a literature study to create teaching material content, and the production of teaching materials in the form of interactive CDs. Educational materials are made using Macromedia Flash interactive programming facility which includes animation of chemical reaction applications, chemical reaction processes, and practice questions with multiple choice questions. The time required for the contents of this learning CD is 15-20 minutes. The feasibility test phase carried out by material experts, media and teachers showed that the learning CDs developed were suitable for practical use. Meanwhile, small and large group experiments with class IX students of SMPN 8 Jakarta and SMP Terpadu Widya Duta Jakarta gave very good interpretation results, so it can be concluded that CD is used for learning materials on physical and chemical changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Putri Sabilla Aulia Najiah ◽  
Diana Hernawati ◽  
Vita Meylani

Daun cengkeh mengandung senyawa antibakteri, dan komponen utama ekstrak daun cengkeh adalah eugenol yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Berdasarkan efek tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan ekstrak daun cengkeh untuk membuat hand sanitizer alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas ekstrak daun cengkeh sebagai hand sanitizer dalam pengendalian Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen sejati dan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri dari kontrol dan 5 perlakuan. Uji penghambatan diuji dengan metode difusi cakram. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji one way ANOVA 0,05 dan uji lanjutan Tukey HSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hand sanitizer yang mengandung ekstrak daun cengkeh efektif menghambat pertumbuhan MRSA. Selain itu, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa konsentrasi terbaik untuk menghambat MRSA adalah konsentrasi pembersih tangan 20% dengan ekstrak daun cengkeh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Irfansyah Irfansyah ◽  
Sabani Sabani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen pengujian berbasis pengetahuan konseptual untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir siswa tentang konsep fisika pada materi Hukum Newton dan penerapannya yang sesuai dengan kelayakan instrumen pengujian. Jenis penelitian research and development  model Van Den Akker dengan subjek penelitian yaitu X MIA 2 yang berjumlah 20 orang peserta didik di MAN 03 Medan. Hasil uji instrumen penelitian berdasarkan pengetahuan konseptual menunjukkan indikator mengenal, mengklasifikasi, mempresentasikan, membedakan, menentukan, memproduksi. Dengan menggunakan indikator-indikator ini, ditemukan bahwa 28% siswa mencapai hasil yang sangat baik. 12% siswa mendapatkan hasil yang baik, 2% siswa mendapatkan hasil sedang, dan 2% siswa mendapatkan hasil yang buruk. Instrumen tes yang dikembangkan dilakukan validitas ahli, dan uji validitas dengan hasil 96% soal valid dan 4% soal tidak valid, uji reliabilitas tes dengan hasil 086 reliabel berdasarkan validitas. tes, uji reliabilitas, tingkat kesulitan dan kekhasan, pertanyaan yang dapat dipilih dan 6 item yang tidak layak, dengan penerimaan keseluruhan 76%. Berdasarkan hasil uji diskriminasi, yaitu 52% soal dalam kategori sangat baik, 24% pada kategori baik, 8% pada kategori sedang, 8% pada kategori buruk dan 8% pada butir soal yang dibuang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-52
Salsa Dila Hakim Rangkuti ◽  
Armadani Armadani ◽  
Egithania Br Ketaren ◽  
Linawati Siregar ◽  
Rena Novita

This study aims to improve the thinking skills of high-level students through the use of the 5E cycle learning model in class XI IPA students of SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah TP Riau 2020/2021 (PT) using the Kemmis and Mc.Taggart method to improve. The subjects of this study were 36 students of class XI IPA-1. This classroom action research was carried out in 2 cycles, with each cycle consisting of 1 session. Cycle I discusses the human excretory system, and Cycle II discusses disorders of the human excretory system. The data collection techniques used were tests of higher order thinking skills and teacher activity observation sheets in the application of the 5E cycle learning model and data analysis techniques with individual and classical percentage analysis. The results showed that the use of the 5E cycle learning model was able to improve high thinking skills (HOTS) of class XI science students at SMA Negeri Bagan Sinembah TP 2020/2021 Riau with a material removal system and increasing teacher activity in the learning process. The percentage of thinking ability (HOTS) from 50% in the first cycle increased to 67% in the second cycle in the good category, in the 85% cycle it increased to 92%, the percentage in the very good category was accepted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Tania Ermis ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Chairoel Munawar Rizky ◽  
Nuansah Nurifa ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi Nasution

This study aims to determine the potential of jackfruit and guava leaves as diarrhea medicine in Lubuk Bunut Village, Huta Raja Tinggi District, Padang Lawas, North Sumatra. This research is explorative in nature, using interviews and questionnaires to the community. Based on the results of interviews and surveys, it was found that two types of plants, namely jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) were used by the community as herbal medicines to cure diarrheal diseases

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Riska Wahyuni ◽  
Azwar Siregar ◽  
Ghina Salwa ◽  
Gracia Hillary ◽  
Jernita Napitupulu ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in student motivation and learning outcomes by implementing E-LKPD based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) on the respiratory system material in humans in online learning in class VIII-B of SMP Negeri 3 Tarutung T.P. 2020/2021. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted in 2 cycles. The results of the student learning motivation questionnaire in the first cycle were 33.3% and the second cycle was 62.5% in the high category. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle 58.3% complete learning and 41.6% students do not complete learning. Whereas in the second cycle 87.5% completed learning and 18.5% did not complete the study. Thus it can be concluded that the application of PjBL-based E-LKPD on respiratory system materials in humans in online learning in class VIII-B SMP Negeri 3 Tarutung T.P. 2020/2021 can increase student motivation and learning outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Elisa Elisa ◽  
Aslamiyah Rambe ◽  
Ainun Mardiyah ◽  
Tina Anggaraini Siregar ◽  
Roipalah Roipalah ◽  

The purpose of this research is to develop a quiz-based assessment tool that can measure students' competence in physics. This research is a type of research on the development of a 4-D model (four-D model) which consists of four stages, namely: definition, design, development and dissemination. The results of the development research got validation results from linguists with an average of 3.57, a percentage of 89% and a "very valid" category. The results of material expert validation with an average of 3.6 percent from 90% and the "very valid" category. The results of media expert validation with an average of 3.4, the percentage of 85% and the "very valid" category. The results of the student observation sheet provide evaluation results of student observations with an average of 15.25% and a percentage of 95.3%. The results of the product capability questionnaire assessment results with the assessed aspects adjusted to the type of product produced with a total of 64 and an average of 3.2 with a proportion of 80% and categorized as "very good". The results of the student response questionnaire on the practicality of students with an average of 54.65, the proportion of 91% and the category "very practical". The results of the student effectiveness questionnaire with an average of 38 percent 95% and the category "very effective".

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Cynthia Marsela ◽  
Mona Mahyuni Hutagaol ◽  
Aslina Br Ginting ◽  
Junita Safitri ◽  
Lutfi Afis ◽  

This study aims to determine the increase in student learning outcomes after applying the Non-Example Example learning model with the Quiziz Educational Game media to improve student learning outcomes in the seventh grade Solar System material at Maria Goretti Kabanjahe Private Junior High School. The no-example example learning model with quiziz game media is a learning strategy that uses pictures and videos as a medium to convey subject matter with the help of quiziz educational games as a medium in delivering the test instruments carried out. The subjects of this study amounted to 26 students. This non-example example method uses pretest and posttest actions in cycle I and cycle II, in order to improve student learning outcomes. Gradually in the pre-test, the average learning score was still 46.92 with a mastery percentage of 23.07%, followed by the first cycle, it was found that the student learning average was 48.46 and the percentage of completeness was 38.46%, there was a slight increase from before experiment was carried out. Then it was further improved in the second cycle, the researchers found an average learning score of 70.90 with a completeness percentage of 77.27%, it can be said that the improvement in student learning outcomes is getting better and increasing.

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