2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 176

AbstrakMengatasi degradasi moral yang terjadi saat ini perlu adanya pembentukan pendidikan karakter pada usia dini. Penerapan pendidikan karakter bisa melalui bercerita, bernyanyi, dan lainnya. Guru mengajarkan pendidikan karakter, guru harus mengenalkan pengetahuan moral, perasaan dan perilaku melalui sikap. TK Senyiur Indah menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran karena merupakan inovasi baru terhadap dunia pendidikan. Penerapan metode storytelling di sekolah mampu membuat siswa semakin cerdas. Metode inimenjadikan cerita sebagai media dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindaklan Kelas (PTK)Hasil penelitian menunjukkan storytelling mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan siswamengenai kesehatan dan obat. Pengenalan kesehatan diimpelmentasikan pada tema profesi. Usia yang potensial dalam pembentukan karakter ialah usia emas. Masa tumbuh kembang usia anak untuk membentuk karakter sekitar usia 0-5 tahun. Penngkatan sebanyak 40%. Nilai tersebiut diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata Siklus 1 sebesar 59% dan nilai rata-rata Siklus 2t 99%. Sehingga ada peningkatan nilai secara signifikan. Terdapat peningkatan pada siklus 2, siswa mampu mendapatkan nilai diatas 80 sebanyak 99%. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian menggunakan storytelling dengan tema profesi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode tersebut dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa mengenai obat dan profesi apoteker. Dari hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan bahwa metode storytelling mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan siswa mengenai kesehatan dan obat. Pengenalan kesehatan diimpelmentasikan pada tema profesi. Kriteria keberhasilan pada siklus 2 ditentukan oleh peneliti. Pengetahuan anak mengenai profesi apoteker di tingkatkan melalui metode storytelling bermuatan pendidikan karakter.Kata kunci: storytelling, nilai karakter dan tema kesehatanAbstractOvercoming moral degradation that occurs today needs the formation of character education at an early age. The application of character education can be through storytelling, singing, and others. The teacher teaches character education, the teacher must introduce moral knowledge, feelings and behavior through attitudes. TK Senyiur Indah uses Curriculum 2013 in learning because it is a new innovation to the world of education. The application of storytelling methods in schools can make students more intelligent. This method makes thestory as a medium in language learning. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. The results showed storytelling is able to develop students' knowledge about health and medicine. The introduction of health is implemented on the theme of the profession. The potential age for characterformation is golden age. The growth and development of the child's age to form a character around the age of 0-5 years. Increase by 40%. The value is obtained from the average value of Cycle 1 of 59% and the average value of Cycle 2t 99%. So there is a significant increase in value. There was an increase in cycle 2, students were able to get scores above 80 by 99%. Based on the results of research using storytelling with professional themes, it can be concluded that the method can increase students' understanding of medicine and the pharmacist profession. From the results of the study it can be said that the storytelling method is able to develop students' knowledge about health and medicine. The introduction of health is implemented on the theme of the profession. Success criteria in cycle 2 are determined by researchers. Children's knowledge about the pharmacist profession is enhanced through storytelling methods with character education.Keywords: storytelling, character values and health theme

2021 ◽  
shinta mailina

Environmental education aims to attract people's interest in paying attention toenvironmental functions, how to manage the environment and protect the environment.Developing knowledge about the importance of the environment is the first step in the formationof an environmentally friendly society. Through knowledge and awareness, positive values andattitudes will emerge to make lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the burden on the environment(Ramadhan et al 2019). Sukma & Azrianti (2020) said that character education is very importantto be instilled since students are still in elementary school. The diversity of characters and habitsof students at school who come from different family backgrounds is very influential and can evencause bad things in the character of the child. Several cases state that students' attitudes areinfluenced by the surrounding environment or family environment, in addition, the finding of somestudents who often experience confusion in translating their local language into Indonesian is aform that the environment greatly affects Indonesian language learning (Ikhlasani & Ramadhan2021). Therefore, it is important to develop knowledge about the environment, environmentalawareness and behavior change towards the environment (Ramadhan et al, 2019).

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Wirayudha Pramana Bhakti

Affective domain of language learning is not only character education which is general, but education of morality language which is based on Al Quran and Hadith. Language akhlak education needs to be implemented from an early age through language learning so that learners have akhlakul karimah. This paper discusses the implementation of moral education in accordance with Al Quran and Hadith in learning Indonesian language and literature in primary school. The goal is to show that there are moral values ​​that are in accordance with Al Quran and Hadith on learning Indonesian language and literature. Thus, the direction and objectives of learning Indonesian language and literature more clearly, especially in the affective domain. Language akhlak that is implemented, namely: 1) speak properly both substance and redaction; 2) effective, efficient, and communicative language; 3) language with a rational reason; 4) language that does not hurt the heart; 5) the use of language to respect others; 6) the use of language in accordance with applicable norms; and, 7) the Islamic rules of listening.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-82
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the honest character improvement taught at an early age at TK Aisiyah 4 in group B children in the city of Pagar Alam. The character education in the school uses the role playing method. The form of research used is Classroom Action Research. Classroom Action Research Method (PTK) used is applying the role playing method which includes several stages, namely planning (planning), action (acting), observation (observing) and reflection (reflecting). Data collection techniques use observation and documentation of student activities. Based on the results of the assessment in the first cycle, it is known that the honest character level of children is at the stage of developing (MB), namely the Achievement Level of Development of 30.27 and then increasing in the second cycle of child development achievement level of 7.54 with criteria developing hope (BSH).

Mufidah Yusroh

Technology is very much part of today’s life. It has been used as a tool in language learning throughout the world at all different levels especially adult learners. Nowadays, it is important to engage students to speak confidently and learn independently in their daily activity as students. However, the level of their speaking skills is still not satisfactory. They still have difficulty to communicate using English. The purpose of this study is to examine whether video project able to improve the speaking skill of the students.  A Classroom Action Research design was applied. The data were collected through small group and individual activities. Video project competition was done for the final project. This study was conducted in two cycles of seven meetings in each cycle. Based on the analyses, data showed that there are changes from cycle 1 to cycle 2. In cycle 1, the percentage of students English skill is 54% and it is increased become 75% in cycle 2. The average result of percentage in cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 21%. The result of the data showed that the use of video project could be one of the best alternatives to improve the students’ speaking skill.

Mujahidatun Mukhlisoh ◽  
Suwarno Suwarno

Character is a matter that needs attention in the world of education. Character is a system that underlies a person's thoughts and behavior. So, it can be said that without a strong foundation of character values ​​will make education and the fragility of the young generation of a nation low. In general, this study aims to find and disclose planning, implementation, organizing, evaluating, constraints and solutions in overcoming the constraints of character education implementation. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research design with multi cases of research conducted at two institutions, namely at SDI Raudlatul Jannah Sidoarjo and SD Al-Hikmah Surabaya in a management review with the characteristics of different research objects. The results of the study found SDI Raudlatul Jannah Sidoarjo and Al-Hikmah Elementary School Surabaya, both of them together form a character education program by carrying out stages of management functions effectively. The effectiveness of the planning is evident from the stages of the planning process carried out by the school by preparing a strategic plan for character education

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Dewi Pusparini, Rizal Muhammad Farasyi, Norma Gupita, Musayyadah

As we know, Early Childhood (AUD) is in the golden age in the growth and development of humans both physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, so that to get the optimal and optimal results, character education must be starting from AUD. In the Qur'an it is very clear, the Qur'an as a way of life for Muslims has taught and illustrated how character education must be taught to children as the main and fundamental provision in living life in the world. To be able to understand how character education is, then we can use the Bayani method which includes: identification of the Qur'an which will be studied, identification of the related texts, and understanding texts in a textual and contextual manner. . By using the Bayani method, character education according to Surah Lukman: 13-19, as follows: train and familiarize loyalty, respect, gratitude, critical, curiosity, friendliness, responsibility, discipline, courage, patience, caring for others, not arrogant, modest life, and manners. If character education according to Q.S Lukman: 13-19 is carried out by parents in educating their children, as Lukman told his children then moral decadence can be minimized and Indonesian people will achieve glory and glory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Yusuf Abdurachman Luhulima

Abstract: This research was conducted in September - December 2020, located at MTS-Al-Hidayah Liang. This type of research is classroom action research which involves repeated self-reflection, namely planning, action, observation / observation, reflection and re-planning. The results of the research that have been done, show that the highest score obtained by the VII grade students of MTS Al-Hidayah Liang, who took Arabic learning through the demonstration learning method and the guided group in the first cycle was 9.3; the lowest value is 2.8; and an average value of 5.91. In addition, the results of this study also show that the highest score obtained by MTS Al-Hidayah Liang class VII students who took Arabic learning through demonstration learning methods and guided groups in cycle II was 9.1; the lowest value is 6.0; and the average value is 7,11. Keywords: arabic language learning, classroom action research, liang village Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September – Desember 2020 yang berlokasi di MTS-Al-Hidayah Liang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang melibatkan refleksi diri yang berulang yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan/observasi, refleksi dan perencanaan ulang. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, memperlihatkan bahwa nilai tertinggi yang diperoleh siswa kelas VII MTS Al-Hidayah Liang, yang mengikuti pembelajaran Bahasa arab melalui metode pembelajaran demonstrasi dan kelompok terbimbing pada siklus I adalah 9,3; nilai terendah 2,8; dan nilai rata-rata 5,91. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa nilai tertinggi yang diperoleh siswa kelas VII MTS Al-Hidayah Liang yang mengikuti pembelajaran Bahasa arab melalui metode pembelajaran demonstrasi dan kelompok terbimbing pada siklus II adalah 9,1; nilai terendah 6,0; dan nilai rata-rata 7,11. Kata kunci: pembelajaran bahasa arab, penelitian tindakan kelas, Desa Liang

L. M. Panasenko ◽  
T. V. Kartseva ◽  
Zh. V. Nefedova ◽  
E. V. Zadorina-Khutornaya ◽  
E. V. Khokhlova

Each period of childhood is characterized by its own peculiarities of growth and development, the degree of morphological and functional maturity of individual organs and systems, the specifics of physiological and metabolic processes. Rational feeding and nutrition play a significant role in a child’s health. The authors presented modern approaches to the complementary food for children, its timing, taking into account the child’s readiness to receive new food, the composition of the dish, feeding technique, the formation of proper eating habits and behavior. The literature actively discusses the problem of the formation of taste preferences at early age; thisisthe period for the first acquaintance with varioustastes. The article demonstratesthe advantages of using products of industrial production. It is particularly important to overcome the negative attitude to new products – it determinesthe attention of the specialists to the problem of the introduction of complementary foods.Conflict of interest: The authors of this article confirmed the lack of conflict of interest and financial support, which should be reported.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Mohammad Zainuddin

Character education and development of Pancasila values need to be implemented ??in schools to face globalization era that will bring many changes along with acceleration of new cultures and civilizations from various nations in the world. It means the world of education in generating quality of human resources and professionals must prepare a competitive generation of characters. A concrete steps to realize together is character education from an early age. On the other hand, the teacher as the spearhead in education world can insert character implementation in every learning process. One effective step that can be done is to implement cooperative script strategy in learning process and character implementation.

2000 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-184 ◽  
Reinald Doebel

AbstractThe main concern of this paper is to link personal experience and theoretical reflection. The author argues that the oral traditions of indigenous societies have always honoured this link in their attempts to formulate "knowledge" and transmit it to following generations. This transmission of "tradition" remained creative and flexible enough to incorporate changes while never violating people's need to also have fun. This fun was noted by outside observers from the expanding European empires from an early age. But only today is it realized that this fun may be an essential ingredient in the "indigenous epistemology": a major element of a more personalized method to gain and confirm knowledge about the world. The author suggests that concerned scientists might do well to learn about this method from indigenous societies whose very existence appears to be threatened by a global belief in growth and development based on the application of the results of a science which neglected the link between personal experience and theoretical reflection.

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