scholarly journals Making a New Aristocracy: The Antiqui Mores at the Service of Augustan Politics

Francesca Rohr Vio

In his reorganization of the State, Augustus restored the patrimony of values on which the senatorial aristocracy had founded its power in the res publica and he especially ensured the family’s central role. For this purpose he identified behavior exempla in the past of Rome and in his own domus and promoted a series of laws to regulate the public and private life of citizens. His aim was to affect morality and birthrate, but also to create a new ruling class: the homines novi would integrate with the ancient aristocracy through marriages and common descendants and this new senatorial class would operate according to the guidelines that had guided the leaders of the history of Rome.

2013 ◽  
pp. 127-140
Mario Aldo Toscano

Starting from one of Franco Ferrarotti's latest publications Atman. Il respiro del bosco (Ed. Empiria, Rome, 2012), this essay develops on the basis of the considerations in the last sections of the text, to which we refer. The interpretation key to this note, purposefully hermeneutic though unveiled in its conclusions, relates to the return to nature. The transition from culture to nature and to the nature of the trees is not seen, in the long trajectory described by Franco Ferrarotti, as a «regression», but rather as the achievement of a wisdom able to contemplate sine ira ac studio (without anger or concern) the enormous shortfallings and decline of the public and private life in our country. The solitude of the «naturalized» thought brings a glimpse of hope, in that memory resumes its course no more towards the past but towards the future. Ferrarotti's "lessons» interpret the dramatic sequences of our history, remain in the atmospheres of thought, and are «received» as such, fertile sources of underground action.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Susanto Polamolo

Indonesia pernah melalui masa sulit di rezim Orde Baru. Kala itu, segala sesuatu yang paralel dengan khususnya sejarah seputar perumusan dasar negara (Panca Sila), menjadi begitu sulit untuk diperoleh, apalagi untuk mengemukakan fakta yang sebenarnya. Penelusuran dokumen-dokumen sejarah begitu minim didukung pemerintah, dokumen-dokumen itupun tercecer di mana-mana, publik hanya diedukasi dengan pendidikan sejarah dari para sejarawan versi pemerintah saja. Bukan karena Orde Baru telah menjadi masa lalu, tetapi, karena apa yang disebut sebagai sumber-sumber primer perlu diperiksa kembali. Di antaranya seperti: Naskah UUD 1945, yang disusun M. Yamin; Risalah Sidang BPUPKI-PPKI yang disusun oleh Sekretariat Negara; Sejarah Nasional Indonesia Jilid VI, yang disusun oleh Nugroho Notosusanto (dkk); Piagam Jakarta, yang disusun oleh Endang Saifuddin Anshari; Sejarah Pemikiran Tentang Panca Sila, yang disusun oleh Pranarka. Sumber-sumber ini diam-diam diterima, dan diam-diam pula diakui bermasalah, atau diragukan keotentikannya. Persoalan tersebut semakin diperjelas dengan temuan sejumlah arsip oleh para sejarawan tata negara seperti A.B. Kusuma, di mana sebelumnya, “Panitia Lima” (1975) telah pula menegaskan bahwa sumber-sumber yang dipakai pemerintah tidak valid, di antaranya adalah naskah yang disusun M. Yamin. Maka, sejarah perumusan Panca Sila kadang berada di jalan bersimpang, simpang batas-tegas pertentangan tentang keotentikan sumber sejarah, menjadi tugas utama agar sumber-sumber tersebut diuji satu dengan lainnya (metode heuristik dan konklusi eksplanatoris). Agar mengerucut satu kesimpulan yang utuh dan sistematis mengenai sejarah perumusan dasar negara dan pemikiran-pemikiran yang dikemukakan di dalamnya menjadi satu kesatuan pemahaman atas kenyataan, dan agar menguatkan sendi-sendi konstitusionalitas kita hari ini yang mulai tercerabut dari akar sejarahnya, bagaikan “inang yang dipaksa berpisah dari induknya”.Indonesia had been through a difficult period in the “Orde Baru” regime. At that time, everything parallel with history especially around the basic principle of the state (Panca Sila) became so difficult to obtain, especially to express the facts. The tracking of historical documents was so poorly endorsed by the government. The documents were scattered everywhere. The public was only educated with historical education from only government version historians. Not because the “Orde Baru” has become the past, but, because the so-called primary sources need to be checked again. Among them are: Naskah UUD 1945, compiled by M. Yamin; Risalah Sidang BPUPKI-PPKI, prepared by State Secretariat; Sejarah Nasional Indonesia Jilid VI, compiled by Nugroho Notosusanto (; Piagam Jakarta, prepared by Endang Saifuddin Anshari; Sejarah Pemikiran Tentang Panca Sila, prepared by Pranarka. The above sources are secretly accepted, and secretly admittedly problematic, or are doubted the authenticity. The issue was further clarified by the findings of archives by state historians such as A.B. Kusuma, in which before, the “Panitia Lima” (1975) had also asserted that the sources used by the government were invalid, one of them was the text compiled by M. Yamin. Thus, the history of Panca Sila sometimes in a stray way of disputes about the historical sources authenticity. That became the primary task for which resources were tested against each other (heuristic methods and explanatory conclusions). In order to conceal a whole and systematic conclusion about the history of the basic formulation of the state and the ideas expressed in it become a unity of understanding of reality, in order to strengthen the joints of our constitutionality today which begins to be uprooted from its historical roots, like “a host which is forced to apart from its main”.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-53 ◽  
Brian Brown

AbstractBuilt in the early 9th century BCE, the Northwest Palace at Nimrud presented a new “imperial” architecture and iconography that was related to Assyrian expansionism at this time. Yet it also contained specific points of contact with the past via the royal Assyrian ancestors. A monument in the throneroom, the “center” of the state, provided the “public” view of this ideology, while one of the palace’s more secluded wings was devoted to the performance of ancestral cult. Through these and other means, rapid and fundamental socio-political change was accompanied by the idea of a logical and direct continuity with the history of Assyria.

Olli Seuri

Kekkonen and Power. The Image of Urho Kekkonen in Helsingin Sanomat’s References to the 1960s This article explores the history of President Urho Kekkonen as it appeared in the pages of daily newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat (HS). His history is produced in different sections and historical references in every-day work of a newspaper. Separate pieces of representations produced by writers, editors and interviewees construct the image which is as much about representing and remembering as it is about forgetting and omitting. This article’s material is limited to references to the 1960s in the HS’s volumes of 2008 and 2013. The sample is limited in order to analyse the idea of “different types of Kekkonen” in Finnish history culture. This study shows that the image of Kekkonen constructed in these references to 1960s is that of a powerful president. For example, young Kekkonen, Prime Minister Kekkonen, and the frail President after 25 years reign, are all omitted. Representations and meanings in these newspaper references are limited to Kekkonen, his legacy, and influence in public and private life in the 1960s and 1970s. In this study’s material Kekkonen is a progressive force in the modernization period of the 1960s Finland. Also, the legacy of Kekkonen and his foreign policy are strong in HS’s references. The debate concerning Cold War shows the dynamism of the image of the past of President Urho Kekkonen and his lasting relevance to Finnish history culture. His legacy and history can be used for various lines of argument. Different emphasis leads to different, even opposing, views and visions. The public debate over Cold War and Kekkonen represents a broader aspect, noticed earlier by historian Henrik Meinander (2010): The debate concerning the legacy of President Urho Kekkonen is a debate of Cold War Finland and Finland’s position between the East and the West.Kekkonen vallankäyttäjänä ja vallankäytön välineenä. Urho Kekkosen historiakuva Helsingin Sanomien 1960-lukuviittauksissa  Artikkelissa selvitetään, millainen historiakuva presidentti Urho Kekkosesta muodostuu Helsingin Sanomien (HS) 1960-lukuviittauksista vuosien 2008 ja 2013 lehdissä. Sanomalehden tuottama historiakuva syntyy päivä päivältä lehden eri osastoissa historiaa koskevissa jutuissa ja historiaviittauksissa. Kekkosen historiakuva on yksittäisistä paloista rakentuva, valikoitu esitys siitä, mikä Kekkosessa on vielä 2000-luvulla merkityksellistä. Se kertoo sekä HS:n valinnoista että suomalaisesta historiakulttuurista.HS:ssa 1960-lukuviittauksista muodostuu kuva Urho Kekkosesta presidenttinä ja vallankäyttäjänä. Otoksen rajaus nostaa esiin erityisesti Torstin (2012) määrittelemän ” 1960-luvun ja kuulentojen sukupolven” Kekkosen. Viittauksissa painottuvat modernisoituva 1960-luvun Suomi sekä 1960–1970-lukujen lännen ja idän välillä tasapainotellut kylmän sodan Suomi. Historiakuvan rakentuminen perustuu aina valintoihin ja historian käyttöön eli muistamisen ohella rajaamiseen ja unohtamiseen. HS:n 1960-lukuviittauksissa ei ole nuorta Kekkosta, ei pääministeri Kekkosta eikä sairauden vuoksi valtaoikeuksistaan luopuvaa Kekkosta. Jäljelle jää vahva vaikuttaja, jonka elämäntyötä arvioidaan niin henkilökohtaisen kuin julkisenkin kautta. Kekkosen merkitys HS:ssa ja suomalaisessa historiakulttuurissa näkyy hänen presidenttiajan perinnössään mutta myös siinä, kuinka hänen perintöään arvioidaan yhä uudelleen. Kekkosen historiakuvaan liittyvä poliittinen ulottuvuus paljastuu etenkin niissä tapauksissa, joissa Kekkosta tai häneen liitettyjä merkityksiä käytetään erilaisten argumenttien tukena. Erilaisilla painotuksilla Kekkonen taipuu HS:ssa erilaisiin asentoihin. Kuten Meinander (2010) on huomioinut, on keskustelu Kekkosesta myös keskustelua kylmän sodan Suomesta ja Suomen paikasta idän ja lännen välissä.

1994 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-152 ◽  
Anne-Charlott Trepp

For a long time, the emotional, more intimate and private spheres of life have not been taken seriously by historians. Only the public side of life has been considered to be a legitimate subject for scholars. Disregard of “the private” is as yet not a practice of the past, in particular when traditional historians are concerned. In spite of the “new, wide-ranging anthropological orientation” of historiography in the last few years, the marginalization of private life is, (in contrast to French and Anglo-American historical research) still the norm in Germany. The reasons for this disinterest in the private are numerous, but lie primarily in the tenaciously held, often not openly expressed, assumption that the nature of the private is in itself ahistorical. In contrast to the public, (a correlation considered to be dualistic) the private is seen as an anthropological constant, “timeless” and universal, simply a part of “nature.” The private, used synonymously for the spheres of marriage, family, and household, thus was placed beyond history, and therefore beyond historical change. This more than anything else determined that women had no “history” (Geschichtslosigkeit)—their inherited place was, after all, to be found within the context of family and household. Against this background, the binary concept of public and private appeared to be a promising heuristic tool for tracing women in history for quite sometime.

1998 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Suroosh Irfani

One of the most forbidding images in the history of Islamic spiritualityis the public execution of the great Muslim mystic Husayn bin MansurHallaj in 922. The punishment followed a long and well-publicized trialin which Hallaj was accused of sorcery and of attempting to overthrowthe Islamic Shari‘ah. The sentence against Hallaj was singularly harsh.He was publicly flogged five hundred lashes, stoned by believers in thecity square, and then raised on a cross where he was left bleeding for thenight, his hands and feet having been amputated. The following morninghe was beheaded, his trunk doused with fuel and set on fire and his ashesscattered in the Tigris River. His head was displayed in towns and districtsas a warning to opponents of the State. Such shocking measuresensured that the execution and the circumstances that precipitated itwould remain etched in human memory over the centuries throughaccounts of biographers, mystics, and historians. Herbert Mason’s Al-Hulluj is the latest addition to this vibrant trajectory.A professor of history and religion at Boston University, Mason hasbeen conducting research on Hallaj for the past thirty years, a devotionhe might have inherited from his former teacher Louis Massignon, theFrench scholar who started work on Hallaj’s thoughts and ideas in 1907,culminating in four volumes posthumously published in 1975 as Lapssiond’ul-Hulluj. Mason translated this monumental work from Frenchinto English. His new book, a slim volume on perhaps the most celebratedand reviled mystic of all times, brims with power and insightperhapsas much for the author’s empathy for the “martyr of Love” as anattempt for mediating on the event’s inner meaning.The story of Hallaj, Mason notes, “is one of unhinging humanself-assurance and spiritual selflessness. It remains an awesome mysteryand guide across the ages for those who would pursue the truth of our ...

Historia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sabata-mpo Mokae

There has been an upswing in attention to South African biography in the past few decades, with a welcome trend towards remaking or revising the canon of important figures from the South African past. This has included edited collections of the works of prominent individuals, and notable among these have been early-twentieth century black African politicians and writers. Historical Publications Southern Africa (renamed from its previous moniker, the Van Riebeeck Society) has published four edited collections of the writings of such individuals since 2008, including Isaac Williams Wauchope, Richard Victor Solope Thema, and A.B. Xuma. A Life in Letters, a collection of Solomon T. Plaatje's correspondence, is the fourth such volume in just over a decade. There are 260 letters, written from 1896 to 1932, included in the book. Most are in English, but some are in Setswana, Dutch/Afrikaans, and a few are in German. Although a number of the letters are from the collections of the Cullen Library at the University of the Witwatersrand, the reviewer counted twenty-seven different collections across three continents. The book is thus an excellent resource not only for historians, but also for students and the general public who now have access to a wide range of Plaatje's thoughts, opinions, and emotions that are evident in his letters.

Ирина Лобачева ◽  
Irina Lobacheva

The work is devoted to the study of the history of everyday life of merchants — an elite group of the urban class of pre-revolutionary Russia. The author focuses on the evolution of the merchant family and private life in the period of capitalist modernization in Russia. Is it possible to consider the merchant class solely as a layer of successful entrepreneurs? How stable was the composition of the merchant class, how and why did it change in the cities of Tula province? Why did the traditions of a big family go to the past? How did the merchants of the marriages of their children and how to treat manalansan? What are the requirements in the merchant environment to the marriage partners and how to resolve family conflicts? What qualities did the representatives of the merchant class hope to bring up in their children and how deep education did they strive to provide? How did the houses, furnishings, forms of merchants ' leisure change in the second half of XIX-early XX century? What were the features of the appearance of the representatives of the merchants? This is not a complete list of questions to which the author gives an answer in his monograph. The work is based on a wide range of various sources, both published (legislative documents, literary monuments, sources of personal origin, photo documents) and unpublished materials of the state archive of Tula region (GATO) and the state archive of the Orel region (BUOO GAO). The book is intended for historians, culturologists, ethnologists and all those interested in the history and way of life of the Russian merchant class.

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-208 ◽  
Monika Steffen

ABSTRACTFrench medicine is organised with dialectical relation between the public and private in health and welfare policy; there is also an ideological impact of public/private confrontation. The article retraces the history of the profession and shows how it was set up both with and against the state, emphasising two ideas at once: the idea of the small independent entrepreneur, guarantor of individual liberty, and the idea of the great state servant, guarantor of the public interest. Public/private confrontation is only rhetorical and bears no relation to the real content of the dualistic health system.

2009 ◽  
Vol 160 (8) ◽  
pp. 232-234
Patrik Fouvy

The history of the forests in canton Geneva, having led to these being disconnected from productive functions, provides a symptomatic demonstration that the services provided by the forest eco-system are common goods. Having no hope of financial returns in the near future and faced with increasing social demands, the state has invested in the purchase of forest land, financed projects for forest regeneration and improvement of biological diversity and developed infrastructures for visitors. In doing this the state as a public body takes on the provision of services in the public interest. But the further funding for this and for expenses for the private forests, which must be taken into account, are not secured for the future.

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