Membangun Sistem Informasi Pengelolahan Data Nasabah Berbasis Web Di Bank Sampah Samawa

Erwin Mardinata ◽  
Saiful Khair

The purpose of this research is to build information system of customer data management at Samawa garbage bank. Institute of Cooperation founded by the community as a place of trash collection that has been sorted, the process of customer transactions still apply manual system recording all customer transactions using a cooperative ledger. It causes the bank officials intricate in managing the data and somehow the data continue to increase. The solution of the problems that are happening in Samawa Waste Bank is the application of information technology that is to put up an information system or relevance allowing officers to handle customer data. This research is built using PHP programming language by operating codeigniter framework and MySQL as its database. The method in the construction of this system is the waterfall model. The results of the research are able to be used in the process of controlling clients’ data on cooperative institutions thus to accelerate the process of customer statistics management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

Customer Data Collection Information System is one of the data processing activities in the CV. Indoprint Banda Aceh, to get information about customers becomes more directed and easily obtained. In this study, the authors only discuss customer problems and customer data management mechanisms in the CV. Indoprint Banda Aceh and design a Customer Data Collection Information System using Microsoft Visual BASIC.NET. The purpose of writing is to understand customer problems and data management on the CV. Indoprint Banda Aceh and create a support application on the Customer Data Collection System using Microsoft Visual BASIC.NET. Data collection needed in writing this report was obtained by two methods, namely literature study relating to the literature of library books and other scientific works, field studies by carrying out interviews and direct observation of objects related to this research. The Customer Data Collection Information System is carried out by an administrative staff member to record and input customer data. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Customer Data Collection Information System at CV. Indoprint Banda Aceh has followed the procedure and used a computer with the Microsoft Visual BASIC.NET programming language.

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 1655
Yannu Indra Kusuma ◽  
Lailis Syafa'ah ◽  
Wildan Suharso

AbstrakBank Sampah Bantur Berseri merupakan tempat menabung dimana seseorang  menggunakan sampah sebagai tabungan dan sampah yang ditabung dikonversikan menjadi nilai uang. Sampah tersebut sudah ditetapkan harga oleh petugas bank sampah. Permasalahan pada bank sampah Bantur Berseri adalah petugas masih sering kerepotan dalam hal transaksi tabungan dan pembuatan laporan.Selain itu harga sampah dan jenisnya sering tertukar karena sering berubah. Petugas juga kesulitan dalam hal pencarian data nasabah serta tidak adanya backup data yang baik pada tabungan nasabah. Pada penelitian ini solusi yang diusulkan yaitu pembuatan sistem informasi pada tabungan bank sampah Bantur Berseri agar dapat membantu pengelolaan data transaksi nasabah sehingga adminstrasi lebih teratur, pencarian data lebih mudah dan arsip laporan lebih rapi. Pengembangan sistem menggunankan metode prototype.ttAbstract Bantur Berseri Waste Bank is a place to save where someone uses garbage as savings and the waste that is saved is converted into money value. The waste price has been set by the garbage bank officer. The problem with the Bantur Berseri garbage bank is that the officers are still often troubled in terms of savings transactions and reporting. In addition, the price of garbage and its types is often confused because it changes frequently. Officers also have difficulties in finding customer data and there is no good data backup on customer savings. In this study, the proposed solution is the creation of an information system in the savings bank of Bantur Berseri bank so that it can help manage customer transaction data so that administration is more organized, data search is easier and the report archive is neater. System development uses the prototype method.   

Muhammad Fachrul Rizky ◽  
Maria Cleopatra ◽  
Diyan Parwatiningtyas

Teknologi informasi dapat membuat apa saja menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien. Sebagai contohnya adalah pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada saat ini menggunakan sistem informasi pada alat elektroniknya untuk mengefektifkan produk dan hasil karyanya. Pada kajian ini, sistem informasi event organizer pada wahana entertaiment bertugas mengolah data seperti penginputan data pelanggan, data petugas, data peralatan, data paket, data pesanan, pencarian data dan laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi event organizer pada Wahana Entertainment. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan grounded research. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi yang dapat membantu Wahana Entertainment dalam menerapkan sistem yang yang lebih baik, dapat mempermudah pekerjaan, meningkatkan kelancaran proses pengelolaan event organizer. Information technology can make anything easier and more efficient. For example, companies that exist today use information systems on their electronic devices to streamline their products and work. In this study, the event organizer information system in the entertainment vehicle is tasked with processing data such as inputting customer data, staff data, equipment data, package data, order data, data search and required reports. The purpose of this study was to design an event organizer information system at Wahana Entertainment. The research method used is qualitative research and grounded research approach. The results of this study are in the form of an information system that can help Wahana Entertainment implement a better system, make work easier, and improve the smoothness of the event organizer management process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-324
Ahmad Haidar Mirza ◽  
Dedi Irawan

Distribution of goods becomes a separate priority within a company, especially with regard to distribution routes. This condition will become complex if there are many branches in the process of distributing goods. For this reason, in this research, calculations were carried out in the process of travelling in distributing goods. To perform these calculations, a method is used, namely the saving matrix method. To carry out this implementation, a goods distribution information system is created with calculations in the distribution of goods using a saving matrix. The results of the research are in the form of information systems developed with a waterfall model with features ranging from processing goods data, customer data, demand data, shipping data, route data and saving matrix calculation data. From the resulting information system, it can also be seen clearly the distance travelled in the distribution of goods so that it can easily determine travel facilities for deliverymen.   Distribusi barang menjadi prioritas tersendiri di dalam sebuah perusahaan terutama berkaitan dengan rute distribusi. Konidisi tersebut akan menjadi komplek jika terdapat banyak cabang dalam proses distribusi barang. Untuk itu di dalam peneltian ini dilakukan dilakukan perhitungan dalam proses perjalanan dalam melakukan distribusi barang. Untuk melakukan perhitungan tersebut digunakan sebuah metode yaitu método saving matrix. Untuk melakukan implementasi tersebut maka dibuat sebuah sistema informasi distribusi barang dengan dilengkapi perhitungan dalam distribusi barang dengan saving matrix. Hasil dari penelitian berupa sistema informasi yang dikembangkan dengan waterfall model dengan fitur mulai dari pengolahan data barang, data pelanggan, data permintaan, data pengiriman, data rute dan data peritungan saving matrix. Dari sistema informasi yang dihasilkan juga dapat diketahui dengan jelas jarak tempuh dalam distribusi barang sehingga dapat dengan mudah dalam menentukan fasilitas perjalanan bagi pengantar barang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ivan Nur Amanda

Employee Cooperative PT Non Ferindo Utama is a cooperative engaged in the Savings and Loans and Shop Business to serve all members of the Cooperative. Cooperative objectives in general for member welfare, business continuity growth and positive responses from the community. In efforts to achieve these objectives, will certainly be directly related to processing planning and data management. Processing and management of data is required as a convenience and security and effectiveness in handling it to obtain maximum results. Errors and data insecurity mostly occur in an institution, high school and company because handling, storing, and repair data kebanyaan done manually. With the implementation of the Information System Cooperative Savings and Loans Employees At PT. Non Ferindo Utama - Tangerang by using a Java programming language in the process will greatly help the Cooperative to do all the work related to the data arrangement by using the new system.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Rodianto ◽  
Muhammad Abduh Robbani ◽  
Nora Dery Sofya

In the world of education the utilization of information technology is something that must be implemented, one of which is the use of the internet which can be used as a medium for disseminating information. Informatic Study Program of Sumbawa University of Technology is a study program that has graduated many alumni, but so far there is no portal that can manage information regarding the whereabouts of its alumni. This causes the study program difficulties in getting the latest information of the alumni when needed. Therefore, in this research a website-based alumni information system was designed which aims to facilitate the Informatic Study Program of Sumbawa University of Technology in managing and searching for information related to alumni data. In building this system researchers used the PHP programming language with CodeIgniter Framework and MySQL as the database. Then for the development of this software is using Waterfall model. It is hoped that when this system is implemented it can be used by study programs and alumni in managing alumni information, making it easier and faster to conduct data collection and reporting of existing alumni data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Oky Irnawati ◽  
Ida Darwati

Abstract: The author reflects on one private company engaged in the field of communication that is still carrying out the process of inventory of conventional goods. In this study the authors conducted a web-based inventory information system design analysis, the authors used the Waterfall, the Java programming language the author chose in designing this inventory application. This web-based inventory application is to support the process of monitoring goods so that they can be better controlled so that they can become a reference as a decision maker quickly.            Keywords: Inventory, Waterfall Model, Web Based  Abstrak: Penulis melakukan pengamatan terhadap salah satu perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang komunikasi yang masih melakukan proses inventaris barang secara konvensional. Pada penelitian ini penulis melakukan analisis perancangan sistem informasi inventarisasi berbasis web, penulis menggunakan model Waterfall, bahasa pemrograman Java dipilih penulis dalam merancang aplikasi inventarisasi ini. Aplikasi inventarisasi berbasis web ini untuk mendukung proses monitoring barang agar dapat terkontrol dengan lebih baik lagi sehingga dapat menjadi acuan sebagai pengambil keputusan dengan cepat.      Kata kunci: Berbasis Web, Inventaris, Model Waterfall

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Agus Suryadi ◽  
Mahardika Abdi Prawira Tanjung ◽  
Eka Lia Febrianti

Abstract: In this growing era of globalization, information systems are very important and important in helping business processes, in the near future that will make the competition in the business process will be more violent and strict. Therefore, the use of information technology and the design of application programming using PHP as server side programing and MySQl as its database especially regarding bus departure and bus ticket reservation at PO.NPM company of bukittinggi city. Problems faced by this company is the problem of data redundancy ticket booking is a lot of data booking tickets are not available, and not presented in sequence and repeatedly resulting in difficulties when manipulating, altering, and delete data.     In the end the authors hope with the creation of a new information system, can help the process of booking tickets and done more easily, without the passengers concerned must come directly to P0.NPM with the new system design will facilitate the company and bus visitors.Keywords: Technology, Information, PHP Programming Language And MySQL.Abstrak : Di era globalisasi yang semakin berkembang ini sistem informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan utama dalam membantu proses bisnis, dalam waktu dekat yang akan membuat persaingan dalam proses bisnis akan semakin keras dan ketat. Karena itu pemakaian teknologi informasi dan rancangan pembuatan program aplikasi dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai server side programing  dan MySQl  sebagai Databasenya khususnya mengenai jadwal keberangkatan bus dan pemesanan tiket bus pada perusahaan PO.NPM kota bukittinggi. Masalah – masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan ini yaitu masalah redundansi data pemesanan tiket yaitu banyak data pemesanan tiket yang tidak tersedia,dan tidak tersaji secara berurutan dan berulang-ulang sehingga mengakibatkan kesulitan saat memanipulasi, mengubah, dan menghapus data.  Pada akhirnya penulis berharap dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi yang baru, dapat membantu Proses pemesanan tiket dan dilakukan dengan lebih mudah, tanpa penumpang yang bersangkutan harus datang langsung ke P0.NPM dengan adanya desain sistem yang baru akan mempermudah pihak perusahaan dan pengunjung bus.Kata kunci : Teknologi, Informasi, Bahasa Pemograman PHP  Dan MySQL

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Yulherniwati Yulherniwati ◽  
Rasyidah Rasyidah ◽  
Ronal Hadi ◽  
Rika Idmayanti

Feedback Information System Teaching and Learning Against Web-Based Teaching Staff In the Department of Information Technology Padang State Polytechnic is an information system that receives feedback from the learning process of students to teaching staff in the form of questionnaires, to then process and provide the necessary information. This system can be accessed by many users at the same time. Users of this system consists of students, operators, administrator, and faculty leaders. The system is built using PHP programming language and MySQL database server. This system could make it easier, save time and reduce errors in entering, process and provide information on the results of data processing questionnaires. While limitations are only limited to faculty assessment only and limited to the processing of assessment ratio.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Dwi Broto Bagus Setiawan

Information technology development is very fast in the last decade was veryinfluential on various aspects of life in the world in general and Indonesia in particular.Especially offices that have access to large data processing, because the data processing is nolonger possible to use the manual method because it is less effective and efficient. Likewise withGondomanan District, Yogyakarta are still using simple applications such as excel in the sensethat less rapidly. For that create an information system that could facilitate performancekepependudukan Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta. With the use of information systems, it is possible the optimization of the work and service functions to achieve good services as needed,including the optimization of the system in the handling of population, especially in theinformation system that could facilitate performance kepependudukan Gondomanan District,Yogyakarta. Then produced an information system that is easy, interactive, fast, and useful. Thesystem uses the Apache server, PHP programming language and MySQL database

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