scholarly journals Hubungan lama terdiagnosa diabetes dan kadar glukosa darah dengan fungsi kognitif penderita diabetes tipe 2 di Jawa Timur

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Iva Tsalissavrina ◽  
Kanthi Permaningtyas Tritisari ◽  
Dian Handayani ◽  
Inggita Kusumastuty ◽  
Ayuningtyas Dian Ariestiningsih

Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit yang bisa menyebabkan resiko gangguan kognitif melalui gangguan pada pembuluh darah termasuk diantaranya pembuluh darah di otak. Lama menderita DM dan kadar glukosa darah akan mempengaruhi fungsi kognitif penderita DM. Skrining fungsi kognitif diperlukan untuk pencegahan komplikasi seperti penyakit alzheimer. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis  hubungan lama terdiagnosa DM, Kadar Glukosa Darah dengan fungsi kognitif penderita DM Tipe 2 di Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Skrining fungsi kognitif dengan Montreal Cognitive Assessment – versi Indonesia (MoCA – INA) dan glukometer untuk pengukuran kadar glukosa darah puasa (GDP) dan glukosa darah 2 jam PP(GD2JPP). Hasil uji chi square pada skor uji kognitif menggunakan MoCA dengan lama terdiagnosa DM tidak mempunyai hubungan (p=0,858). Demikian juga nilai chi square pada  skor uji kognitif  dengan kadar GDP  dan GD2JPP menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan (p=0,376 dan p=0,144). Sedangkan uji korelasi menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan untuk GDP2JPP ( p=0,015) dan adanya nilai koefisien korelasi negatif (-0,191).. Kesimpulan terdapat korelasi antara GD2JPP dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif. Semakin tinggi nilai GD2JPP maka semakin terganggu fungsi kognitif penderita DM tipe 2.Kata kunci:  Lama terdiagnosa DM, Kadar glukosa darah, fungsi kognitif, MoCA Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that can cause the risk of cognitive impairment through disorders of the blood vessels including blood vessels in the brain. Long-suffering from DM and blood glucose levels affect the cognitive function of patients with DM. Cognitive function screening is necessary for the prevention of complications such as Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship diagnosed DM, Blood Glucose Level with cognitive function of Type 2 DM patients in East Java. This research method is descriptive observational with a cross-sectional approach. Screening for cognitive function with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment - Indonesian version (MoCA - INA) and glucometer for fasting glucose (GDP) and blood glucose 2 hours PP (GD2JPP). Chi-square test results in cognitive test scores using MoCA with long diagnosed DM did not have a relationship (p = 0.858). Likewise, the chi-square value in the cognitive test scores with GDP and GD2JPP levels showed no relationship (p = 0.376 and p = 0.144). While the correlation test showed a significant value for GDP2JPP (p = 0.015) and the value of negative correlation coefficient (-0.191). Conclusion there is a correlation between GD2JPP with decreased cognitive function. The higher the GD2JPP value the more disturbed the cognitive function of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Keywords: Duration of diabetes, glucose level, cognitive function, MoCA

e-CliniC ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Monica L. Meloh ◽  
Karel Pandelaki ◽  
Cerelia Sugeng

Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 is one of the chronic disease which related to the increased risk of cognitive decline. Uncontrolled blood glucose levels and duration of DM affect the pathophysiology of the occurrence of cognitive function disruption to DM type 2 subject. Uncontrolled blood glucose levels is HbA1c levels > 7% and cognitive function measured by using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). The objective of this research is to find out the relation between an uncontrolled blood glucose levels and duration of DM to cognitive function from DM type 2 subject. Methods: This research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. Result: The discoveries from all the 36 samples are a mean age of 55.2; length of sustaining DM 9.0; HbA1c 9.9; and MMSE score 24.7. Pearson correlation test results obtained the relation of HbA1c with MMSE score (p=0,215 ; r=-0,212) and the relation of the duration of sustaining DM with MMSE score (p=0,237 ; r=-0,202). Conclusion: There is a negative connection between uncontrolled blood sugar level and the duration of sustaining DM with cognitive function but statistically both of them are not significant to the DM type 2 subject.Keywords: diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, length of sustaining DM, cognitive function.Abstrak: Diabetes Melitus (DM) tipe 2 adalah salah satu penyakit kronis yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko penurunan kognitif. Kadar gula darah yang tidak terkontrol dan lama menderita DM, mempengaruhi patofisiologi terjadinya gangguan fungsi kognitif pada subyek DM tipe 2. Kadar gula darah yang tidak terkontrol adalah kadar HbA1c >7% dan fungsi kognitif diukur berdasarkan Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar gula darah yang tidak terkontrol dan lama menderita DM dengan fungsi kognitif subyek DM tipe 2. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu consecutive sampling. Hasil: Dari 36 sampel didapatkan rerata usia 55,2; lama menderita DM 9,0; HbA1c 9,9; dan skor MMSE 24,7. Hasil uji korelasi pearson didapatkan hubungan HbA1c dengan skor MMSE (p=0,215; r=-0,212) dan hubungan lama menderita DM dengan skor MMSE (p=0,237;r=-0,202). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan negatif antara kadar gula darah tidak terkontrol dengan fungsi kognitif dan terdapat hubungan negatif antara lama menderita DM dengan fungsi kognitif namun secara statistik keduanya tidak bermakna pada subyek DM tipe 2.Kata kunci: diabetes melitus, HbA1c, lama menderita DM, fungsi kognitif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Mengtian Du ◽  
Stacy L. Andersen ◽  
Nicole Schupf ◽  
Mary F. Feitosa ◽  
Megan S. Barker ◽  

Background: The Long Life Family Study (LLFS) is a family based, prospective study of healthy aging and familial longevity. The study includes two assessments of cognitive function that were administered approximately 8 years apart. Objective: To test whether APOE genotype is associated with change of cognitive function in older adults. Methods: We used Bayesian hierarchical models to test the association between APOE alleles and change of cognitive function. Six longitudinally collected neuropsychological test scores were modelled as a function of age at enrollment, follow-up time, gender, education, field center, birth cohort indicator (≤1935, or >1935), and the number of copies of ɛ2 or ɛ4 alleles. Results: Out of 4,587 eligible participants, 2,064 were male (45.0%), and age at enrollment ranged from 25 to 110 years, with mean of 70.85 years (SD: 15.75). We detected a significant cross-sectional effect of the APOE ɛ4 allele on Logical Memory. Participants carrying at least one copy of the ɛ4 allele had lower scores in both immediate (–0.31 points, 95% CI: –0.57, –0.05) and delayed (–0.37 points, 95% CI: –0.64, –0.10) recall comparing to non-ɛ4 allele carriers. We did not detect any significant longitudinal effect of the ɛ4 allele. There was no cross-sectional or longitudinal effect of the ɛ2 allele. Conclusion: The APOE ɛ4 allele was identified as a risk factor for poorer episodic memory in older adults, while the APOE ɛ2 allele was not significantly associated with any of the cognitive test scores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 352
Yaumi Faiza ◽  
Yuliarni Syafrita

<p><strong><em>Background </em></strong><em>:The number of Dementia is increasing year by year, and it will be 3.980.000 in 2050 In Indonesia, as well as the world. Dementia can be triggered by Diabetes Mellitus type 2. Long hyperglycemia can induce beta amiloid in brain, that declines the cognitive function. Besides, some factors can influence cognitive function such as age, sex, level of education and duration of DM type 2. The aim of this study is to review the faktors that influence cognitive function of DM type 2.<strong>Methods</strong>: The study design was cross sectional, with 56 subjects.  The collective data were age, sex, level of education, duration of DM type 2,  and cognitive function which is determined by using MoCA Ina The variables associated were tested by using Chi-Square Test, and the association is significant if p&lt;0,05.</em><strong><em>Results</em></strong><em>: </em><em>From 56 research subjects,32 (57,14%) subjects are female,, high level of education is 76,79 %, and 57,14 % subjects are suffering from DM for 5-&lt;10 years. The average MoCA Ina value was 23 + 3.47. There are 37 (66.1 %) subjects with cognitive decline.</em><em> There is no significant associations between age, sex,level of education, duration of DM and cognitive function (p&gt;0,05).</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 1798-1802 ◽  
Silvy Hartuti ◽  
Azizah Nasution ◽  
Santi Syafril

AIM: The study aimed to investigate the effect of drug-related problems (DRPs) on changes in blood glucose level (BGL) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.METHODS: This three-month prospective cross-sectional study was conducted to patients of T2DM with complications hospitalised in Haji Adam Malik (HAM) Hospital, Medan, Indonesia period from July to October 2018. DRPs were identified and classified by using Cipolle DRP classification and trustable literature. The data obtained were analysed by Chi-Square test (p < 0.05 implied that there was a significant relationship).RESULTS: This study involved 81 T2DM patients, 52 (64.2%) of the patients were male, and 29 (35.8%) of them were female. Most (30.9%) of patients were at the age of 51-60 years. Combination of rapid-acting and long-acting insulin was the most frequently provided antidiabetic drugs (69.1%). There were 68 DRPs experienced by 32 (39.5%) of the patients. Percentage of DRP experienced by the 32 patients by number: 1 DRP, 53.1; 2 DRPs, 28.1; 3 DRPs, 3.1; 4 DRPs, 3.1; 5 DRPs, 3.1; 7 DRPs, 9.3. This study showed that 27.2% and 12.3 % of the patients had hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, respectively. There was no significant relationship between BGL and indication without drug therapy (p = 0.064), ineffective provided drug (p = 0.079), and there was a significant relationship between BGL and irrational dose (p = 0.000). Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between hypoglycemia and adverse drug reaction (p = 0.000).CONCLUSION: DRPs are common among T2DM patients and still required the attention and appropriate actions of healthcare providers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 495-501
Syalfa Luthfira Nugroho ◽  
Wirawan Anggorotomo ◽  
Rakhmi Rafie

Background : Diabetes Mellitus can cause the  risk of decline in cognitive function. Long suffering and ncontrolled glycemic control associated with chronic hyperglycemia that can change the function and microvascular structure of the central nervous system so that it can lead to decline of cognitive function.  Objective : This study aims to determine the relationship between the long-suffering and glycemic control with the decline of cognitive function in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the health center Sriwijaya Mataram Central Lampung  in 2021. Methods: This study used an analytical research design with cross sectional approach. The population used was all patients diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the health center Sriwijaya Mataram Central Lampung. The sample in this study amounted to 71 people who were taken with total sampling technique. Measuring instruments used were the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). The statistical test used was Chi Square test. Results : There is a relationship between the long-suffering (p value 0.000) and glycemic control (p value 0.000) with a decrease in cognitive function in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Conclusion : There is a relationship between the long-suffering and glycemic control with the decline of cognitive function in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Suggestion can detect a decline in cognitive function so as to improve the quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and education related to complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus is necessary. Keywords : Long-Suffering, Glycemic Control, Cognitive Function.          ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Diabetes Melitus dapat menyebabkan resiko penurunan fungsi kognitif. Lama menderita dan kontrol glikemik tidak terkontrol berkaitan dengan keadaan hiperglikemia kronik yang dapat mengubah fungsi serta struktur mikrovaskular pada sistem saraf pusat sehingga dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi kognitif. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara lama menderita dan kontrol glikemik dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 di Puskesmas Sriwijaya Mataram Lampung Tengah tahun 2021.Metode  : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah semua pasien yang didiagnosis Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 di Puskesmas Sriwijaya Mataram Lampung Tengah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 71 orang yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan antara lama menderita (p value 0.000) dan kontrol glikemik (p value 0.000) dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2.Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara lama menderita dan kontrol glikemik dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2.Saran dapat mendeteksi penurunan fungsi kognitif sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada pasien Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 serta perlu dilakukan edukasi terkait dengan komplikasi Diabetes Melitus tipe 2. Kata Kunci : Lama Menderita, Kontrol Glikemik, Fungsi Kognitif. 

Ahmad Tamaddoni ◽  
Morteza Alijanpour ◽  
Hassan Mahmoodi ◽  
Beniamin Miladi ◽  
Ali Bijani ◽  

Background: Hyperglycemia is one of the most complications of corticosteroid and asparaginase during induction phase of chemotherapy in children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This study was carried out to evaluate the incidence of hyperglycemia and associated risk factors during chemotherapy induction phase at Amirkola Children's Hospital. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional (retrospective) study, 150 children (mean age: 79.16±42.68 months) with ALL were evaluated (2000- 2011). Hyperglycemia was described as random blood glucose level more than 200mg/dl in patients less than 2 years old. In patients older than 2 years, fasting blood glucose level more than 110-125 mg/dl was considered as impaired glucose level and fasting blood glucose level more than 126 mg/dl was defined as diabetes mellitus. The data were analyzed using SPSS (version 18) and running chi square test, pearson Ccorrelation, and logistic regression. P-values less than0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Out of 150 children with ALL, 21 (14%) of them had hyperglycemia, but none of them had diabetic ketoacidosis. Hyperglycemia was significantly associated with gender (P=0.014) and age. (P=0.000) which was more likely in patients older than 10 years. The incidence of hyperglycemia was also related to BMI (P=0.000). Relapse rate for ALL was 14.7%, which was not significantly associated with hyperglycemia. Conclusion: Hyperglycemia was common and transient during induction phase of chemotherapy and it was correlated with age, sex, and weight.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-514
Andoko Andoko ◽  
Usastiawaty Cik Ayu Saadiah Isnainy ◽  
Muhammad Yanuar Rianto

ABSTRACT : THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ADHERENCE OF FOLLOWING PROLANIS AND GLUCOSE LEVEL DECREASE OF DAIBETES MELLITUS PATIENTS AT BIHA HEALTH CENTER OF PESISIR BARAT REGENCY  Introduction: Diabetes is a disease signed by high blood glucose level that causes the damage of blood vessels, nerves, and other internal structures. The bad blood circulation through large blood vessel may hurt brain, heart and leg vein. The abnormal blood circulation in the small blood vessel may injure eyes, kidney, nerves, and skin, as well as delay wound recovery. On the hypertensive patients, diabetes mellitus may trigger stroke particularly thrombosis stroke. The objective of this study was the correlation between adherence of following Prolanis (Chronic Disease Management Program)and glucose level decrease of diabetes mellitus patients at Biha Health Center of Pesisir Barat Regency in 2019.  Method: This study was quantitative. The research design used cross sectional approach. The population of the study consisted of 46 registered diabetes mellitus patients at Biha Health Center of Pesisir Barat Regency since January to March 2019. The sampling technique was total population. The data analysis was through chi square. Result: It is known that there were 25 respondents (54.3%) were not discipline to follow Prolanis Program at Biha Health Center of Pesisir Barat Regency. There were31 respondents (67.4%) had abnormal blood glucose level. Conclusion: Based on the statistical analysis, the p value was 0.021 or the p value < 0.05 which indicated the correlation between adherence of following Prolanis and glucose level decrease of diabetes mellitus patients at Biha Health Center of Pesisir Barat Regency in 2019. The health practitioners are suggested to actively give counseling to the patients about the importance of managing chronic disease at Prolanis.  Keywords         : Adherence, Prolanis, Blood Glucose  INTISARI : HUBUNGAN TINGKAT KEPATUHAN MENGIKUTI PROGRAM PROLANIS TERHADAP PENURUNAN KADAR GULA DARAH PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS DI UPT PUSKESMAS BIHA KABUPATEN PESISIR BARAT Pendahuluan : Diabates merupakan kadar gula darah yang tinggi sehingga menyebabkan rusaknya pembuluh darah, saraf, dan struktur interna lainya. Sirkulasi darah yang buruk melalui pembuluh darah besar bisa melukai otak, jantung, dan pembuluh darah kaki, sedangkan pembuluh darah kecil bisa melukai mata, ginjal, saraf, dan kulit, serta memperlambat penyembuhan luka, sedangkan penyakit hipertensi pada diabetes melitus jika tidak ditangani dengan baik maka sangat berpotensi menyebabkan sakit lainnya salah satu yang paling banyak terjadi adalah penyakit stroke, khususnya tipe penyakit stroke thrombolik. Tujuan penelitian Diketahui hubungan tingkat kepatuhan mengikuti program prolanis terhadap penurunan kadar gula dalam darah pada pasien diabetes melitus Di UPT Puskesmas Biha Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2019. Metode : Jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien Diabetes Melitus yang ada Di UPT Puskesmas BIHA Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2019 yang terhitung sejak Januari – Maret yang berjumlah 46 orang, Sehingga sampel minimum yang didapatkan berjumlah 46 responden. Dalam penelitian ini teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total populasi. Analisa data yang digunakan menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil : Diketahui bahwa Di UPT Puskesmas Biha Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2019, sebagian besar responden tidak patuh berjumlah 25 responden (54,3%), sebagian besar responden mempunyai kadar gula darah yang tidak normal berjumlah 31 responden (67,4%). Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik, diketahui p-value 0,021 atau p-value < 0,05 yang artiya terdapat hubungan antara Tingkat Kepatuhan Mengikuti Program Prolanis Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Dalam Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di UPT Puskesmas Biha Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2019. Diharapkan selalu aktif dalam memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan khususnya tentang pentingnya pengetahuan tentang peyakit yang dialami pasien dalam program prolanis. Kata Kunci       : Kepatuhan Prolanis Kadar Gula

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Nizmawaty Amra

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder with multifactorial etiology. Nowadays, DM prevalence in Indonesia is ranked 5th in the world, compared to IDF data in 2013 which is ranked 7th in the world with 7.6 million people. The main key in the management of type 2 diabetes is the proper diet, it results in normal glucose tolerance. The scientists found that an increase in blood glucose levels can be estimated from foods containing several types of food portion with different glycemic indexes. This study aims to know at the relationship between high glycemic index foods consumption and blood glucose of type 2 diabetes patient. Studies using analytical research method with cross-sectional study design which is consist of 30 respondents. The result showed that high glycemic index foods consumption with high fasting blood sugar levels as many as 11 people (10.5%), the results of the chi-square analysis showed the value of p = 0.69 (> 0.05). Besides, high glycemic index with high postprandial glucose level as many as 13 people (11.0%), the results of the analysis showed p = 0.09 (> 0.05) and respectively, all subjects had high random glucose levels at 30 people ( 100%) and most of the people (15) with high and medium glycemic index (50%). There is no correlation between high glycemic index foods consumption with a blood glucose of type 2 diabetes patient in the Diabetes Centre, Ternate City.Diabetes Melitus merupakan kelainan metabolik dengan etiologi multifactorial. Prevalensi DM di Indonesia saat ini menempati peringkat ke-5 di dunia, dibandingkan data IDF tahun 2013 yang menempati peringkat ke-7 di dunia dengan 7,6 juta orang. Kunci pokok dalam penatalaksanaan diabetes tipe 2 adalah diet  yang benar maka toleransi glukosa dapat menjadi normal. Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa terjadinya kenaikan kadar glukosa darah dapat diperkirakan dari makanan yang mengandung beberapa jenis pangan dengan indeks glikemik yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk melihat hubungan konsumsi jenis pangan yang mengandung indeks glikemik tinggi dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM tipe2. Metode penelitian analitik dengan desain cross sectional study dengan 30 responden. Konsumsi jenis pangan yang mengandung indeks glikemik tinggi dengan kadar gula darah puasa tinggi sebanyak 11 orang (10,5%), hasil analisis chi-square menunjukkan nilai p=0,69 (>0,05). Indeks glikemik tinggi dengan kadar gula darah 2 Jam Post Prandial tinggi sebanyak 13 orang (11,0%), hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai p=0,09 (>0,05) dan seluruh subyek memiliki kadar gula darah sewaktu tinggi yaitu 30 orang (100%) dengan indeks glikemik tinggi dan sedang masing-masing 15 orang (50%). Tidak ada hubungan konsumsi jenis pangan yang mengandung indeks gliemik tinggi dengan kadar gula darah pasien DM tipe 2 di Diabetes Center Kota Ternate.

BMC Neurology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Lixia Lu ◽  
Lin Chen ◽  
Weiwen Wu ◽  
Yang Wang ◽  
Zhenbao Liu ◽  

Abstract Background Screening for cognitive impairment (CI) is often hampered by lack of consensus as to which screening instrument to use. The aim is to assess the consistence and applicability of different CI screening tools. Method In a cross-sectional study from October 2017 to September 2018 in 7 communities in Shanghai, China, elder (≧60) residential volunteers with no history of major cardiovascular diseases, cancers and other comorbidities known to affect cognitive functions were recruited. The participants underwent tests with 7 cognitive function screening instruments. Multivariate linear regressions were performed to test correlations between demographic characteristics, including gender, age, education, and marital status, with cognitive test scores. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score adjusted according to the correlation coefficients was used to detect CI with a cutoff of 24. Other cognitive function scores were compared between participants with and without CI. In addition, Pearson’s correlation test was used to detect association between different test scores. Results 172 participants with relatively low education levels were included. Age and education showed significant association with cognitive test scores. Using adjusted MMSE, 39.6% of participants were identified with CI, while the percentage was 87.2% when adjusted Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) with cutoff of 26 was used. Analysis of “abnormal” test scores showed that MMSE had the highest percentage of valid data (98.8%). MoCA and Isaacs test of Verbal Fluency (VF) score had correlation with most the other scores, while MMSE only significantly associated with VF and MoCA. Conclusions MMSE may still present the most applicable tools for quick screen of cognitive functions, especially when environmental conditions may interfere with participants’ attention.

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