2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 387
Damardjati Kun Marjanto, Syaifuddin

AbstrakMasyarakat Bajo di Pulau Bungin, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, merupakan masyarakat laut yang berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan. Mereka bermigrasi sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu dan akhirnya menetap di kawasan pantai Pulau Sumbawa. Pada awalnya mereka tidak mendiami daratan seperti sekarang ini, melainkan hidup di laut sekitar pantai dengan sistem perumahan di atas air laut. Lama-kelamaan sebagai akibat adanya pertumbuhan penduduk, mereka mulai mengusahakan daratan dengan cara menimbun air laut dengan batu maupun karang yang sudah mati. Sebagai akibat dari pengaruh lingkungan, kebudayaan suku Bajo di Pulau Bungin saat ini mempunyai ciri khas kebudayaan dua lingkungan yaitu lingkungan laut dan daratan. Lingkungan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Bajo tersebut menghasilkan potensi, di mana potensi dimaknai sebagai kemampuan yang memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan. Potensi laut meliputi wilayah laut dan pantai yang kaya dengan sumberdaya alam, sedangkan wilayah daratan menjadi penting sebagai tempat tinggal dan wahana interaksi masyarakat. Potensi budaya di laut dan daratan yang meliputi sistem mata pencaharian tradisional, kesenian tradisional dan pengobatan tradisional tersebut apabila dapat dikelola dengan sebaik-baiknya, akan menjadi kekuatan bagi kemajuan masyarakat Bajo baik dalam bidang sosial maupun ekonomi. Dengan demikian penelitian ini penting dilakukan salah satu alasannya untuk menemukenali potensi budaya yang ada. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, adapun pengumpulan datanya dengan pengamatan dan wawancara. AbstractThe Bajo people in Bungin Island, Sumbawa regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, is a marine society from South Sulawesi. They migrated to the island hundreds of years ago and eventually settled in the coastal region of Sumbawa Island. At first they did not inhabit the land as it is today; instead they lived at the sea around the coast with on-the-sea-water housing system. Due to population growth over time, they began to seek more land by piling up the sea with rocks and dead coral. As a result of environmental influences, the Bajo of Bungin Island has currently two environmental cultural characteristics, both marine and terrestrial. These are potential environments to be developed. The sea around them is very rich in natural resources while the mainland is important as a place to live in as well as for community interaction. The cultural potential they have are, among others, traditional subsistence, traditional art, and traditionalmedicine. All of these have to be well-managed so that they can support the Baja people either socially and economically. This research conducted with a qualitative approach, the data obtained through observations and interviews.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 387
Damardjati Kun Marjanto, Syaifuddin

AbstrakMasyarakat Bajo di Pulau Bungin, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, merupakan masyarakat laut yang berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan. Mereka bermigrasi sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu dan akhirnya menetap di kawasan pantai Pulau Sumbawa. Pada awalnya mereka tidak mendiami daratan seperti sekarang ini, melainkan hidup di laut sekitar pantai dengan sistem perumahan di atas air laut. Lama-kelamaan sebagai akibat adanya pertumbuhan penduduk, mereka mulai mengusahakan daratan dengan cara menimbun air laut dengan batu maupun karang yang sudah mati. Sebagai akibat dari pengaruh lingkungan, kebudayaan suku Bajo di Pulau Bungin saat ini mempunyai ciri khas kebudayaan dua lingkungan yaitu lingkungan laut dan daratan. Lingkungan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Bajo tersebut menghasilkan potensi, di mana potensi dimaknai sebagai kemampuan yang memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan. Potensi laut meliputi wilayah laut dan pantai yang kaya dengan sumberdaya alam, sedangkan wilayah daratan menjadi penting sebagai tempat tinggal dan wahana interaksi masyarakat. Potensi budaya di laut dan daratan yang meliputi sistem mata pencaharian tradisional, kesenian tradisional dan pengobatan tradisional tersebut apabila dapat dikelola dengan sebaik-baiknya, akan menjadi kekuatan bagi kemajuan masyarakat Bajo baik dalam bidang sosial maupun ekonomi. Dengan demikian penelitian ini penting dilakukan salah satu alasannya untuk menemukenali potensi budaya yang ada. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, adapun pengumpulan datanya dengan pengamatan dan wawancara. AbstractThe Bajo people in Bungin Island, Sumbawa regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, is a marine society from South Sulawesi. They migrated to the island hundreds of years ago and eventually settled in the coastal region of Sumbawa Island. At first they did not inhabit the land as it is today; instead they lived at the sea around the coast with on-the-sea-water housing system. Due to population growth over time, they began to seek more land by piling up the sea with rocks and dead coral. As a result of environmental influences, the Bajo of Bungin Island has currently two environmental cultural characteristics, both marine and terrestrial. These are potential environments to be developed. The sea around them is very rich in natural resources while the mainland is important as a place to live in as well as for community interaction. The cultural potential they have are, among others, traditional subsistence, traditional art, and traditionalmedicine. All of these have to be well-managed so that they can support the Baja people either socially and economically. This research conducted with a qualitative approach, the data obtained through observations and interviews.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Agustinus Denny Unggul Raharjo

<p class="BodyA">South Manokwari Regency is a new autonomous region in West Papua Province with abundant natural resources. As a new autonomous region South Manokwari Regency will be experiencing significant population growth. Population growth along with development and modernization will give burden to electricity demand. Alternatively, electricity can be provided with geothermal resources in Momiwaren District. Based on survey conducted by the government through the Geology Resources Centre in 2009, the reservoir temperature of the geothermal sources is 84<sup>o</sup>C with non volcanic geothermal system. Thus, the geothermal resources in South Manokwari Regency could be developed into binary cycle electric generator.</p>

2020 ◽  

Language is a tool used to convey ideas, ideas, feelings, and thoughts to others. Language, which is an arbiter sound symbol system that is used by members of one community to work together, interact, and identify themselves. In other words, language can be a means to convey intent or purpose so that the desired thing is achieved. As a communication tool, language develops over time. Therefore, language will never die if its speakers still care and love for the language comparative linguistics as a study or study of language which includes the comparison of cognate languages or the historical development of a language. This research aims to elucidate the use of Indonesian language at students of Iqra Buru University with Comparative Analysis. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Sources of data in this study were 5 speakers 5 speakers language Analyzing the data by means of data selection, data classification, and data presentation. The results of the study stated that there were phonological differences, namely the Jamee vowel system contained / ɛ / and / ɔ /, while the vocal system was / a / and the consonant system was Jamee / ɣ / or / R /, while the language / r /, then the difference pronunciations include single vowels, for example makɛn, bɔRa in Jamee and eating, bara in Language used by iqra Rush university students. Keywords

2003 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-301 ◽  
William S. Kern

In The Ultimate Resource (1981, 1996), and in many other publications over the last several decades, Julian Simon put forth controversial views regarding the connection between natural resource scarcity, population growth, and economic progress. Simon argued, in contrast to those espousing the limits to growth, that natural resources were not getting scarcer, but more abundant, and that a large and growing population was an asset rather than a liability in the pursuit of economic growth.

1988 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 729 ◽  
AJ Courtney ◽  
MCL Dredge

In the coastal region of central Queensland female red-spot king prawns, P. longistylus, and the western or blue-leg king prawns, P. latisulcatus, had high mean ovary weights and high proportions of advanced ovary development during the winter months of July and August of 1985 and 1986. On the basis of insemination, both species began copulating at the size of 26-27 mm CL, but P. longistylus matured and spawned at a smaller size than P. latisulcatus. Abundance of P. longistylus was generally three to four times greater than that of P. latisulcatus but the latter was subject to greater variation in abundance. Low mean ovary weight and low proportions of females with advanced ovaries were associated with the maximum mean bottom sea-water temperature (28.5�C) for both species. Population fecundity indices indicated that peaks in yolk or egg production (a) displayed a similar pattern for both species, (b) varied in timing from year to year for both species and (c) were strongly influenced by abundance. Generally, sample estimates of abundance and commercial catch rates (CPUE) showed similar trends. Differences between the two may have been due to changes in targeted commercial effort in this multi-species fishery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Mahfudlah Fajrie

Bungo Village, Subdistrict of Wedung Indonesia, is one of the regions that still upholds the traditions of the region as a form of preserving culture. Along with the development of technology and science, there are many traditions in the village that are considered not modernist by the people. Therefore, some village government and community heads in the village of Bungo, Wedung District, are trying to maintain traditions in their area as a form of preserving local traditions or culture and when developed can have potential for regional income. Coastal traditions in the Bungo Village area that are still carried out include Apitan, Syawalan, and Alms of Earth, the meaning of this tradition as a form of community gratitude to God. There is a Nyadran tradition, the Panji Kusuma Cultural Kirab is a tradition carried out as a form of respect for coastal communities and in memory of the services of heroes who have established villages in the coastal region. There is also the tradition of Keong Keli, Barian, Kembang Sayang, which basically implies a form of community effort to avoid doom and danger. This research was conducted using ethnographic methods, data collection using in-depth interviews and observation. From the coastal traditions carried out by the Bungo people, it is shown that coastal communities depend on the sea for their livelihoods and the wealth of natural resources to survive.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-79
Andy Ahmad Zaelany

At present, corruption in the fishing sector has become a severe threat to the effectiveness of marine resource management. However, corruption activities that occur in fishing communities are still rarely revealed to the public due to the complexity and lack of researchers who are interested in learning them. The research aims to understand the behavior of the fish-bomb fishermen in Barang Lompo Island, South Sulawesi, in order to arrange suitable policy and program choice for reducing of using fish bombs in fishing activity. This research is conducted by a qualitative approach and ethnography method (participation observation) as well in a time series since 1999. The result showed that the corruption behaviors among the Barang Lompo fishermen are caused by several factors, i.e., aggressive culture, poverty, cultural burden and cultural pride, and consumerism. Corruption, in this case, makes a fishing business more efficient, with short working time indicators, and catches a lot.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Sugeng Widada ◽  
Alfi Satriadi ◽  
Baskoro Rochaddi

Coastal Region of Kangkung, Kendal Regency, Central Java Province is one of the areas that experiencing water in the dry season. Groundwater exploitation is one way solution to meet the water needs for people in the area, especially in the dry season. Therefore it is necessary to study potency of ground water in coastal area of Kangkung. The research was  conducted to determine the potential of ground water in the confined aquifer in the Coastal Region of Kangkung, Kendal District which is expected to be utilized as a source of water to meet the needs of local communities. The method used in this research is  descriptive analysis to describe the condition of aquifer, however some things are delivered quantitatively. The aquifer condition was obtained from the interpretation of geoelectricity (resistivity) data supported by geological and hydrogeological observation data and pumping test data as secondary data. Groundwater quality analysis and simple hydrochemical analysis is with Chlorida - Bicarbonat Ratio (CBR) method to know the possibility of sea water intrusion. The results showed that the aquifer in the coastal area of Kangkung has the potential of 29.13 lt / sec ground water discharge which can be utilized to meet the needs of clean water 18,800 people. Although it is adjacent to the sea, the groundwater in the study area does not undergo sea water intrusion. Groundwater quality in this location is qualified as raw drinking water according to SK Menkes No, 492/Menkes/Per/IV2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Keywords: ground water, geoelectric, intrusion  Wilayah Pesisir Kangkung, Kabupaten Kendal Provinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu daerah yang pada musim kemarau mengalami kekeringan. Pemanfaatan air tanah merupakan salah satu cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bagi masyarakat di daerah tersebut, terutama pada musim kemarau. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian potensi air tanah di daerah Pesisir Kangkung tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi air tanah pada akuifer dalam (tertekan) di Wilayah Pesisir Kangkung, Kabupaten Kendal yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air bersih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat setempat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah diskriptis analisis untuk menggambarkan kondisi akuifer, namun demikian beberapa hal disampaikan secara kuantitatif. Kondisi akuifer diperoleh dari hasil interpretasi data geolistrik resistiviti dengan didukung data hasil pengamatan geologi dan hidrogeologi serta data sekunder berupa hasil pumping test. Analisa kualitas air tanah dan analisis hidrokimia secara sederhana dengan metode Chlorida – Bicarbonat Ratio (CBR) dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan terjadinya intrui air laut. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa akuifer di daerah Pesisir Kangkung mempunyai potensi debit air tanah 29,13 lt/det yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih 18.800 orang. Meskipun berbatasan dengan laut, namun air tanah di daerah kajian tidak mengalami  terintrusi air laut. Kualitas air tanah di lokasi ini memenuhi syarat sebagai bahan baku air minum sesuai SK Menkes No, 492/Menkes/Per/IV2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Kata Kunci : air tanah, geolistrik, intrusi

Alex Latta

States’ increasing recognition of Indigenous rights in the realm of natural resources has led to a variety of co-management arrangements and other forms of melded authority, evolving over time into increasingly complex governance relationships. This article takes up such relationships within the analytical frame of multilevel governance, seeking lessons from the experiences of Indigenous involvement in water policy in Canada’s Northwest Territories (NWT). It examines the way that effective collaboration in resource governance can emerge within the space of tension between evolving Indigenous rights regimes and the continued sovereignty of the state. At the same time, the analysis raises questions about whether multilevel governance can contribute to meaningful decolonization of relationships between settler states and Indigenous Peoples.

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