2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 525
Nandang Rusnandar

AbstrakKampung Naga di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, merupakan kampung yang penduduknya masih berpegang teguh kepada adat  istiadat dalam menjalankan kehidupan istiadat, melingkupi segala bentuk  aspek kehidupan. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari tata cara mendirikan rumah. Keteguhan dalam mempertahankan adat ini menjadi kebiasaan tatacara mendirikan rumah dalam bentuk arsitektur yang ada di Kampung Adat Naga. Proses mendirikan rumah merupakan ritual yang tak putus mulai dari awal hingga akhir pembangunan. Proses mendirikan sebuah rumah merupakan kegiatan ritual yang secara masif dilakukan untuk mensucikan tempat tinggal (rumah) agar terbebas dari hal-hal yang bersifat gaib Bahkan dalam kenyataan kesehariannya, rumah memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat untuk ritual itu sendiri. Rumah yang dibangun bersama anggota keluarga sangat bermakna dalam. Segenap anggota masyarakat yang terlibat akan merasa memiliki bagian yang menjadi karyanya, sehingga keberadaan sebuah rumah adalah bagian utuh dari makro-kosmosnya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran secara utuh dan mendalam tentang tata cara dan ritual yang mengungkap simbol dan nilai  filosofisnya. Metode penelitian adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi langsung dan wawancara. AbstractKampung Naga in Tasikmalaya District, is a village whose people still cling to the customs and traditions in running life, encompasses all aspects of life forms. This can be seen from the procedure of building up their homes. The firmness in defending this custom becomes the habit of building up home procedures in the form of architecture of Kampung Naga. The process of building a house is a ritual that is unbroken from the beginning to the end of development. The process of setting up a home is a massive rituals performed to purify the residence (home) to be free from the things that are unseen.Even in the daily reality, the house has a function as a place for ritual itself. Houses are built by family members in has a deep meaning. All community members involved will give a feel asa part of their work, so that the existence of a home is an integral part of its macro-cosmos. The purpose of this study is to get a full and deep picture of the ordinances and rituals that reveal the symbols and philosophical values. The research method is a method of qualitativewith direct observation and interviews asthe data collection techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-169
Prita Suci Nurcandrani ◽  
Ade Tuti Turistiati ◽  
Sefy Andhriany ◽  
Dinda Intan Nurulina

This study aims to analyze how the Baluwarti Surakarta Tourism Village builds village branding. The components of the formation of village branding include the physical potential of the village that is unique, natural, rare, and has the concept of community empowerment. In formulating village branding, this study uses the Blue Ocean Strategy in which competition with other tourist villages is irrelevant. The use of digital branding is also associated with the village branding business in Baluwarti Tourism Village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques with direct observation to the research locus and in-depth interviews with research informants. The results of this study indicate that Surakarta's Baluwarti Tourism Village needs to have a Public Relations whose role is to optimize the role of all stakeholders in achieving village branding, especially empowering the Baluwarti community and utilizing effective and efficient communication media.

Ramon Hurdawaty ◽  
Vanessa Mikha Elsa ◽  
Dewi Ayu Kusumaningrum

This research aims to determine the role played by local communities in developing tourism on the island of Siau and also to find out how the government moves local people in the tourism sector. The research method used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data collection technique used interviews with several informants to the local community, members of the Sitaro Nature Lovers Community (KOMPAS), the Chairperson of the DPC Sitaro Indonesian Tourism Association and to the government, namely the Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of Siau Regency, Tagulandang Biaro (Sitaro). From the results of the research, there is participation by local communities in tourism on Siau Island in the form of selling food near tourist objects, maintaining tourist objects and maintaining cleanliness. The local community is also involved in the development of tourism on Siau Island. The government's role in mobilizing local communities to help in the tourism sector is still not optimal because there are still tourist objects that have not been optimally managed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Kukuh Sindu

The purpose of this study is to find out the programing undertaken by TVRI East Java in preserving the campursari culture. To uncover these goals thoroughly and profoundly, this study used descriptive method and usedquantitative method. Based on the problem, the data collection technique that used by the researcher were interview, direct observation and documentation conducted by researcher at the site. Then, the data was analyzing critically on the basis of Morissan thinking, so it obtained deep meaning about that used by TVRI East Java in preserving campursari culture. Based on the result of this study, it found the programming strategy in TVRI East Jawa in preserving campursari culture that is in the form of planning strategy where TVRI East Java did the determination of ideas before the show of campursari aired and bumper selection that change every year, a production strategy whereby TVRI East Java has own self produced campurasri event as well as arranging the best possible crack of business, evacuation strategy of  the  program  where  TVRI East Java showed live campursari program in studio 1 who filled by campursari communities from various regions. Then, evaluation  strategy  where in  each  year would evaluate the programs so, campursari can be accepted by public.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Kukuh Sinduwiatmo ◽  
Sri Rahayu

The purpose of this study is to find out the programing undertaken by TVRI East Java in preserving the campursari culture. To uncover these goals thoroughly and profoundly, this study used descriptive method and usedquantitative method. Based on the problem, the data collection technique that used by the researcher were interview, direct observation and documentation conducted by researcher at the site. Then, the data was analyzing critically on the basis of Morissan thinking, so it obtained deep meaning about that used by TVRI East Java in preserving campursari culture. Based on the result of this study, it found the programming strategy in TVRI East Jawa in preserving campursari culture that is in the form of planning strategy where TVRI East Java did the determination of ideas before the show of campursari aired and bumper selection that change every year, a production strategy whereby TVRI East Java has own self produced campurasri event as well as arranging the best possible crack of business, evacuation strategy of the program where TVRI East Java showed live campursari program in studio 1 who filled by campursari communities from various regions. Then, evaluation strategy where in each year would evaluate the programs so, campursari can be accepted by public.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Mohamad Muspawi

Abstract This study aims to determine the condition of implementation of academic supervision at MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi province. Where the manners of MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi province is a reference institution of Islamic-based education in Jambi province regarding institutional quality. Specific targets to be achieved by this research are 1). How is the implementation of academic supervision at MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi Province ?. 2). What are the obstacles to the implementation of academic supervision at MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi Province? The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, which the researcher describes the research findings in narrative and what is. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, documentation, and interviews. To check the validity of data then the authors do diligence observation, triangulation, member check, audit trail. And to analyze the data then the authors review and reduce data, data unitization, data categorization, and interpretation of data. The results of the research indicate that: 1) Implementation Implementation of academic supervision in MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi Province implemented in the form as follows: a) Supervision based on direct observation of teaching activities in the classroom; b) Supervision with daily work review; c) Supervision with inspection of teaching equipment; d) Supervision with academic dialogue; e) Supervision through questionnaires. and 2). Obstacles implementation of academic supervision in MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi Province is the number of duties and other responsibilities of the head of the madrasah. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the implementation of academic supervision in MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi Province has been implemented well to produce teacher performance is also good. Keywords: Implementation, Supervision, Academic. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi implementasi supervisi akademik pada MAN Insan Cendekia provinsi Jambi. Dimana kebaradaan MAN Insan Cendekia provinsi Jambi merupakan rujukan lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama Islam di provinsi Jambi dalam hal kualitas kelembagaannya. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah: 1). Bagaimana implementasi supervisi akademik di MAN Insan Cendekia Provinsi Jambi?. 2). Apa saja kendala implementasi supervisi akademik di MAN Insan Cendekia Provinsi Jambi? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif, yang mana peneliti menguraikan temuan penelitian secara naratif dan apa adanya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik obervasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Untuk mengecek validitas data maka penulis melakukan ketekunan pengamatan, triangulasi, member check, audit trail. Dan untuk menganalisis data maka penulis melakukan penelaahan dan reduksi data, unitisasi data, kategorisasi data, dan interpretasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Implementasi Implementasi supervisi akademik di MAN Insan Cendekia Provinsi Jambi dilaksanakan dalam bentuk sebagai berikut: a) Supervisi berdasarkan pengamatan langsung kegiatan mengajar di kelas; b) Supervisi dengan peninjauan kerja harian; c) Supervisi dengan pemeriksaan perlengkapan mengajar; d) Supervisi dengan dialog akademis; e) Supervisi melalui pengisian angket. dan 2). Kendala implementasi supervisi akademik di MAN Insan Cendekia Provinsi Jambi adalah Banyaknya tugas dan tanggung jawab lain dari kepala madrasah. Berdasarkan hasil penlitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi supervisi akademik di MAN Insan Cendekia Provinsi Jambi telah terlaksana dengan baik sehingga menghasilkan kinerja guru yang juga baik.  Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Supervisi, Akademik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Nur Choerun Nisa

Indonesia as an archipelago country, has a diversity of ethnic groups each with local knowledge. That is one of the creative culture of the Sasak tribe of Lombok. This craft is one of the results of human creativity to meet the needs of clothing. Sasak tribe who inhabit the island of Lombok, until now still preserving the weaving craft. One of the supporters of weaving sustainability is the availability of natural dyes derived from plants. In this study, data collection was conducted in Sukarara Village, Jonggat Sub-district, Central Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara Province which is one of the weaving centers in Lombok. The research method is direct observation in field and interview. The results of the research inform the role of women already considered in decision making concerning natural resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Zuhrotul Baqiah ◽  
Muhtar Gojali ◽  
Naan Naan

Increasing and decreasing the calmness of the heart greatly influences the behavior in living everyday life, both in worldly and ukhrawi's affairs. Peace of mind; one of them obtained by way of dzikir, remembering Allah SWT. Referring to the science of Sufism, dzikir can be interpreted as an activity by doing or reading a holy reading that causes someone to remember God with all his greatness. Likewise, any work that gives rise to remembering Allah is also called dzikir.This study aims to determine how much influence the remembrance of the level of peace of mind of the worshipers of woman dzikir at Al-Barokah Mosque in Bandung.The type or research method used is quantitative, where researchers analyze research data using statistical calculations. The techniques used in data collection are: 1) Observation, namely direct observation of the research object, 2) Questionnaire (Questionnaire), namely by distributing a set of statements or questions to respondents then processing data collected using IBM SPSS 23, 3) Documentation, which is to obtain additionalBased on the data obtained in the field and after the data analysis, the results obtained that the value of the correlation or relationship (R) of 0.346 and R Square of 0.120 means 12%. This value implies that there is a small or not tight correlation between dzikir and peace of mind, amounting to 0.346. And the influence of dzikir with peace of mind is classified as low at 12% while 88% the level of Peace of Heart is influenced by other variables not examined.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Elisa Dwi Rohani ◽  
Cerry Surya Pradana

There are not a few travel agencies that move in the field of Hajj and Umrah that do not have business legality, therefore there needs to be supervision and application of business standards for businesses BPW Hajj and Umrah. The business standard of this travel agency not only applies to BPW who are active in inbound and outbound tour packages but this regulation also applies to BPW which focuses on Hajj and Umrah spiritual travel. Even every BPW Hajj and Umrah is required to have a business certificate of travel agency services in order to obtain a permit for The Umrah Ibadah Travel (PPIU). This research will be carried out on BPW Hajj and Umrah who have certified BPW business field in Yogyakarta which aims to see the extent to which standardization of this business can be applied to businesses and what obstacles faced in the application of business standards. This research uses qualitative research method to obtain data and information needed data collection techniques used in this research including Indepth Interview, observation and policy studies. The results of this study showed that the fundamental problems that are addressed by BPW Hajj and Umrah businesses do not have a valid business license, current and adequate, do not have cooperation with outside parties, especially with vendors, often found BPW business which is a cooperation between friends and family members, as well as the lack of socialization of BPW standards to BPW Hajj and Umrah businesses that are more focused on Umrah activities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nafiah Nafiah

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of management of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya. The focus of this study are 1. The lesson plan for integrative thematic class based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school . the research method of this study is descriptive kualitatif, the data collection technique are interview, observation and documentation. The result of this study are 1) the lesson plan of integrative thematic based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya conducted by several steps are : a) set thema, b) doing analisys SKL, KI, and basic competence, c) arrage syllabus, d) arrage the lesson plan, 2) doing integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 Khadijah primary school used scientific approch by observing, questioning, reasoning, trying, processing, displaying, verivicaying, and communicating, 3) the assessment of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school used authentic assessment that include written assessment, project assessment and portfolio assessment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Candra Irawan ◽  
Adi Bastian ◽  
Febrozi Rohadi

Currently in Indonesia Islamic Bank has gained a place and interested in the community, causing many emerging Syari'ah Bank and Financial Institutions of the syari'ah, and products in Islamic banks are widely used is murabahah financing. The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1). How is the implementation of the sale and purchase through murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with customers. (2). Is trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat and customers have been according to the principles of Syari’ah. (3). How murabahah financing efforts to resolve the breach between the customer and Muamalat Harkat. This research method is empirical legal research, this study was conducted in Bank Muamalat Harkat based data collection through field research such as interviews, observation and description as well as information from respondents through library research. The results of this research are: before an agreement Bank to assess carefully the prospective customer in the form of a comprehensive analysis and is divided into several stages, such as the assessment using the principle of 5C Character (Character of the debitor), Chapacity (Capability Candidate Debitor) , Capital (Capital candidate Debitor), Collateral (Collateral candidate Debitor) and Condition of economy (economic condition of the prospective Borrower). Trading system murabahah financing between Bank Muamalat Harkat with the customer has not fully based on the principles of the Syari'ah. Murabahah financing efforts to resolve the defaults can be solved by R3 is Restrukturing (Arrangement Back), Reconditioning (Terms Back) and Rescheduling (rescheduling), sales collateral and auction execution. 

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