2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Wiworo Retnadi Rias Hayu ◽  
Anna Permanasari ◽  
Omay Sumarna ◽  
Sumar Hendayana

MGMP is a community of teachers to always learn (long life learning). Rapid development of the times requires the teacher to participate in the pursuit of knowledge. Lifelong learning is the teacher's obligation to generate knowledge. This is necessary because the teacher is a facilitator of students to gain knowledge. In line with that, teachers are expected to master every change process so students can also face global challenges. These results indicate that the majority of teachers who come to MGMP IPA Bogor District civil servants Teachers. MGMP activities are a place that facilitates teachers' mutual learning together. MGMP members consist of various teachers from different schools. The results show the MGMP majority forum of senior teachers. Senior Teachers are expected to guide junior and mediator teachers to learn from one another. The results of the study concluded that continuing professional development needs to be developed, then content, then creativity, ICT and finally SK and KD to improve teacher competence. The activity steps are arranged to help activate and optimize activities, namely by self-development, scientific publications, and scientific work in the Bogor District MGMP.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Raya Sulistyowati ◽  
Siti Sri Wulandari ◽  
Bambang Suratman

the purpose of this activity is to meet the needs of teachers in improving teacher competence in the field of business management expertise of teachers in SMKN 1 and SMK Ketintang Surabaya. The reason for doing this classroom action research training (1) to make teachers sensitive and responsive to the dynamics of learning in its class. (2) Improving teachers' performance to become professionals (3) teachers improves the learning process through an in-depth assessment of what is happening in their classroom. (4) classroom action research does not interfere with a teacher's main task because the teacher does not need to leave the class. The results of these activities in the form of articles of scientific work of classroom action research used by teachers as material for improving the process and the results of student learning in the classroom. It is expected that through the classroom action research training and the accompaniment of the script writing of the classroom action research results. And ultimately teachers SMKN Surabaya and SMK Ketintang Surabaya Business Management can improve scientific publications and can increase functional allowance and teacher credit numbers in developing teacher careers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Isti Setya Rini ◽  
Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni ◽  
C. Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati

Continuing Professional Development is a program from the government so that teachers can develop their performance. Continuing Professional Development includes: self-development, scientific publications, and innovative work. This study aims to determine the effect of Sustainable Professional Development (self-development, scientific publications, and innovative work) on the performance of vocational business and management teachers in Surakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The study sample was 158 business and management vocational teachers in Surakarta, Indonesia. The results of the study show that 1) self-development has a positive and significant influence on teacher performance of 0.333 and the statistical value of T is 5.028≥1.96; 2) scientific publications have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance of 0.225 and T statistical values of 1.763≤1.96; and 3) innovative works have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance of 0.282 and the value of T statistics is 1.810 .91.96. Therefore, vocational business and management teachers need to improve professional development through scientific publications and innovative work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Yoel Tabuni

In line with the rapid development of the times and the increasingly complex problems faced by the state, there has also been a development in government administration which has been marked by a shift in the paradigm of governance from Rule Governance. This situation makes the bureaucracy rigid, in an environment that is only limited to flowing the instructions or following instructions. The district government in an Asologaima District has the main task of carrying out part of the authority delegated by the district head in the fields of government, economy, and development, society, peace, and order as well as coordination.The method is sed is descriptive method. Bureaucrats as providers of public services must be able to provide quality services, the quality of service of bureaucrats to society is closely related to customer satisfaction or consumer satisfaction as the recipient of the service itself.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Riris Susiani ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

AbstrakMasalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya strategi produk dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing  dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat dan perkembangan zaman yang sangat cepat. Strategi produk sangat diperlukan dalam mememenuhi tuntutan konsumen seperti meningkatkan kualitas, menciptakan merek, pelayanan serta jaminan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan agar usaha mampu berkembang. Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah usaha yang sedang berkembang dan telah mampu memasarkan produk bordirnya hingga menembus pasar ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi produk bordir di Limpapeh”s Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Kota Payakumbuh. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif, jenis data berupa data primer dan  sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisa model interaktif yang berkaitan dengan pokok permasalahan yaitu dengan model reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu strategi produk yang dilakukan di Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah dimulai dari menciptakan produk bordir yang berkualitas, desain motif bordir yang up to date dan kreatif, menyediakan ukuran yang special, memberi merek pada produk bordir, memberi kemasan yang menarik (paperbag) dan serbaguna, pelayanan yang cepat, tepat dan ramah serta pemberian jaminan terhadap produk border.Kata Kunci: strategi produk, pelayanan, bordir. AbstractThe problem in this study is the importance of product strategy in running a business in order to be able to survive and compete with other similar companies in conditions of intense competition and very rapid development of the times. Product strategy is very necessary in fulfilling consumer demands such as improving quality, creating brands, services and guarantees for products offered so that businesses are able to grow. Limpapeh's Kebaya is a growing business and has been able to market its embroidery products to penetrate the export market. This study aims to describe the strategy of embroidery products in Limpapeh's Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Payakumbuh City. The research method uses qualitative descriptive method, the type of data in the form of primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with interactive model analysis techniques that are related to the subject matter, namely with a model of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the research, namely the product strategy carried out at Limpapeh's Kebaya, are started from creating quality embroidery products, up-to-date and creative embroidery motifs, providing special sizes, giving brands to embroidery products, giving attractive packaging (paperbag) and versatile, fast, precise and friendly service and guarantee of embroidery products. Keywords: product, service, embroidery strategy.

A.B. Osadcha

In the context of the rapid development of scientific and technological progress in Ukraine, including the medical field, a significant contribution belongs to scientific researches based on world recognition, and publications in scientific journals indexed in international bibliometric databases, will lead to the possibility of upgrading modern science in medical higher educational institutions. The most significant in modern society is not only activity process or thought, but the result that scientific research provides. Scientific activity is difficult to evaluate with only one parameter; moreover, there is a need for evaluation using qualitative indicators. The article presents author’s research results of publication activity level in the medical field in Ukraine, taking into account world experience based on international bibliometric database Clarivate Analytics’s Web of Science. Clarivate Analytics accelerates research progress by providing researchers with reliable information sources, analytics around the world, and the ability to quickly create, defend, and commercialize new ideas. Clarivate Analytics is an independent company with more than 4000 employees working in more than 100 countries, and has a well-known brand — Web of Science. It provides access to the largest database of scientific articles from carefully selected reputable journals. Researchers can use effective search instruments that take into account metadata and bibliographic references and allow you to get the highest quality, meaningful and impartial information. Web of Science is an accurate and reliable source of information for assessing scientific work, the most comprehensive resource in which both quality and quantity are equally valued.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nunnun Bonafix

Young generation nowadays has lack of knowledge on the culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) which is a heritage that has a high value of art and philosophy. This is caused by the impact of foreign cultures rapidly entering Indonesia. The rapid development of the information technology through internet & game has led to globalization that seems to be not limited to space and time. The speed of information and foreign cultures cannot be stopped. The culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) is getting eroded and is not much known by the modern society nowadays. This is an irony to a big nation which has a rich heritage, so it is our obligation as a citizen to maintain and preserve it. Based on the formulae of AIGA 2015 that defines (time + content + context) / time = experience design, the game of wayang kulit (shadow puppet) Gatotkaca put forbattled different experience to users in exploring the information and entertainment in those media. Having the spirit of moderate Postmodernism, the design plan called User Interface which combines the modern and classic traditional elements will encourage new experience to the users (Experience Design). The design recognizes times and trends, and it keeps changing as the development of the times. The design can be a pace setter to next individuals who are called to maintain and preserve national cultures, in general, and wayang kulit purwa, in particular, through digital media. The development in the modern era will not change the identity of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) culture since it has solid foundation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-102
Liudmyla Vaniuha ◽  
Yaroslava Toporivska ◽  
Oksana Hysa ◽  
Iryna Zharkova ◽  
Mykola Bazhanov

Among the scientists of European greatness, who at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries showed interest to the folklore of Galicia (Halychyna) and Galician Ukrainians, contributed to their national and cultural revival, one of the leading places is occupied by the outstanding Ukrainian scientist Ivan Verkhratskyi (in some other sources – Verkhratsky). He was both naturalist and philologist, as well as folklorist and ethnographer, organizer of scientific work, publisher and popularizer of Ukrainian literature, translator, publicist and famous public figure. I. H. Verkhratskyi was also an outstanding researcher of plants and animals of Eastern Galicia, a connoisseur of insects, especially butterflies, the author of the first school textbooks on natural science written in Ukrainian. The scientist also wrote poetry and translated from foreign languages. The article covers the life and scientific and pedagogical activities of I. H. Verkhratskyi – one of the founders of Ukrainian natural science, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian natural terminology and nomenclature, the author of the first textbooks on botany, zoology, mineralogy. The authors believe that I. H. Verkhratskyi can be considered one of the founders of Ukrainian scientific terminology in Natural Science, and today his works in this area remain relevant. These works are also valuable from the historical and cognitive points of view as one of the sources for studying the process of formation of the Ukrainian literary language and scientific and natural terminology. I. H. Verkhratskyi devoted himself to the establishment of the Ukrainian literary language, its scientific and journalistic backgrounds, and made a significant contribution to lexicography, dialectology, and schooling. Based on the scientific publications and memoirs of his colleagues and students, the authors have recreated the main stages of his biography and considered his professional career. His activity in the field of formation of natural science terminology have been considered in detail. Dialectological materials of the scientist and researcher I. H. Verkhratskyi are still actively used to study the Galician and Transcarpathian dialects. His achievements as a scientist, teacher and popularizer of science has been summarized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rudi Ahmad Suryadi

Various components influence quality religious education. One of the dominant ones is the teacher. Learning will be of high quality if the teacher is competent and professional. The professional development of teachers is a stage in strengthening skills, competencies, and career advancement, which leads to an increase in the quality of learning being taught. This research uses a literature study method. Sources of data obtained through references and other reading sources related to teacher professionalism, the results showed that the problem of teacher professionalism originated from three components, namely self-development, scientific publications, and innovative work. Quality improvement is more dominantly influenced by teacher professionalism, where teachers are required to achieve predetermined qualifications. by meeting adequate qualifications, the teacher's position will automatically increase. Professional development is related to advancing knowledge and skills by considering attitudes and approaches to improving the quality of learning. It is a process of growing teacher professionalism in strengthening the skills, duties and careers of teachers in facing the changes that occur.Pendidikan agama yang bermutu dipengaruhi oleh berbagai komponen. Salah satunya yang dominan adalah guru. Pembelajaran akan bermutu, apabila gurunya kompeten dan profesional. Pengembangan profesionalitas guru merupakan tahapan dalam penguatan keahlian, kompetensi, dan peningkatan karir yang berujung pada peningkatan mutu pembelajaran yang diampu. Riset ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan, sumber data diperoleh melalui referensi dan sumber bacaan lain yang berkaitan dengan profesionalisme guru.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah profesioalisme guru berawal dari tiga komponen, yaitu pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif. Peningkatan kualitas lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh profesionalisme guru, dimana guru dituntut untuk mencapai kualifikasi yang telah ditetapkan. dengan memenuhi kualifikasi yang memadai maka posisi guru akan secara otomatis meningkat. Pengembangan profesionalisme terkait dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan mempertimbangkan sikap dan pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Merupakan proses peningkatan profesionalisme guru dalam memperkuat keterampilan, tugas dan karir guru dalam menghadapi perubahan yang terjadi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 236 ◽  
pp. 05049
Jihua Wen

In the 21st century, the rapid development of the Internet has affected all walks of life to varying degrees. In the era of rapid development of the Internet, the ideological and political teaching of higher vocational colleges lags behind the development of the times. Whether from the aspects of ideological and political teaching content, ideological and political teaching means or teaching teachers' accomplishment, how to better use the Internet to meet the teaching requirements of the new era is undoubtedly a major problem that higher vocational colleges need to think about in the teaching industry, so higher vocational colleges should seize the opportunity, face the difficulties and comply with the requirements of the new era, Construct the teaching theory system of ideological and political course with characteristic socialism.

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