2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Lanjar Mulyana ◽  
Engliana Engliana

<p dir="ltr">This research analyzes direct and indirect illocutionary speech acts on Donald Trump’s 2016 victory speech. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research focuses on utterances to analyze the types of illocutionary acts and how they are delivered in speech, directly or indirectly. The results of this study are: (1) there are five types of illocutionary speech acts found in the speech, namely commissive 24%, directive 9.3%, representative 17.3%, expressive 24.6%, and expressive 24.6% and declaration 22.7%. The research findings show that the dominant illocutionary act is an expressive action that is 24.6%. (2) Donald Trump delivers the speech that is mainly conveyed directly</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Nura Siti Mufiah ◽  
Muhammad Yazid Nur Rahman

This research deals with the types of illocutionary acts in Donald Trump’s Inaugural Speech. The research concerns with illocutionary act produced by Donald Trumps as a President of American. The aim of this research was to analyze the types of illocutionary speech act which was dominantly used in that speech. This research applied descriptive qualitative method and speech act theory by Yule. There were 63 utterances and the percentage of utterances were Representative 46%, Expressive 11%, Directive 16%, Commissive 12,7%, and Declarative 14,3%. The result showed that Donald Trump assert to the audience about the nation will be.It is found that Trump’s speech acts in his speech are intended as statement of fact and assertion. Disscussion of hopes implied in Trump’s speech acts. As seen on the table above, it can be seen that Trump hoped that his audiences would be persuaded to act 

Desinta Larasati ◽  
Arjulayana - Arjulayana ◽  
Cut Novita Srikandi

ABSTRACTLearning language will also relate to speech act. When a speaker produce an utterance as well as utilize it to perform an action, it means that the speaker practices speech acts. In another hand, speech acts can be defined as an utterance used by speaker to perform an action. Speech acts are divided into three such as locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. One of them is illocutionary act. The illocutionary act refers to what someone does in saying something. In this act, illocutionary force is the speaker’s intent addressed to hearer. This research is aimed to find the types of illocutionary acts and identifying about how utterances in the Donald Trump’s speeches are able to be included into certain type of illocutionary acts be based on Searle’s theory. This research is designed in descriptive qualitative. The data is collected by documentation. The primary data are taken from two transcripts of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy speeches. While the secondary data are related theories obtained from literary books and journals. The procedure of analyzing the data starts by finding out the types of illocutionary acts in the Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy speeches by using the illocutionary acts’ classifications proposed by Searle (1969). After that, the researcher also identifies about the different frequency of illocutionary acts appearances and the dominant illoctionary acts appeared in the Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy speeches. The finding shows that the type of illocutionary acts found in the Donald Trump’s speeches were assertive, commissive, expressive, and directive. Eventhough the types of illocutionary acts found in Donald Trump’s speeches were exactly the same, but they were different in the frequency of appearance. Donald Trump produced mostly assertive type of illocutionary acts and also asserting category of illocutionary type in both of the speeches. Moreover, some utterances are included into assertive type of illocutionary acts due to the fact that they have a suitability with the explanation of assertive type of illocutionary acts proposed by Searle.Keywords: Illocutionary Acts, Speech Acts, Presidential Candidacy Speeches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Lida Marbun ◽  
Nurma Handayani

This research discussed about the analysis of speech act used in the Grown Ups movie. This research revealed the types of speech act that found in the Grown Ups during the movie. The researcher applied the qualitative descriptive method because it was dealt with the description analysis by using words. Observation method used to collect the data. The researcher chose this movie because it was popular in the 20’s century and there were many speech acts reflected in this movie. As the result, it was found that were 30 utterances of speech acts in Grown Ups movie. From the 30 data that researcher collected, the main characters most expressed the types of speech act. They are 6 locutionary acts, 15 illocutionary acts, and 9 perlocutionary. Based all the data above, it can be concluded the most used speech act found in this data was illocutionary act. The next was perlocutionary act. Then the last was locutionary act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-41
Faridhatun Nikmah

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya santri Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim yang sering menggunakan tindak tutur ilokusi dalam berinteraksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jenis tindak ilokusi santri di Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim Bintoro Demak. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik. Sumber datanya adalah percakapan antarsantri di Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim Bintoro Demak. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya ialah observasi, menyimak, merekam, dan mencatat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah interaktif dengan mereduksi, menyajikan, dan memverifikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat lima jenis tindak ilokusi yang sering digunakan oleh para santri, yaitu tindak tutur asertif, direktif, ekspresif, komisif, dan deklaratif. Tindak tutur asertif berupa menyatakan, mengeluh, dan memberi tahu. Tindak tutur direktif berupa memesan, merekomendasikan, menasihati, dan memerintah. Tindak tutur ekspresif berupa berterima kasih, memberi selamat, meminta maaf, dan kecewa. Tindak tutur komisif berupa janji dan penawaran, sedangkan tindak tutur deklaratif berupa pasrah dan menghukum. This research is based on the number of students at Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim who often use the illocutionary act of speech in interacting. The purpose of this pragmatic study is to find out the type of student illocutionary act in Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim Bintoro Demak. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive using a pragmatic approach. The source of this research data was a conversation between students at Pondok Pesantren At-Taslim Bintoro Demak. Data collection techniques used in this study were observating, listening, recording, and note taking. The data analysis techniques used in this study were conducted interactively by reducing, presenting, and verifying data. The results of this study show that there are five types of illocutionary acts that are often used by students in interacting, among others. They are assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative speech acts. The Assertive acts include stating, complaining, and informing. The acts of directive is ordering, recommending, advising, and governing. The acts expressive are in the form of thanking, congratulating, apologizing, and disappointed. The commissive acts are in the form of promising and offerring, while declarative acts are in the form of surrendering and punishing.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Neneng Wahyuni

<p><em>This research describes the students' and teachers' illocutionary act in learning Indonesian at state senior high school number 1 of Payakumbuh. The object of the research was the students and teachers at SMAN 1 of Payakumbuh for Bahasa Indonesia subject. The research applied qualitative descriptive method in collecting and analyzing the data. The research shows that the illocutionary acts of students' of 11<sup>th</sup> grade and teacher's for Bahasa Indonesia subject acquired 61 speech acts, which are (1) 18 assertive, (2) 2 explanatory assertive, (3) 2 reporting assertive speech, (4) 21 directive utterance commanded which is consisted of 17 teacher’s utterances and 4 student’s utterances, (5) 4 directive requests begging, (6) 3 directive of advice, (7)) 2 directive reminding, (8 ) 2 directive asked for something (9) 6 accused expressive. (10) 4 expressive complained, and (11) 1 commissive promissing. In conclusion, most of illocutionary acts used towards teacher and the students at 11<sup>th</sup> grade for Bahasa Indonesia subject in SMAN 1 Payakumbuh was directive speech act. The rarely used speech act was commissive.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Hudri ◽  
Irwandi Irwandi

Illocutionary Acts is what the speaker wants to achieve by uttering something, and illocutionary acts is an utterance which has a particular conventional force. About this, illocutionary acts in Hillary Clinton’s speech is interesting to be analyzed. The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of illocutionary acts found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump. The writer used descriptive qualitative research. The main research instrument was the writer herself supported by the data analysis sheet. The data analysis was performed by categorizing the data based on Searle’s categorization of speech acts (2005) which include assertive, directives, commissives, expressive and declarative speech acts. Each category was thoroughly observed to find the answer of the research questions. The final step was presenting the data and making a conclusion in reference to the findings of the research. The research findings show that the types of illocutionary acts found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump consist of assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives. Assertions have the highest frequency of occurrence 13 types (36.1%). It is followed by directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives which occur 9 types (25%), 3 types (8.3%), 9 types (25%) and 2 types (5.6%) respectively. The dominant illocutionary acts in Hillary Clinton’s speech are assertives. Assertation showed the highest frequency of assertives. So, the total of data were 36 types of illocutionary acts founds in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Jaja Fatmaja ◽  
Gustaman Saragih

<p>The objective of this research is to find out: semantic (denotation and connotation), pragmatic (illocutionary act: assertive/representative, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative), and frequency of occurrence of the semantic and pragmatic aspects. The research object of this study is utterances containing semantic and pragmatic aspects. The data were collected from Jacinda Ardern’s speech on Tuesday, 19 March 2019. The speech was delivered in front of the Parliament after the Christchurch mosque terror attack. The technique used is the noting technique, separating technique, and transferring technique in collecting the data. This research is aimed to analyze the semantic and pragmatic aspects of Jacinda Ardern’s speech. The method used in this research is the qualitative descriptive method that aims to analyze the semantic and pragmatic aspects of Jacinda Ardern’s speech. The research findings as follows: the writer focuses on two aspects of semantic, namely denotation and connotation, and in pragmatic aspects, the writer focuses on the illocutionary act, which is assertive/representative, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative.  After the writer analyzed the data, the result is 1. Semantic aspects: a. denotation (76%), b. connotation (24%). The bigger presentations are denotation because each sentence mostly has literal or primary meaning. 2. Pragmatic aspects (illocutionary): a. assertive (46%), b. directive (12%), c. commisive (17%), d. expressive (8%) and e. declarative (17%). The bigger presentations are assertive speech acts because the speaker is representing reality.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-74
Lindayana Lindayana ◽  
Arifuddin Arifuddin ◽  
Halus Mandala

This research aims at knowing: (1) the realization of politeness of verbal and non-verbal directive speech acts of students, (2) deviations on politeness principles of students’ directive speech acts, and (3) the determining factors to the politeness and non-politeness of verbal and non-verbal directive speech acts for the Tenth Grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Mataram in the process of learning in the classroom. Research subjects in this study were the teachers who taught Indonesian, English, Economics, History, Mathematics, Religion, Civics, and Natural Sciences (IPA), and all students who are in class X of IPS 2, IPA 1 and IPA 3 in SMA Negeri 1 Mataram. This research belongs to qualitative descriptive study. The data were collected using observation method. The results of this study showed that: (1) there is the emergence of speech acts of the verbal and non-verbal directive of the students in the learning process, such as directive speech acts of rebuking, commanding, banning, advising, asking, reminding, satirizing, suggesting, threatening, rebuking, and (2) there is deviation of the principle of politeness of directive speech acts that is deviation of principle of one maxim, two maxim, and deviation of three maxim, and (3) there are influencing factors for the politeness and non-politeness of verbal and non-verbal directive speech acts of students in the learning process , including linguistic and non-linguistic factors.

Eka Nur Ariesta ◽  
Ervina Simatupang

Illocutionary act is part of speech acts which are something in order to do something as what the speaker intents. Based on Yule (1996: 48) stated that illusionary act is performed via the communicative force of utterance. Illocutionary act is a performance of act in saying something .Next, based on Vanderveken, Daniel (2009: 97) mentioned illocutionary acts of the meanings in the use and comprehension of language. The finding shows that the dialogue in the Death Cure movie contains each of illocutionary acts. They are representative illocutions, directives, illocutions, committees, expressives, and declarations. 2 types of strategies namely direct strategy, which has a literal meaning in the context and indirect strategy which has implicates in the context of speech, are used by speakers in uttering their speech. The data is taken from The Death Cure Movie. The method used in this thesis is the analytical descriptive- comparative method. It is used to get a clear and objective description of the Illocutionary in the movie.

2018 ◽  
pp. 253
Gusti Alit Mahendra ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Gede Sosiowati ◽  
Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih

The study entitled “Direct and Indirect Directive Illocutionary Acts in the Movie Penguin of Madagascar” is aimed at identifying the direct and indirect directive types of illocutionary acts and explaining and analyzing the meaning of the utterances interpreted by the listeners. The data of this study were taken from the movie entitled Penguins of Madagascar, and it was chosen because of many utterances identified as directive of illocutionary acts. The observation and documentation methods were used in collecting the data since the data were obtained from the spoken source in the movie. The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method since the purpose of this study is to analyze the social phenomena like speech acts. The first theory proposef by Bach and Harnish (1979: 47) is used to analyze the type of directive of illocutionary acts. The second theory, the context of situation proposed by Dell Hymes (1972, is used to analyze the meaning of directive of illocutionary acts that can be interpreted by the listeners. There are six types of directive of illocutionary act proposed by Bach and Harnish (1979). They are requestives, questions, requirements, permissives, prohibitives and advisories. In this study, several types of directive illocutionary were found in the movie, except the indirect question, and direct prohibitive. The way the listeners interpret the meaning depends on the context of situation.

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