scholarly journals Business Strategy Formulation for Art Merchandise Brand (Case Study: Gutsy Prune)

Natalie Amadea ◽  
Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara

A part of Indonesia's creative industries is the art merchandise industry which is dominated by independent visual artists who establish their art merchandise brands to market original art merchandise. Visual artists try to apply the principles of entrepreneurship in their practice since entrepreneurship has a fundamental role in their artistic careers. A business strategy is needed for any art merchandise brand. To develop a business strategy that is based on the empirical case, an Indonesian art merchandise brand called Gutsy Prune is analyzed as a case study. Gutsy Prune needs to develop a business strategy to boost the sales stagnation and to ensure the business continuity within the art merchandise market. The methodology for the research is a qualitative method and it is executed by conducting in-depth interviews with Gutsy Prune's potential and current customers. The results from the interview will be treated as the primary data along with observation and competitor analysis, while information from literature research will be used as secondary data to support the primary data. The focus of the research is the formulation of a business strategy for the art merchandise brand and the data collection was conducted by using interviews, observation, competitor analysis, and literature research. Gutsy prune needs to have a business strategy to tackle the sales stagnation that is caused by the low rate of inventory turnover. Before formulating a business strategy to boost sales stagnation, a series of analysis that includes environmental scanning and customer analysis is performed. The result from the aforementioned analysis is further examined by using SWOT Analysis to discover the root causes of the sales stagnation. It has been concluded that Gutsy Prune possesses some weaknesses in its segmentation, targeting, positioning, value proposition, marketing mix, and organizational structure. To resolve the root causes, Gutsy Prune develops a business strategy that contains STP Strategy, Value Proposition Canvas, Marketing Mix Strategy, organizational structure design, and a generic competitive strategy to sums up the business strategy's direction. From the research, Gutsy Prune can establish a one-year implementation plan to execute the business strategy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.9) ◽  
pp. 112
Zeshasina Rosha ◽  
. .

This research examines the effect of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence on tourists’ decision process to visit the tourism object in Lembah Harau, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, Sumatera Barat Province, Indonesia. This tourism object consists of three resorts, namely Aka Barayun, Sarasah Bunta, and Rimbo Piobang. The approach in this research is a case study. The study population is tourists who visit the Lembah Harau. Primary data collected through a questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using a partial test (t-test). The result of the research revealed that product, place, promotion, and people significantly affects tourist’s decision process to visit Lembah Harau. Product variables have a dominant influence on the tourist’s decision. This proves that the object is the main consideration for tourists to visit the Lembah Harau, then sequentially followed by location, promotion, and people. Hence, not all aspects of the concept of the marketing mix influence the tourist’s decision process to visit the Lembah Harau attraction. Administrators of Lembah Harau are advised to maintain and develop products, easiness of process, fairness of the price, facilities, services, quality of people, and effective promotion strategy. Next researchers are recommended to study other tourist destinations in Sumatera Barat or continue this research by expanding the sample size and add other variables such as psychological factors and service quality.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ammar Fathin Mahdi ◽  
Lukman Mohammad Baga

Winner Perkasa Indonesia Unggul is a SME that sells product based on seaweed processing. The enterprise is trying to improve their business activity on seaweed processing products. The purposes of this research are to identify the existing business model at the enterprise, to evaluate the model, and to generate a new business model prototype with the Business Model Canvas method analysis. This research  is a case study on a company, and conducted in March-May 2016. The data used are primary data in the form of interviews and internal company data, while qualitative analysis used to evaluate the business model, and the SWOT analysis method used to help generating new business model prototype. The results of this research were two alternative of business model prototype for the enterprise’s development in the future. The first alternative is trying to classify new customer segment, and followed by creating the new value proposition. With the additional of new customer segment and the new value proposition, it caused the enterprise to extend the channels by optimalizing technologies, and eventually increase the revenue stream of the enterprise. The second alternative is trying to increase the customer relationship by creating the new value proposition. It will raise the opportunity to make an alliance or partnership for helping the business activity of the enterprise. However, the changes on some parts of the business model will affect the enterprise’s cost structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-41
Ria Resti Ridhawati

ABSTRACT Sharia marketing is spiritual marketing which views competitors as not enemies, but equal partner who are able to spur creativity and innovation of the company. Rabbani Store is one of the first and the largest instant veil company in Indonesia by Issuing a reliable product in the form of an instant veil and other products that have also been developed, namely Muslim Fashion including Kemko, Tunic, Castles and other equipment such as ciput or inner hoods and accessories. Many new business people, the threat of substitute products, which brings new capacity that offers fashion products that are more fashionable. This research is a type of field research using two types of data sources, namely primary data and secondary data obtained using interviews and documentation. After the data is collected, the data is then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study state that marketing is carried out by Rabbani store in broad terms in accordance with sharia marketing theory which includes the characteristics of sharia marketing, the principles and practices of  Rasulullah’s marketing. And applied in the marketing mix (marketing mix) which consists of four elements, namely the distribution channel (place), products or services (products), price (price) and promotion (promotion). From the analysis of competitive strategies carried out by Rabbani Stores in the face of increasingly, fierce business competition, the business strategy proposed by Michael Porter’s called The Porter’s Competitive Strategic namely differentiation strategy. So that the Rabbani Store when ink was still a leader in Muslim fashion

Sitti Annisa Mandasari ◽  
Harimukti Wandebori

PT XYZ is one of the companies in Indonesia focusing on heavy rotating equipment, repair and manufacture Not only domestically, the company also plans to expand the business internationally to other countries in South East Asia. By increasing the company’s sales revenue and expanding the market share, PT XYZ might be able to achieve the goal. However, in the sales it is found that the current operational management strategy can no longer sustain profitable and it makes the sales revenue drops for the last two years. The purpose of this research is to find and identify the strategy of the turbomachinery equipment service business to keep on growing in Indonesia. The conceptual framework used this strategy begins with analyzing the external environment by using PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and competitor analysis. After external analysis, internal analysis is done by analyzing the resources and the value chain. Later on, all of the results will be summarized with a SWOT analysis. The results reveal that the company does not have a coherent business strategy. Thus, it evokes several problems in some internal parts of the company, such as an ineffective marketing strategy and improper resource allocation. The applied strategy in this research is the differentiation strategy. This differentiation strategy expansion will be the key to support the company’s development in the turbomachinery equipment service market in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the outcome is expected to extend PT XYZ’s market share, product development, and service development later in the future.

2008 ◽  
pp. 1480-1498
Mahesh S. Raisinghani ◽  
Lisa Bari Herwick ◽  
Ramesh Pullamsetti ◽  
Thomas Hegel Gunther ◽  
Vanessa Caisan ◽  

This chapter reviews the components of e-business from a procurement perspective in order to explore the key value propositions of e-business practices in the global automotive industry. It is easy to simply state that a product or service “adds value” to a firm’s operations. It is critical that the value proposition of e-business be analyzed from a rational perspective by any organization competing in the “post-irrational exuberance” era of the digital economy. Using an exploratory case study of the automotive industry, the key questions for identifying a true value proposition of e-business are identified, including their e-procurement, e-catalog order processing, e-auction and e-capacity systems. We intend this chapter to be helpful to practitioners, researchers, and students who either are contemplating updating their legacy e-business systems and/or trying to gain insight into the value proposition of these systems. It is undisputed that e-business will bring at least some level of benefit to a vast majority of organizations, regardless of size or industry. We intend this chapter to be valuable for evaluating and implementing a successful e-business strategy, structure, and solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 250-261
Jauwahir Jauwahir ◽  
Heri Kusmanto ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This study aims to find out what the role of Baitul Mal in Langsa City is in Managing Zakat and Infaq to empower underprivileged communities identified as mustahik in Langsa City. various ways and means. The meaning of infaq is also something that is spent for good. Infaq also does not have a time limit as well as large and small. This type of research is Field Research or field research that is case study, namely research that is carried out intensively in detail and in depth on an organization, institution or particular phenomenon by collecting the necessary information by visiting homes or places of people or agencies who information will be asked. The approach used in this research is qualitative, namely research that needs to be carried out after the problem is researched qualitatively, but the solution has not been revealed. This research consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from survey results or results of in-depth interviews with the Head of Baitul Mal, Secretary and Staff or management who are the key to the ongoing activities of Zakat and Infaq Distribution. Meanwhile, secondary datasets were obtained by researchers from existing sources, such as an overview of the company, organizational structure, and so on. The results of the study show that Baitul Mal has a role to take care of, manage, collect, distribute, and utilize zakat. The collection of zakat is carried out by receiving or taking from the person who issued the zakat (muzakki) based on the notification of the muzakki.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 247
Gita Syahfitri Labatjo ◽  
Agnes E. Loho ◽  
Lyndon R. J. Pangemanan

This study aims to determine the marketing mix on UD.Betris. The research was conducted in November 2017 until January of 2018. The research method used is case study. Data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The method of data analysis used is descriptive analysis that describes the implementation of marketing mix of Bamboo Batik Handicraft in Meras Village, Bunakaen Sub-district, Manado City. The result of the research concludes that marketing mix in general have good application in UD. Betris. Based on four aspects, only one aspect is a place that is not well implemented in UD. Betris because the place is not strategic yet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Wiwik Widiyanti

Javasbabyboo merupakan salah satu usaha jasa penyewaan mainan yang terletak di Kebumen Jawa Tengah. Sasaran pelanggan dari Javasbabyboo saat ini adalah ibu yang mempunyai anak di bawah 5 tahun anak balita, yang mau berhemat, tidak sempat meluangkan waktu untuk memperhatikan perawatan mainan dalam jangka panjang, tidak mempunyai tempat penyimpanan khusus mainan, dan  ingin memberikan variasi permainan kepada anak. Selama pandemi ini omset Javasbabyboo cenderung menurun, hal inilah yang menjadi alasan pada penelitian ini sehingga diharapkan akan mendapatkan strategi bisnis yang baru dengan menggunakan Business Model Canvas (BMC) sebagai alat bantunya. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data primer pada 34 responden dari pelanggan Javasbabybo yang dipilih secara purposive serta data sekunder berupa laporan operasional tahun 2018 – 2020. Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengidentifikasi Business Model Canvas (BMC) yang sedang berjalan, kemudian menganalisa Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) dan yang terakhir menentukan BMC perbaikan berdasarkan analisa dari BMC yang sedang berjalan dan analisis SWOT. Diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa BMC yang sedang berjalan sudah cukup baik, tetapi perlu adanya penambahan item pada BMC perbaikan. Penambahan item tersebut terletak pada produk baru yang disewakan dan diadakan yaitu perlengkapan ibu menyusui dan kreasi event kompetisi permainan untuk anak balita pada value proposition. Penambahan tersebut tentunya berpengaruh pada elemen-elemen yang lain sehingga pada akhirnya akan penambahan sumber penghasilan yaitu disamping dari penyewaan mainan juga dari penyewaan perlengkapan ibu menyusui dan pendaftaran event kompetisi permainan anak balita. Adapun implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah adanya BMC yang sedang berjalan disertai analisa SWOT yang tajam menghasilkan BMC perbaikan yang dapat digunakan oleh pemilik Javasbabyboo sebagai pedoman dalam menentukan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari usaha ini. Javasbabyboo is a toy rental service business located in Kebumen, Central Java. The current target customers of Javasbabyboo are mothers who have children under 5 years old, who want to save money, don't have time to pay attention to toy care in the long term, don't have a special toy storage area, and want to provide a variety of games for children. During this pandemic, the turnover of Javasbabyboo tends to decrease, this is the reason for this research so that it is hoped that it will get a new business strategy using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a tool. This research is included in qualitative research, using primary data on 34 respondents from Javasbabybo customers who were selected purposively as well as secondary data in the form of operational reports for 2018 - 2020. This research begins by identifying the ongoing Business Model Canvas (BMC), then analyzing the Strengths. , Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) and finally determine the BMC improvement based on the analysis of the ongoing BMC and SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that the current BMC is quite good, but it is necessary to add items to the improvement BMC. The addition of these items lies in the new products that are rented and held, namely nursing mother equipment and the creation of game competition events for toddlers in the value proposition. These additions certainly affect other elements so that in the end there will be additional sources of income, apart from toy rental, also from rental of equipment for breastfeeding mothers and registration of toddler game competition events. The implication of this research is that there is an ongoing BMC accompanied by a sharp SWOT analysis resulting in improved BMC that can be used by Javasbabyboo owners as a guide in determining policies to increase income from this business..

2011 ◽  
pp. 240-264 ◽  
Mahesh S. Raisinghani ◽  
Lisa Herwick ◽  
Ramesh Pullamsetti ◽  
Thomas Gunther ◽  
Vanessa Caisan ◽  

This chapter reviews the components of e-business from a procurement perspective in order to explore the key value propositions of e-business practices in the global automotive industry. It is easy to simply state that a product or service “adds value” to a firm’s operations. It is critical that the value proposition of e-business be analyzed from a rational perspective by any organization competing in the “post-irrational exuberance” era of the digital economy. Using an exploratory case study of the automotive industry, the key questions for identifying a true value proposition of e-business are identified, including their e-procurement, e-catalog order processing, e-auction and e-capacity systems. We intend this chapter to be helpful to practitioners, researchers, and students who either are contemplating updating their legacy e-business systems and/or trying to gain insight into the value proposition of these systems. It is undisputed that e-business will bring at least some level of benefit to a vast majority of organizations, regardless of size or industry. We intend this chapter to be valuable for evaluating and implementing a successful e-business strategy, structure, and solution.

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