2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Siwitri Kadarsih

The objective was to get beef that contain unsaturated fatty acids (especially omega 3 and 6), so as to improve intelligence, physical health for those who consume. The study design using CRD with 3 treatments, each treatment used 4 Bali cattle aged approximately 1.5 years. Observations were made 8 weeks. Pasta mixed with ginger provided konsentrat. P1 (control); P2 (6% saponification lemuru fish oil, olive oil 1%; rice bran: 37.30%; corn: 62.70%; KLK: 7%, ginger paste: 100 g); P3 (lemuru fish oil saponification 8%, 2% olive oil; rice bran; 37.30; corn: 62.70%; KLK: 7%, ginger paste: 200 g). Konsentrat given in the morning as much as 1% of the weight of the cattle based on dry matter, while the grass given a minimum of 10% of the weight of livestock observation variables include: fatty acid composition of meat. Data the analyzies qualitative. The results of the study showed that the composition of saturated fatty acids in meat decreased and an increase in unsaturated fatty acids, namely linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (omega 3), and deikosapenta deikosaheksa acid.Keywords : 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Maruba Pandiangan ◽  
Jamaran Kaban ◽  
Basuki Wirjosentono ◽  
Jansen Silalahi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen asam lemak omega-3 dan omega-6 pada minyak ikan mas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengolahan Pangan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, Medan. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2016 hingga Oktober 2016. Minyak ikan mas diperoleh dengan menggunakan proses rendering kering. Dari uji sifat fisika kimia diperoleh semakin besar nilai angka asam maka semakin rendah kualitas minyaknya, semakin kecil angka peroksida maka kualitas minyak semakin baik, bilangan iod yang tinggi menunjukkan bahwa minyak tersebut mengandung asam lemak tak jenuh yang banyak, semakin besar bilangan penyabunan yang dihasilkan maka minyak memiliki berat molekul yang lebih rendah. Hasil analisis minyak ikan dengan GC-MS didapat komposisi asam lemak sebagai berikut: asam lemak jenuh sebanyak 27,54%, asam lemak tidak jenuh tunggal sebanyak 43,92%, asam lemak tidak jenuh jamak sebanyak 21,25%. Asam lemak omega 3 sebanyak 2,83% yang terdiri dari asam linolenat 1,49%, asam eikosatrienoat 0,87%, asam eikosapentaenoat 0,11%, asam dekosaheksaenoat 0,36%, dan omega 6 sebanyak 17,36% yang terdiri dari asam linoleat 16,44%, asam arakhidonat 0,92%, Nilai gizi minyak ikan mas belum memenuhi komposisi ideal nilai gizi minyak ikan, dimana perbandingan ketiga jenis asam lemak belum memenuhi perbandingan 33,33% dan total penyimpangan sangat tinggi.   This study aimed to determine the components of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in carp oil. This research was conducted at the Food Processing Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Santo Thomas Catholic University, Medan. The implementation of this research was conducted from August 2016 to October 2016. Carp oil was obtained using a dry rendering process. From the test of physical chemical properties obtained, the greater the value of the acid number, the lower the quality of the oil. It also showed that the smaller the peroxide number, the better the quality of the oil. The higher iodine number indicated that it contained many unsaturated fatty acids; therefore, the greater the saponification number the oil resulted, the lower molecular weight it obtained. The results of analysis of fish oil with GC-MS, showed the following fatty acid compositions: 27.54% saturated fatty acids, 43.92% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 21.25% plural unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids were 2.83% consisting of 1.49% linolenic acid, 0.87% eicosapenoic acid, 0.11% eicosapentaenoic acid, 0.36% decosahexaenoic acid. It also resulted 17.36% omega-6 consisted of from linoleic acid 16.44%, arachidonic acid 0.92%. The nutritional value of goldfish oil did not meet the ideal composition of nutritional value of fish oil, where the ratio of the three types of fatty acids had not met the ratio of 33.33% and the total deviation was very high.

2013 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
Adriána Bednárová ◽  
Ján Mocák ◽  
Walter Gössler ◽  
Margit Velik ◽  
Josef Kaufmann ◽  

AbstractThe main aim of the present study was to find differences in the content of fatty acids and variations in elemental composition in beef samples of longissimus dorsi muscle related to cattle age and gender. A further goal was to describe interrelations among the selected variables (descriptors) characterising the samples. For this purpose, an extensive data table was compiled, which contains chemical descriptors specifying forty-six beef samples originating from four well-known Austrian grassland-based beef labels. The following descriptors were investigated: (a) concentrations of 33 fatty acids, (b) concentrations of 19 elements, (c) contents of dry-mass, protein, intramuscular fat, and ash, (d) total content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), (e) total contents of omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) PUFA and their ratio. The correlation analysis provided a number of statistically significant correlations among the descriptors, which were concordant with the results of the principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Furthermore, the effect of age and gender of cattle (both acting as target factors) on the fatty acid content and elemental composition of beef was examined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and appropriate non-parametric tests. Several important interrelations among the beef characteristics investigated were also discovered. Finally, the most relevant beef descriptors were utilised in linear discrimination analysis (LDA) for predicting the slaughter age of the cattle for beef authentication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Daniel A N Apituley ◽  
Raja Bonan Dolok Sormin ◽  
Esterlina E E M Nanlohy

This study was aimed to determine the physical and chemical quality as well as the fatty acid profile of fish oil from the waste of the head and the bones of Thunnus albacares. An experimental method was applied in this research. Observed variables included yield, density, acid number, saponification value, iodine number, TBA value, as well as fatty acid profile. The results showed that the physical characteristics of the oil from the head and bone of the fish, i.e., yield 12,11% and 9.85%, density 0.92 mg/mL, and 0.90 mg/mL, respectively. The chemical characteristics of the oil from head and bones of tuna were acid number 2.10 mg KOH/g and 2.88 mg KOH/g, iodine number 88.80 mg KOH/g and 77.67 mg KOH/g; saponification number 178.80 mg KOH/g and 145.50 mg KOH/g, TBA values 1.80 mg KOH/kg and 1.29 mg KOH/kg, subsequently. Unsaturated fatty acids were found to dominate oil from the head and bones of tuna. Tuna head contained 25 types of fatty acids consisting of 10 types of saturated fatty acids (SFA) 20.8% w/w, seven types of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) 11.92% w/w, eight polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 35.98% w/w. In comparison, tuna bones contained 26 types of fatty acids consisting of 11 SFA 19.69% w/w, seven MUFA 10.80% w/w, and 8 PUFA 26.21% w/w. Keywords: fatty acid, fish oil, Thunnus albacares, waste of head and bone   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik maupun kimiawi serta profil asam lemak minyak limbah ikan dari kepala dan tulang ikan tuna (Thunnus albacares). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Parameter yang diamati yaitu: rendemen, berat jenis minyak, bilangan penyabunan, bilangan iodin, bilangan Tiobarbituric Acid (TBA) serta profil asam lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik fisik dari kepala dan tulang ikan berturut-turut adalah: rendemen 12,11 dan 9,85%; berat jenis minyak 0,92 mg/mL dan 0,90 mg/mL. Karakteristik kimia dari kepala dan tulang ikan tuna adalah berturut-turut: bilangan asam 2,10 mg KOH/g dan 2,88 mg KOH/g; bilangan iod 88,80 mg KOH/g dan 77,67 mg KOH/g; bilangan penyabunan 178,80 mg KOH/g dan 145,50 mg KOH/g; nilai TBA 1,80 mg KOH/kg dan 1,29 mg KOH/kg. Asam lemak tidak jenuh mendominasi minyak dari kepala maupun tulang ikan Tuna. Kepala ikan tuna mengandung 25 jenis asam lemak terdiri dari 10 jenis asam lemak jenuh (SFA) 20,8% w/w, 7 jenis lemak tak jenuh tunggal (MUFA) 11,92% w/w, 8 asam lemak tak jenuh jamak (PUFA) 35,98% w/w; sedangkan tulang ikan Tuna mengandung 26 jenis asam lemak terdiri dari 11 SFA 19,69% w/w, 7 MUFA 10,80% w/w, dan 8 PUFA 26,21% w/w. Kata kunci: asam lemak, minyak ikan, Thunnus albacares, limbah tulang dan kepala

2019 ◽  
Lusi Marlina

IDENTIFIKASI KADAR ASAM LEMAK BEBAS PADA BERBAGAI JENISMINYAK GORENG NABATILusi Marlina1, Imam Ramdan21,2 Teknik Kimia – Politeknik TEDC BandungEmail : [email protected] minyak goreng untuk mengolah makanan sangat banyak dipergunakan oleh masyarakat.Minyak goreng berasal dari bahan baku seperti: kelapa, kelapa sawit, jagung, kedelai, buah zaitun, dan lainlain. Kandungan utama dari minyak goreng secara umum adalah asam lemak yang terdiri dari asam lemakjenuh (saturated fatty acids) misalnya: asam plamitat, asam stearat, dan asam lemak tak jenuh (unsaturatedfatty acids) misalnya: asam oleat (Omega 9) dan asam linoleat (Omega 6). Asam lemak bebas merupakanasam lemak yang tidak terikat sebagai trigliserida yang dapat terbentuk karena adanya reaksi hidrolisis didalam minyak. Asam lemak yang berlebihan di dalam tubuh dapat memicu terjadinya kanker karena bersifatkarsinogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kadar asam lemak bebas pada minyak gorengnabati, dengan menggunakan metode titrasi asam basa. Titrasi asam basa yaitu suatu analisis kuantitatifuntuk menetapkan kadar senyawa-senyawa yang bersifat asam, dengan menggunakan larutan basa sebagaistandar. Analisis fisika meliputi warna, aroma dan massa jenis, sedangkan analisa kimia berdasarkan kadarasam lemak bebas. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh : kadar asam lemak bebas dari berbagai sampel minyaknabati yang terdiri dari: minyak jagung sebesar 0,22%, minyak sawit sebesar 0,16%, VCO sebesar 0,25%dan minyak zaitun sebesar 0,21%, sedangkan untuk massa jenis minyak yaitu: minyak jagung sebesar1,01gr/ml, minyak sawit sebesar 1,04gr/ml, VCO sebesar 0,97gr/ml, dan minyak zaitun sebesar 0,90gr/ml.Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa minyak goreng nabati yang diteliti tidak melebihi standar SNI 3741-1995 yang ditetapkan sebesar 0,30%.Kata kunci: minyak goreng nabati, asam lemak bebas, hidrolisis, titrasi asam basa.AbstractThe use of cooking oil to proceed food is very common in daily cooking. Vegetable Cooking oil is made ofsubstance like: coconut, pal oil, corn, soybean, sunflower seeds, and others. The prominent content ofcooking oil commonly is fatty acid which consists of saturated fatty acids, as: plamitat acid, stearat acid; andunsaturated fatty acids as: oleat acid (Omega 9) and linoleat acid (Omega 6). Free fatty acid is untied fattyacid as triglyceride that can be formed as a result of hydrolysis reaction in cooking oil. The abundant fattyacid in body can cause cancer because it is carcinogenic. The purpose of the research is to identify free fattyacid levels in vegetable cooking oil, by using alkalimeter method. Alkalimeter is a quantitative analysis todetermine level of acid compounds, using standard alkali solution. Physical analysis includes, smell andweight, meanwhile chemical analysis based on free fatty acid levels. The result of the research is: free fattyacid levels of various vegetable cooking oil samples those are: corn oil about 0,22%, palm fruit oil about0,16%, VCO about 0,25%, and olive oil about 00,21%, whereas for the weights, those are: corn oil about0,01gr/ml, palm fruit oil about 0,04gr/ml, VCO about 0,97gr/ml, and olive oil about 0,90gr/ml. It can generallybe concluded that examined vegetable cooking oil still meet the standard of SNI 3741-1995 that is 0,30%.Keyword: vegetable cooking oil, saturated fatty acid, hydrolysis, alkalimeter.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 507-509 ◽  
Dana Copolovici ◽  
Simona Bungau ◽  
Rica Boscencu ◽  
Delia Mirela Tit ◽  
Lucian Copolovici

The fatty acids composition and antioxidant activity have been determinate for cold press walnut oil. It has been found that the total saturated fatty acids have been 8.8 % while poly unsaturated fatty acids have been 72.84 %. The ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 has been determined as 5.06 which could help in human healthy diet. On the same side, the antioxidant activity of the oil is very high at a level of 3.65 mmol L-1 and a ratio between lipophilic and hydrophilic fractions of 9.45.

2013 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 553-558 ◽  
Luis Fernando Glasenapp de Menezes ◽  
Luciane Rumpel Segabinazzi ◽  
João Restle ◽  
Leandro da Silva Freitas ◽  
Ivan Luiz Brondani ◽  

The objective of this work was to evaluate the meat lipid profile from Devon beef steers finished in pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) pasture and fed at different rates of concentrate supplementary diet. Twelve steers weighing 270 kg, at 12‑month‑average initial age, were randomly distributed into three treatments: pearl millet pasture; and pearl millet pasture plus a concentrate equivalent at 0.5 or 1.0% of body weight, with two replicates. Total contents of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the polyunsaturated:saturated ratio and other relevant fatty acids as the vaccenic acid, conjugated linoleic acid, omega‑3, and omega‑6 were not affected by the consumption of a concentrate supplement at 0.5 or 1.0% live weight. However, the 0.5% supplementation level reduced the concentration of dihomo‑γ‑linolenic fatty acid (C20: 3 n‑6), while the 1.0% supplementation level elevated the content of docosahexaenoic (DHA) (C22: 6 n‑3) fatty acid, and the omega‑6:omega‑3 ratio in meat. Consumption of up to 1.0% energy supplementation increases the omega‑6:omega‑3 ratio in meat from Devon steers grazing on pearl millet pasture.

2001 ◽  
Vol 136 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-355 ◽  
M. S. DHANOA ◽  
N. J. CHOI ◽  
W. J. MAENG ◽  
M. ENSER ◽  

Rumen biohydrogenation of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is a significant limitation on any attempt to manipulate the PUFA content of ruminant products (meat or milk). This study examined rumen biohydrogenation of PUFA, the effects of PUFA on other aspects of rumen metabolism and fatty acid flow to and digestion in the small intestine of steers fed on different sources of lipid. Animals were fed ad libitum on grass silage and one of four concentrates (60:40 forage:concentrate on a dry matter basis) containing differing sources of lipid: megalac (rich in C16:0; M), linseed (rich in C18:3n-3; L), fish oil (rich in C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3; FO) and a mixture of linseed/fish oil (LFO). Diets were formulated so that total dietary oil intake was approximately 60 g/kg of the DM intake, approximately half of which was from the experimental test oil. Rumen NH3-N (P = 0·09) and total VFA concentrations (P = 0·007) were higher on L, FO and LFO compared to M. Dry matter intakes did not differ across treatments and averaged 7·2 kg/day. Intake and flow of fatty acids to the duodenum was 323, 438, 344 and 381 (S.E.M. 9·1; P < 0·001) and 432, 489, 412 and 465 (S.E.M. 18·5; P < 0·1) g/day for M, L, FO and LFO, respectively. Biohydrogenation of C18:1n-9 was lower than all the other unsaturated fatty acids and it was lower of FO and LFO compared to M and L, on average 66·1 and 72·2 %, respectively. Biohydrogenation of C18:2n-6 averaged 89·8 % across treatments and was lower (P < 0·05) on M compared to L and FO. Biohydrogenation of C18:3n-3 averaged 92·1 % across treatments and was lowest on M (88·8 %) and highest on L and LFO (94·3 %). Biohydrogenation of C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 averaged approximately 91 and 89 % across the treatments, respectively. Small intestinal digestibilities of all fatty acids were high. In conclusion, feeding different sources of lipid with different fatty acid composition had significant effects on rumen function. The PUFA in whole linseed were only partially protected from biohydrogenation by the seed coat and in contrast to previous reports the C20 PUFA in fish oil were biohydrogenated to a large extent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Mahmudur Rahman ◽  
Bidhan Chandra Paul ◽  
Ayesha Sharmin ◽  
Mohammad Lokman Hossain ◽  
Subrata Chandra Roy ◽  

Fatty acid composition in chicken fast food was analyzed by attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have been found in various amounts in the fast food samples. None of the fast food samples contain trans fatty acid. Chicken Winglet (A) and Chicken Hot Wings (B) have higher amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA) which are 28.73% and 25.92% respectively. The amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in Chicken Drumst (C), Chicken Botik (D), Fiery Grilled Chicken (E), Chicken Meatballs (F), and Chicken Nuggets (G) are in between 10.94-19.38%. The saturated fatty acids found in the fast food samples are palmitic acid, stearic acid, and myristic acid. Highest amount of linoleic acid (omega-6, 18.90%) was found in Chicken Meatballs (F). The ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 in sample D was 2.32:1 which is in the acceptable range. Although trans fatty acid was not found in the samples, presence of more than 10% saturated fatty acids in chicken fast food is still harmful for health as it may increase risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 1, 39-45, 2019

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. e0246357
Mauricio X. S. Oliveira ◽  
Andre S. V. Palma ◽  
Barbara R. Reis ◽  
Camila S. R. Franco ◽  
Alessandra P. S. Marconi ◽  

Fluid milk and its derivatives are important dietary ingredients that contribute to daily nutrient intake of the modern Homo sapiens. To produce milk that is healthier for human consumption, the present study evaluated the effect of adding soybean oil and linseed oil in the diet of lactating cows. The fatty acid profile of milk, milk composition, and the blood parameters of cows were evaluated. Eighteen Holstein cows were distributed in a replicated Latin square design and distributed according to the following treatments: 1) Control (CC): traditional dairy cow diet, without addition of oil; 2) Soybean oil (SO): 2.5% addition of soybean oil to the traditional diet, as a source of omega-6; 3) Linseed oil (LO): 2.5% addition of linseed oil in the diet as a source of omega-3. Milk production was not affected, but oil supplementation decreased feed intake by 1.93 kg/cow/day. The milk fat percentage was significantly lower when cows were supplemented with vegetable oil (3.37, 2.75 and 2.89% for CC, SO and LO, respectively). However, both soybean and linseed oils decreased the concentration of saturated fatty acids (66.89, 56.52 and 56.60 g/100g for CC, SO and LO respectively), increased the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in milk (33.05, 43.39, and 43.35 g/100g for CC, SO and LO respectively) and decreased the ratio between saturated/unsaturated fatty acids (2.12, 1.34, and 1.36 for CC, SO and LO respectively). Furthermore, SO and LO increased significantly the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids (29.58, 39.55 and 39.47 g/100g for CC, SO and LO respectively), though it did not significantly alter the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk fat (3.57, 3.93 and 3.98 g/100g for CC, SO and LO respectively). Supplementation with LO enhanced the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids on milk (0.32, 0.36, and 1.02 for CC, SO and LO respectively). Blood variables aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, urea, albumin, creatinine and total proteins were not altered. On the other hand, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL were greater in the group supplemented with vegetable oils. Supplementation with vegetable oils reduced the dry matter intake of cows, the fat content of milk, and improved saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio of milk fat. Compared to the SO treatment, animals fed LO produced milk with greater content of omega-3, and a more desirable omega-6/omega-3 ratio on a human nutrition perspective. Thus, the inclusion of SO and LO in the diet of lactating dairy cows makes the milk fatty acid profile nutritionally healthier for the human consumption.

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