2019 ◽  
Nika Setyorini

This article was made with the aim of: a) to describe the meaning of the style of the scientific journal; b) reveal the variety of writing the structure of various scientific journals in Indonesia; and c) revealing the variety of styles of various scientific journals in Indonesia. This research uses library research methods or Library Research. Literature study is a technique of collecting data by conducting study studies of books, literature, records, and reports that have to do with the problem being solved. Theoretical data in this paper are collected by library research techniques. The contents of this article consist of a) understanding of scientific journal articles, b) the shelling styles discussed include: Pen Literacy, Hortatorial, Deixis, Transformation, and Semiotics, c) Structure of journal writing is different, for example title, abstract, introduction, method research, results and discussion, conclusions, thanks, and references. There are also several journals that use conclusions and suggestions.

Ta dib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 166
Jumira Warlizasusi ◽  
Ifnaldi Ifnaldi ◽  
Lendrawaty Lendrawaty ◽  
Hartini Hartini ◽  
Fathur Rizki

The purposes of this research are to find out a) the strategies in human resources development to improve the quality of Postgraduate lecturers at IAIN Curup, (b) supporting factors, and  (c) the obstacles of human rights development. Using qualitative research method, the data were collected through interviews and documentary study. The research results showed that the strategies used for developing human resources or improving the quality of postgraduate lecturers include: (1) organizing the research methodology training; (2) holding the scientific journal writing training; (3) holding book writing/teaching materials training; and (4) involving lecturers into National and International Seminars. Supporting factors for human resource development are (a) high commitmentof  IAIN Curup Postgraduate management, (b) organization and socialization activities for professors acceleration programs, and (c) conducting coaching clinic activities for reputable international publications, in the form of programs to publish research results in reputable international scientific journals. Meanwhile, the obstacles are inadequate infrastructure and limited funds because there are still few students and tuition fee is still in the third category in the Ministry of Religion's General Cost Standards (SBU). The funds have not been fully handed over to the Postgraduate, because it is still centralized at the Institute, if the Postgraduate organize an activity, it must be approved by the Institute before it run.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Wilny Chintya ◽  
Azwir Anhar ◽  
Ganda Hijrah Selaras ◽  
Lufri Lufri

The Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model is one type of cooperative learning model designed to influence the interaction patterns of students. The Numbered Head Together (NHT) cooperative learning model can encourage students to increase cooperation in learning both cooperation between students and between teachers and students will be able to increase tolerance and self-confidence. The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the effect of using the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model on the biology learning competence of students This type of research is ex post facto research. The data used is secondary data, namely data sourced from scientific journal articles accredited by Sinta which were selected as samples the data collection technique in this study was carried out by taking selected journal articles as samples and related to the effect of implementing the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model. The data analysis technique uses the steps, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification the results showed that there was an increase in the learning competence of students using the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model. The NHT learning model makes students readiness in learning because they have discussed the material to be studied in advance. Students become more active and dominate during the learning process so that the teacher only acts as a facilitator and motivator.

Wardah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Ainor Syuhadah Binti Khalid ◽  
Intan Delsa Putri

Abstract: Article with the title ‘Analysis of the Concept of Integration of Science in Islam’, it discusses describing and analyzing concepts between sciences in Islam. Science we will describe later, is a system of meaning of reality and truth, based on revelation supported by reason and intuition. The method used in this study uses the method or literature study (library research). Literature study can be interpreted as an activity relating to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research materials. With nadzar and fikr processes, ratios will be able to articulate, make propositions, express opinions, argue, make analogies, make decisions, and draw conclusions. In the Islamic worldview, science is closely related to faith, ‘aql, qalb, and taqwa. Not only is knowledge systematically gathered, but knowledge is also an understanding. Where to calculate the haq Of course you will not argue with the haq. However, over time, hegemony and colonialism caused Muslims to replace and apply the concept of Western knowledge that is blindly. This attitude certainly causes confusion. So, trying to develop and develop the concept of science in the Qur'an can be made the basis for formulating the basis of knowledge in Islam. Keywords: Integration of knowledge, worldview, and scientific methods.   Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Analisis Konsep Integrasi Ilmu dalam Islam’, ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menganalisis konsep intergrasi ilmu dalam Islam. Ilmu sebagaimana akan kita uraikan nanti, merupakan system pemaknaan akan realitas dan kebenaran, bersumber pada wahyu yang didukung oleh rasio dan intuisi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Dengan proses nadzar dan fikr, rasio akan dapat berartikulasi, menyusun proposisi, menyatakan pendapat, berargumentasi, membuat analogi, membuat keputusan, serta menarik kesimpulan. Dalam worldview Islam, ilmu berkaitan erat dengan iman, ‘aql, qalb, dan taqwa. Tidak hanya merupakan satu pengetahuan yang terhimpun secara sistematis, tetapi ilmu juga merupakan suatu metodologi. Dimana metodologi yang haq tentu tidak akan bertentangan dengan yang haq. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, hegemoni dan kolonialisme menyebabkan umat Islam cenderung meniru dan mengadopsi konsep ilmu pengetahuan Barat secara membabi buta. Sikap ini tentu saja menyebabkan kebingungan (confusition) yang berlanjut pada hilangnya identitas. Maka, upaya menggali dan mengembangkan konsep ilmu dalam al-Qur‘an dapat dijadikan landasan bagi upaya merumuskan kerangka integrasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam. Kata kunci: Integrasi ilmu, worldview, metode keilmuan.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Galih Haidar ◽  
Nurliana Cipta Apsari

ABSTRAKMasa remaja adalah masa pencarian jati diri dan masa rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi salah satunya terhadap hal yang berkaitan dengan seksualitas. Kemajuan teknologi saat ini,membuat mereka mudah untuk mengakses dan menonton konten pornografi sehingga menjadi candu. Oleh karenanya dilakukan penelitian ini dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Studi literatur yaitu penelitian data sekunder yang dilakukan dengan diawali mencari kajian kepustakaan dari berbagai literatur seperti buku, jurnal ilmiah,  artikel, ataupun hasil penelitian sejenis yang telah dipublikasikan berkaitan dengan tema pornografi pada kalangan remaja.Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor dan dampak kecanduan pornografi.Hasil dari penulisan ini bahwa remaja yang kecanduan pornografi memiliki hambatan dalam kognisi dan kehidupan sosialnya. ABSTRACTAdolescence is a period of self-identity seeking and curiosity, one of which is in connection with the terms of sexuality. Current technological advances, had ease the access and watch pornographic thus becoming addictive. Therefore this research is conducted using the literature studies. Literature study is secondary data research which is conducted by firstly search for literatures from various products such as books, scientific journals, articles, or similar research results that have been published in pornography among adolescents. The purpose of this writing is to determine the factors and effects of pornography addiction. this is that teenagers who are addicted to pornography have obstacles in their cognition and social life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 97

This study aims to determine the benefits of using e-book teaching materials as an alternative to improve conceptual understanding of science for Elementary School students. Students who have an understanding will be able to explain again the lessons they have learned based on their understanding so that learning will be meaningful. The method in this research is the literature study method. The type of this data is secondary data. The method in this research is literature study method. The data obtained were collected, analyzed, and concluded to get conclusions about the literature study. Based on the research results, literature studies from several research results and journal articles show that the benefit of e-book can improve conceptual understanding of science for Elementary School students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 500-508
Rachmat bin Badani Tempo ◽  
Nuraeni Novira ◽  
Auliya Ulhaq

The purpose of this research; 1) to find out the opinions of four mazhab scholars on the issue of the time limit for a traveler to be able to make up his prayers, the background of the differences and the opinion that is rajih. This research uses qualitative research through library research. Methods of normative theological approach and comparative approach. Research results; First, the Hanafi Mazhab: a traveler can make up his prayers for 15 days. Maliki and Shafi'i Mazhab; A traveler may make up his prayers for 4 days other than the day he arrives and leaves. Hanbali Mazhab: a traveler may make up his prayer for 4 days or 20 times of obligatory prayer, including the day of arrival and departure. The rajih views are the Shafi'i and Maliki Mazhab; Second, differences of opinion occur because this issue includes issues that are not explicitly discussed in the Shari'a ('amrun maskuutun 'anhu fi al-syar'i) so that each opinion is only guided by the conditions and actions quoted from the Prophet. The reason is because this issue is a problem that is not explicitly discussed in the Shari'a ('amrun maskuutun 'anhu fi al-syar'i). This triggers a difference of opinion regarding the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. about traveling; Third, the opinion that is rajih in this matter is the opinion of the Shafi'i Mazhab and the Maliki Mazhab.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Sukarna Eksyar ◽  
Iwan Apribadi ◽  
Evi Novita

The method used by the authors in this study is a qualitative method with the results of the presentation in a descriptive form, namely by collecting actual data by carrying out a literature study of some written literature. This research uses the type of library research (library research). Literature research is research that uses written data such as books, books, magazines, journals and others. To get the best data, certain techniques are taken, including the most important one is research, which is collecting material by reading books, journals and other forms of material or commonly referred to as library research. one type of research through libraries. The results of the research show that M. Umer Chapra's thoughts about monetary policy instruments. In the economy can be an important discourse to be considered and studied even further implemented in Indonesia. It is not impossible to apply M. Umer Chapra's thinking in Indonesia. Growth in terms of assets has also proven that Islamic banks are a bank model that is ideal for driving the progress of the country's economy. But in terms of service quality, Islamic banks must catch up with conventional banks that have already been established.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-46
Sarihat Cihat Nawawi

This article aims to examine the verses of Al-Qur’an that relate to actions that will give to faith and have implications for peace of soul. This type of research will be used is library research, which is collecting data from the library. Researchers used a thematic interpretation method regarding the tranquility of the soul. Sources of data to be taken consist of primary data sources, namely verses of the Al-Qur'an and secondary from books, commentaries, and other scientific journal articles. The result of the discussion is that there are many verses of the Al-Qur'an which mention the soul or the nafs. Verse of the Al-Qur’an that shows the soul is at peace is Surah Al-Fajr verses 27-30. Meanwhile, peace can be obtained through zikir as mentioned in Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 28. Apart from zikir, many acts of worship can be done to achieve peace of mind, such as praying, fasting, zakat, and reciting Al-Qur’an. Apart from being mentioned in the Al-Qur’an, these acts of worship are scientifically proven to be able to calm the soul.

MaPan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Ratni Purwasih ◽  
Indah Puspita Sari ◽  
Ratna Sariningsih

This study aims to describe the manufacture and use of Cuisenaire rod learning media for understanding the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers for elementary school students. The research method used is literature study, which is a series of activities related to the methods of collecting library data, reading and recording, and processing research materials. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data sources and research results in library research in the form of a description. Data sources are bibliographic or come from various literature, including books, journals, newspapers, personal documents, etc. The research results are that the utilization of Cuisenaire rod media is more optimized on learning in elementary schools, especially in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers because Cuisenaire rod media can help understand and can concrete the concept of numbers. In addition, it can be used as reference material for research on learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers by utilizing different learning media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Rima Pratiwi Fadli ◽  
Mudjiran Mudjiran ◽  
Ifdil Ifdil ◽  
Berru Amalianita

<p><em>The 4.0 industrial revolution brought various changes in various fields of life especially related to the development of individual careers. This development has positive and negative impacts that create opportunities and challenges. This has become material for BK / Counselor teachers, especially in the implementation of career guidance in schools. The following will be explained related to the opportunities and challenges of career guidance in vocational high schools in the industrial revolution era 4.0. This paper was written using a literature study of various references related to the topics discussed. Reference literature in this manuscript is from textbooks, scientific journals of research results, online proceedings, and other supporting literature.</em><em></em></p>

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