scholarly journals Zayd Mutee Dammaj's Approach to History in The Hostage

2018 ◽  
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies ◽  
Abdulrahman Mokbel Mahyoub Hezam

The study examines Dammaj’s The Hostage (1984), the most famous Yemeni novel, as a historical novel. The study aims to investigate the concept of history used by the writer in the novel and compare it to the concept of traditional approach and the concept of new historicism. The researcher used the analytical approach to show the complexity of The Hostage as a historically situated text, as a creation of the re-thinking, on the part of Dammaj of the concept of history. The natural integration of history and fiction makes Dammaj a natural historian, extracting and presenting a single kernel of meaning. With his narrative art, he is trying to manipulate a continuous parallel between contemporaniety and antiquity. The novel is an attempt by the present in the form of fiction to give a meaning to the past in the form of history. The study concludes that Dammaj was able to use a new approach to history which is his own and which puts him closer to new historicism of European decent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Sukarjo Waluyo

Literature of a cultural product always interacts with social problems, including issues of locality and local identity. The problem of local identity in the novel Penangsang: Tembang Rindu Dendam is the main concern in this study. The background of the local locality and identity of Cepu which became the center of the Duchy of Jipang in the past was the setting of a place, as well as a space where the final historical and cultural journey of the power of the Demak Sultanate took place. This novel was written in 2010 by Nassirun Purwokartun. This historical novel invites us to rethink Cepu's locality and local identity, which has been a legacy of past generations. Articulation of identity and locality issues seem to be the attention voiced in this novel as well as being an instrument or instrument of articulation. This study uses the New Historicism approach, one literary theory that views history, art, and other things in society has the same degree as the text data in literature. It is hoped that literary research will get the context of the problem in accordance with the situation of the community.

PMLA ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 109 (5) ◽  
pp. 982-994 ◽  
Nancy J. Peterson

The deconstruction of history by poststructuralists and some philosophers of history has occurred at the moment when women and indigenous peoples have begun to write their own historical accounts. Louise Erdrich's historical novel, Tracks, brings into focus the necessity and the difficulties of writing Native American history in a postmodern epoch. The novel addresses two crucial issues: the referential value of history (If it is impossible to know the past fully, is it impossible to know the past at all?) and the status of history as narrative (If history is just a story, how is it possible to discriminate between one story and another?). Erdrich's novel suggests the need for indigenous histories to counter the dominant narrative, in which the settling of America is “progress,” but also works toward a new historicity that is neither a simple return to historical realism nor a passive acceptance of postmodern historical fictionality.

2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-57 ◽  
Dehn Gilmore

This essay suggests that conservation debates occasioned by the democratization of the nineteenth-century museum had an important impact on William Makepeace Thackeray’s reimagination of the historical novel. Both the museum and the historical novel had traditionally made it their mission to present the past to an ever-widening public, and thus necessarily to preserve it. But in the middle of the nineteenth century, the museum and the novel also shared the experience of seeming to endanger precisely what they sought to protect, and as they tried to choose how aggressive to be in their conserving measures, they had to deliberate about the costs and benefits of going after the full reconstruction (the novel) or restoration (the museum) of what once had been. The first part of this essay shows how people fretted about the relation of conservation, destruction, and national identity at the museum, in The Times and in special Parliamentary sessions alike; the second part of the essay traces how Thackeray drew on the resulting debates in novels including The Newcomes (1853–55) and The History of Henry Esmond (1852), as he looked for a way to revivify the historical novel after it had gone out of fashion. He invoked broken statues and badly restored pictures as he navigated his own worries that he might be doing history all wrong, and damaging its shape in the process.

2009 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-100

The article considers the political impact of the historical novel by examining an example of the genre by Native American novelist James Welch. It discusses how the novel Fools Crow represents nineteenth-century Blackfeet experience, emphasizing how (retelling) the past can act in the present. To do this it engages with psychoanalytic readings of historical novels and the work of Foucault and Benjamin on memory and history. The article concludes by using Bhabha's notion of the “projective past” to understand the political strength of the novel's retelling of the story of a massacre of Native Americans.

Myroslava Tomorug-Znaienko

The paper analyzes Lina Kostenko’s historical novel in verse portraying the life of the 17th century  Ukrainian minstrel poet Marusia Churai, condemned to death for poisoning her faithless lover. This work, which grows out of Kostenko’s individualized mythical perception of Marusia Churai legend, represents a unique individual construct in which the heroines’ quest for self-realization is kept in tune with the same yearning of the poetess herself; the author’s attitude towards the myth resembles the heroine’s relations with history. The narrative mode of the novel functions mainly in three aspects; these are the heroine’s confrontation with the carnivalized reality of her trial; her subjective journey inward, into the  ruined self, when her execution was pending; and her objective pilgrimage outward, into the history of her ruined land, after getting pardon. The paper touches upon various aspects of the heroine’s perception of history. The main character is depicted as a witness of contemporary events and a bearer of the Word who keeps harmony with the sacred truth of the past. The Hetman’s ‘pardon’ allows Marusia to move freely through history in order to achieve a deeper understanding of her ruined land and seize its spirit. In the experience of the heroine the historical reality appears as versatile and polyphonic, at the same time remaining integral and inseparable from her personality. Kostenko asserts the rights of poets to create their own epochs, to recreate the past or present from within their own mythical experience, becoming thus not only myth-bearers but also mythmakers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Retty Isnendes ◽  
Ruhaliah Ruhaliah ◽  
Dedi Koswara ◽  
Ruswendi Permana

There is a presumption that Sundanese people leadership is weak and feeble so they can not compete on the national level. Though history recorded some names of Sundanese leaders, such as Prabu Wangi, Prabu Niskala Wastu Kanca, and Sri Baduga Maharaja. In the literature, the name of King Siliwangi is an icon and symbol of the great and successful Sundanese leader of all time. The identity and symbolism of the Sundanese leader are also reflected in the historical novel of Tanjeur na Juritan Jaya di Buana written by Yoseph Iskandar. Uniquely, the novel relies on the manuscript of Prince Wangsakerta from Cirebon which in the 1980s appalled Indonesia history. The novel has been awarded Rancage from Ajip Rosidi's Rancage Foundation. By using descriptive method and literature review technique and interpretation, the novel will be examined his leadership ethics in ethno pedagogic scope. The aims of this study are: (a) to describe the principles of Sundanese leadership in the novel, (b) to describe the etnopedagogical aspect in the novel, and (c) to compare the leadership principles of the past and the present as models of cultural education. The expected outcomes are the descriptions of figures of Sundanese leadership, Sundanese leadership manners, and the cultural education model found in the novel analyzed.AbstrakAda anggapan bahwa kepemimpinan Sunda lemah sehingga tidak dapat bersaing di panggung nasional. Padahal sejarah mencatat sejumlah nama pemimpin panutan Sunda, misalnya saja Prabu Wangi, Prabu Niskala Wastu kancana, dan Sri Baduga Maharaja. Dalam tataran sastra nama Prabu Siliwangi merupakan ikonitas dan simbolitas pemimpin Sunda yang besar dan berhasil sepanjang masa. Ikonitas dan simbolitas pemimpin Sunda tergambar juga dalam novel sejarah Tanjeur na Juritan Jaya di Buana yang ditulis oleh Yoseph Iskandar. Unik dan utamanya, novel tersebut bersandar pada naskah Pangeran Wangsakerta dari Cirebon yang tahun 1980-an menggemparkan jagat kesejarahan Indonesia. Novel tersebut telah mendapat hadiah Rancage dari Yayasan Rancage Ajip Rosidi. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teknik telaah pustaka dan interprerasi, novel tersebut akan dikaji tatakrama kepemimpinannya dalam lingkup etnopedagogik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (a) mendeskripsikan tatakrama kepemimpinan Sunda dalam novel, (b) mendeskripsikan aspek etnopedagogik dalam novel, dan (c) membandingkan tatakrama kepemimpinan masa lalu dan masa sekarang sebagai model pendidikan budaya. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terdeskripsikannya tokoh-tokoh dalam kepemimpinan Sunda, tatakrama kepemimpinan Sunda, dan model pendidikan budaya dari novel yang dianalisis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Wildan Wildan ◽  
Mohd. Harun ◽  
Yeni Safrida

This study aims at analyzing historical facts encountered in the novel  Keumala Woman (Perempuan Keumala) written by Endang Moerdopo. The analyses comprises of historical facts about: (1) Keumalahayati, (2) historical events, and (3) places having historical story. Data of this study are sequences of events in the novel pertaining to historical realities.  New historicism analysis is used to describe the data.  The study reveals some findings. First, Keumalahayati is a royal woman who finished her education in Military Academy Makhad Baitul Makdis. Several names that supports historical fact is her husband Sultan Alaiddin Riayat Syah, Cut Limpah, Alfonso, Sultan Muda, Cornelis de Houtman and Frederick de Houtman. Second, historical events incurred in the novel included the development of Makhad Baitul Makdis, the war to Portoguuese in Teluk Haru, rebellion of Sultan Muda, and the arrival of the Dutch for the first time in Aceh.  Third, name of places supporting historical facts consisted of Makhad Baitul Makdis, kingdom palace, Krueng Raya Harbor, Pulau Weh, Benteng Inong Balee, Teluk Haru, and Tamiang.  This novel is in fact a historical novel particularly that describes the heroism of Keumalahayati.  

Transilvania ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 22-32 ◽  
Radu Vancu ◽  
Alex Goldiș ◽  
Ovio Olaru ◽  
Vlad Pojoga ◽  
Teodora Susarenco ◽  

The present article follows the relationship of the Romanian novelistic output between 1901 and 1932 with time and temporal distribution. Its emphasis falls on the degree of correlation between the time of publication and the time during which the events unfold for each corresponding novel, expressed through a variable coined “distance”. By making use of this variable, the temporal distribution of the novelistic corpus in the article clearly shows that the novelists’ focus gradually shifts towards contemporary events; while during the period between 1900 up until the outbreak of World War One, novelists were inclined to place the events of their works in the past, the War seems to have triggered an acute preoccupation with the immediate present. Lastly, the text touches upon two distinct subgenres of the novel, arisen out of their relationship to time, namely the historical novel and the so-called ‘contemporary novel’.

2005 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-198

Walter Pater's theoretical "come-back" over the past forty years or so has been dominated by the competing claims of the new historicism and deconstruction, both of which discover prescient forerunners of their own, seemingly mutually exclusive, theoretical concerns in Pater's aesthetic criticism and in his historical novel Marius the Epicurean(1885). Yet despite their obvious differences, both critical approaches share one thing in common: the same post-humanist denigration of the trope of metaphor in favor of the seemingly more ethically responsive (because inclusive) trope of metonymy. In this essay I observe how the new historicism's and deconstruction's privilegings of metonymy as the prime trope of difference poses an immediate problem for ethical thought that, largely under the influence of Alain Badiou, has become increasingly cognizant of the need for a workable conception of sameness (or universality), traditionally supplied by metaphor. Accordingly, this close reading of the metaphorical dialectic of one of Pater's surprisingly underread Imaginary Portraits, "Sebastian van Storck" (1887), explores the basic charge against metaphor-namely, that it is an essentially"theological" trope insofar as it invariably pre-posits the "identity" that it modestly claims to have merely discovered. Employing the central figure of Sebastian's idealism-equation-I venture that, once rethought as a relation not of identity but of equivalence, metaphor is capable of shouldering the rhetorical burden of similarity without relinquishing its ethical claim as a primary producer of new differences in the world and is, hence, deserving of a central place in a post-deconstructive ethics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lere Adeyemi

The assumption that history posits itself as a fact, while literature is to be taken as an artistic form, only for entertainment (i.e., the difference between truth and falsehood, reality and illusion) has long been debated by formalists and soclologlsts of literature. In Yoruba society, literature and history are im­portant in explaining the fullness of life and the world around us. It is against this background that this paper examines the relationship between literature and history and how Yoruba novelists use their works as vehicles for the repre­sentation of history. We adopt the theory of New Historicism to analyze T.A.A. Ladele's lgbi Aye n yi and Olu Owolabi's Ote Nibo. Some of the findings reveal that: both Yoruba literature and history are closely related, they are both based on Yoruba experience and Yoruba existence either in the past or present; while Ladele Interprets the history of the dignity and royal glamour of the Yoruba oba in the precolonial era as a form of domination which is often achieved through culturally-orchestrated consent rather than force; Owolabi represents the hlstory of party politics in Yoruba society as fraudulent, deceltful, full of bitterness and violence. The paper concludes that both novelists are subjective in their representation of Yoruba history, but they successfully establfsh the fact that the novel is a repository of history; however, such history is not a mere chronlcle of facts and events, but rather a complex description of human reality and a challenge to the preconceived notions of the societies from which they emerged.

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