scholarly journals Performance of Cucumber Cultivars at Low Hill During Summer-Rainy Seasons

2006 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 169-171
MD Sharma ◽  
SP Bhattarai

This experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications in the farmers' field conditions at Yampaphant, Tanahun during April - July 2000. The cultivars included in this study were one commercial namely Bhaktapur Local and the four exotic cultivars and hybrids namely Malini, Korean White, Japanese Green and Green Long. The hybrid Malini was found significantly more vigor and earlier (first picking at 42 days) and produced significantly higher number of fruits (252 thousands/ha) and significantly higher yield (69.6 t/ha). The commercial variety Bhaktapur Local remained androecious and did not produce fruit when grown during summer -rainy season. Key words: Cucumber, summer-rainy season, marketable yield J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 27:169-171 (2006)

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 20

ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis dan<br />komposisi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete<br />yang ditanam pada tanah regosol cokelat-kelabu di Desa Loloan,<br />Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Barat, dari tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Faktor<br />yang diuji adalah: (1) komposisi NPK, 2 macam (1:1:1, dan 1:1:2); dan (2)<br />dosis pupuk, 4 taraf (500, 750, 1000 dan 1500 g/pohon/tahun). Perlakuan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan dan ukuran<br />petak 4 pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jambu mete<br />cukup responsif terhadap pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk menaikkan<br />kandungan hara N, P dan K daun. Dosis pupuk yang cukup memadai untuk<br />menunjang pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete adalah 500, 750, dan<br />1000 g NPK/pohon/tahun dengan komposisi pupuk NPK 1:1:2, masing-<br />masing untuk umur tanaman 5, 6, dan 7 tahun. Pupuk tersebut diberikan<br />dalam 2 kali agihan, yaitu 50% pada awal musim hujan, dan 50% lagi<br />menjelang akhir musim hujan.<br />Kata kunci : Jambu  mete,  Anacardium  occidentale,  pemupukan,<br />pertumbuhan, produksi, Nusa Tenggara Barat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Effect of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of<br />cashew in Lombok<br />A field study was conducted on cashew trees grown at grayish-<br />brown regosol soil located at Loloan, Bayan, West Lombok, from 1997 to<br />2000. The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of NPK<br />fertilizer and its composition on growth and yield of cashew. Treatments<br />examined were: (1) composition of NPK (1:1:1, and 1:1:2); and (2)<br />fertilizer dosage (500, 750, 1000 and 1500 g NPK/tree/year). The<br />treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replications<br />and plot size of 4 plants. Research results showed that the application of<br />fertilizers significantly affected the growth and yield of cashew. The<br />content of N, P and K in cashew leaves improved as the fertilizer dosage<br />increased. Appropriate amounts of NPK were 500, 750 and 1000 g<br />NPK/tree/year with composition of 1:1:2 for cashew trees of 5, 6 and 7<br />years old, respectively. The fertilizers were applied twice a year (50% in<br />the beginning of rainy season, and 50% in the end of rainy season).<br />Key words : Cashew, Anacardium occidentale, fertilizer application,<br />growth, yield, West Nusa Tenggara

2005 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 149-151
PP Subedi ◽  
MD Sharma

This experiment was conducted to assess the response of three cucumber cultivars Bhaktapur Local, Japanese Green and Korean White to single stem cultivation in randomized block design with six replications. The experiment was conducted in Yampaphant (450 m asl) during December 2001 to April 2002. The cv. Bhaktapur Local produced significantly higher number of male flowers (32/m2), while the Korean White produced significantly higher number of female flowers (37.5/m2) and a very few number of male flowers. The cv. Korean White produced significantly higher number of marketable fruits (20/m2) and higher marketable yield (48.2 t/ha) followed by Japanese Green (45.7 t/ha). The cv. Bhaktapur Local produced the lowest marketable yield (33.3 t/ha). Hence single stem cultivation performed well in winter-spring season. Key words: Cucumber cultivars, single stem cultivation, late winter-spring J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 26: 149-151 (2005)

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 182
Kanwar Priyanaka ◽  
Y. C. Gupta ◽  
S. R. Dhiman ◽  
R. K. Dogra ◽  
Sharma Madhu ◽  

<p>The studies on heterosis were carried with four male sterile lines namely; ms<sub>7</sub>, ms<sub>8</sub>, ms<sub>9,</sub> ms<sub>10</sub> and 18 diverse pollinators as tester by using line × tester crossing programme. The 72 F<sub>1</sub> hybrids were produced and evaluated along with 22 parental lines during summer 2009 and rainy season 2009 in Randomized Block Design. Observations were recorded on nine quantitative traits during both the seasons. Highly significant variances for all the traits indicated the sufficient variability in the parental material for all the characters under study. The performance of F<sub>1</sub> hybrids was much better than the mean performance of parents during both the crop seasons. Appreciable heterosis was observed in all the characters, except flower weight in summer and plant height in rainy season.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Azib Ernawati - ◽  
Luki Abdullah ◽  
Idat Galih Permana

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the mineral contents of I. zollingeriana growing with different planting densities. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three different planting densities (8,000 plants per ha, 13,333 plants per ha, and 20,000 plants per ha) and 3 replication. Plant biomass was analyzed for macro and micro mineral contents as well as Ca:P ratio. The results showed that increased planting densities significantly increased (p<0.05) P, Cu, and Cr contents, but decreased Ca and Na contents  had no significant effect  on Mg, K, Mn, Zn and Fe contents. Furthermore, the increased planting densities significantly decreased (p<0.05) uptakes of Ca, K, Mn, and Fe by the plants, but increased (p<0.05) the uptakes of Cu and Cr. Meanwhile, the uptakes of P, K, Na, and Zn were not affected by planting densities. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the planting density of I. zollingeriana should be maintained in 8,000 plants ha-1 to maintain the content and uptake of mineral in forage crops. Key words:        defoliation periods,          Indigofera zollingeriana, macrominerals, micro minerals, planting density

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 104

<p>Penelitian mi dilaksanakan di dua lokasi yaitu di Sandubaya (l-ombok Timur. NTB) dan Bayan (I-ombok Barat, NTB) dilakukan pada musim lanam 1998/1999 dan 1999/2000 bulan Nopember 1998 sampai dengan September 2000. Penelitian ini bertujuan unluk mem¬ peroleh galur-galur unggul jarak bcrproduktivitas tinggi, dan spcsiik di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Galur yang diuji sebanyak 9 galur harapan yaitu RC.67, RC.74. RC.86, RC.104, RC.106, RC.220, RC.221, RC.64, KF.VIII dan sebagai pembanding digunakan 3 varietas komersial yaitu Asembagus 22, Asembagus 60 dan Asembagus 81. Penelitian mengguna¬ kan rancangan acak kelompok dengan ulangan 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 3 galur unggul yaitu RC.67, RC.221 dan RC.64, yang sama potensi dengan varietas Asb.81, mempunyai adaptasi luas (varietas stabil). Dua galur lainnya yaitu RC.74 dan RC.104 beradaplasi sempit (spesiik lokasi) sesuai untuk daerah Bayan Nusa Tenggara Barat</p><p>Kata kunci : Ricmus commums, stabilitas hasil, spesifik lokasi</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Yield Stability of Castor Lines</strong></p><p>The experiment was conducted in two locations at Sandubaya (East I-ombok) and Bayan (West lombok), in planting session 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 from November 1998 to September 2000 This experiment was aimed to ind oul superior lines of castor, high productivities, that can be developed in speciic dry area in easten pat of Indonesia. The trial was arranged in randomized block design with 3 replications. Nine lines, RC.67, RC.74, RC.86, RC.104. RC.106. RC.220, RC. 221, RC6I, KF.VIII and 3 control varieties, Asembagus 22, Asembagus 60 and Asembagus 81 were used as treatment. Results of this experiment found out 3 superior lines: RC 67, RC.221 and RC.64, which have the same potential with Asb.81 variety, have broad adaptation (stable lines). Two other lines : RC.74 and RC.104 have narrow adaptation (speciic location) just for Bayan. West Nusa Tenggara.</p><p>Key words: Ricmus commums, yield stability, specific location</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 33

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Dosis pupuk N, P, dan K optimal untuk akar wangi belum diketahui<br />dan penggunaannya  masih beragam. Penelitian bertujuan untuk<br />mendapatkan komposisi dosis pupuk N, P, dan K optimal yang dapat<br />meningkatkan produktivitas akar wangi. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa<br />Sukakarya, Garut dari bulan Januari 2009 sampai dengan Desember 2010<br />menggunakan rancangan Acak Kelompok, dengan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan<br />meliputi 9 kombinasi pupuk N, P, dan K: (1). Kontrol; (2) 100 kg SP-36 +<br />75 kg KCl; (3) 100 kg ZA + 75 kg KCl; (4) 100 kg ZA + 50 kg SP-36 + 75<br />kg KCl; (5) 100 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl; (6) 100 kg ZA + 100<br />kg SP-36 + 150 kg KCl; (7) 100 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36; (8) 200 kg ZA +<br />100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl; (9) 200 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 150 kg KCl.<br />Panen dilakukan pada 12, 14, dan 16 bulan setelah tanam (BST). Hasil<br />menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan dosis 100 kg ZA + 75 kg KCl<br />menghasilkan minyak 52,59 dan 67,78 kg/ha (12 dan 14 BST) dan 200 kg<br />ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl menghasilkan 67,76 kg /ha (16 BST),<br />dengan kadar vetiverol lebih dari 50%.<br />Kata kunci: Vetiveria zizanioides, pemupukan, vetiverol, produksi, mutu<br />minyak</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />The optimum dosage of N, P, and K fertilizer has not been known<br />yet and it usage was still varied. The research aim is to obtain an optimal<br />composition of N, P, and K fertilizer that could increase productivity of<br />vetiver crop. The researsch has been conducted in Sukakarya Village,<br />Garut, from January 2009 to December 2010. The research was arranged<br />in randomized block design, with 3 replications and N, P, and K fertilizer<br />combination treatments i.e.: (1) Control; (2) 100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl;<br />(3) 100 kg ZA + 75 kg KCl; (4) 100 kg ZA + 50 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl;<br />(5) 100 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl; (6) 100 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-<br />36 + 150 kg KCl; (7) 100 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36; (8) 200 kg ZA + 100 kg<br />SP-36 + 75 kg KCl; (9) 200 kg ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 150 kg KCl.<br />Harvesting was done at 12, 14 and 16 months after planting (MAP). The<br />result showed that the dose of 100 kg ZA + 75 kg KCl produced vetiver oil<br />52,59 and 67,78 kg/ha (12 and 14 MAP). Meanwhile the dose of 200 kg<br />ZA + 100 kg SP-36 + 75 kg KCl produced 67,76 kg/ha (16 MAP),<br />respectively. vetiverol content were more than 50%.<br />Key words: Vetiveria zizanioides, fertilizing, vetiverol, production, oil<br />quality</p>

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-273 ◽  
T. A. Van Lunen ◽  
H. Schulze

A trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing wheat- and corn-based diets with xylanase on growth performance and FCR of pigs from 10 to 18 wk of age. Seventy-tow castrated male pigs were assigned to pens of two and in a randomized block design to six dietary treatments consisting of diets containing 60% wheat, 40% wheat and 20% corn, and 20% wheat and 40% corn with and without supplementation with xylanase. Feed and water were available ad libitum. Xylanase supplementation improved growth rate and FCR by 9.2 and 5.3%, respectively, regardless of level of wheat and corn inclusion. Key words: Pig, growth, feed enzyme, Trichoderma longibrachiatum xylanase, wheat, corn

Agrologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Zakarias Frans Mores Hukom

Antioxidant is a term related to the activity ability and properties of the active ingredient.  The higher the ability of the antioxidant activity of an active ingredient, the stronger its antioxidant properties are to ward off various free radical compounds due to oxidative stress. The activity ability and antioxidant properties of tea shoots often fluctuate with changing seasons.  This study investigated the effect giving nitrogen levels in organic + inorganic liquid fertilizers on the ability of activity and antioxidant properties of tea shoots in different seasons. The experimental design used was a over season complete randomized block design consisting of 5 levels of fertilization concentration in the rainy and dry seasons. The results showed that the application of organic + inorganic liquid fertilizers without the addition of N concentration in the dry season had a significant effect on the antioxidant activity of tea shoots by 88.14%, and 34.15% higher than control plants in the rainy season and 41.81% more. Height of control plants in the dry season. The IC50 value of tea shoots in the rainy season and dry season has very strong antioxidant properties where the order of the antioxidant properties of the control plants < all concentrations of adding N to organic + inorganic liquid fertilizers < concentration of organic + inorganic liquid fertilizers without the addition of N.Keywords: Ability Antioxidant Activity, Organic + Inorganic Liquid Fertilizer, Tea shoots, Antioxidant Properties.

Márkilla Z. Beckmann-Cavalcante ◽  
Genilda C. Amaral ◽  
Alcimar de S. e Silva ◽  
Leonardo P. da S. Brito ◽  
Augusto M. N. Lima ◽  

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilization in yield and contents of macronutrients in heliconia plants (Heliconia psittacorum x Heliconia spathocircinata Aristeguieta) cv. Golden Torch. The experiment was set in a randomized block design, in a 4 x 4 factorial, corresponding to N doses (0, 120, 180 and 240 g of N hole-1) and K doses (0, 120, 180 and 240 g of K2O hole-1) with four replicates and five rhizomes per plot, under field conditions. After one year of cultivation, yield (number of flower stems per square meter) and the leaf contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S were determined. The applied N doses did not influence either yield or the leaf contents of the evaluated macronutrients. K fertilization favored the increase in leaf K content and the decrease in the contents of P, Ca and Mg in leaves of heliconias. Under the conditions of this experiment, it is recommended to apply 161.46 g of K2O hole-1 for a maximum yield of 9.89 stems m-2 per month.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hara<br />pada berbagai tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan<br />dan produksi lada perdu. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Instalasi<br />Penelitian Cimanggu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, tahun<br />1996-1998. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pot drum 40 liter.<br />Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok berukuran 6<br />tanaman/petak yang diulang 3 kali. Terdapat 2 faktor yang diuji yaitu<br />kombinasi dari tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air dan faktor kedua<br />adalah takaran hara NPK Mg 12-12-17-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa pemberian air 21 mm/2 hari, setara dengan curah hujan 3.780 mm<br />per tahun dengan pemberian pupuk 400 g NPKMg 12-12-17-2 per<br />tanaman per tahun menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik dan produksi<br />tertinggi yaitu 42,7 g/tanaman pada produksi tahun pertama dan 171,2<br />g/tanaman pada tahun produksi kedua. Ini berarti dengan jarak tanam<br />1,25 x 1,25 m telah mampu dicapai hasil lebih dari 1,09 ton/ha. Tingkat<br />pencucian hara makro tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan pemberian air 21<br />mm/2hari dengan agihan pemupukan 600g/tanaman/tahun.<br />Kata kunci : Lada perdu, Piper nigrum L., pemupukan, pemberian air,<br />produksi</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Nutrient leaching and intake in bushy pepper (Piper<br />nigrum L.) at different rates and frequency of watering<br />The objective of the research was to find out the effect of<br />fertilizing at different rates and frequency of watering on the growth and<br />yield of bushy pepper. The research was done at a shading house of<br />Cimanggu Experimental Farm, Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops<br />Research Institute in 1996 – 1998. Bushy pepper was planted in a<br />container of 40 litre in Cimanggu Instalation. The research used a<br />randomized block design with 3 replication, 6 plants/ plot. There were<br />two factors studied in the research i.e. the combination of the rate and<br />frequency of watering, and the rate of NPK Mg 12-12-7-2. The results<br />showed that watering at 21 ml in 2 days, equals to 3780 mm rainfall, with<br />the application of 400 g NPK Mg 12-12-17-2 per plant gave the best<br />growth performance and the highest yield of pepper 42.7 g/vine at the 1 st<br />year and 171.2 g/vine at the 2 nd year. It means that at the plant spacing of<br />1.25 x 1.25 m the plants can produce 1.09 tones/ha. The highest nutrient<br />leached happened at the treatment of watering of 21 mm/2days with<br />fertilizer application 600 g/vine.<br />Key words: Bushy pepper, Piper nigrum L., fertilizing, watering,<br />growth, production</p>

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