marketable yield
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2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (7) ◽  
Xinwei Cui ◽  
Hongling Lu ◽  
Yaoxiong Lu ◽  
Peng Gao ◽  
Fuyuan Peng

ABSTRACT: The combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer is an effective way to improve soil fertility, crop yield and quality. In this study, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the yield, quality and fertilizer use efficiency of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) grown under different ratios of organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer at a rate of 225 kg N ha-l in 2019 and 2020. The fertilizer treatments included N0 (non nitrogen fertilizer), CK (only compound fertilizer was applied, N:P:K=15.0 %:6.5 %:12.4 %), T1, T2 and T3 (organic fertilizer replaced 15 %, 30 % and 45 % chemical fertilizer, respectively), and T4 (total nutrient input was reduced by 10 % under T2). Results showed that T2 had the highest marketable yield and fertilizer use efficiency, as well as the best quality. The marketable yield, vitamin C content, soluble sugar content, REN (apparent uptake efficiency of fertilizer N) and AEN (agronomic N use efficiency) of T2 increased by 32.2 %, 14,9 %, 5.5 %, 97. % and 55.6 %, respectively, in contrast, the crude fibers decreased by 34.0 %, compared with CK in the two years. In addition, T4 guaranteed the yield and moderately improved the quality of cabbage, compared with CK. Therefore, we can alternatively apply fertilization according to the purpose of capturing the highest yield or properly declining fertilizer to sustain soil texture and productivity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Jenny C. Moore ◽  
Brian Leib ◽  
Zachariah R. Hansen ◽  
Annette L. Wszelaki

Growers seeking alternatives to traditional polyethylene plastic mulch may use biodegradable plastic mulches (BDMs). However, plasticulture systems typically also use plastic drip tape underneath the mulch, which must be removed from the field and disposed of at the end of the season, making tilling the BDM into the soil more difficult and expensive. A potential solution to this dilemma may be to use other irrigation methods, such as overhead sprinklers, that could be more easily removed from the field and reused from year to year. At Knoxville, TN, in 2019 and 2020, we grew three cultivars of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa) on BDM with two irrigation systems (overhead sprinklers above the mulch and drip irrigation tape under the mulch) to compare water use, disease, and yield in these two irrigation systems. Water use was higher in overhead vs. drip irrigation in both years; however, the difference in water use was much smaller in 2019 due to higher rainfall amounts during the time period the lettuce was growing in the field (March to May). Disease incidence and severity were very low both years for both irrigation systems. There were no differences in marketable yield (number of heads) between irrigation treatment in 2019. In 2020, marketable yield by number was greater in the drip vs. overhead irrigation treatment. Unmarketable yield in 2019 was due to heads that were too small; in 2020, unmarketability was predominantly due to tipburn in overhead irrigated ‘Jericho’. Overall, marketable lettuce yield did not differ between irrigation treatments in 2019 and was similar for ‘Parris Island Cos’ in 2020. Although quantitative weed counts were not made, observations of weed pressure between rows showed that weed pressure was higher in overhead irrigated compared with drip irrigated subplots. This highlights the need to have a between-row weed management program in place. The results of this study suggest that with attention to cultivar and weed management, overhead irrigation could be a viable alternative to drip irrigation for lettuce production on BDM, especially for early spring lettuce when rainfall is historically more plentiful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. e37085
Priscila Maylana Modesto de Jesus ◽  
Leilson Costa Grangeiro ◽  
Valdívia de Fatima Lima de Sousa ◽  
Gerlani Alves da Silva ◽  
Luiz Ricardo Rebouças da Silva ◽  

Phosphate fertilization is indispensable for carrot cultivation, as it contributes to plant development, formation of marketable roots and higher yields. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the production and nutritional efficiency of carrot cultivars under phosphate fertilization. The experiments were carried out from July to November 2016 and from June to October 2017, at the Rafael Fernandes experimental farm, District of Alagoinha, Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4×4 factorial scheme with 4 replicates. The treatments consisted of the combination of carrot cultivars (Brasília, Planalto, Suprema and Nativa) with phosphorus (P) doses (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg ha-1 P2O5). The characteristics analyzed were: P content in the diagnostic leaf, plant dry matter, plant height, marketable and total yields, and the classification of cultivars for efficiency and response to phosphate fertilization. The increments promoted by phosphate fertilization were 64% in plant height, 444% in dry matter and 284% in marketable yield. The maximum marketable yield was obtained with doses from 186.8 to 243.5 kg ha-1, depending on the cultivar. The Native cultivar was classified as more efficient in the use of P.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
NFN Nurhidayati ◽  
Masyhuri Machfudz ◽  
Nisma Ula Shoumi Rahmawati

<p>Budidaya tanpa tanah pada dekade terakhir ini semakin berkembang seiring dengan munculnya beberapa permasalahan budidaya tanaman konvensional di lahan pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh aplikasi vermikompos padat dan cair terhadap pertumbuhan, kandungan hara, dan hasil tanaman selada hijau dengan jumlah tanaman per pot yang berbeda. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan pot di rumah plastik yang menggunakan kultur substrat campuran cocopeat, zeolit, pasir dan vermikompos sebagai sumber nutrisi. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial. Faktor I adalah macam aplikasi vermikompos (padat, padat+cair,dan cair) dan Faktor II adalah jumlah tanaman per pot (satu, dua, dan tiga tanaman per pot). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi vermikompos padat memberikan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman (22,73 cm), jumlah daun (8,81), dan luas daun tanaman (974,76 cm2) tertinggi. Kandungan hara tertinggi terdapat pada aplikasi vermikompos padat dengan rata-rata masing-masing sebesar N= 4,39%, P=0,77% dan K=9,07%. Penanaman tiga tanaman per pot cenderung memberikan kandungan hara terendah pada ketiga metode aplikasi vermikompos. Namun, bobot segar biomassa dan hasil ekonomis tertinggi diperoleh pada aplikasi vermikompos padat dengan tiga tanaman per pot masing-masing sebesar 122,22 g dan 111,77 g. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi vermikompos padat dan tiga tanaman per pot dapat disarankan untuk budidaya tanpa tanah tanaman selada hijau.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Vermikompos; Pertumbuhan; Serapan hara; Hasil tanaman selada</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This study was a pot experiment in a plastic house using substrates culture and vermicompost as a source of plant nutrients. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the application of vermicompost on growth, nutrient content and yield of green lettuce with different number of plants per pot. This experiment used a factorial randomized block design. The first factor was kinds of vermicompost application. The second factor was number of plant per pot. The research results showed that the application of solid vermicompost had the highest growth and nutrient uptake in plant height (22.73 cm), number of leaves (8.81) and leaf area (974.76 cm2) as well as an average of N = 4.39%, P = 0.77% and K = 9.07%. The treatments of solid+liquid vermicompost and liquid vermicompost alone, three plants per pot tend to provide the lowest nutrient uptake. However, the highest fresh weight of biomass and marketable yield was obtained in the application of solid vermicompost with three plants per pot by 122.22g and 111.77g, respectively. These results suggest that the application of solid vermicompost and three plants per pot is recommended in soilless culture for green lettuce plants.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 548-555
M. Rahman ◽  
M.K. Shahadat ◽  
M.H. Rashid ◽  
F.A. Nasim

In order to achieve optimal plant growth and production, essential nutrients must be readily available in adequate quantities and in a balanced proportion to give a good yield, especially cauliflower which has health benefits that may not be found in many other plants. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the seasons 2020-2021 in the on station of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Khulna under Smallholder Agricultural competitiveness project. Although the treatments showed a positive effect on yield, quality and economics but, T1 revealed most significant influence on all parameters under study as compared to T0 (control). For micronutrients and hormone, T1 treatment produced the highest curd yield (29.99 t ha-1) and the lowest (17.04 t ha-1) was control from the varietal effect the highest curd yield was (35.14 t ha-1) from V4 (It Amazuku 33) and the lowest was (16.21 t ha-1) from V5 (BARI Fulcopi-1). In case of combined effect, the highest curd yield (45.16 t ha-1) was obtained from T1V4 and the lowest curd yield (10.27 t ha-1) from T0V1. Therefore, it can be suggested that the highest curd yield and good shape cauliflower curd can be obtained application of Zn 8.83 kg/ha, B 3.5 kg/ha, Ma 8.43 kg/ha and Flora (Hormone) 2 ml/1 L of water. Therefore, foliar application of micronutrients and hormone is suitable way to feed the cauliflower crop to enhance the marketable yield and quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-425
Shridhika Dahal ◽  
Shree Prasad Vista ◽  
Mitra Khatri ◽  
Naba Raj Pandit

Declining soil fertility and nutrient availability are one of the major threats to reducing crop productivity in Nepal. A field experiment was conducted to assess the potential of biochar (10 t ha-1) blended with organic and inorganic fertilizers on improving soil fertility and radish productivity in Morang district, Nepal. Biochar was prepared from locally available twigs, branches, and wood using the soil pit “Kon tiki” method. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with 7 treatments having four replications viz., control (CK), biochar (BC), biochar + cattle manure (CM), biochar + poultry manure (PM), biochar + cattle urine (CU), biochar + commercial biofertilizers (BF) and biochar + inorganic fertilizers (urea-N). The nitrogen rate used in all the treatments was equivalent to 100 kg ha-1. The agronomic effect of biochar blended organic amendments was compared with control and inorganic urea-N treatments.  Biochar amended plots showed significantly higher soil pH (6.5), organic matter (4%), total N% (0.8%), available P (80.1 kg ha-1), and K (203.6 kg ha-1) compared with control. CM increased marketable yield by 320% (63 t ha-1) and biomass yield by 198% (100 t ha-1) compared with control (15.0 t ha-1 and 34 t ha-1) of marketable and biomass yield, respectively. CM increased marketable yield by 44% compared with the urea-N treatment (44 t ha-1). Moreover, net return was observed highest with CM treatment among all the organic and urea-N treatments. The study suggests that the combination of biochar with locally produced cattle manure has the potential to increase radish productivity and could compete with mineral nitrogen fertilizers while producing similar or even higher crop yields and economic returns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Monirul Hasan TIPU ◽  
Raunak JAHAN ◽  
Jubaidur RAHMAN ◽  
Md Mizanur RAHMAN ◽  
Md Ariful ISLAM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The sweet potato weevil (<em>Cylas formicarius</em>, 1798) is one of the most damaging sweet potato pests. To prevent an economic crop loss, it is very important to develop a suitable and efficient integrated pest management strategy. A field experiment was set up with three replications at Jamalpur to select the best integrated management package from eight different treatments against sweet potato weevil. The results showed that the lowest percentage of infestation by number (2.94 %) and mass (3.22 %) was found when the crop was planted on November 01; earthing-up for two times, Carbofuran 5G was sprayed @ 15 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> at 60 days after planting with irrigation and tuber was harvested at 130 days after planting. The marketable yield (23.75 kg) and percent increase of yield than control (50.86 %) performed the highest in the same combination. These findings suggested an effective integration of different management strategies to reduce sweet potato weevil infestation in Bangladesh successfully.</p>

I. I. Palamarchuk ◽  

In the results conducted between studies, the studied regulators affect the biometrics and yield of table carrot plants. The greatest influence on the interphase period "root formation - technical maturity" was performed by the regulator Phytocid-r, which helped reduce the growth of the interphase period Shantane KL by 3 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 by 4 days. With the use of the growth regulator Phytocid-r of the vegetation period of the population in the variety Shantane KL – 117 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 days, respectively 6 and 7 days shorter with control. The highest weight of root crops during the growing season was observed using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, in the variety Shantane KL the increase relative to control was 15.5 – 23.7 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.5 and 25.5 g. root crops were also characterized by variants using growth regulators Ivin and Emistym C, where the increase relative to the control at the end of the growing season was: in the variety Shantane KL – 4.1-8.3 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 4.9 and 6.0 g respectively. The growing season of table carrots was characterized by slightly higher temperatures and low rainfall, with a long dry period, which negatively affected the formation of roots of table carrots. However, the highest yield was obtained from the option using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, which provided an increase in yield at the level: in the variety Shantane KL – 8.5 t / ha, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 13.3 t / ha. The highest percentage of marketable yield was obtained using the growth regulator Phytocid-p in both varieties and hybrids – 94.8 and 95.2 %, which is more than the control by 11.2 and 11.0 %. The largest mass of root crop was formed by plants using the growth regulator Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 112 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 g, which is 23.8 and 25.6 g more than the control. The diameter of the root was in the range of 5.8-7.0 cm and varied slightly from the growth regulator. The hybrid Brilliance F1 was characterized by a longer root length. However, taking into account the applied growth regulator, it was found that the highest figure was for the use of Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 17.6 cm, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.3 cm, which is more than the option without treatment 1.2 and 1.0 cm.

Antioxidants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1999
Luigi Formisano ◽  
Michele Ciriello ◽  
Christophe El-Nakhel ◽  
Milena Poledica ◽  
Giuseppe Starace ◽  

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most consumed vegetables worldwide due to its low caloric intake and high fiber, minerals, and phenolic compounds, making it a high-quality functional food. However, fruit quality attributes can be affected by pre-harvest factors, especially environmental stresses. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of two shading nets (white net −30% and pearl grey net −40% shading degree) on the yield and phytochemical profile of tomato fruits grown in summer under the Mediterranean climate. Mineral and organic acid content (by ion chromatography-IC), phenolic profile (by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-UHPLC coupled with an Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry-HRMS), carotenoid content (by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection-HPLC-DAD), and antioxidant activities DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP (by UV-VIS spectrophotometry) were determined. Tomato fruits grown under the pearl grey net recorded the highest values of total phenolic compounds (14,997 µg 100 g−1 of fresh weight) and antioxidant activities DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP, without affecting either fruit color or marketable yield. The reduction of solar radiation through pearl grey nets proved to be an excellent tool to increase the phytochemical quality of tomato fruits during summer cultivation in a Mediterranean environment.

2021 ◽  
Luuk C. M. van Dijk ◽  
Olivia C. Kacheyo ◽  
Michiel E. de Vries ◽  
Willemien J. M. Lommen ◽  
Paul C. Struik

AbstractThe technology of hybrid breeding in diploid potatoes creates opportunities to design novel and improved cultivation systems based on hybrid true potato seeds. A promising cultivation pathway to produce seed or ware tubers is by transplanting greenhouse-raised seedlings into the field. This study explored the effects of transplanting date and seedling age on tuber yield, using greenhouse-raised seedlings. Field trials with experimental hybrid genotypes were conducted in three consecutive years. In 2017 and 2018, 4- and 6-week-old seedlings were transplanted at four dates: March, April, May and June. In 2019, transplanting dates included April, May and June and seedling age was 5 weeks. In 2018, the March planting experienced severe frost during the initial field period resulting in crop failure. In 2017 and 2019, plants could withstand shorter and less severe frost events. Seedling age did not significantly affect tuber parameters. Transplanting in June resulted in lower marketable yield (> 28 mm) compared with earlier transplanting dates when crops were harvested in September. At full crop senescence, no differences in marketable yield were observed. The optimal transplanting window, taking into account weather-related risks, is approximately between early April and end May. For some genotypes, crop cycle length was observed to be a more important yield-determining factor than transplanting date.

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