scholarly journals Relating cyanobacteria and physicochemical water-quality properties in Willow Creek Lake, Nebraska, 2012–14

David L. Rus ◽  
Brent M. Hall ◽  
Steven A. Thomas
Eva St��hl Wernersson ◽  
Erik Johansson ◽  
H��kan H��kanson

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1605
Seunghyun Son ◽  
Menghua Wang

Refined empirical algorithms for chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration, using the maximum ratio of normalized water-leaving radiance nLw(λ) at the blue and green bands, and Secchi depth (SD) from nLw(λ) at 551 nm, nLw(551), are proposed for the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite in the Great Lakes. We demonstrated that water quality properties and phytoplankton production can be successfully monitored and assessed using the new regional Chl-a and SD algorithms, with reasonably accurate estimates of Chl-a and SD from the VIIRS-SNPP ocean color data in the Great Lakes. VIIRS-derived Chl-a and SD products using the proposed algorithms provide the temporal and spatial variabilities in the Great Lakes. Overall, Chl-a concentrations are generally low in lakes Michigan and Huron, while Chl-a data are highest in Lake Erie. The seasonal pattern shows that overall low Chl-a concentrations appear in winter and high values in June to September in the lakes. The distribution of SD in the Great Lakes is spatially and temporally different from that of Chl-a. The SD data are generally lower in summer and higher in winter in most of the Great Lakes. However, the highest SD in Lake Erie appears in summer, and lower values in winter. Significantly high values in Chl-a, and lower values in SD, in the nearshore regions, such as Thunder Bay, Saginaw Bay, and Whitefish Bay, can be related to the very shallow bathymetry and freshwater inputs from the land. The time series of VIIRS-derived Chl-a and SD data provide strong interannual variability in most of the Great Lakes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (05) ◽  
pp. 5369
Venkata Kesava Raju* ◽  
Sreeramulu K.

The role of phytoplankton is significant in improving the yield of prawn culture. The growth of phytoplankton will be effected various factors viz. dissolved oxygen, production of natural food to shrimp larvae in control of ammonia. The growth of phytoplankton can be enhanced by application of nitrogeneous fertilizers to improve water quality and growth performance of Penaeus indicus. The present research work is focussed on a free-living nitrogen fixing bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum supplemented by nitrogeneous fertilizers to increase the content of proteins, carbohydrates and wet weight of P. indicus. Ten animals of juveniles of P. indicus were collected and grown in controlled conditions for fifteen days. The liquid suspension of free living nitrogen fixing bacteria A. chroococcum has been inoculated for experimental treatment purpose. The inoculum has been introduced to four treatments and for findings of water quality analysis andphytoplankton growth analysis by Strickland and Parsons method and biochemical analysis by Raymont et al., method. The research findings revealed that A. chroococcum supplemented with fertilizers will affect the growth of phytoplankton which is vital in prawn culture and enhance the growth of hormones and dry weight for improvement of the yield.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Tiku T. Tanyimboh ◽  
Alemtsehay G. Seyoum

AbstractRigorous system-wide aggregated water quality performance indices for water distribution networks are lacking in the literature due to complexities associated with high dimensional spatial and temporal water quality data. Water quality considerations unavoidably increase performance evaluation difficulties considerably. The formulation developed in this article addresses the post-extended period simulation high-dimensional data challenges. A system-wide joint-dynamic-response approach to water quality evaluation is introduced that accounts for spatial and temporal variations in nodal demands and the respective time-varying hydraulic and water quality properties of multiple service reservoirs. Effective comparisons of the water quality response of service reservoirs and their effects were achieved. This includes individual reservoirs and the combined effects of multiple reservoirs. Service reservoirs and the nodes they supply were particularly vulnerable from the standpoint of water quality. The role of the network’s topology considering water quality risks was revealed also. The correlation between the medians and flow-weighted daily means of the water quality parameters was very strong (R2 ≥ 0.994) for the service reservoirs considered. Thus, the median could be useful as a practical performance surrogate in design optimization procedures. Finally, there seems to be an association between the flow-weighted daily means and overall hydraulic effectiveness of service reservoirs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-458 ◽  
Amadou Toure ◽  
Duan Wenbiao ◽  
Zakaria Keita

Abstract An assessment of consumer quality perception, as well as some physical and chemical characteristics of water samples sourced from wells, boreholes, and rivers in the locality of Pelengana commune, in Mali, was carried out. The World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline (or other) Values (GVs) for drinking water quality was used as a benchmark. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) alongside Duncan's multiple comparison tests for significant differences, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used in analyzing differences and correlations regarding the parameters investigated. Results revealed that the majority of the households (61.2%) regarded wells and river water as unsafe for drinking. The physical and chemical quality of water was affected by climatic season. Also, with the exception of iron (average values), the parameters studied met the WHO GVs. Based on the analyzed parameters, the quality of these different water sources is chemically acceptable.

Rudy Agung Nugroho ◽  
Hetty Manurung ◽  
Dewi Saraswati ◽  
Deasy Ladyescha ◽  
Firman Muhammad Nur

<p>This research aimed to determine the phytochemicals content of <em>Terminalia catappa</em> leaves extract (TCL) and its effects on the survival and blood profiles of ornamental fish (<em>Betta</em> sp) Ninety fish were randomly assigned into six triplicates groups and reared in various concentration of TCL: 0 (control), 125, 250, 375, 500, 625 ppm for 30 days. Temperature, Dissolve oxygen (DO), and pH were monitored during the trial. After 30 days, survival, Red Blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC), haemoglobin (Hb), lymphocyte, and total protein serum (TPS) were analyzed. Based on the phytochemicals test, saponin, triterpenoid, quinon, phenolic, tannin, and flavonoid were detected on the TCL. Temperature and DO were not affected by any concentration of TCL. The lowest pH (5.05) was found in fish medium immersed with 625 ppm of TCL. Adding TCL above 375 ppm resulted in significantly higher survival, RBC, and Hb. The highest WBC was found in fish immersed with 625 ppm whereas the lowest lymphocyte was found in fish immersed with 375 of TCL. However, immersing any various concentration of TCL did not affect on the TPS. In summary, immersing TCL above 375 ppm is beneficial to enhance survival, RBC, WBC, and Hb of <em>Betta</em> sp.</p><p><strong>How to Cite</strong></p><p>Nugroho, R. A., Manurung, H., Saraswati, D., Ladyescha, D. &amp; Nur, F. M. (2016). The Effects of Terminalia catappa L. Leaves Extract on the Water Quality Properties, Survival and Blood Profile of Ornamental fish (<em>Betta</em> sp) Cultured. <em>Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology &amp; Biology Education</em>, 8(2), 240-247.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Anna E. Windle ◽  
Greg M. Silsbe

Unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS, or drones) equipped with off-the-shelf multispectral sensors originally designed for terrestrial applications can also be used to derive water quality properties in coastal waters. The at-sensor total radiance a UAS measured constitutes the sum of water-leaving radiance (LW) and incident radiance reflected off the sea surface into the detector’s field of view (LSR). LW is radiance that emanates from the water and contains a spectral shape and magnitude governed by optically active water constituents interacting with downwelling irradiance while LSR is independent of water constituents and is instead governed by a given sea-state surface reflecting light; a familiar example is sun glint. Failure to accurately account for LSR can significantly influence Rrs, resulting in inaccurate water quality estimates once algorithms are applied. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the efficacy of methods that remove LSR from total UAS radiance measurements in order to derive more accurate remotely sensed retrievals of scientifically valuable in-water constituents. UAS derived radiometric measurements are evaluated against in situ hyperspectral Rrs measurements to determine the best performing method of estimating and removing surface reflected light and derived water quality estimates. It is recommended to use a pixel-based approach that exploits the high absorption of water at NIR wavelengths to estimate and remove LSR. Multiple linear regressions applied to UAS derived Rrs measurements and in situ chlorophyll a and total suspended solid concentrations resulted in 37 and 9% relative error, respectively, which is comparable to coastal water quality algorithms found in the literature. Future research could account for the high resolution and multi-angular aspect of LSR by using a combination of photogrammetry and radiometry techniques. Management implications from this research include improved water quality monitoring of coastal and inland water bodies in order to effectively track trends, identify and mitigate pollution sources, and discern potential human health risks.

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