scholarly journals آيات المدد في القرآن الكريم: دراسة بلاغية (Al-Madād in the Holy Quran: A Rhetorical Study)

ثناء نجاتي عياش (Thana' Najati Ayyash)

ملخص البحث:                 يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة أنواع المدد بوصفه نعمة من النِعَم التي يمنّ بها اللهسبحانه وتعالى على عبادهفي القرآن الكريم دراسة بلاغية، وفي سبيل تحقيق هذا الهدف تتبعت الآيات المحتوية على لفظة المدد حيثما وردت في القرآن الكريم، ثم صنّفتها حسب أنواع المدد التي تحدثت عنها. وبعد التحليل اتضح أن القرآن الكريم تضمن خمسة أنواع من المدد؛ فهناك المدد العام، والمدد الخاص بالمؤمنين، والمدد في الآخرة الذي اختص به الله سبحانه وتعالى عباده المؤمنين به، والمدد الخاص ببني إسرائيل الذي تحدثت عنه سورة الإسراء، وأخيراً المدد لغير المؤمنين الذي كان من أهدافه الترغيب أولا ثم الاستدراج ثانيًا. ولعلني ببحثي هذا استطعت إبراز مظهر من مظاهر بلاغة النص القرآني الذي يتميز بما فيه من إعجاز بلاغي، أعجز المتحدين عن الاتيان بمثله، أو بسورة، أو بآية.الكلمات المفتتاحية: المدد- السياق- العام- المؤمنون- المشركون.Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine the types of al-madad in the Holy Quran as a form of bounties granted by Allah to all mankind. For this purpose, all verses in the Holy Quran that contain the meaning of al-madad are investigated and later they are all classified according to the type of al-madad. It was discovered that the Holy Quran consists of five types of al-madad: general al-madad, al-madad for believers, al-madad in the hereafter which is bestowed upon His true believers, a special al-madad for the people of Israel which is mentioned in chapter Al Isra, lastly is al-madad for non-believers which is meant in the first place to attract and later to disgrace. It is hoped that the research would be able to highlight an aspect of Quranic rhetoric that challenges the unbelievers to produce a chapter or a verse like it.Keywords: Al-Madad- Context- General- Believers- Non-Believers.  Abstrak:Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti jenis masa yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran al-Karim dari segi retorik sebagai sebuah nikmat kurniaan Allah (S.W.T) kepada hambaNya. Pengkaji berdasarkan perkara tersebut telah mengesan ayat-ayat Quran yang mengandungi perkataan berkaitan masa dan dikelaskan mengikut jenis-jenis tertentu. Didapati terdapat lima jenis sifat masa; umum, khas untuk  golongan beriman, hari akhirat yang diperuntukkan Allah khas untuk mereka yang beriman kepadaNya, berkaitan secara khusus dengan Bani Israil seperti yang terdapat dalam surah Al-Isra’ dan akhir sekali ialah yang diperuntukkan kepada golongan tidak beriman dengan tujuan menarik minat dan memancing mereka. Diharapkan kajian dapat menyerlahkan beberapa aspek retorik dalam ayat Quran yang menjadi mukjizat melemahkan penentang daripada mencipta ayat atau surah seperti Quran.Kata kunci: Masa– Konteks– Umum– Golongan Beriman– Golongan Kafir.

Fahm-i-Islam ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-120
Dr. Saeed Ul Haq Jadoon ◽  
M. Saeed Shafiq

The teaching and learning of Quran is a great blessing that is why the Islamic scholar have played a pivotal role in this regard. They also intensified their efforts immensely in publishing of Quranic knowledge. Allah took great services of Quranic words and meanings fromUlama and Islamic Researchers. The modern age due to specialization which were introduced in the Holy Quran, among these one is Quranic lectures. The monumental scholars, Researchers and the experts of Quranic Knowledge deliver lectures on different subjects from which general and specific people take advantage equallly. This kind of teaching adopted the shape of permanent Art in the modern era. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi and maulana Dr. Sher Ali Shah were also international level scholars and researchers, who were called upon by the people for Quranic lectures in country and foreign. The Quranic lectures delivered by Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi and Dr.Sher Ali Shah were very beneficial for Quranic students and scholars. In this Article we discuss Comparative Study of Quranic lectures of Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi and Molana Dr. Sher Ali Shah

Rusul Yousif Alsalhee ◽  
Abdulhussein Mohsin Abdullah

<p>The Holy Quran, due to it is full of many inspiring stories and multiple lessons that need to understand it requires additional attention when it comes to searching issues and information retrieval. Many works were carried out in the Holy Quran field, but some of these dealt with a part of the Quran or covered it in general, and some of them did not support semantic research techniques and the possibility of understanding the Quranic knowledge by the people and computers. As for others, techniques of data analysis, processing, and ontology were adopted, which led to directed these to linguistic aspects more than semantic. Another weakness in the previous works, they have adopted the method manually entering ontology, which is costly and time-consuming. In this paper, we constructed the ontology of Quranic stories. This ontology depended in its construction on the MappingMaster domain-specific language (MappingMaster DSL)technology, through which concepts and individuals can be created and linked automatically to the ontology from Excel sheets. The conceptual structure was built using the object role modeling (ORM) modeling language. SPARQL query language used to test and evaluate the propsed ontology by asking many competency questions and as a result, the ontology answered all these questions well.</p>

Abdurrahman Helal Abdurrahman Alsalimi

This research sheds light on the phenomenon of the separation between the verb and its object in the Holy Quran and I have stopped, within the framework of that, at the phenomenon of separation among linguists and rhetoricians, and then a discussion of the overlap of the separation with advancing, postponing, and addition, and then a discussion of the difference between separation and objection then talked about the difference between syntactic separation and rhetoric separation. After collecting many pieces of evidence, it became evident that this separation has precise illustrative connotations, unique rhetorical meanings, and that each context has its role in guiding the significance of the separator. The Quranic versified style has followed a miraculous course; its methods are varied, and its methods have differed that led to a great influence on the uniqueness and accuracy of its illustration and strength of its focus. The study relied on the descriptive inductive method.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Nur Rohman

This article constitutes to repeatedly reading the orientalists research findings on the practice of the holy Qurans reading in Indonesia. It is very important, especially related to the methodology used, because at the same time both of those who are interested to study the holy Quran and the cultural observers see the various daily activities of the people showing the natural phenomenon that can be approached through the social-humanities disciplines. This article explained that Anna M. Gade operated Clifford Geertzs theory on religion as cultural system. Anna Gade said that the practical reading of the Quran (in Indonesia) is constituted by several things, which then grouped into motivation and mood.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-51
Mojtaba Ansari Moghaddam

Security in various dimensions (cultural, social, military, economic) is the most important human need that is of particular concern to the Islamic holy religion. Economic security is one of the important dimensions of security that is closely linked to the fate of society. Because the development of a society needs its economic progress. The Islamic religion has always introduced various rules for the economic system in order to achieve a desirable and healthy economy. Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (pbuh), the first Imam of the Shiites, has in his scientific and practical course precious tips of a healthy economy that, after the Holy Quran, is the most important source of economic security. The Alawite government is also an example of practical Islamic governments. During his caliphate, Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) made every effort to have a favorable economy and the people of that community to live in economic security. The Emir (pbuh) proposes various points and strategies for achieving economic security, These include: overseeing affairs, dealing with corruption, creating a culture of endowment, combating usury, combating hoarding, fair judgment, promoting the economy, reforming consumption patterns, equitable division of public property.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Aisyah Zubaidah ◽  
Mutammam Mutammam

The tradition of memorizing the holy Quran cannot be separated from the people of Benda, Sirampog. For them, memorizing the holy Quran is a thariqoh (a particular way) to be a lofty man to get close to God (Allah). This tradition is inherited from family institution and teacher-student circle. This research shows that when this tradition creates a group of people who memorized Quran, the organization of Quran memorizer in one organization has a positive impact for their existence. Through this organization, they have a chance to develop a social and economic network to empower themselves. As a result, their opportunity to get a social and economic benefit is bigger than before. This research also found that, the power of a leader of this organization can support and facilitate the life of the tradition of Quran memorizer

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-32
Syed Mohsin Ali

Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (R.A) is the saint Personality whose inevitable struggles and the modern achievements revived Islam second time and defeated polytheism and innovation. The People accepted him as their great leader and made the most of his knowledge and ideology. His writings are a treasure of knowledge, which not only provides training for every age but also have resources of guidance to our social affairs. In this article, a review from the Holy Quran, Ahadith and books has been presented about the social factors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117 ◽  
Salahaldeen Mohammad AlBzour

The rhetorical language is one of the miraculous matters in the Holy Quran and the term ‘fruit’ iseloquently used in the Holy Quran. In this research, the analytical method has been followed that attempts to make use of statistical analysis of the word ‘fruit’ as mentioned in the Holy Quran. This research aims to draw special attention to the significances of the word ‘fruit’ in the Holy Quran and to clarify what the place of revelation of surahs, the context of verses and the addressee could add to the connotations  of the word 'fruit'. Accordingly, two responses have been adopted according to the meanings of the word ‘fruit’ to achieve the aims, first, connotations of the word ‘fruit’ as the sweet and juicy part of a plant, second, connotations of the word ‘fruit’ as useful crops and others. Anyway, the results show that the word ‘fruit’ is foremost used to indicate the reward of the people of Paradise and to indicate Allah’s ability in creating, then respectively comes the others. In addition to, with reference to the place of revelation and the addressee, the results bring to light that these things add extra information to the connotations and make the word ‘fruit’ more meaningful. Finally, the results display that the connotations of the word ‘fruit’ can sometimes be understood within the same context where the word is mentioned in and it is necessary to refer to previous contexts to grasp the connotations at other times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Shazia Bano ◽  
Hafiz Muhammad Aslam

             The cognizance of religion and the intellect of the Qur’an rests on the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an. A large number of the people of Muslims Ummah have been absorbed in the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an and they have left indelible marks in the history of the Holy Quran explanation. The Tafsir ‘‘Duroos ul Qur’an Al Hakeem’’ written by Syed Shams-ul-Haqq Afghani occupies an illustrious place in the epexegesis of the Holy Qur’an. Molana Afghani wrote the book "Uloom ul Qur’an" on the topic of Usool e Tafseer in a unique style. In his tafsir, Molana Afghani had made the explanation of qur’anic verses according to principles of his book "Uloom ul Quran" He endeavor to make the message of the Qur’an in scientific and modern way before the reciter of the Holy Qur’an by using different examples .He had keenly observed the bad conditions of the Muslims in his era and give the  enticement the new generation to reform their problems in the light of Holy Qur’an.

ĪQĀN ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Dr. Muhammad Munir Azhar ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Saleem Ismail

Im?m Al Sh?f? has great contribution towards grammatical and principled Arabic poetry. It is observed that his poetry is rich with ethical values. He gained his reputation at the same time as a Muslim jurist and a great man of wisdom. He is the writer of many books regarding Islamic jurisprudence, and a famous book of poetry “Deewan e Sh?f?.” More over his books contain such ethical values in couplet mood. All of these discussed values, he truly abstracted and retrieved from the holy Quran and hadith. This article presents a special study regarding his valuable topics of ethics. The article is a comprehensive study of the ethical values found in the poetry of Al imam Al-Sh?f?. The important ethical values of his poetry are: true advice of Muslim and knowledge positively. He also discussed some bad habits to aware the people about their bad impacts on nature and gives examples of their destructions in human beings. Some of them are fraud, cruelty and being the secretary of the ruler etc. He also discussed some bad habits to aware the people about their bad impacts on nature and gives examples of their destructions in human beings. Some of them are fraud, cruelty and being the secretary of the ruler etc.

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