scholarly journals Modern Requirements for the System of Training Specialists in the Field of Environmental Safety

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-138
Irina Iurevna Matasova

The article is devoted to the issues of training specialists in the field of environmental safety in universities in the context of the implementation of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard higher professional education 3++ training direction «Technosphere safety», the introduction of the professional standard «Specialist in environmental safety (in industry)», taking into account changes in regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental safety. The purpose of the research is to determine the current requirements for the system of training specialists in the field of environmental safety, taking into account changes in the legislation regulating this area. The following research methods are used in the work: the study and analysis of regulatory legal acts, domestic literary sources, resources of departmental and educational Internet portals in the field of environmental safety. As a result of the study, it was revealed that fundamental changes in regulatory, administrative, economic, control and supervisory management methods and the use of state online services in the field of environmental safety in the Russian Federation determine the specifics of the content of theoretical and practical training of environmental specialists. It is concluded that the professional standard for specialists in the field of environmental safety, introduced in September 2020, the requirements for the content of bachelor's and master's training in the direction of «Technosphere safety» should be the basis for the development of the Main educational professional program by universities (the choice of professional competencies, the formation of the curriculum, the formation of practice programs, the final certification program).

R.A. Almaev ◽  

The possibilities of using distance learning on the Internet are considered with the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education to the learning out-comes according to the indicators established in the discipline programs - to know, be able, and have skills. It is noted that distance learning, being accessible to users, does not have an evidence base for its effectiveness in ensuring the quality of education. In universities with a technological focus, the creation of an educational environment that meets the established requirements is impossible with distance learning. As an additional educational resource, it can be used in organizing students' independent work, studying optional courses, in DPO centers (retraining, professional development).

I.E. Rakhimbaeva ◽  
A.M. Bashlykov

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of professional training of cadets of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military universities of the VNG RF), the solution of which determines the level of security of the Russian Federation. In connection with the changes that have occurred in the educational process on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, as well as in the structure of the troops, the need to revise the content of military education, as well as the choice of more effective methods for its implementation, has been identified. After analyzing the current state of affairs, the possibilities of frame methods were studied, the main advantage of which is the intensification of the educational process through the structuring of educational information. The authors have developed frame schemes, the effectiveness of which has been tested experimentally. All this made it possible for the teacher to devote more time to explaining the educational material of a lesson, eliminating the excessive amount of information, and for the cadets - to study the subject in more detail, to comprehend the information received, and then apply these methods in their future professional activities when training the personnel of their unit in the army.

10.12737/2663 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-60
��������� ◽  
Tatiana Poddubnaya

The paper presents arguments in support of competency-building approach as a methodic determinant of modern-level education in the light of globalization process; justifies, that competence should be considered as innovation standard in the Third Generation Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Also presented is a set of competencies stipulated by the FSES for the training direction 040400.62 �Social Work� (with the degree (qualification) of Bachelor). The author reveals her own views on how to draw out an exemplary map of proper blend composition of competencies for a Bachelor-degree social worker with further integrating this map in the educational process, as one of the ways to implement competencybuilding approach. Challenge areas in developing and assessing competencies and benchmarks for eradicating these shortcomings are suggested with respect to implementing Third-generation FSES of Higher Professional Education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 99-101
Гулнара Нурманбетова

Аннотация: Стaтья пoсвященa знaчению прaктики в прoфессиoнaльнoм стaнoвлении бaкaлaврoв педaгoгическoгo oбрaзования. Показаны роль и цели, учебно-педагогической практики с точки зрения научно-практического, компетентностного подхода; мнения студентов о роли практики в подготовке студентов к будущей профессиональной деятельности. Практика показана, как главный связующий компонент между теоретической и практической подготовкой будущих специалистов, первостепенным условием повышения качества их обучения, максимально приближенных к будущей профессиональной деятельности, в ходе которой формируются педагогические умения и навыки. В статье на конкретных примерах, на основе фактического материала проанализировано проведение практики у бакалавров педагогического образования на факультете Славяноведения БГУ им. К.Карасаева. Ключевые слова: педагогическая практика, Государственный образовательный стандарт высшего профессионального образования, роль, цель педагогической практики, компетентностный подход, бакалавр. Аннотация: Макала билим берүүдө бакалаврлардын кесипкөйлүгүнүн; студенттерди келечектеги кесипкөйлүк ишмердүүлүккө даярдоодо практиканын ролу жөнүндө студенттердин ойлору камтылган. Макалада окуу-педагогикалык практикасында компетенттүүлүктүн мааниси, ролу жана максаты көрсөтүлгөн. Педагогикалык практикада көндүмдөрүн пайда болуусу анын келечектеги адистерге, теориялык жана практикалык окутуусунда негизи билимди түзөт. Аларды даярдоонун сапатын жогорулатуу үчүн маанилүү шарт түзүү өтө абзел. Келечектеги кесиптик ишмердүүлүккө зор мүмкүнчүлүктү түзөт. Макалада окутуу материалдардын негизинде БМУнун аларды К.Карасаевдин Славянтаануу факультетиндеги студенттерин даярдоо ыкмалары көрсөтүлөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: педагогикалык практика, жогорку кесиптик билим берүүнүн мамлекеттик билим берүү стандарты, педагогикалык практиканын ролу, максаты, компетенттүүлүк мамиле, бакалавр. Annotation: The article is devoted to the importance of practice in the professional development of bachelors of pedagogical education. The role and goals of teaching and teaching practice from the point of view of the scientific, practical and competence-based approach; opinions of students on the role of practice in preparing students for future professional activities are demonstarted. Practice is show as the main binding component between the theoretical and practical training of future specialists, the paramounty condition for improving their quality training, as close as possible to future professional activities, during which pedagogical skills are formed. The article, using concrete examples, based on factual material, analyzes the practice of bachelors in teacher education at the faculty of Slavic studies of BSU named after K. Karasaev. Key words: Pedagogical practice, State educational standard of higher professional education, role, purpose of pedagogical practice, competence based approach, bachelor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-70 ◽  
T.N. Klyueva ◽  
N.V. Iiyukhina

The experience of the Samara region in the development and implementation of programs for additional vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard "Pedagogue-psychologist (educational psychologist)" is described. The course of implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of training 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (bachelor's level) is analyzed according to the requirements for the development of professional competencies among university graduates. The problem of compliance of these requirements with the requirements of the professional standard "Pedagogue-psychologist (educational psychologist)" and the possibility of its partial solution through the system of additional professional education are considered. The examples of specific programs for additional vocational education developed by the specialists of the State Budgetary Institution of Additional Vocational Education of the Samara Region "Regional Sociopsychological Center" and aimed at forming the missing professional competencies of pedagogical psychologists are given.

2021 ◽  
Svetlana Bendyurina ◽  
Mihail Goncharov ◽  
Denis Evstifeev

In the textbook, in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation, from the standpoint of the current state of constitutional law, the issues of the course of constitutional law of Russia, the theory and practice of constitutional construction, constitutional and legal regulation of the structure of the state, the political system, society as a whole are systematically and fully disclosed. For university students studying in the direction of training 030900 " Jurisprudence "(qualification (degree)" bachelor"," master"), graduate students and teachers of law schools, employees of state authorities and local self-government, as well as for anyone interested in constitutional law.

С. Бутова ◽  
S. Butova ◽  
О. Несоленая ◽  
O. Nesolenaya

Modernization of higher professional education is proved by the need to increase its quality according to the requirements of a present stage of political and social and economic development of Russia. Federal state educational standards of the higher education (FSES HE) establish rather strict qualifi cation requirements to the faculty of higher education institutions. In this regard, as one of strategic problems of a number of the Russian leading universities (MSU, MGIMO, SFU, etc.), is formation and development of personnel potential. The professional standard “Teacher of Vocational Education, Professional Education and Further Professional Education” which has come into force on January 1, 2017 establishes requirements to education level, seniority and a profi le of education taking into account the taught disciplines. Authors analyze features of application and the problem of introduction of this standard in higher education institutions.

2020 ◽  
Marianna Vasil'eva ◽  
Natal'ya Mirzabekova ◽  
Elena Sidel'nikova

The aim of the textbook is the formation of skills and abilities in different types of reading, writing and speaking in German. Contains 12 lessons, the application, consisting of 12 texts for independent reading, German-Russian dictionary and a concise dictionary of foreign terms. Covers a wide range of economic topics based on the requirements of state educational standard of higher professional education. The text is taken from German literature and are provided with exercises based on the communicative approach. Compared to the 4th edition (Moscow: Alfa-M: INFRA-M, 2018) some of the lyrics are updated. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation. For students of higher educational institutions, students of economic specialties.

Владилен Федосеев ◽  
Vladilen Fedoseev

The system of economic-mathematical and mathematical-statistical methods and models for the solution of a wide class of problems of economy and sociology of work is stated. Theoretical consideration of these models is accompanied by specific numerical examples. The questions, tasks and exercises to control the assimilation of the studied topics are given. Corresponds to the Federal state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation. For students, postgraduates, teachers and practitioners in the field of Economics and sociology of work.

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