scholarly journals Student Mastery of Association Concept In Aceh Selatan Polytechnic Computer Engineering Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Fera Anugreni ◽  
Muhammad Anhar Pulungan ◽  

Mathematical Association material becomes difficult for students to learn since it is described in the form of set-forming notation and story-based questions (applied). Moreover, they find it difficult to determine the number of subsets with several determined members. The author's observations while teaching at the South Aceh Polytechnic Computer Engineering Study Program for the 2018/2019 academic year obtained data that students did not master Discrete Mathematics subjects, especially the material of the Association. This can be seen in daily assignments, midterm exams, and final semester exams. The author as a lecturer in the Study Program was disappointed with the results obtained. The approach and type of this research is a quantitative approach and a pure experimental type of research. The research sample of the second-semester students of the South Aceh Polytechnic Computer Engineering Study Program for the 2019/2020 academic year was 16 students. The research data was the test scores collected from students. The instrument in this study was a test question. The data collection technique in this research is a written test. Data analysis used t-test at a significant level α = 0,05, dk = 4, with standard value of  = 69. Based on the analysis gained  and . Thus, the result turns out  or 1.83 > 1,75. Thus it is concluded that the mastery of Computer Engineering Study Program students at the Polytechnic of South Aceh for the 2019/2020 academic year in understanding the set material has reached a level of success.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-340
Syarifah Roswan

The purpose of this study was to increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance mate-rial through the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model for class VI students of SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year. The research methodology is Classroom Action Research (CAR) consisting of two cycles and each cycle consisting of two findings. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The data collection technique is to collect test scores that are carried out at the end of each lesson in each cycle using a question in-strument (written test). The learning outcome data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. The results showed that the completeness of student learning outcomes increased from 66,67% in the first cycle and increased to 83,33% in the second cycle. The application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model can increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance material of class VI SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-79
Suarti Djafar ◽  
Nadar Nadar ◽  
Arwan Arwan

This research is Classroom Action Research which will be carried out in two cycles and through several stages in each cycle, namely planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in mathematics learning outcomes of STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang students through the development of vocational mathematics modules. The subjects of this study were the fourth semester students of the 2018/2019 academic year study program in mathematics, totaling 10 people. The data collection technique that will be used is a test of student learning outcomes conducted at the end of each cycle, observation, reflection and student responses. The implementation plan begins with asking questions, thinking together and answering; 2) Application of the development of vocational mathematics modules about improving the learning outcomes of the mathematics education study program STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang. The goals and objectives of education held at the mathematics education study program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang can be achieved well, in order to produce vocational math modules for mathematics education study programs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Mujib ◽  
Irfan Rizky Ramadhan

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tidak adanya sistem yang mampu untuk memonitoring seberapa banyak pengunjung laboratorium komputer prodi Teknik Komputer di STMIK AMIKBANDUNG . Hal ini menyebabkan tingkat kunjungan mahasiswa tidak terpantau dan bahkan seringkali terlihat ada orang asing yang masuk ke ruangan tersebut. Akibat yang ditimbulkan dari hal ini bisa saja berujung pada pencurian atau hal lain yang tidak diinginkan.Seiring berjalannya waktu, teknologi yang berkembang memunculkan sebuah inovasi baru di bidang keamanan sebuah ruangan. Yakni menggunakan alat yang disebut Radio Frequency Identification atau yang lebih dikenal dengan RFID. Penulis ber-inisiatif untuk membuat alat yang selain bisa untuk mengamankan sebuah ruangan namun juga bisa berfungsi sebagai sistem presensi berbasis web. Alat ini tentunya bisa memonitoring siapa saja mahasiswa yang masuk ke ruangan tersebut dan mampu untuk merekam catatan waktu di bagian log check in. Penerapan teknologi ini bisa disematkan pada kartu mahasiswa yang dimiliki oleh setiap anggota dari prodi Teknik Komputer. Hal ini tentunya sangat berguna jika sedang tidak ada dosen pembimbing di ruangan. Keamanan bisa terjamin dan dipantau dari jarak jauh melalui website. Hasil dari perancangan dan konfigurasi alat tersebut diujikan dengan melakukan uji coba masuk ke miniature pintu ruangan laboratorium komputer yang telah dibuat sebelumnya. Ada tiga sampel kartu yang disediakan penulis diantaranya : mahasiswa terdaftar, mahasiswa tidak terdaftar, dan visitor. Ketiga kartu tersebut mempunyai hak akses yang berbeda. Ada yang mempunyai akses masuk dan ada pula yang tidak.�Kata Kunci : Sistem Presensi, RFID RC522, Nodemcu, Laboratorium Komputer����������� ��AbstractThis research is motivated by the absence system that is not able to monitoring how many visitors are computer labs at the Computer Engineering study at STMIK AMIKBANDUNG. This causes the level of student visits not monitored and even often seen a stranger entering the room. The consequences of this can lead to theft or other undesirable things. Over time, developing technology led to a new innovation in the field of room security. Namely using a device called Radio Frequency Identification or better known as RFID. The author took the initiative to create a tool that besides being able to secure a room but also function as a web-based presence system. This tool can certainly monitor anyone who enters the room and is able to record the time in the log in check-in section. The application of this technology can be embedded on student cards owned by each member of the Computer Engineering study program. This is certainly very useful if there are no supervisors in the room. Security can be guaranteed and monitored remotely via the website. The results of the design and configuration of the tool are tested with conduct a trial entry into the miniature door of the computer laboratory room that has been made previously. There are three sample cards provided by the author including: registered students, unregistered students, and visitors. All three cards have different access rights. Some have access and some don't.�Keywords : Presence System, RFID RC522, Nodemcu, Computer Laboratory

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 162-173
Ida Afriliana ◽  
M.Bahar ◽  
Abdul Basit

Higher education institutions are the main institutions in creating young people who can be ready to enter the world of work and industry, and one of the educational programs that take part in vocational education. Vocational education is higher education that is directed at focusing certain applied skills. Harapan Bersama of Polytechnic is one of the vocational education institutions that provides Human Resources (HR) to become the younger generation as practitioners in industry, companies, or other stoke holders. In the D3 Computer Engineering Study Program, each batch can graduate approximately 300 graduates, where each graduate will produce one scientific work from the final project research conducted. Likewise, with students who do practical work (KP), every student who does KP will produce scientific papers. But all the results of this scientific work, namely the research report of the Final Project and the Job Training Report are still being submitted to the Study Program in one compact disk (CD). This turned out to be a problem for the Study Program because from each batch, around 300 compact disks (CDs) were collected from the results of scientific work from the practical work and 300 compact disks (CDs) from the final project research outputs. Physical data in the form of a compact disk (CD) requires a large space for its placement. Meanwhile, the condition of the D3 Computer Engineering study program room makes it impossible to place the physical form. And along with technological developments, this physical form can be replaced by soft files in the form of e-journals or e-reports. This needs to be done in line with the paradigm shift from conventional libraries to e-libraries. With the existence of SIPESTA or the information system for the completion of this Final Project, the results of writing scientific papers are uploaded and become a digital trace of all scientific papers that have been carried out by all D3 Computer Engineering students. And so if this data is needed it will be easy to find because the database has been well managed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 22 ◽  
Dwi Oktaviana

<p>This research aims to analyze the students' mistakes in soving math essay-tests on the discrete Mathematics using Newman error category. This descriptive research used qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are the 7th semester students of math study program of IKIP PGRI Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017. The instrument of this research was the test items analized by Newman error category and interviews. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that (1) 24% of reading errors were in form of not knowing the meaning, (2) 24%  of comprehension error is not knowing what to look for (3) 54.67% of transformation error is in form of generating function of the problem (4) 88% of error processing skill is in form of errors in the calculation and (5) 89.33% of encoding error is in form of mistakes in making  final answer of the test.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muzzalifah Muzzalifah

The purpose of this study is to improve the activities and learning outcomes of science in the framework material and its maintenance through the use of image media. The learning method used in this study is the image media method. The subjects of this study were students in grade IV MIN 9 Southwest Aceh. The number of students is 14 students with a total of 7 male students and 7 female students. This re-search was conducted in the 2017/2018 Academic Year within a period of 3 months, from September to November 2017 in Odd Semester. The methodology of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of two meetings. In each cycle consists of plan-ning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection technique is to collect the value of the test carried out at the end of each learning in each cycle using the question instrument (written test). Ob-servation data is done by looking at student activities in the learning process. Data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. The results showed that an increase in student learning activities in both cycles, from the category of being good enough and the good category increasing to very good. Com-pleteness of student learning outcomes has increased from 42.85% in pre-study increased to 64.28% in the first cycle and increased to 85.71% in the second cycle. The application of the use of image media can increase the activities and learning outcomes of science in the framework material and the mainte-nance of fourth grade students MIN 9 Aceh Barat Daya 2017/2018 Academic Year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 153 ◽  
Noeris Meiristiani ◽  
Yulia Nur Ekawati

English subject that is learnt in Mechanical Engineering Study Program is different from English subject learnt in other programs, relating to the aspects of target situation, students’ weaknesses, students’ wishes and their needs. This research aims to find out Mechanical Engineering students’ problems in learning English, students’ needs in learning English and the process of designing syllabus of English subject. This research is case study using qualitative approach. The research participants are 40 students of Mechanical Engineering in third semester, in the academic year of 2017/2018 and two English lecturers who teach in Mechanical Engineering Study Program. The instruments to collect the data are questionnaire, interview and documentation (students’ achievement). Data moreover are reduced, displayed and then conclusions are drawn. The research results show that English subject is needed in Mechanical Engineering department. Students’ needs in learning English related with material aspects of listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. In addition, the materials of mechanical engineering and application letter using English are also needed. Moreover, students’ problems in learning English are students’ lack confidence in mastering English both orally and in written. Students’ weaknesses in mastering pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary make English subject difficult to learn. In addition, they do not get used to reading and writing English texts. From the results, it is then recommended to review and design the syllabus of English for Mechanical Engineering which is suitable with students’ needs and give benefits for students and institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Ade Evi Fatimah ◽  
Fitriani Fitriani

This study aims to determine the students' mathematical critical thinking abilities in terms of their mathematical resilience. The subjects of this study were students of Informatics and Computer Engineering Education STKIP Al Maksum in discrete mathematics courses, totaling 37 students. The research instrument used in the form of mathematical critical thinking ability test questions and student mathematical resilience questionnaires. The research method used is a correlational method with a quantitative approach. Then the data were analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed that the mathematical critical thinking ability based on the mathematical resilience of the students of the Computer Informatics Engineering Education Study Program, STKIP Al Maksum, had a positive effect of 79.9%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Wachid Yahya ◽  
Dwi Iskandar

This study was designed to develop textbook of vehicle management system based on simulation softwares. The research method used Research and Development (R&D) with a model developed by Dick and Carry, an ADDIE development model that contains five tools; device analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Analysis of the data used descriptive method. Ther research subjects were the second semester students of the D3 Automotive Engineering Study Program of the Indonusa Polytechnic of Surakarta academic year 2018/2019. The results of this study were the creation of textbooks Vehicle Management Systems integrated with simulation softwares, which were Proteus version 7.07 and Fluidsim version 3.6. The textbook was assessed by 3 learning device experts, 3 lecturers and has been tested on students. The assessments show the percentage of achievements of 92.94% of the material experts, 86.03% of the learning device experts, 85.07% of the lecturers, and 86.62% of the students. This textbook has advantages from aspects of learning that are in accordance with learning 4.0, namely by combining theory and simulation that can be accessed via smart phones or computers connected to the internet.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 201-218
Sri Utami

The purpose of this research is to analyze initial vocabulary of nouns in the field of Legal Studies had by the first semester students of Law Study Program of University of Kutai Kartanegara in academic year 2019/2020. This study used descriptive qualitative design. The research subjects were 10 students of the first semester. The instrument of the study was vocabulary test in the form of written test by using match type test. The results of this study are as follows: (1) there were 9 words that became the most common initial vocabularies of nouns in the field of Legal Studies, (2) There were 6 words that became the most unfamiliar nouns for almost all the students. Based on the findings of the research it could be summarized (1) the initial vocabularies of nouns in the field of Legal Studies were varies but still very limited; (2) the nouns in the field of Legal Studies that were not familiar for the students were also varies. It meant that each student has different familiar and unfamiliar nouns. The initial vocabularies of nouns in the field of Legal Studies had by the students were different one each other. Some students had more initial vocabularies but some others had less initial vocabularies. Keywords: initial vocabularies, nouns, legal studies

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