scholarly journals The Insurance Market in Ukraine: The State and Development Prospects


In the current conditions of the economic development in Ukraine, an important place is occupied by the system of insurance relations. Although the insurance market in Ukraine is characterized by a low level of insurance culture, some insurers don’t fulfill their obligations, distrust of the population towards insurance companies, imperfection of state regulation mechanisms of the activity of these enterprises, low incomes of the population, etc.The research of the domestic insurance market shows that insurance itself provides the population with insurance protection against various insurance risks and is the most stable source of long-term investments. The existing insurance system in Ukraine is based mainly on principles that have demonstrated its inefficiency and do not meet the needs of the national economy. Urgency of this problem requires further study of the history of the insurance development as a whole, the identification of the development stages of insurance of the independent Ukraine and identification of a group of factors that influence the insurance market development.Growth of the entrepreneurial activity in the late nineteenth century and a stormy development of joint-stock companies were the beginning of agreements conclusion, definition of the rules of insurance, expansion of the reinsurance activity.Developmentoftheinsurancebusinesshasshownitsprofitability, therefore, in our country there is no significant decline in the number of insurance companies. In the competitive environment, insurance companies are increasingly expanding their range of insurance risks, seeking to increase their competitiveness. Insurance has a long history of formation, and research into historical aspects of the insurance development has begun with its evolution. Having analyzed literary sources, we have come to the conclusion that in Ukraine, the insurance development took place under the legal conditions that existed in the period of Kievan Rus and Tsarist Russia, and later in the USSR. Only the adoption of the Law on Insurance in 1996 made the domestic insurance market more developed and modern. Current state and four groups of factors that influence the insurance market development in Ukraine are analyzed. Prospects for the development of the insurance market in Ukraine are substantiated.

M. E. Karpitskaya

The article analyses the evolution and current state of the insurance market of the Republic of Belarus. The content and structure of the insurance market are characterized. The role of infrastructure links in the development of the external environment of the Belarusian insurance market is shown. It determines the promising directions of integration into the international insurance market. The main approaches to the system of state regulation of the insurance market and its compliance with international standards are analysed. The systematization of legal acts regulating relations in the insurance sector is carried out. The requirements for the formation of the authorized capital and conditions for the transfer of risks to reinsurance are justified. The analysis of differences in the level of insurance development among individual insurance companies in the Republic of Belarus, the structure of insurance premiums and payments is carried out. It is shown that insurance development depends on the effectiveness of the national economy development. The factors influencing changes in key performance indicators of the insurance market are identified. The necessity of activation of integration processes in the insurance sector is proved. The issues of assessment and monitoring of decision implementation of the EEU bodies in the national insurance legislation of the Republic of Belarus and selected country members of the EEU are considered. The main recommendations on the formation of the functioning mechanism of the unified insurance environment on the territory of the EEU are given. Drivers of the Belarusian insurance market development are defined.The article will be of interest to specialists engaged in studying the issues of state regulation of insurance activities as well as to state supervisory authorities when developing a set of measures for the development of the common insurance environment of the EEU and developing a strategy for the insurance industry development for the upcoming five-year period.

I. V. Ershova ◽  
E. V. Trofimova

The article reveals the content and outlines approaches to the definition of the legal nature of mining. Attention is drawn to the necessity of legal regulation of this activity, which is predetermined by the Federal Program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» — a project that provides for normative regulation of the digital environment. In order to support the mission to eliminate digital illiteracy, which is also envisaged in the National Program, the author elucidates the etymology and meaning of the term «mining» and considers various doctrinal interpretations of this concept. The paper presents such analogies of the blochchain technology as the public ledger, DNA, and a layer-cake for a better understanding of the blockchain technology that is associated with mining. Material-technical and organizational foundations of mining are revealed. The author demonstrates advantages and disadvantages of solo mining, pool mining, and cloud mining. The results of comparative monitoring of the attitude to the recognition of cryptocurrency as a means of payment are presented. Attention is drawn to the liberal legal regulation of blockchain technology and mining under the laws of the Republic of Belarus. The paper determines the stages of a law-making process aimed at legal support of mining in Russia. Based on the results of comparison of concepts of entrepreneurial activity and mining, it is concluded that mining represents one of new types of entrepreneurship brought to life due to the needs of digital economy. The author suggests thatmining participants be recognized as self-employed persons. It is noted that the entrepreneurial nature of mining arises questions concerning measures of its state regulation which is difficult within the framework of the existing paradigm, but should be built on the basis of a balance between private and public interests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (20) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Roland Bregvadze

In Georgia, the insurance industry has been developing since 1997, since the establishment of insurance development strategy by the state, the LEPL State Insurance Supervision Service, the main insurance regulation law on insurance, normative and sub-legal acts have been developed, and an important place has been given to insurance relations in Georgian civil, air, marine and customs code. Several types of compulsory insurance have been introduced. Over time, with the realization of the benefits of insurance by the public and private business, there has been a growing demand for the various types of insurance offered by private insurance companies. Including types of personal insurance, property and financial risk insurance. There was also some demand for various liability insurance in both the corporate and retail markets. Nevertheless, judging by the statistics of the Georgian insurance market from 2008 to 2018, we will see that liability insurance is less prominent. Leading among the types of insurance are types of insurance such as medical insurance, auto insurance, property and life insurance. Liability insurance ranks sixth and seventh, both in terms of premiums attracted and policies issued. Liability insurance is less in demand today and is preceded by types of insurance such as medical insurance, motor insurance, property and life insurance. The separation of the type of liability insurance and the importance of its development is due to the fact that it is impossible to attribute it to property or personal insurance. If the object of property insurance is the property of a natural or legal person, and the property of a person - human life, health and ability to work, then the object of liability insurance is the liability of the insured (insured) for damage to a third party in accordance with law or contractual obligations. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to reflect to some extent the problems of liability insurance development in Georgia and to offer recommendations for their solution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 102-109
І. В. Ліченко

The relevance of the article is that bringing Ukrainian legislation in line with the insurance legislation of the European Union is one of the priority areas in the economy of Ukraine. The process of adaptation is a complex process given the large volume of regulations. The analysis of the comparative insurance process is the initial stage for determining the methods for implementing the norms of international cooperation at the domestic level. Insurance during the crisis (covid-19) and other negative political and economic events, the decline in the material well-being of the population has created a problem of significant reduction in consumer demand for insurance services. The problem of supporting consumer demand and the competitiveness of insurance companies is especially relevant today. The article provides a comparative comparative analysis of Ukrainian insurance legislation, the purpose of which is to identify regulatory relationships based on a comparison of national legislation and international regulations of one or different historical periods. It is concluded that significant differences in the parameters and proportions of the domestic market in accordance with the standards of the European insurance market indicate that on the path to European integration our country faces complex long-term challenges for the development of the domestic insurance system. In the EU there are unified methods and forms of state regulation of insurance activities, which are established by the relevant directives of the European Union on insurance. In this regard, the strategic perspective of Ukraine's insurance system development should be based on European standards, in particular, it is necessary to improve the work of the regulator, the legal framework, life insurance and health insurance, accident compensation limits, etc. Therefore, in order to create a proper basis for further development of the insurance market, increase its reliability, the regulatory framework should be based on clear, understandable and modern principles that will ensure proper performance of the functions assigned to them by insurers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Olha Klymenko

An urgent task in the field of public administration of non-banking financial services markets is to improve the regulation of the insurance market. On the example of the insurance services market, the problems of the functioning of the financial market regulation system are highlighted. Suggestions for its improvement are presented to increase the competitiveness of these markets. The development of the Ukrainian insurance market after 2015 to the present has a positive trend, which indicates the effectiveness and managerial ability of the state regulation system. The indicators of the state of the insurance market of Ukraine in comparison with similar indicators of such markets in the countries of the European Union are considered. The dynamics of concentration of the insurance market of Ukraine over the past 15 years has been analyzed. The main trends in the development of competition in this financial sphere have been identified. The necessity of state regulation of the concentration of the insurance market is substantiated. Views on the methodology and tools used in the study of the concentration and competitiveness of the insurance market are presented. Suggestions for improving the methods are given. It is shown that from 2012 to 2019 the Herfindahl - Hirschman index for risky types of insurance and for the insurance market as a whole has been increasing. It is established that according to the gradation of financial market concentration levels using the Herfindahl - Hirschman index, the insurance market of Ukraine corresponds to the degree of low concentration. According to the value of the Herfindahl - Hirschman indicator, the concentration of the life insurance market during 2003 – 2019, with the exception of 2015, is moderate. But the total share of gross insurance premiums collected by the three largest insurance companies in 2017 – 2019 exceeded 50 % of all gross insurance premiums. According to the Ukrainian law, such a market is considered a monopoly. It is shown that when analyzing the state and development of the insurance market of Ukraine, it is advisable to supplement the values of the Herfindahl - Hirschman index with corrective coefficients that take into account regional characteristics of the market, types of insurance, additional indicators of its functioning efficiency. Measures are proposed to accelerate the development of the insurance market of Ukraine by improving its regulation system.

AJS Review ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 283-301
Robert M. Seltzer

In the mid-1930s, when the eminent Jewish historian Simon Dubnow began to publish his autobiography, he gave it the formidable title The Book of Life: Reminiscences and Reflections, Material for the History of My Time. Drawing not only on his memory, but on copious diaries and a prodigious literary output going back to the 1880s, Dubnow traced his journey from shtetl Judaism to Jewish nationalism—a journey typical (onemight almost say prototypical) of the late-nineteenth-century Russian Jewish intellectual's search for a new definition of himself as Jew and modern man. The substance of Dubnow's Book of Life frees the title from pretentiousness; more than a mere compilation, much of the autobiography (especially the first volume and a half) was an act of synthesis and integratsiia dushi (“self-integration”), two of Dubnow's favorite terms. My aim in this paper is to reflect anew on the process of Dubnow's self-integration, bridging the gap between a purely biographical approach and a purely ideological one in order to show how a distinctive nationalist stance crystallized out of Dubnow's personal growth. Nationalism was a hard-won, by no means self-evident solution to an overlapping sequence of emotional and intellectual dilemmas. Dubnow provides us with a picture of the groping that this self-transformation entailed, a picture that can be supplemented, and to a certain extent revised, by listening for resonances between life and thought undetected by Dubnow himself.

Vodotyka T.

The author reveals the essence of the concept of "entrepreneurship" and "culture of entrepreneurship" – in general, and in the context of modernization transformations of the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The article emphasizes that the concepts of "entrepreneurship" and "entrepreneurship culture" are contextual while retaining standard features. Views on the essence of entrepreneurship by Josef Schumpeter, Alfred Chandler (founder of business history), Franco Amateur, etc., are analyzed. The author refers to the works of Max Weber, Werner Sombart, Rolf Ruttinger in the analysis of the concept of "entrepreneurial culture". In the context of the study, the author defines the culture of entrepreneurship as synonymous with a new system of norms and symbols, forms, methods of entrepreneurial activity, even a new goal (the new author understands as modern, industrial, as opposed to traditional). Entrepreneurship culture is object-subjective and cannot be reduced to socio-psychological, value or motivational components. It includes a set of rules and tools for solving external adaptation and internal integration of resources. The conclusions noted the key features of entrepreneurial culture – eclecticism, instability, low level of innovation, confrontational style of relations with workers, short-sightedness and prevalence of motives for self-affirmation, in relations with the authorities – dependence. Even though the culture of entrepreneurship depends on specific historical factors, it is still an umbrella term.Key words: business history, history of entrepreneurship, the culture of entrepreneurship, modernization. Авторка розкриває сутність поняття «підприємництво» та «культура підприємництва» – загалом та в контексті модернізаційних перетворень другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ століття. Акцент у статті зроблений на тому, що поняття «підприємництво» та «культура підприємництва» є контекстуальними, втім, зберігаючи загальні спільні риси. Аналізуються погляди на сутність підприємництва Йозефа Шумпетера, Альфреда Чандлера (засновника напряму бізнес-історії), Франко Аматорі тощо. Авторка звертається до доробку Макса Вебера, Вернера Зомбарта, Рольфа Рюттінгера при аналізі поняття «культура підприємництва». В контексті дослідження культуру підприємництва авторка визначає як синонім нової системи норм і символів, форм, методів підприємницької діяльності, навіть нового цілепокладання (нове розуміється в якості модерне, індустріальне, на противагу традиційному). Культура підприємництва носить об’єктно-суб’єктний характер і не може бути зведена лише до соціально-психологічних, ціннісних чи мотиваційних компонентів. Вона включає набір правил та засобів вирішення про-блем зовнішньої адаптації й внутрішньої інтеграції ресурсів. У висновках відмічені ключові риси культури підприємництва – еклектичність, нестабільність, низький рівень інноваційності, конфронтаційний стиль взаємин із робітниками, недалекоглядність та поширеність мотивів самоствердження, у відносинах із владою – залежність. Попри те, що культура підприємництва залежить від конкретно-історичних факторів, це все ж парасольковий термін. Ключові слова: бізнес-історія, історія підприємництва, культура підприємництва, модернізація.

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-26

The paper emphasizes the role of entrepreneurial risk insurance in economic protection and the stable development of the activities of Ukrainian entrepreneurs. The features of the interaction of insurance and entrepreneurship in Ukraine are considered. The list of business risk insurance objects is given. The paper highlights the types of entrepreneurial risks that may be insured. The main features of insurance of entrepreneurial risks in modern business conditions are investigated. It has been determined that insurance of entrepreneurial risks is one of the most effective ways of influencing financial relations on the business process during the development and implementation of management decisions. The system of insurance services offered today in the domestic insurance market helps to reduce the negative consequences of insured events, and provides protection against losses in the process of doing business. Attention is drawn to foreign experience in providing insurance services depending on the specifics of entrepreneurial activity. Limitations for active demand for insurance services for insurance of entrepreneurial risks are considered, the main of which are the high cost and imperfection of the terms of the contract. The structure of gross and net premiums by type of insurance in the insurance market of Ukraine for the period 2017-2018 is analyzed. Conclusions are made about the low specific weight of the studied insurance services in the total amount of insurance premiums and unsatisfactory dynamics. The main problem points are highlighted, which are an obstacle to the successful development of the studied segment of the Ukrainian insurance market. It was recommended to insurance companies to expand offers for entrepreneurs, taking into account the specifics of professional activity. To develop and support the interaction of insurance and business in Ukraine, it is necessary to improve the legislative framework for this type of activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 02016
Mano Mgeryan ◽  
Gilyan Fedotova ◽  
Vyacheslav Borulko ◽  
Alexandr Kulakov ◽  
Yuliya Kapustina

This article examines and analyses innovative opportunities for insurance development in Russia. Thanks to innovative opportunities in a new paradigm, it is possible to move from traditional insurance products to new ones, which in turn will become the basis for regional development. Based on the analysis of the current state of the insurance market, the authors have concluded that insurance products/services need to be continuously improved, which will allow insurance companies to increase the flow of insured, to maximize the financial results of insurance companies.

S.V. Radygina

The article considers the concept of entrepreneurship, describes various scientific views on the definition of the economic essence of the concept of entrepreneurship. The article reveals the main economic and social functions of entrepreneurship in Russia at the modern stage of economic development. The level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Udmurt Republic is characterized, the number of employees and the distribution of small businesses in Udmurtia by type of economic activity are analyzed. The history of formation and development of the system of state support for entrepreneurial activity in Udmurtia is described. A detailed description of the current measures of state support and promotion of small business development is given. The article also describes the directions of participation of the Udmurt Republic in the national project “Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”, within the framework of which five regional projects are implemented: “Acceleration of SMEs”; “Increased access of SMEs to financial support, including concessional financing”; “Popularization of entrepreneurship”; “Improving the business environment”; “Establishment of a system of support for farmers and development of rural cooperation”. In accordance with regional projects, innovative infrastructure organizations provide financial, property and information advice to small business.

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