scholarly journals Analysis of Modern Systems of Announcement Before Baptism in the Russian Orthodox Church

2019 ◽  
pp. 136-145
Михаил Васильевич Крикота

В данной статье рассматриваются огласительные системы катехизации перед Крещением. По рекомендации современных катехизаторов следует разделять курс предкрещального оглашения на несколько бесед, в рамках которых нужно обучить оглашаемых основам христианского вероучения. Несмотря на то, что методики и подходы к оглашению у каждого катехизатора разные, все они, однако, отмечают, что в обязательном порядке проходящие катехизацию должны ознакомиться с главными событиями Ветхого Завета и Нового Завета, заповедями, содержанием церковных таинств и основными дисциплинарными нормами жизнедеятельности христианина. Большое внимание авторы катехизационных систем уделяют выяснению истинных причин Крещения оглашаемого, а также призывают строить общение с аудиторией в форме диалога. Знакомство с самыми примечательными практиками оглашения наших дней позволило определить, что самой полной и подходящей к современным условиям церковной жизни являются системы оглашения, рекомендуемые Синодальным отделом по религиозному образованию и катехизации, поскольку они предлагают вариативность в структуре огласительного процесса, а также насыщены широкой материальной базой. On the recommendation of modern catechists should be divided into a course of pre-baptismal announcement of several conversations, in which you need to teach the basics of the Christian faith announced. Despite the fact that the methods and approaches to the announcement of each catechist are different, all of them, however, note that it is mandatory for the catechists to become familiar with the main events of the old Testament and the New Testament, the commandments, the content of Church Sacraments and the basic disciplinary norms of Christian life. Much attention is paid to the authors of catechetical systems to clarify the true causes of the Baptism of the public, as well as call to build communication with the audience in the form of dialogue. Familiarity with the most remarkable practices of the announcement of our days made it possible to determine that the most complete and suitable to the modern conditions of Church life are the systems of the announcement proposed by the Synodal Department for religious education and catechization, as they offer variability in the structure of the announcement process, as well as a wide material base.

Aliaxandr V. Slesarau

The article is devoted to considering the specifics of the administrative and canonical status of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora, during 1946–1956 stayed in the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. The conclusion is drawn about what happened from 1950 to 1956 phasing down the status of the metropolis, which led to the cessation of its existence. One of the most important reasons for the liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora seems to be the fear of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad bishop about the possible occurrence of disturbances in church life caused by the national question. The liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis led to a deeper integration of Belarusian emigrants into the cultural environment of the Russian diaspora.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 547-558
Roman N. Lunkin

In the article analyzed the social and political consequences of pandemic of coronavirus for the Russian Orthodox Church in the context of the reaction of different European churches on the quarantine rules and critics towards the church inside Russia. The author used the structural-functional and institutional approaches for the evaluation of the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, was analyzed the sources of mass-media and the public claims of the clergy. In the article was made a conclusion that Orthodox Church expressed itself during the struggle with coronavirus as national civic institute where could be represented various even polar views. Also the parish activity leads to the formation of the democratic society affiliated with the Church and the role of that phenomenon have to be explored in a future. The coronacrisis makes open the inner potential of the civic activity and different forms of the social service in Russian Church. In the same time pandemic provoked the development of the volunteer activity in the around-church environment and also in the non-church circles among the young people and the generation of 40th age where the idea of the social responsibility for themselves and people around and the significance of the civil rights was one of the popular ideas till 2019. The conditions of the self-isolation also forced the clergy to struggle for their parishioners and once again renovate the role of the church in the society and in the cyber space.

2010 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-40
Zuzanna Bogumił

Until the end of 1980s, the topic of Soviet persecutions was tabooed in the USSR. Political and social transitions that took place in that period finally eroded the wall of silence. The stories about Gulag past started to appear in the newspapers and the witnesses finally spoke. The reconstruction of the history of the Gulag, proposed at that time, became the cornerstone of the public memory of this historical experience. In my paper, I use Michel Foucault’s concept of anti-history in order to analyse the methods of interpretation and commemorating of these tragic events of the 20th century by the Memorial Society and by the Russian Orthodox Church. It was these two institutions who were the most active in the process of forming the contemporary perception of the Gulag. The interpretations proposed by them are comprehensive constructs that explain the Gulag system in all its complexity. On the basis of materials gathered during field research in Russia, I deconstruct the significance of secular and religious anti-history discourses and analyse their influence on the perceptions of the Soviet persecutions in today’s Russia.

2019 ◽  
pp. 216-225
Сергий Спицын

Статья посвящена обсуждению положения Русской Православной Церкви в 1905 году в связи с вопросом введения веротерпимости. Поводом стал манифест «Об укреплении начал веротерпимости». Закон предоставил свободу всем вероисповеданиям, но никак не коснулся положения Православия. Всё это вызвало массовые дискуссии в церковном обществе, в которых особое место занимала проблема веротерпимости. Отражением обсуждений этого вопроса стали «Отзывы епархиальных архиереев по церковной реформе». В них высшее духовенство давало оценку положению Православной Церкви в условиях нового манифеста. Одни считали закон положительным явлением для церковной жизни, другие, опровергая это мнение, критиковали закон. Несмотря на разногласие во мнениях, все архиереи были сторонниками преобразований с целью активизации деятельности Православной Церкви. The article is devoted to a discussion of the situation of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1905 in connection with the question of the introduction of religious tolerance. The occasion was the manifesto "On Strengthening the Principles of Religious Tolerance". The law gave freedom to all faiths, but did not affect the position of Orthodoxy. All this gave rise to mass discussions in church society in which the problem of religious toleration had a special place. A reflection of the debates on this question was the Review of the Diocesan Hierarchs on Church Reform. In these, the higher clergy gave their assessment of the position of the Orthodox Church in the face of the new manifesto. Some regarded the law as a positive phenomenon for Church life, while others, refuting this view, voiced their criticism of the law. Despite the differences of opinion, all the bishops were in favour of change, in order to revitalise the activities of the Orthodox Church.

2021 ◽  
pp. 210-230
Алексей Андреевич Рудченко

Статья посвящена практике награждения иерархическими отличиями священнослужителей, трудившихся в системе духовного образования в XIX в. В данном исследовании ставится цель изучить обстоятельства и условия награждения учёных клириков богослужебными отличиями в рассматриваемый хронологический период. Для этого анализируется деятельность представителей учёного духовенства данного времени, даётся оценка их трудов, изучаются биографии и послужные списки. Знакомство с наградной системой Русской Православной Церкви XIX в. показало, что преподаватели учебных учреждений в священном сане представляли совершенно особый разряд духовенства, награждение которого зачастую зависело не от выслуги лет, а от вклада в развитие церковной науки. В духовных учебных заведениях награждались ректоры, инспекторы, библиотекари и заслуженные преподаватели. Обычно представители администрации в академиях и семинариях получали сан архимандрита, игумена или протоиерея. Рядовые преподаватели за понесённые труды могли быть удостоены правом ношения набедренника, скуфьи, камилавки или наперсного креста. Кроме того, аналогичными отличиями награждались преподаватели иных учебных учреждений, если их деятельность была связана с религиозным образованием и просвещением. The article is devoted to the practice of awarding hierarchical distinctions to clergymen who worked in the system of spiritual education in the XIX century. The purpose of this study is to study the circumstances and conditions of awarding academic clerics with liturgical distinctions in the considered chronological period. To do this, the activities of the representatives of the learned clergy of this time are analyzed, their works are evaluated, biographies and service records are studied. Introduction to the award system of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XIX century. It showed that the teachers of educational institutions in the holy order represented a very special category of clergy, the award of which often depended not on the length of service, but on the contribution to the development of church science. Rectors, inspectors, librarians, and distinguished teachers were awarded in ecclesiastical educational institutions. Usually, representatives of the administration in academies and seminaries received the rank of archimandrite, abbot or archpriest. Ordinary teachers could be awarded the right to wear a loincloth, skufya, kamilavka or a pectoral cross for their hard work. In addition, similar distinctions were awarded to teachers of other educational institutions, if their activities were related to religious education and enlightenment.

Кириченко Олег Викторович

Аннотация. Воспоминания В. А. Звонковой посвящены церковной жизни автора, начиная с послевоенного времени и заканчивая 2000-ми годами. В центре воспоминаний стоит судьба самого автора, идущего сложной и тернистой дорогой православного христианина в атеистическом государстве и обществе. Автор показывает, что путь этот был непрост не только из-за преследований верующих, но даже в большей степени из-за особой нравственной атмосферы в быстро атеизирующемся советском обществе, где попирались традиционные нормы брачных отношений, где рушились привычные родственные связи и т. д. Воспоминания отмечены тонкими наблюдениями автора за жизнью современников, как церковной, так и светской. Ключевые слова: православная вера, Русская Православная Церковь, благочестие, аскетика, духовничество, старчество, церковный приход, советская эпоха, воспоминания. Abstract. The memoirs of V. A. Zvonkova are devoted to church life from the 1940-s to the 2000-s. At the heart of the memoirs is the fate of the author herself, walking the difficult path of the Orthodox Christian in an atheistic state and society. The author shows that this path was not easy, not only because of the persecution of believers, but even more so because of the special moral atmosphere in the rapidly atheizing Soviet society, where the traditional norms of marital relations were violated, where familiar family ties were broken, etc. The memoirs are marked by the author’s subtle observations of the life of contemporaries, both churchly and secular. Keywords: memoirs, Soviet era from the 1940-s to the beginning of the 2000-s, Orthodox Christian church, church, priests, parish life. Key words: Orthodox faith, Russian Orthodox Church, piety, asceticism, clergy, eldership, church parish.

Sergey M. Zinchuk

The author describes in the article some important components and features of Church life in the period initiated by Nikita Khrushchev and known as the parish reform, which, among other things, was aimed at undermining the fi nancial base of the Russian Orthodox Church (hereinafter referred to as the Church) in the USSR. It is noted that Stalin's post-war system of state-Church relations had a serious defect in the form of ineffective legal consolidation: in addition, after the end of the World War II, the question if the Soviet power praised Orthodoxy and other religions stood no longer disappeared. All this allowed Stalin's successors carrying out a number of serious measures aimed at weakening the Church. Khrushchev's religious policy differed from the persecution of the 1920s-1930s, because it included measures aimed at indirect destruction of Orthodoxy, primarily through administrative pressure on the clergy and laity. The parish reform, aimed at depriving deans of fi nancial powers and handing them over to churchwardens, appointed, in fact, by local authorities, which allowed to ruin churches and monasteries with compliance with the formalities of the regime's toleration, can be considered to be a typical manifestation of that trend.

2015 ◽  
pp. 265-288
П. Е. Липовецкий

Статья посвящена рассмотрению и анализу публикаций по общественно-политической тематике официального печатного органа Московской духовной академии, журнала «Богословский вестник», в период революционных событий в России 1905–1907 годов. В связи с публицистической деятельностью журнала упоминается целый ряд церковных деятелей, занимавших ключевые для издания посты в обозреваемый период, которые определяли политику журнала, а также уделяется внимание основным авторам, излагавшим на страницах журнала свои общественно-политические взгляды. Их публикации принесли «Богословскому вестнику» репутацию либерального церковного издания. Рассматриваются наиболее популярные темы, важнейшими из которых были переустройство государства, идеология и деятельность политических партий, готовящийся Поместный Собор, социальное неравенство, а также духовное образование. В заключение отмечается, что авторы журнала отдавали предпочтение либеральному направлению общественной мысли, не стеснялись критики государственного и церковного управления, указывали на кризис в РПЦ, призывая духовенство к «освободительному движению». The article is devoted to the review and analysis of publications on social and political topics of the official press of the Moscow Theological Academy – the «Theological Journal» during the revolutionary events in Russia of 1905–1907. In connection with the journalistic activities a number of church leaders are mentioned, who held key positions in the publication team of this period, who determined the policy of the journal. Also attention is paid to the major authors, who expressed in the magazine their socio-political views, through the publication of which the «Theological Journal» earned the reputation of a liberal church publication.The article considers the most popular topics covered in the pages of «Theological messenger» during the First Russian Revolution, the most important of which were the reorganization of the state, the ideology and activities of political parties, preparation of the Local Council, social inequality, as well as religious education. In conclusion, it states that the authors of the journal favored the liberal direction of public opinion, did not hesitate to critique the state and church administration, and pointed out the crisis in the Russian Orthodox Church, urging the clergy to a «liberation movement».

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