Coltsfoot Leaves (Tussilago farfara L.) – A Promising Source of Essential Amino Acids

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (06) ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Zahra Rahgo ◽  
Hamid reza Samadlouie ◽  
Shideh Mojerlou ◽  
Kambiz Jahanbin

Morchella fungi are considered a good source of protein. The ITS region was used to identify Morchella isolated in the northern region of Iran. The isolated fungus was very similar to Morchella fluvialis. M. fluvialis was first isolated in Iran. Dried biomass of M. fluvialis contained 9% lipids and 50% polysaccharides. Fatty acid profiles of lipids of M. fluvialis are mainly made up of linoleic acid (C18:2) (62%), followed by palmitic acid (C16:0) (12%). Testosterone (TS) was also detected (0.732 ng/dry weight biomass (DWB)) in the hormone profile of this new isolated species. Then, various protein and carbon sources as variable factors were applied to identify the key substrates, which stimulated protein production using the one-factor-at-a-time method. Key substrates (glucose and soybean) were statistically analyzed to determine the optimum content of the protein and DWB accumulation using response surface methods. The highest protein content (38% DWB) was obtained in the medium containing 80 g/l glucose and 40 g/l soybean powder. Total nutritionally indispensable amino acids and conditionally indispensable amino acids constitute 55.7% crude protein. That is to say, these adequate quantities of essential amino acids in the protein of M. fluvialis make it a good and promising source of essential amino acids for human diet.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Trimayasari Trimayasari ◽  
Ghozali Akhmad Mustaqim ◽  
Wening Dwi Prastiwi ◽  
Emas Agus Prastyo Wibowo

AbstractSoap facial cleanser is needed to keep the facial skin to keep them clean and healthy. The purpose of this study to make soap cleanser with natural materials such as hard water deposits leri. This is because the use of leri water starch or starch granules of fine particles contained in water leri dansel dust can shed the dead skin on the face because of the essential amino acids contained can regenerate skin cells. In addition, water leri can brighten the face because the leri water oryzanol contain substances that can update the development and formation of the pigment melanin, which is effectively to ward off ultraviolet rays. The process of making soap using the principle of saponification reaction, namely the reaction between the oil and the KOH/NaOH. Facial cleansing soap made in this study is solid soap. Based on the results of quality test, soap solid leri water has a pH of 11.1, saponification number is 33, the water content of 46% as well as respondents to the test aspects of aroma and foam shows good results so this water leri treatment can be an alternative solution to prevent the use of soap facial cleansers that contain harmful chemicals. Keywords: air leri, soap cleanser, saponification  AbstrakSabun pembersih wajah sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga kulit wajah agar tetap bersih dan sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membuat sabun pembersih wajah dengan bahan alami berupa endapan air leri. Penggunaan air leri ini dikarenakan butiran partikel starch atau pati halus yang terdapat dalam air leri dapat merontokkan debu dansel kulit mati pada wajah karena asam amino esensial yang terkandung dapat meregenerasi sel-sel kulit. Selain itu, air leri dapat mencerahkan wajah karena air leri mengandung zat oryzanol yang dapat memperbarui perkembangan dan pembentukan pigmen melanin, yang efektif guna menangkal sinar ultraviolet. Proses pembuatan sabun menggunakan prinsip reaksi saponifikasi, yaitu reaksi antara minyak dan KOH/NaOH. Sabun pembersih wajah yang dibuat dalam penelitian ini ialah sabun padat. Berdasarkan hasil uji mutu, sabun air leri padat memiliki pH 11,1, angka penyabunan sebesar 33 kadar air 46 kadar air 46 % serta uji responden terhadap aspek aroma dan busa yang menunjukkan hasil cukup baik sehingga pengolahan air leri ini dapat menjadi solusi alternative untuk mencegah penggunaan sabun pembersih wajah yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya. Kata kunci: air leri, sabun pembersih wajah, saponifikasi 

S. K. Temirbekova ◽  
M. Sh. Begeulov ◽  
Yu. V. Afanaseva ◽  
I. M. Kulikov ◽  
N. E. Ionova

Biochemical, immunological and physico-chemical properties of an ancient wheat grain – hulless spelt cultivar Gremme are investigated. Biochemical analysis of grain revealed a high content of protein, fiber, macro-and microelements, a rich composition of essential amino acids, which is characteristic of ancient wheat species. Evaluated milling and baking properties of spelt flour. Physical and chemical parameters of spelt grain met the requirements for soft wheat grain class 1: the mass fraction of gluten-38.7 %, the nature of the grain-795 g / l, the number of drops-416 C, the total vitreousness-70 %. However, gluten had an increased stickiness, which is obviously due to the increased content of fiber and gliadin fraction. Grinding of spelt grain was carried out on the aggregate mill installation "Miller 100 Lux" to obtain baking flour of various cultivars. The overall yield of flour of the first grinding was 59.7 %. The highest volume yield (359 cm3) and the best organoleptic properties (total baking score – 3.6 points) were observed in a sample of bread baked from spelt flour that meets the requirements for wheat baking flour of the first grade. Studies have confirmed the possibility of using flour produced from the spelt grain of the Gremme variety for the production of bakery products of increased biological, therapeutic and prophylactic, nutritional value and with a high organoleptic rating. Cereals and flour are very rich in trace elements-manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins from group B and B, essential amino acids (biochemical analysis was carried out by the Cherkizovo Center). The cultivar is resistant to drought, heat, excessive moisture. Proved immunological properties to several diseases in the field and laboratory conditions-resistant to enzyme-mycotic seed depletion (EMIS), various types of rust, powdery mildew.

S. E. Dubenko ◽  
T. V. Mazhaeva ◽  
G. M. Nasybullina

Th e authors reviewed literature on methodic evaluations of human requirements of protein, based on Russian and foreign data bases (Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, RINTs, eLIBRA RY) via key words in article headings, and evaluated quality and quantity of protein in diets of workers exposed to occupational hazards. Average requirements of amino acids and their additional intake for bett er health state in certain occupational groups remains a topical problem. Th e article covers list of methods for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of proteins in foods and diets. Findings are diff erences in approaches to protein quantity regulation in Russian Federation and WHO/FAO/UNU (protein normal level in RF is higher, depends on physical exertion, with lower quantity of amino acids with branched chain in structure of essential amino acids). Th erapeutic and prophylactic diet corresponding to Order N46 of Russian Health Ministry for main occupations of metallurgic workshops can be considered as high-proteous and balanced in amino acid contents. Necessity is to study adequate intake of amino acids in workers exposed to occupational hazards, for improving protective and adaptative body mechanisms, and prevention of occupational and occupationally conditioned diseases.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (5) ◽  
pp. 1063-1069
Cristina Simeanu ◽  
Daniel Simeanu ◽  
Anca Popa ◽  
Alexandru Usturoi ◽  
Dan Bodescu ◽  

Polyodon spathula sturgeon breed is successfully reared in Romania in many fishery farms for meat production and it is capitalized on domestic market as consumption fish. In the current paper were studied a number of 1400 sturgeons from Polyodon spathula breed (1200 individuals of one summer - P.s.0+ and 200 individuals of fourth summers - P.s.3+). From this flock were weighted around 10%, for each age group, and for laboratory determinations were chosen 10 fishes for each age with the corporal mass close to the group mean. After analysing the fillets gathered from the studied fishes for establishing the chemical characteristics, nutritive and biological values of proteins were drawn some interesting conclusions. So, regarding chemical composition we notice that in the meat of analysed fishes water is in a rate of 75.41% at P.s.3+ and 78.37% for P.s.0+; proteins - between 18.08% for P.s.0+ and 19.89% for P.s.3+, values which place those fishes in the group of protein fishes; lipids - between 2.45% and 3.45%, values which situated those sturgeons in category of fishes with a low content in lipids; collagen � 3.83% at P.s.0+ and 4.14% at P.s.3+ which indicate low values for proteins of weak quality in the meat of those sturgeons. Study of nutritive value for the analysed fishes indicate the fact that fishes P.s.0+ have a mediocre nutritive value, having the ratio w/p of 4.33 while sturgeons P.s.3+ were placed in the 2nd category � fishes with a good nutritive value (rate w/p = 3.79). Energetic value of the studied fillets was 97.39 kcal/100 g for P.s.0+ and 114.31 kcal/100 g for P.s.3+, which enlightened an increase of nutritive value with aging, fact especially due to accumulation of adipose tissue. Study of proteins quality, through the presence of those 8 essential amino-acids in the meat of analysed fishes, show the fact that at sturgeons P.s.0+ proportion of essential amino-acids was 20.88% from total amino-acids, while at sturgeons P.s.3+ was 26.23%, fact which enlightened an increasing of proteins� biological value with fish aging. This fact was also shown by calculation of proteins� biological value through chemical methods (EAA index); calculated value for sturgeons P.s.0+ was a little bit lower (118.73) than the one calculated for sturgeons P.s.3+ (118.79).

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 4972
Lata Birlangi

The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of mankind’s oldest cultivated plants. The fruit of the date palm is an important crop of the hot arid and semi-arid regions of the world. It has always played a genuine economic and social part in the lives of the people of these areas. The present objective in examining the amino acid content of different varieties of date palm fruits from Middle-East region; is to determine whether its protein could effectively supplement the nutritional value and it is also aimed in finding which variety is rich in number of amino acids. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of eight essential amino acids and five non-essential amino acids in the date fruits. Among all the date fruit varieties taken as samples for the study, Dabbas cultivar of United Arab Emirates found to exhibit eight types of amino acids which includes five as non-essential ones. Total of thirteen amino acids were detected in the seven date cultivars. Determination of amino acid can serve as a guide to the possible nutritional value.

2006 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 414-426 ◽  
Ulrich Z. Hammes ◽  
Erik Nielsen ◽  
Loren A. Honaas ◽  
Christopher G. Taylor ◽  
Daniel P. Schachtman

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 388
Minghua Tang ◽  
Nicholas E. Weaver ◽  
Lillian M. Berman ◽  
Laura D. Brown ◽  
Audrey E. Hendricks ◽  

Background: Research is limited in evaluating the mechanisms responsible for infant growth in response to different protein-rich foods; Methods: Targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis were conducted on serum samples collected from an infant controlled-feeding trial that participants consumed a meat- vs. dairy-based complementary diet from 5 to 12 months of age, and followed up at 24 months. Results: Isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine increased and threonine decreased over time among all participants; Although none of the individual essential amino acids had a significant impact on changes in growth Z scores from 5 to 12 months, principal component heavily weighted by BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) and phenylalanine had a positive association with changes in length-for-age Z score from 5 to 12 months. Concentrations of acylcarnitine-C4, acylcarnitine-C5 and acylcarnitine-C5:1 significantly increased over time with the dietary intervention, but none of the acylcarnitines were associated with infant growth Z scores. Quantitative trimethylamine N-oxide increased in the meat group from 5 to 12 months; Conclusions: Our findings suggest that increasing total protein intake by providing protein-rich complementary foods was associated with increased concentrations of certain essential amino acids and short-chain acyl-carnitines. The sources of protein-rich foods (e.g., meat vs. dairy) did not appear to differentially impact serum metabolites, and comprehensive mechanistic investigations are needed to identify other contributors or mediators of the diet-induced infant growth trajectories.

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