Daryono . ◽  
Dini Anggraheni

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan keberhasilan etos dagang orang Islam Jawa dengan nilai-nilai moral yang sesuai pada masa itu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research), data bersumber dari berbagai karya para ahli yang menjelaskan kedalaman maksud yang menunjukkan keberhasilan etos dagang. Metode dengan analisis isi (content analysis) dipadukan dengan hermeneutic ilmiah juga pendekatan sosiologis yang bersifat interpretasi sosiologik. Penelitian ini diharapkan bisa memperbaiki dugaan negatif pada etos dagang orang Islam Jawa yang mungkin justru bisa menjadi tantangan peningkatan perekonomian Indonesia sekarang dan yang akan datang.Kata Kunci : Etos , Dagang, Orang Islam, Jawa Abstract This study aims to prove the success of the Javanese Moslem’s trade ethos with the moral values of its time. The type of this research is library research; the data are derived from various works of experts which explain the depth of intent that shows the success of its trade ethos. The method used is content analysis combined with scientific hermeneutics as well as sociological approach which is sociological interpretation. This study is expected to improve the negative allegations on the Javanese Moslem’s trade ethos which might actually be a challenge to improve the Indonesian economy now and in the future. Keywords: Ethos, Trade, Moslem, Javanese 

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Daryono Daryono

<p><em>This study aims to understand the notion of bid'ah with technical implementation, especially how to send the deceased's prayer in Javanese Islamic culture called nyadran with various blessings (reward) and moral values. This type of research is library research. The source data is, various hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw and various works of experts both clarify the moral values of Javanese Islamic culture and about nyadran with various blessings. The method of analysis is, content analysis with sociological approach whose model is sociological interpretation. The results of this study provide an understanding of the meaning, type and law of heresy especially commemorating death as a way of sending prayers called nyadran in Javanese Islamic culture. Through the understanding is expected to be used as a reference of the appropriate implementation of his time.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Maulana Khusen

Ketidakadilan gender yang terjadi pada pendidikan formal di sekolah, sering kali tanpa disadari oleh para pendidik. Melalui buku-buku pelajaran wajib, seperti buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, konsep bias gender tersosialisasikan kepada para siswa-siswi. Hal ini diakibatkan kurang selektifnya guru dalam memilih bahan ajar.Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab permasalahan mengenai bentuk bias gender dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah yang selama ini tersosialisasikan kepada siswa-siswi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, tanpa disadari oleh para guru.Penelitian ini termasuk library research. Data diperoleh dari tulisantulisan yang berbicara tentang bias gender dalam buku pelajaran. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dan bermakna dalam penyampaian pesan-pesan kultur dan budaya, di antaranya tentang konsep bias gender. Dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, bias gender tersosialisasikan melalui rumusan teks, kalimat dan gambar (ilustrasi dalam buku). Bentuk bias gender yang ditemukan adalah posisi mendominasi lakilaki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, pelabelan sifat maskulin untuk lakilakidan feminim untuk perempuan, dan pembagian peran gender di mana lakilaki cenderung bekerja pada sektor publik, sementara perempuan pada sektor domestik. Sementara itu, bentuk bias gender yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam setiap buku pelajaran bahasa Arab adalah posisi mendominasi laki-laki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, baik dalam rumusan teks, kalimat, maupun gambar.

Kodifikasia ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Tintin Susilowati

Abstrak:Penelitian ini adalah penelitian stilistika yang mengkaji tentang penggunaan archetype dan loose sentence structure dalam membangun kesan mental pembaca tentang American Nightmare. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti menggali pola-pola penggunaan archetype, loose sentence structure, serta konsep mental pembaca dalam memahami bacaan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas gaya penulisan Fizgerald dengan menggunakan ornamen berupa archetype, loose sentence structure guna membangun kesan mental pembaca tentang America Nightmare. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptive kualitatif sedangkan desainnya adalah library research. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa kutipan-kutipan yang dicari dari novel, selain itu juga data sekunder berupa referensi-referensi pendukung. Peneliti juga menggunakan coding dalam proses koleksi data. Teknik ini digunakan untuk membantu peneliti dalam mengklasifikasikan data. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dokumentasi maka dalam analisis peneliti menggunakan pendekatan content analysis selain itu interactive analysis juga digunakan peneliti dalam tahap analisis data. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh data sebagai berikut:[1] ditemukan data tentang penggunaan archetype sejumlah 851 data/70.79%; [2] ditemukan data tentang penggunaan loose sentence structure sejumlah 351 data/29.20 %; [3] ditemukan data tentang peng­gunaan archetype dan loose sentence structure secara bersamaan sejumlah 1202 data/100%. Sedangkan kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penggunaan kedua ornamen, khususnya berupa archetype, didukung juga oleh penggunaan loose sentence structure membuat kontek dari sebuah teks mudah dipahami, Kedua ornamen tersebut meminimalis kesulitan pembaca dalam berinteraksi dengan teks.Kata kunci: American Nightmare, archetype, loose sentence structure

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 358
Ayu Safitri ◽  
Irianto Ibrahim

Abstract  : This research is motivated by the consideration that the novel Lontara Rindu by S. Gegge Mappangewa is very thick in presenting social realities that exist in society . The problem in this research is how is the social reality in the novel Lontara Rindu by S. Gegge Mappangewa ?. This study aims to describe the social reality contained in the novel Lontara Rindu by S. Gegge Mappangewa. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This research is a type of library research. The data in this study are written data in the form of novel texts which cover the social reality in the novel. the source of this research data is the Lontara Rindu novel by S. Gegge Mappangewa published by Republika, south Jakarta, the first printing in 2012 and consists of 343 pages. Data collection techniques used note-taking techniques. The data in this study were analyzed using the sociological approach to literary works. Based on the research results , it can be concluded that the social reality in the novel Lontara Rindu by S. Gegge Mappangewa . Consisting of three realitas social is the social reality of the culture,  realitas social education, and realitas social about religion. Social reality about culture, including beliefs, habits, cultural customs, and customary law. The reality about education, that is, teachers and students, teachers and society, and the reality of religion illustrates the values of religious teachings and the values of love for God Keywords; The novel ; Reality ; Sociology of Literary Works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Muhammad Nur Asmawi ◽  
Ulfa Djahadi

This research is a library research. In collecting research data, the researcher uses documentation techniques. And in analyzing the data, the researcher uses content analysis, where this analysis is used to understand the content and meaning of various studies. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the textbook "I Love Arabic 4" grade IV curriculum 2013 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah by Agus Wahyudi has met the eligibility requirements set by BSNP and is considered suitable for use with a percentage of eligibility of 88% or in the very good category. The implication of this research is as a material for improving the quality of books for writers/publishers, and can be used as a supporting book to add insight and understanding of the material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-71
Nasiri Nasiri

Abstract: This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study are using documentary techniques, while the method used is content analysis and interpretation. This study aims to determine the urgency of Islamic religious education in the era of globalization, and as a result of this research is the importance of Islamic religious education in the era of globalization is as a foundation to minimize moral degradation and create human resources that have moral values, Islamic religious education solutions to moral degradation because Islamic religious education aims to shape people who have morality and prepare competent human beings by mastering religious knowledge and knowledge. Keywords: Urgency, Islamic Religious Education, Globalization

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Sukamto Sukamto

Thinking and looking for the proposition to ma'rifat to Allah SWT is the first obligation for a Mukallaf (one who has received the burden of taklif). Knowing God means that someone also knows himself. Regarding knowing human self, there have actually been many theories that point to this, the proof is that there are many theories about good personality that were sparked by thinkers from the west or by Islamic scholars. In this study, researchers are interested in discussing one personality theory that is very rarely discussed, namely personality theory according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani specifically his Islamic personality theory. The purpose of this study is as an additional reference and add Khazanah knowledge about human personality. Taqiyuddin An Nabhani is a contemporary cleric from the Palestinian area who has given birth to many works both in fiqh and politics. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research. Data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis, namely by analyzing various reference sources both primary and secondary. After researchers examine several sources, it can be concluded that according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, humans have two elements of personality, namely thought patterns (‘aqliyah) and attitude patterns (nafsiyah). Mindset is a method used in understanding or thinking about something. In other words, mindset is a method used to associate facts with information, or vice versa, based on a certain basis or several methods. While the attitude pattern is a method used by humans by linking the impulse of distribution (fulfillment) with mafahim (understanding) or the way used by humans to meet gharizah (instincts) and physical needs. a person can be said to have an Islamic personality if he has ‘aqliyah Islamiyah (Islamic mindset) and nafsiyah Islamiyah (Islamic attitude pattern). If one of the two does not exist in a person then in fact he does not have an Islamic personality.

Al-Ma rifah ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-131
Ummi Hanik ◽  
Muhammad Afif Amrulloh

This study aims to find out the forms of ism kāna and khabar kāna wa-akhwātuhā. This research is qualitative with a type of library research. Data collection techniques are using the documentation method, while data analysis techniques are using content analysis. The results of this study prove that in al-‘Arabīyah li-al-Nāshi’īn book, volume 4, there are 161 types of ism kāna, while khabar kāna totaling 84 are analyzed based on (1) The i‘rāb aspect and its form there are 38 ism kāna in the form of ism mabnī consisting of 28 ḍamīr mustatir jawāzān, 7 ḍamīr bāriz which are composed of ḍamīr muṭṭaṣil and 3 ism al-ishārah. Likewise, 46 ism kāna in the form of ism mu‘rab; 41 ism mufrad, 3 jam‘ al-taksīr, 1 ism tahnīyah and 1 asmā’ al-khamsah. As for the aspects of its type, there are 77 ism kāna in the form of mudhakkar and mu’annath, 63 consisting of mudhakkar and 14 consisting of mu’annath. (2) 84 khabar kāna consists of 38 khabar mufrad in the form of ism jāmid and ism mushtaq, 33 khabar in the form of fi‘l mudhari‘ and 13 khabar shibh al-jumlah in the form of jār majrūr. This study contributes to the development of studyng Arabic grammar which can be applied in the use of Arabic as in the book.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Siti Sukrillah

Fokus penelitian yang akan dikaji adalah: 1. Bagaimana biografi Ibnu Katsir. 2. Bagaimana konsep pendidikan Tauhid dalam Islam menurut al Qur’an Surat al Baqarah ayat 132-133. 3. Bagaimana konsep pendidikan tauhid dalam keluarga menurut Ibnu Katsir. 4. Relevansi konsep pendidikan tauhid dalam keluarga menurut Tafsir Ibnu Katsir di kehidupan sekarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research), sedangkan dalam pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode dokumetasi (documentation research method),analisis data yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: 1. Ibnu Katsir adalah seorang ahli tafsir dan sejarah ternama. Ia juga seorang ahli fiqih dan ahli hadis. Ibnu Katsir lahir pada tahun 700 H/1300 M di timur Bashri yang masuk wilayah Damaskus dan wafat pada tahun 774 H di Damaskus. Salah  satu karya ilmiah Ibnu Katsir yang akan dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah kitab Tafsîr al Qurân al ‘Azîmyang termasyhur dengan sebutan Tafsir Ibnu Katsirpada Qur’an Surat al Baqarah ayat 132-133. 2. Konsep pendidikan tauhid dalam Islam menurut al Qur’an Surat al Baqarah ayat 132-133 merupakan proses membimbing manusia untuk tetap teguh kepercayaannya bahwa Allah Maha Esa dan hanya tunduk kepada-Nya sampai akhir hayat. 3. Sedangkan konsep pendidikan tauhid dalam keluarga menurut Ibnu Katsir dalam Qur’an Surat al Baqarah ayat 132-133 adalah, upaya membina manusia dalam menyerahkan diri secara mutlak kepada Allah SWT sepanjang hayatnya dalam keluarga secara berkesinambungan sampai keturunannya di masa depan kelak meskipun berbeda cara atau metode dalam pelaksanaannya. 4. Adapun relevansi pendidikan tauhid dalam keluarga dimasa sekarang adalah bahwa pendidikan tauhid di masa sekarang ini harus berusaha lebih keras lagi untuk terus memperhatikan dengan membuat metode yang variatif agar anak didik dapat mengikuti dengan nyaman dan tidak terbebani akan aturan-aturan yang harus dilaluinya untuk mencapai tujuan dari pendidikan tauhid ini. This research focus on: 1) the biography of Ibn Kathir 2) the educational concept of Tawheed in Islam according to the Quran Surah al-Baqarah verse 132-133 3) the concept of monotheism education in the family according to Ibn Kathir 4) The relevance of the educational concept of monotheism in the family according to Ibn Kathir’s interpretation in the present. It is a library research, which uses documentation to collect the data, and content analysis to analyze it. The study concluded that 1) Ibn Kathir (700 H-774 H) is an interpreter, renowned history, expert jurists and scholars of hadith. One of his scientific works is the book of Tafseer al Quran al 'Azîm, Qur'an Surah al-Baqarah verse 132-133. 2) The educational concept of monotheism is the process of guiding people to remain belief in Allah Almighty and subject only to Him until the end 3) While the concept of monotheism education in the family is an effort to develop human who rely on his self to God during his entire life in the family on an ongoing basis until the later offspring in the future despite the different ways in its implementation. 4) Monotheism in the present education must strive harder to continue to pay attention in making varied methods so that students can follow comfortably with the rules that must be gone through to reach the purpose of tawheed education. Kata Kunci: Konsep Pendidikan Tauhid, Keluarga, Ibnu Katsir

Kodifikasia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-380
Ainiah Ainiah

Tujuan utama fundraising zakat adalah peningkatan realisasi potensi zakat untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan mustahik zakat sehingga mereka bisa menjadi muzakki di masa yang akan datang. Tujuan ini menjadikan kegiatan fundraising lebih cenderung memperhatikan keadaan mustahik zakat dan mengenyampingkan keadaan muzakki sehingga terkesan tidak seimbang antara kedua belah pihak (muzakki dan mustahik zakat). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri beberapa pertimbangan keadaan dan situasi (murā’ah) terhadap muzakki khususnya dalam zakat pertanian dan perkebunan yang dilakukan oleh Al-Qaradhawi sehingga mempengaruhi penetapan hukum (istinbaṭ aḥkām), tarjīh atau menguatkan hukum yang telah ada. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka dengan analisis isi dari rujukan utama kitab “Fiqh al-Zakāh” karya Syeikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Al-Qaradhawi berpijak pada murā’ah muzakki dalam menguatkan hukum yang telah ada seperti kepemilikan penuh, kadar zakat yang wajib ditunaikan  bergantung pada irigasi, waktu perhitungan nisab dan menunaikan zakat. Selain menguatkan hukum, Al-Qaradhawi juga men-tarjīh pendapat, diantaranya pengurangan al-matlūbat al-hallah sebelum perhitungan nisab. Al-Qaradhawi juga mempunyai sikap untuk menetapkan hukum yang tidak tertera dalam Nash berdasarkan murā’ah muzakki yaitu menetapkan kadar wajib zakat sebesar 7,5% bagi yang mengalami keseimbangan antara pemakaian irigasi dengan beban dan tadah hujan (tanpa beban). [The main goal of zakah fundraising is to increase the realization of zakah potential to create the mustahik zakah’s welfare so that they can become muzakki in the future. This goal makes fundraising activities tend to pay attention to the condition of mustahik zakat instead of the condition of muzakki so that it seems unbalanced between the two parties (muzakki and mustahik zakah). This study aims to explore several considerations of circumstances and situations (murā'ah) to muzakki, especially in agricultural zakah that is carried by Al-Qaradhawi that affects the legal establishment (istinbaṭ aḥkām), tarjīh or strengthens the existing laws. This research is library research with content analysis from the book of "Fiqh al-Zakāh" by Syeikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawias as the main reference. The findings show that Al-Qaradhawi stood on murā'ah muzakki in strengthening existing laws such as full ownership, the amount of zakah to be paid that depends on irrigation, and time in calculating nisab and paying it. In addition, to strengthening the existing laws, Al-Qaradawi also did tarjih the opinions, among of them is the reduction of al-matlūbat al-hallah before calculating the nisab. Al-Qaradhawi also has a legal stance to stipulate a law based on murā'ah muzakki that is not stated in Nash, which is to determine the compulsory level of zakat at 7.5% for those who experience both cost irrigation and non-cost irrigation, equally.]

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