2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Tri Andiyanto

Prenatal education is a conscious effort of parents to educate their children who are still in the womb of their wives. A conscious effort is specifically directed at both parents because the child in the womb is not yet possible to be educated, let alone taught, except by his own parents. Postnatal Education is human education in a family environment starting from human being born until the end of his life. All kinds of life sciences gained from the family are the result of the process of postnatal family education. From human being born, they have been taught how to face down, drink, eat, walk and even about religion. Lifelong learning provides learning opportunities fairly and broadly to everyone in accordance with the differences in interests, age, and learning needs of each. This opportunity is an opportunity that can be used for learning such as group learning activities, individual learning activities, and learning activities through social media. Learning activities can be carried out in various places, namely at work, worship houses; association buildings, schools, playgrounds, sports fields, youth arenas, study groups, hermitage, libraries, learning centers, institutions and so on.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Trianah ◽  
Pieter Sahertian

Abstract Learning outcomes are changes in behavior obtained by students after experiencing learning activities. Learning outcomes include three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. High and low learning outcomes achieved by students are influenced by factors of the family environment, social environment, and the association of students with peers. This study aims to analyze the influence partially (individually) or simultaneously (together) between the family environment, social environment and peer relationships simultaneously on learning outcomes. The method used is quantitative with explanatory research types and research samples of 69 students or 31% of the population taken using proportional random sampling techniques. The results showed that the family environment Social environment and peer relationships affect learning outcomes

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Alfrida Dyah Septiyani

The results showed that: 1) Monotheism Education in Surat Al-An'am: 74-83 namely: 1) Monotheism Education Rubūbiyah, which is in verse 75 which explains that Allah SWT has shown signs of the greatness of Allah SWT in the sky and grounded to prophet Ibrahim as so that his soul is directed. Then the prophet Ibrahim (as) discovered the truth of the belief in a Godhead through observation and contemplation about the universe by using his fitrah, and this is following verses 76-78. 2) Education of Uluhiyah Tauhid is in verse 74, which explains that the father and the prophets of Abraham made the idols they made into gods. Moreover, verse 79, that is, the sincerity of the prophet Ibrahim as to surrender, confronts his view of Allah SWT. It does not follow his people to associate Allah by way of worshiping other than Him, such as worshiping the stars, the moon, and the idols that they made themselves.3) Implementation of Tauhid Education in Islamic Education: The faith taught by Islam to humans since childhood is critical. Because the goals of Islamic education itself are in harmony with religious goals: 1) To realize a believer who believes and is devoted to Allah SWT.2) Education in Islam seeks to develop and inculcate monotheistic education to humans as optimal as possible to be able to function as a driving force in daily practice. 3) Development and inculcation of monotheism education can be done with learning activities, namely through various institutions. 4) In the school environment, both elementary, middle, and for the development and planting of monotheism, education is carried out through multiple activities, both at the time of KBM and extracurricular. 5) Outside the school, the development and cultivation of human monotheism education start from the family environment

Kurt Kraiger ◽  
Natalie Wolfson

This chapter describes methods of assessing the learning needs and evaluating the development of individuals within the context of a lifelong learning support system. Because lifelong learning is self-directed and informal in nature, we propose a needs assessment and evaluation design that is customized by participant. Participants are first assessed on various organizationally-relevant as well as lifelong-learning-relevant competencies and then linked, in a matrix format, to lifelong learning opportunities within and outside the organization that suit their competency needs. We then propose that, as learners engage in lifelong learning activities, they be periodically evaluated in terms of their improvement along different competencies. This information can be used to modify individuals’ lifelong learning program as well as, on the aggregate level, to inform decisions about how to allocate organizational resources and to provide evidence to support the system.

Kurt Kraiger ◽  
Natalie Wolfson ◽  
Meghan K. Davenport ◽  
Margaret E. Beier

This chapter describes methods of assessing the learning needs and evaluating the development of individuals within the context of a lifelong learning support system. Because lifelong learning is self-directed and informal in nature, the authors propose a needs assessment and evaluation design that is customized by the learner to their unique needs. Learners are first assessed on organizationally relevant as well as lifelong learning–relevant competencies and then linked, in a matrix format, to lifelong learning opportunities within and outside the organization that suit their competency needs. The chapter then proposes that, as learners engage in lifelong learning activities, they are periodically evaluated in terms of their improvement along these competencies. This information can be used to modify individuals’ lifelong learning program as well as, on the aggregate level, to inform decisions about how to allocate organizational resources and provide evidence to support lifelong learning systems.

1993 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 1051-1057 ◽  
Antonietta Casella ◽  
Judith Kearins

Differences in academic achievement have been noted in children from various ethnic backgrounds. In Australia, differences in educational attainment between Anglo-Australian and Italian students have been documented, Italian students performing more poorly. Since the influence of environmental factors on students' achievement is well supported in the literature, the present study compared the family environments of Anglo-Australians ( n = 25), Italian-Australians ( n = 29), and Southern Italians ( n = 29) via administration of the Family Environment Scale to mothers. Significant differences were found, the Anglo-Australian sample scoring higher on the Active-Recreational subscale and lower on the Organisation subscale than both Italian groups. Differences between the Anglo-Australian and Southern Italian groups showed the Anglo-Australians scoring significantly lower on the Achievement Orientation subscale and higher on the Intellectual-Cultural Orientation subscale. There were no significant differences between the Italian groups. These findings suggest preservation of Italian cultural values within Australian society, which may contribute to a restriction of learning opportunities for Italian children and possibly affect their educational achievements in later years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Basri Basri ◽  
Nurdiana Nurdiana

ABSTRACTCurrently, many families are confused with educational problems as a result of Covid-19, because the family is the first and foremost institution in educating, protecting and nurturing their children in accordance with family values, religious values, so it can be said that the family is a milestone. children's first in knowing the world. The principle of education policy during the Covid-19 pandemic is to prioritize the health and safety of students, educators, education staff, families, and society in general, as well as considering the growth and development of students and psychosocial conditions in an effort to fulfill educational services during the Covid-19 pandemic.The government has issued various policies and initiatives to deal with learning obstacles during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as the revision of the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Four Ministers which was issued on August 7, 2020, to adjust learning policies in the current pandemic era. In addition, schools are given the flexibility to choose a curriculum that suits the learning needs of students during the pandemic, as stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the curriculum during an emergency. In connection with the above phenomenon, parents in Garot Cut Village who are too busy with their work pay less attention and lack of understanding in playing their role in children's education, so that parents think that the role of education is more for teachers in schools than their parents. Based on the evaluation and simulation on training from community service activities, it can be seen that with the training, the role of parents in creating the use of the internet for education is still very rarely done. . In addition, the service program presented adds insight for parents how the role of parents and teachers in building children's habits to use the internet for learning has not been carried out. The role of parents and teachers is very important, because they are people who deal directly with children in the family environment and teacher schools. ABSTRAKSaat ini banyak keluarga yang dipusingkan dengan masalah pendidikan akibat dari Covid-19, karena keluarga adalah institusi pertama dan utama dalam mendidik, melindungi serta memelihara anak-anaknya sesuai dengan nilai-nilai keluarga, nilai-nilai keagamaan, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa keluarga merupakan tonggak pertama anak dalam mengenal dunia. Prinsip kebijakan pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid-19 adalah mengutamakan kesehatan dan keselamatan peserta didik, pendidik, tenaga kependidikan, keluarga, dan masyarakat secara umum, serta mempertimbangkan tumbuh kembang peserta didik dan kondisi psikososial dalam upaya pemenuhan layanan pendidikan selama pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai kebijakan dan inisiatif untuk menghadapi kendala pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19, seperti revisi surat keputusan bersama (SKB) Empat Menteri yang telah diterbitkan tanggal 7 Agustus 2020, untuk menyesuaikan kebijakan pembelajaran di era pandemi saat ini. Selain itu, sekolah diberi fleksibilitas untuk memilih kurikulum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran siswa di masa pandemi, sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan terkait kurikulum pada masa darurat. Bererkaitan dengan fenomena di atas para orang tua di Gampong Garot Cut yang terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaannya kurang memperhatikan dan kurang memahami dalam memerankan perannya dalam pendidikan anak,sehingga para orang tua berpikir bahwa tugas pendidikan lebih berperan guru di sekolah ketimbang orang tuanya. Berdasarkan evaluasi dan simulasi pada pelatihan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dapat diketahui bahwa dengan adanya pelatihan maka peran orang tua dalam menciptakan pemanfaatan internet untuk pendidikan masih sangat jarang dilakukan. . Selain itu, program pengabdian yang dipaparkan menambah wawasan bagi para orang tua bagaimana peran orang tua dan guru dalam membangun kebiasaan anak untuk memanfaatkan internet untuk pembelajaran masih belum dilakukan. Peran orang tua dan guru ini sangat penting, karena mereka adalah orang yang berhadapan langsung dengan anak-anak dilingkungan keluarga dan sekolah guru.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hengki Satrisno ◽  
Heny Friantary

Education makes the needs of every human being, as an effort to maximize all the potential of the creator in order to become our human being. No exception for individuals who physically and psychologically have deficiencies and weaknesses called Children with Special Needs (ABK). To optimize the potential of these individuals, an appropriate learning pattern is needed, especially in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education. Al Aufa SDIT is an educational institution that provides Inclusive education services for ABK. Implement learning at SDIT Al Aufa using teacher and media learning patterns. Where this learning activity begins with compiling learning objectives, determining teaching material, establishing learning methods and media and evaluation instruments arranged simply. While learning activities in the classroom encountered several obstacles, namely the characteristics of ABK who were hyperactive, had difficulty communicating/ socializing and were slow in responding to the stimulus provided.

2014 ◽  
Merideth A. Robinson ◽  
Andrea C. Lewallen ◽  
Robyn Finckbone ◽  
Kristin Crocfer ◽  
Keith P. Klein ◽  

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