scholarly journals Institution of Military Chaplaincy in Ukraine: Emphasis on Catholic Church Activities

2020 ◽  
pp. 83-109
Larysa Vladychenko ◽  
Tetiana Valeriivna Koshushko

The article deals with the problem of military chaplaincy service formation in the period of independence of Ukraine as one of the priority directions of relations between the state and religious organizations in Ukraine. The current state of military pastoral care is analyzed directly in the context of Catholic churches activities in Ukraine in this aspect. In particular, the institutional component of the Catholic churches is clarified, statistics demonstrating the quantitative and percentage composition of the Catholic churches in the religious network of Ukraine are provided. The results of sociological surveys of the religious situation in Ukraine and the identification of religiosity of the population in the context of Catholic churches are analyzed. The opinion of the population of Ukraine regarding the trust in religious organizations, religious leaders (including the leadership of the Catholic churches) and the military formations of Ukraine is examined. The opinion of the population on the expediency of establishing a military chaplaincy institute in Ukraine is also clarified (through the results of sociological surveys). The organizational division of the internal structure of the Catholic churches in Ukraine is presented, and it is also clarified which structural units are responsible for coordination with the Ukrainian power structures and organization of pastoral work. Attention is drawn to the review of the cooperation of the Catholic churches in Ukraine with the military formations of Ukraine in the aspect of pastoral activity. Special attention is paid to the coverage of the various areas of pastoral work directly by the military chaplains of the Catholic churches and the coordination of this work by the relevant structural units of the Catholic churches. In particular, conferences, meetings, trainings, pilgrimages on the organization and implementation of pastoral work in the field of military chaplaincy. Also, consideration is given to the activities of the advisory body on military chaplaincy at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (which includes, in particular, the Catholic churches in Ukraine) and its contribution to the establishment of the Institute of Military Chaplaincy in Ukraine. The inter-denominational cooperation of the churches in Ukraine, including the Catholic ones, was considered in establishing a military chaplaincy institution in independent Ukraine through the activities of interfaith associations. It has been found that the issue of legislative securing of the Institute of Military Chaplaincy in the Armed Forces of Ukraine remains urgent. In this regard, the legislative work in this area and the involvement of Catholic churches in Ukraine are highlighted.

V. Nazarkin ◽  
O. Semenenko ◽  
A. Efimenko ◽  
V. Ivanov

The task of choosing the rational number of power structures is always one of the main priorities of any political leadership of the state. An insufficient number of armed forces is a threat to the national security of the state; an excess number creates pressures on the development of the country's national economy. Today, when the development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being formed in the context of the practical application of their units and subunits to carry out combat missions, questions of choosing a priority approach to the formation (justification) of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an urgent issue. The article proposes a structure for conducting research on the development and implementation of the methodology of military-economic substantiation of the rational strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of defense planning of Ukraine in the formation of programs for their development for the medium and long term. The main objectives of this methodology are: scientific substantiation of the range of the necessary strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the period of the program of their development; the choice of the indicator of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the years of the program from a certain range of its changes; military-economic substantiation of this number under the influence of various limiting factors. The development and implementation of such a methodology will increase the efficiency of the formation and implementation of development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the efficiency of using public funds for the development of power structures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 746-768
Nadja Douglas

This article engages in an analysis of contemporary relations between civic actors and state power structures, notably the military organization, in the Russian Federation. The main focus is on the complex tension and interaction between state-sanctioned forms of control of the armed forces and public control, exercised by grassroots actors. The underlying assumption is that an institutionalization of control of state power structures is taking place in Russia. The article seeks to understand whether these processes are prevalently a top-down or a bottom-up phenomenon, how public control as a “civic duty” can be effectively characterized, and what implications this has for Russian civic activism more generally.


Povzetek V prispevku obravnavamo antropološke in sociološke lastnosti vojakov ter vojaških družin. Predstavljamo urejenost podpore vojaškim družinam v Združenem kraljestvu, Nemčiji in Sloveniji. Natančneje preučujemo pravne podlage v Sloveniji, ki so temelj urejenosti podpore tem družinam, ter dejavnosti oddelka Celostne skrbi pripadnikov Slovenske vojske in Vojaškega vikariata, ki se v Slovenski vojski edina ukvarjata z njihovo podporo. V sklepnem delu opozarjamo na razhajanje med sistemsko organiziranostjo in individualnim pristopom v skrbi za te družine. S člankom se želimo približati odgovoru na vprašanje, kateri način podpore in skrbi za družine slovenskih vojakov je najustreznejši. Ključne besede: družina, vojaška družina, Slovenska vojska, Celostna skrb za pripadnike, Vojaški vikariat. Abstract The article aims to bring forth the anthropological and sociological characteristics affecting the military personnel and military families. It presents the structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia. For the latter, legal bases are presented regulating the support for military families, and the activities of the Comprehensive Care Section and the Military Chaplaincy, which are the only two bodies in the Slovenian Armed Forces to engage in the support of military families. The aim of the article is to contribute a piece of the answer to the big question: how to find the correct and appropriate path to help the families of Slovenian soldiers. Key words Family, military family, Slovenian Armed Forces, military personnel welfare, Military Chaplaincy

2015 ◽  
pp. 172-183
T. A. Kalenychenko

Kalenychenko T. A. Since the spring of 2014, we can observe the movement of update of military chaplaincy, the emergence of mass volunteering by religious leaders. While Ukraine only continues to develop a new Chaplaincy service, society has already received the first presentation about the priests at the forefront thanks to the work of the Ukrainian media. In this article, author examines the messages about the military chaplaincy of key media and analyzes the way in which the image was formed from the military chaplain to a secular society, and the role it has assumed.

Larysa Vladychenko

The article highlights the pressing issues of the presence of Muslim organizations in the religious field of Ukraine: simplification of the registration procedure of the statutes of religious organizations and their acquisition of the status of a legal entity; restitutionary issues (returning religious buildings to religious organizations); creation of institutional structures of military chaplaincy within the structures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine objective attitude to religious organizations and tolerant interfaith discourse; cooperation in the social sphere with religious organizations; photographing on documents to representatives of religious organizations; organizational issues related to Hajj; securing the right to religious freedom in the annexed and occupied territories of Ukraine. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the statistics of religious organizations and the annual survey materials of the Razumkov Center, it is concluded that generally favorable conditions for all citizens in the right to profess their religion, in the protection of this right by the legislation of Ukraine, the activity of relevant state authorities. Muslims and their religious organizations enjoy the same freedoms and rights, which need to be more actively involved in resolving topical and problematic issues in relations between the state and religious organizations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
Neil E. Allison

The waning influence of Christianity in the United Kingdom’s armed forces since 1960 and the growing ignorance of personnel who have ties to a particular denomination, gave rise to a new assessment of the military chaplain in a modern and postmodern context. This article gives an overview of the practice during the two world wars and after the 1960s. It also gives an overview of the debate on the current role of the military chaplain, especially the beliefs of Herspring, Zahn, Coleman and McCormack, and eventually set up a role model from a Free Church perspective. It is shown that an operating model that is only defined in pastoral terms does not satisfy. The pastoral and spiritual definition, in terms of a liminal serving as an alternative, is suggested because it frees the chaplain to act more independent and also describes the best practice that has always prevailed in the British army.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 243
Tiia Liuski ◽  
Martin Ubani

The Finnish military chaplains’ work focuses on supporting the conscripts’ ethical functioning ability as well as overall wellbeing of the people in the Finnish Defence Forces. This article gives the military chaplains an opportunity to tell in their own words what kind of issues relate to their perceptions working as a successful religious professional in this unique context. The research was carried out with a multi-method data, that includes an electronic questionnaire and an interview data. The results show that as the military chaplains commit and integrate well to their operational environment, they are also a heterogenous occupational group and manage their work very self-directedly. They appear to be more chaplains than soldiers or special officers, but it does not cause significant professional conflicts. The military chaplains’ profession should be described more as contrasting than conflicting overall. The intensity of their personal vocation and religiosity varies, but it affects considerably to their work motivation. It can be interpreted that military chaplains hold, in a sense, a double vocation towards their work where there is a clerical calling and a mission to work in a military environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Mnyalaza T. Masuku

Chaplaincy in South Africa (SA) recently became an attractive ministry and research fields for both ministers and theologians, respectively, more especially since the dawn of democracy in 1994. The military chaplaincy has been flooded with applications and enquiries from ministers and leaders from religions other than Christianity who want to secure their space in the ministry to the SA armed forces. Individual churches are also joining the queue for enquiries. As SA is a multireligious nation, religions other than Christianity are also knocking at the door of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), claiming their right to be accommodated. For this reason, it is important for churches, other religious organisations, leaders, ministers and theological institutions or faculties to have knowledge of this unique world and its context, as well as the ministry dynamics and challenges involved. This will assist them in order to prepare appropriately in terms of shaping the curricula and qualifications of their ministers for effective ministry to the armed forces with special reference to the SANDF. This article investigates the dynamics of the military chaplaincy in relation to historical developments along similar chaplaincies globally, the nature of its ministry to the SA armed forces and the challenges posed by the ministry context (SANDF environment), and finally, it crafts and proposes a suitable curriculum for a relevant and effective ministry in the SANDF and the world.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article is located in the field of Missiology. However, it has interdisciplinary implications that affect disciplines such as Military Science, Sociology, Practical Theology and Church History, which all assist as building blocks towards a relevant ministry for the armed forces.

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-489 ◽  

AbstractThis article analyses the history of the military clergy and contrasts its role in the Argentine and Chilean dictatorships on the basis of new, previously inaccessible sources. It is argued here that, in addition to its ideological orientation, two further factors explain differences in the influence of the military clergy on the two regimes: first, the structural position that the Military Vicariates occupied between the Church and the armed forces, and, second, the two dictatorships’ different needs for legitimisation. The analysis provides information relevant to understanding the public role of the Catholic Church and the dimensions of violence during the regimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 165-173
Alexey Chistyakov ◽  

Nowadays France is a home to the largest Muslim community in Europe. Therefore, the issues of the relationship between government structures and adherents of Islam are of great importance for the country and they become a field for political confrontation especially because of the existing separation of spiritual and secular life. This means that Islamization of the armed forces of the Republic is also important. It is necessary to discover the level of army Islamization and spiritual needs satisfaction of soldiers, as well as the role of Muslim chaplains in army structures. Based on analysis of French laws, press and publications in scientific journals, the author discovers the changes that occurred in the Nation attitude to the issue of Muslims integration to the military system of the country and explains the reasons and content of some evolution stages of Muslim military chaplains institute in the French army since 2006.

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