scholarly journals The impact of mineral and organic fertilizers on the ecosystem, the quality of agricultural products and human health

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-84
K. D. Buzetti ◽  
M. V. Ivanov

Relevance. Processing of poultry farm waste makes it possible to obtain highly effective organic fertilizers that can replace mineral fertilizers, while significantly improving the environmental indicators of the region, the composition of the soil, crop fertility, and the quality of agricultural products.Materials and results. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using mineral and organic fertilizers. The negative impact of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers on soil, hydrosphere and atmosphere pollution by various harmful elements is given. Their negative impact on agricultural products and public health is analyzed. At the same time, it is shown that the use of organic fertilizers improves the composition and properties of soils, increases crop yields, while growing environmentally friendly crops, which ensures food security of the country, improves people's health and increases their life expectancy. The use of organic fertilizers improves the composition and properties of soils, significantly increases the yield of agricultural crops, while growing environmentally friendly crops, which ensures food security of the country, improves people's health and increases their life expectancy. Organic fertilizers obtained from poultry farm waste significantly reduce the amount of emissions into the environment, increase environmental safety, and improve the quality of life of people living in the region.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-28
Н.Т. Чеботарев ◽  
Н.Н. Шергина

Пахотные угодья Республики Коми в основном представлены дерново-подзолистыми почвами с низким естественным плодородием, которые без применения удобрений быстро подвергаются деградационным процессам, что резко снижает их продуктивность. Цель исследований: оценка эффективности долговременного применения органических и минеральных удобрений при выращивании картофеля в кормовом севообороте в условиях Республики Коми. Методической основой выполнения работ были комплексные исследования дерново-подзолистых почв, клубней картофеля на участках многолетнего полевого эксперимента, заложенного на землях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН в соответствии с «Методическими указаниями географической сети опытов с удобрениями». Длительный период исследований (более 40 лет) характеризовался различными климатическими условиями, которые отразились на количестве урожая и качестве клубней картофеля. Было проведено 7 ротаций (14 лет) с выращиванием картофеля. Вносили органические удобрения – торфонавозный компост (ТНК) в дозах 40 и 80 т/га (1 и 2 фон, соответственно) под картофель и минеральные удобрения – NPК в дозах 1/3; 1/2 и 1 для восполнения выноса растениями элементов питания. Установлено положительное влияние комплексного применения органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество картофеля, а также на плодородие дерново-подзолистой легкосуглинистой среднеокультуренной почвы в кормовом севообороте в почвенно-климатических условиях Республики Коми. В результате применения шестипольного севооборота и комплексного внесения удобрений с 1978 года к 2019 году в почвах снизилась обменная и гидролитическая кислотность; повысилось содержание гумуса на 0,5% (в контроле); на 0,2–0,5% (с тремя дозами минеральных удобрений); на 0,3–1,1% (с ТНК); на 0,2–1,6% (при совместном применении органических и минеральных удобрений). Наибольшие урожаи картофеля получены при совместном применении органических (80 т/га) и минеральных удобрений (1 NPК) и составили 37,1 т/га клубней (8,5 тыс/га кормовых единиц). При таком соотношении удобрений показано высокое качество клубней картофеля: содержание крахмала 15,5%, витамина С – 19,4 мг%, сырого протеина – 14,1%. Количество нитратного азота не превышало ПДК (ПДК 250 мг.с.м.). Экономические расчеты показали, что при внесении ТНК 40 т/га + 1 NPК в дерново-подзолистые почвы с.-х. использования в среднетаежной зоне Республики Коми при выращивании картофеля, условный чистый доход составит 68,4 тыс. р. с 1 га, себестоимость 1 т картофеля – 2,8 тыс. р., рентабельность 188,7%. The arable land of the Republic of Komi is mainly represented by dern-sub-ground soils with low natural fertility, which without the use of fertilizers are quickly subjected to degradation processes, which dramatically reduces their productivity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers in the growing of potatoes in feed crop rotation in the conditions of the Komi Republic. The methodological basis for carrying out the works was comprehensive studies of dern-subhead soils, potato tubers on the sites of a multi-year field experiment laid on the lands of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the FRC Komi SC UB RAS in accordance with the «Methodological Instructions of the Geographical Network of Experiments with Fertilizers». A long period of research (more than 40 years) was characterized by different climatic conditions, which affected the number of crops and the quality of potato tubers. There were 7 rotations (14 years) with potato cultivation. Organic fertilizers – peat-avous compost (TNK) in doses of 40 and 80 t/ha (1 and 2 background, respectively) for potatoes and mineral fertilizers – NPK in doses of 1/3; 1/2 and 1 to replenish the carry-out of food elements by plants. The positive effect of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of soddy-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil in fodder crop rotation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Komi Republic, has been established. As a result of the use of six-bed crop rotation and the integrated application of fertilizers, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity decreased in soils from 1978 to 2019; humus content increased by 0.5% (in control); 0.2–0.5% (with three doses of mineral fertilizers); 0.3–1.1% (with TNCs); 0.2–1.6% (with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers). The largest potato yields were obtained from the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha tubers (8.5 thousand/ha feed units). The largest potato harvests were obtained with the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha of tubers (8.5 thousand/ha of feed units). With this ratio of fertilizers, the high quality of potato tubers was also determined: the starch content was 15.5%, vitamin C – 19.4 mg%, crude protein – 14.1%. The amount of nitrate nitrogen did not exceed the MPC (MPC 250 mg.s.m.). Economic calculations showed that if TNK is added 40 t/ha 1 NPK to the dern-sub-ground soils of agricultural use in the medium-sized zone of the Komi Republic when growing potatoes, the conditional net income will be 68.4 thousand rubles from 1 ha, the cost of 1 t of potatoes – 2.8 thousand rubles, profitability 188.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Hasil Cəmil oğlu Bağırov ◽  
Vüqar İmanəli oğlu Cəfərov ◽  
Arzu Vidadi qızı Həşimova ◽  
Rəşidə Elşən qızı Şükürova ◽  

Without knowing the main quality indicators of agricultural products, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of this or that agro-technical measure. One of the factors influencing the quality of sugar beet and watermelon is the effective application of fertilizers. Fertilizers increase the quality indicators of the product along with its expansion. From this point of view, the effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on the quality indicators of sugar beet and watermelon product in the meadow-gray soils of Mugan-Salyan region was studied. The combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on the quality indicators of sugar beet and watermelon. Key words: organic and mineral fertilizers, sugar beet, watermelon, phosphorus, potassium, productivity, soil, quality

RSC Advances ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (52) ◽  
pp. 30087-30099 ◽  
Xiao-Dan Yin ◽  
Yu Sun ◽  
Raymond Kobla Lawoe ◽  
Guan-Zhou Yang ◽  
Ying-Qian Liu ◽  

Phytopathogenic fungi have become a serious threat to the quality of agricultural products, food security and human health globally, necessitating the need to discover new antifungal agents with de novo chemical scaffolds and high efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 296 ◽  
pp. 01002
Andrey Bastron ◽  
Tatiana Bastron ◽  
Irina Ermakova ◽  
Natalia Mikheeva ◽  
Irina Yamshchikova

Ensuring food security is achieved by increasing the volume of agricultural products in compliance with environmental requirements. The proposed technologies for pre-sowing treatment of rapeseed seeds with EMF UHF will improve the quality of these seeds, which, ultimately, will affect the increase in yield, as well as provide gain in yield and improve the quality of oil during processing. The implementation of the project of pre-sowing treatment of rapeseed seeds with EMF UHF in this regard, for example, in LLC “Nichkinskoe” of the Minusinsky District, seems promising. The article devoted to the economic assessment of two possible technologies for pre-sowing treatment of seeds with EMF UHF in LLC “Nich-kinskoe” of the Minusinsky District with the use of spring rapeseed varieties “Nadezhny-92” and “Hephaestus”. It is established that additional income can be obtained for both options.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Henita Fajar Oktavia

Conventional agriculture used chemical fertilizers and pesticides for long-term had negative impacts on the environment, due to chemical residues that pollute the environment. In addition it has a bad impact on the harvest, because they contain chemical residues that may affect health of consumers. Recently, there has been a global issue in agricultural sector of back to nature, such as the use of biological materials as components of fertilizers and pesticides, as known as an environmentally friendly agriculture. Farmers in the area of ​​Badan Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) at North Tambun, Bekasi Regency, have land that is suitable for farming food crops, palawija and horticulture. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production is still quite high until now, and doesn't used exact dose, method, type and frequency. To reduce the negative impact of residues using agricultural chemicals on the environment and yields, by replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers, chemical pesticides with bio-pesticides. Farmer empowerment aims to increase knowledge, learning and skills regarding the selection of the composition of basic ingredients for making organic fertilizers and biopesticides, manufacturing training and assistance in how to apply directly to agricultural land. The outputs of PkM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) activities are increasing farmers understanding of environmentally friendly agriculture, increasing farmers knowledge in using organic fertilizers and biopesticides made by participants, and increasing interest and motivation from farmers to develop alternative organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides that are in accordance with the availability materials around and cropping patterns. It was proven that after counseling there was an increase in the knowledge aspect by 27.1%, the attitude aspect by 19.54% and the behavioral aspect by 8.9%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Samsul Bahri ◽  
Musdawati Musdawati ◽  
Raudhatul Jinan

is an agrarian country, but in reality food security is apparently still very fragile. The evidence is evident from the large number of people's food imported from abroad. There is still a lot of wrong food management which causes Indonesia to not have food sovereignty. This article discusses food security in the Koran by analyzing Qs. Joseph verses 47-49. This study is qualitative, literature and will conduct a search of Qs. Joseph 47-49. This article found that, first, Qs. Yusuf explained the meaning contained in the interpretation of dreams of the fertile period and famine explained what people must do to maintain food security. Second, the contextualization of Indonesia's food defense includes: Increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural products, environmentally friendly agriculture, proportional consumption, moderation, and knowledge of weather and disasters. Abstrak: Pangan merupakan kebutuhan esensial bagi manusia dalam melangsungkan kehidupannya. Indonesia merupakan negara yang agraris, namun ketahanan pangan ternyata masih sangat rapuh. Bukti itu terlihat dari masih banyaknya bahan pangan rakyat yang diimpor dari luar negeri. Masih banyak pengelolaan pangan yang salah sehingga menyebabkan Indonesia tidak mempunyai kedaulatan pangan. Artikel ini membahas tentang ketahanan pangan dalam al-Quran dengan menganalisis QS. Yusuf (12): 47-49. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif, kepustakaan dan akan melakukan penelusuran ragam penafsiran terhadap QS. Yusuf(12): 47-49. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa, pertama, ayat tersebut menjelaskan makna yang terkandung dalam tafsiran mimpi, terkait masa subur dan paceklik dan menjelaskan apa yang harus dilakukan masyarakat demi menjaga ketahanan pangan. Kedua, kontekstualisasi pertahanan pangan Indonesia meliputi: Peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil pertanian, pertanian ramah lingkungan, konsumsi yang proporsional dan tidak berlebihan, serta pengetahuan tentang cuaca dan bencana. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (02) ◽  
pp. 12-15
Nəcibə Zeynalabidin qızı Mirmövsümova ◽  

Annotation: Influence of mineral fertilizers on aubergine plant together with organic fertilizers has been studied in the irrigated grey-brown soils of Absheron. According to the results of our research on the irrigated grey-brown soils of Absheron, it can be said that organic and mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on the productivity and quality indicators of aubergine plant. Especially in the variant of N75P75K90 + 5t/ha, the results were higher than in other variants. Keywords: mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer, irrigated grey-brown soil, aubergine plant, productivity, sugar, nitrate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Səkinə Hüseynağa qızı İsmayılova ◽  
Elba Ehsan qızı Rüstəmova ◽  
Rəşidə Elşən qızı Şükürova ◽  

In order to study the influence of organic fertilizers against the background of minerals on the yield and quality of cotton and sorghum, experiments were laid under the conditions of gray-meadow soil of the Shirvan zone. As a result of the studies, it was found that the highest crop was obtained in versions where biohumus and mineral fertilizers were co-introduced. So in these versions, the cotton crop is 12.9 c/ha or 66.1%, and the sorghum crop is 8.5 c/ha or 42.5%, respectively, compared to a control without fertilizers. Key words: organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers, cotton, sorghum, productivity

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (Especial 2) ◽  
pp. 90-101
Emmerson Rodrigues de Moraes ◽  
Rodrigo Vieira da Silva ◽  
Brenda Ventura de Lima ◽  
Felipe Garcia de Menezes ◽  
Mateus Ferreira ◽  

Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugarcane, the main raw material used for the production of alcohol and sugar. The crop to achieve good levels of productivity demands high amounts of nutrients, which are usually supplied by the use of mineral fertilizers. An alternative for efficient fertilization is through the use of organomineral fertilizers. Such fertilizers consist of the mixture of organic fertilizers of animal or vegetable origin, and mineral fertilizers that undergo industrial processing. The industrial advance associated with the population increase has generated a large amount of solid waste and wastewater. One way to reduce the effects of environmental pollution from the presence of these solid wastes is through their treatment, giving rise to a pasty material, known as sewage sludge. Sewage sludge presents the potential to be used in the mineral nutrition of plants, both as fertilizer and as a soil conditioner. Biostimulants are natural or synthetic substances that can be applied directly to plants to increase yield and quality of crops of economic interest. Thus, the present review aims to report the study on the use of organomineral fertilizers from sewage sludge and biostimulant in sugarcane cultivation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (515) ◽  
pp. 142-148
N. R. Kordzaia ◽  

The article examines the food provision, which is an important indicator of the quality of socio-economic development of a territory (region) in the daily consumption of food products by the population, strengthening the food security of the country. The conditions of administrative-territorial reform aimed at transferring powers from central authorities to local authorities have significantly changed the system of food provision of territories, which forms the level of integrity in terms of food security of the country. The changes have also affected the centralized food provision system through the transfer of novel principles from the State level to the regional level. A balanced and effective system of providing the population with food affects the quality of its life, economic security of the State, its regions, competitiveness of Ukrainian agrarian industry world-wide, including in the European markets. The measures developed in order to implement the targeted tasks of the Food Security Strategy of the Regions are planned for the period of 3-5 years. A structural-logical scheme of the organizational-economic mechanism for food provision of region is proposed as a set of economic, technological and organizational measures carried out by the State and other market actors at the level of both the country and the regions to meet the needs of the population with food products, regulating the sale of agricultural products, its processing, guarantees of improvement of quality and security of food products and their price availability. The author examines the main directions of implementation of the mechanism for food provision of region, which are the following: ensuring sustainable growth of production, availability of products for consumers; exchange of agricultural products; formation of a mechanism for regulatory influence on production, trade in agricultural products (national and regional levels); association of small farms within the regions; introduction of guaranteed minimum purchase prices (high profitability of production); improving the level of product quality, introduction of ecological norms to stimulate the production, producing and selling of environmentally friendly foods.

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