Krailyuk A.I. ◽  
Ponomareva V.K.

Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of parental empathy and the identification of the relationship between this phenomenon and the peculiarities of raising children at the age period from 3 to 6 years. The article considers the essence and mechanisms of empathy phenomenon. It was found that the phenomenon of empathy has been studied by many scientists from different angles, creating their own concepts of understanding this phenomenon and its mechanisms, while emphasizing its importance. The phenomenon of empathy was considered as an emotional sensitivity to another, as a perception of the inner world of another person, as a penetration into the individual identity of the object of communication without losing understanding of oneself. The main mechanisms of empathy included decentralization, interpretation, emotional contagion, and identification. The role of parental empathy in relationships and interactions with the child that affect the child's development was demonstrated.Methods. An empirical study was organized and conducted based on a sample of 65 mothers and fathers aged 25 to 44 living in Ukraine who have their first or only child aged 3 to 6. Three psychodiagnostic methods were used to implement the study, namely: questionnaire of emotional empathy by A. Megrabyan and N. Epstein (1975), adapted by Yu.M. Orlov and Yu.N. Emelyanov; multifactor questionnaire by M. Davis (1980), adapted by T. Karyagina, N. Budagovskaya and S. Dubrovskaya (2013); questionnaire of emotional relations in the family by O. Zakharova (1996). Psychometric verification of the reliability and representativeness of the selected methods for empirical research was conducted.Results. The level of parents’ empathy and peculiarities of interaction with the child were determined, correlation analysis with interpretation of the obtained results was carried out. It has been proven that the higher the level of emotional empathy in parents, the higher the level of emotional intimacy with the child.Conclusions. It was found that parental emapthy is a necessary condition for positive emotional and educational interaction with the child, which has a significant impact on the child's development, communication and building relationships with other people in the future.Key words: empathy, parents, family upbringing, children, correlation, relationships. Мета. Мета статті –дослідити емпатію батьків та виявити зв’язок між даною властивістю та особливос-тями виховання дітей віком від 3 до 6 років. У статті розглянуто питання сутності та механізмів феноменів емпатії. З’ясовано, що феномен емпатії досліджувало багато вчених з різних боків, створюючи власні концепції розуміння даного феномену та його механізмів, при цьому підкреслюючи його важливість. Феномен емпатії розглянуто як емоційну чуйність до іншого, як сприйняття внутрішнього світу іншої людини, як проникнення в індивідуальну своєрідність особистості об’єкта спілкування без втрати розуміння самого себе. До основних механізмів емпатії віднесено децентрацію, інтерпретацію, емоційне зараження та ідентифікацію. Розглянуто роль емпатії батьків у стосунках та взаємодії з дитиною, які впливають на розвиток дитини.Організовано та проведено емпіричне дослідження, яке базувалось на вибірці з 65-ти матерів та батьків віком від 25 до 44 років, які проживають в Україні та мають першу або єдину дитину віком від 3 до 6 років. Методи. Для реалізації дослідження було використано три психодіагностичні методики, а саме: опитувальник емоційної емпатії А. Меграбяна та Н. Епштейна, 1975 р., в адаптації Ю.М. Орлова та Ю.М. Ємельянова; багатофакторний опитувальник М. Девіса, 1980 р., в адаптації Т.Д. Карягіної, Н.А. Будаговської та С.В. Дубровської, 2013 р.; опитувальник емоційних відносин у сім’ї О.І. Захарової 1996 р. Проведена психометрична перевірка надійності й репрезентативності вибраних методик для емпіричного дослідження.Результати. Визначено рівень емпатії батьків та особливостей взаємодії з дитиною, проведено кореляційний аналіз з інтерпретацією отриманих результатів. Встановлено, що більшість батьків мають середній рівень емпатії, якого цілком досить для гармонійного виховання дитини. Доведено, що чим вищий рівень емоційної емпатії у батьків, тим вищий рівень емоційної близькості з дитиною. Висновки. Встановлено, що емпатія батьків є необхідною умовою позитивної емоційної і виховної взаємодії з дитиною, яка має значний вплив на розвиток дитини, її комунікацію та побудову стосунків з іншими людьми в майбутньому.Ключові слова: емпатія, батьки, сімейне виховання, стосунки, кореляція.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 126-130

The article raises the issue of the relationship of parent-child relationships and professional preferences in pedagogical dynasties. Particular attention is paid to the role of the family in the professional development of the individual. It has been suggested that there is a relationship between parent-child relationships and professional preferences.

Joshua S. Walden

The book’s epilogue explores the place of musical portraiture in the context of posthumous depictions of the deceased, and in relation to the so-called posthuman condition, which describes contemporary changes in the relationship of the individual with such aspects of life as technology and the body. It first examines Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo to view how Bernard Herrmann’s score relates to issues of portraiture and the depiction of the identity of the deceased. It then considers the work of cyborg composer-artist Neil Harbisson, who has aimed, through the use of new capabilities of hybridity between the body and technology, to convey something akin to visual likeness in his series of Sound Portraits. The epilogue shows how an examination of contemporary views of posthumous and posthuman identities helps to illuminate the ways music represents the self throughout the genre of musical portraiture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5445
Muyun Sun ◽  
Jigan Wang ◽  
Ting Wen

Creativity is the key to obtaining and maintaining competitiveness of modern organizations, and it has attracted much attention from academic circles and management practices. Shared leadership is believed to effectively influence team output. However, research on the impact of individual creativity is still in its infancy. This study adopts the qualitative comparative analysis method, taking 1584 individuals as the research objects, underpinned by a questionnaire-based survey. It investigates the influence of the team’s shared leadership network elements and organizational environmental factors on the individual creativity. We have found that there are six combination of conditions of shared leadership and organizational environmental factors constituting sufficient combination of conditions to increase or decrease individual creativity. Moreover, we have noticed that the low network density of shared leadership is a sufficient and necessary condition of reducing individual creativity. Our results also provide management suggestions for practical activities during the team management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-147
S. V. Sheyanova ◽  
N. M. Yusupova ◽  

Introduction: at present the reader’s audience is particularly interested in creative experiments in which the historical fate of the Russian peasantry in the «turning» eras is artistically comprehended. The article is devoted to the study of the problem-thematic range of modern Mordovian historical prose. The subject of analysis is the peculiarity of the reception of the period of collectivization and dekulakization in the story by Erzyan prose writer A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine». Objective: to reveal the features of the artistic reconstruction of the events of the 1930s, the modeling of the relationship between a man and society in the story by A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine».Research materials: the story by A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine». Results and novelty of the research: the historical story « A Wolf Ravine » for the first time becomes the object of scientific understanding and is introduced into the context of Finno-Ugric literary criticism. A. Doronin artistically interprets the real events and circumstances of the resettlement of dispossessed peasants of the Volga region to the uninhabited steppes of Kazakhstan. As a result of the study, we conclude that the actualization of this problem-thematic cluster is due to the creative concept of the historical writer; the individual author’s approach to the reconstruction of historical narrative can be traced in the writer’s desire to realistically reveal the relationship of personality and society in the tragic 1930s; to analyze intentions of people and of the psychological states of the characters. Problems of a sociopolitical nature, actualized in the story, are filled with philosophical, axiological content, and lead to a multi-faceted understanding of the «man and history» problem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 145-166
Jelena Klopčič ◽  
Maja Klun

Vertical equity states that taxpayers whose positions are not the same should be treated differently while taking into consideration all the relevant characteristics. The main purpose of using the vertical equity principle is to require the redistribution of income in a way that reduces the income inequality of the society. The presented research aims to check the opinion of Slovenian tax system professionals on the principle of vertical equity. Slovenian results have been compared to a similar analysis carried out in Croatia, and partly with survey results from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United States of America. The results show that the professional public agrees with the principle of vertical equity in the implementation of tax systems. All of the compared countries are similarly favourable towards vertical equity. However, this is also affected by the current tax arrangements of the individual countries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-120
Saidurrahman Saidurrahman

Abstract: Knowledge of the presence (ḥuḍūrī) with mystical experience as describe above is deemed the most popular models of knowledge in Islamic philosophy at the same coloring methodology and epistemology of Islam. Through logical arguments, semantic analysis and epistemo¬logy sharp Suhrawardī considered very successfully demonstrate authenticity huduri science as a science model of non-representational. Among the classical epistemological problems that have not been resolved until now -but able to be dissected in clear and distinct- is about the relationship of subject and object of knowledge, that is the problem more acute in modern Western philosophy. What is interesting is when when to review the issues very carefully and consistently Mehdi directing and bringing the students (who interest in Islamic philosophy) into the recesses of the inner world and the dialogue with the depth of their own existence. It is undeniable that Ha'iri Mehdi Yazdi take existentialist philosophy illumination Suhrawardī and MullaṢadrā as a main reference, as he learned the lesson of Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Ibn Sīnā, and al-Ṭūsī, citing the idea of a number of Western philosophers were actually familiar with the science huduri that he wanted to offer. However unique, he expertly directs their ideas to the conclusion that it is inevitable for us to acknowledge the existence of non - phenomenal knowledge. Abstrak:Pengetahuan dengan kehadiran (ḥuḍūrī) dibarengai pengalaman mistik seperti yang paprkan diatas dipandang model pengetahuan yang paling populer dalam filsafat Islam sekaligus mewarnai metodologi dan epistemologi Islam. Melalui argumen-argumen logis, analisis semantik dan epistemologi yang tajam Suhrawardī dipandang sangat berhasil mendemonstrasikan keautentikan ilmu huduri sebagai sebuah model ilmu non-representasional. Diantara problem-problem klasik episte-mologis yang belum terselesaikan hingga kini—tetapi mampu dibedah secara clear dan distink—adalah tentang hubungan subjek dan objek pengetahuan, yang problemnya makin akut dalam filsafat Barat modern. Yang menarik adalah ketika ketika mengulas masalah-masalah itu Mehdi sangat cermat dan konsisten mengarahkan dan membawa para murid-muridnya (peminat filsafat Islam) memasuki relung-relung dunia batin dan berdialog dengan kedalaman eksistensi mereka sendiri. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Mehdi Ha’iri Yazdi mengambil filsafat iluminasi Suhrawardī dan eksistensialis MullaṢadrā sebagai acuan utamanya, seraya memetik pelajaran dari Plato, aristoteles, Plotinus, Ibn Sīnā, dan al-Ṭūsī, mengutip gagasan sejumlah filosof Barat yang sebetulnya asing dengan ilmu ḥuḍūrī yang hendak ia tawarkan. Akan tetapi uniknya, dengan piawai ia mengarahkan gagasan-gagasan mereka kepada penarik¬an kesimpulan bahwa adalah tak terelakkan bagi kita untuk mengakui eksistensi pengetahuan non-fenomenal itu. Keywords: ilmu ḥuḍūrī, khazanah, epistemologi, cogito ergo sum, atheisme.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (21) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Aim: The aim of this research is to identify the Novak’s relationship of ‘liquid architecture and music’ as an approach that diverges from the architecture music relationships that have been built throughout the historical process. Method: In describing the approach, initially, the intellectual and critical foundations and features of liquid architecture were emphasized, and subsequently, its relationship with music was discussed through case studies in comparison to the current relationship between architecture and music. Results: When the current relationships of the architecture and music are evaluated, the attitude apart from the arising sensations and affections doesn’t exist within the relationship of liquid architecture and music. Liquid architecture, which has characteristics such as continuity, timelessness, plurality, poetry and obscurity, acquires the characteristics of the individual varying based on his/her body, senses, perceptions, and emotions as the way of producing architecture. It is claimed that the liquidity approach will influence music and architecture in different ways than is known, and that music will transform into a new form of architecture, while architecture becoming a new form of music. In this context, it extends ‘beyond (trans-)’ the limits of current approaches. Conclusion: The sixth category of methodical approaches in architecture music interaction can be defined as the relationship of liquid architecture and music. The way it relates to music and the way it produces architecture also suggests a direction of development to concrete architecture and virtually warns about renewing its theory and tools.

Nicholas Halmi

The ageing Goethe was fascinated with Byron whom he called the greatest poetic talent. Though suspicious of Byron’s Philhellenism, Goethe found in Byron an openness to encounter non-English cultures, an attentiveness to national histories and in interest in the relationship of the individual to social life. Byron’s self-contextualising, self-historicising narrative poems constitute a parallel to Goethe’s own literary campaigns for cross-cultural engagement in the 1810s and 1820s and, despite Byron’s alienation from England, offer hope for the prospects of what Goethe was to call “world literature”.

Marta Villegas ◽  
Michael H. McGivern

This qualitative case study explored managerial perceptions regarding codes of ethics, ethical behavior, and the relationship of these concepts to organizational culture in a Colombian bank ZOX (pseudonym), in a South-American environment. The data-collection phase contained a purposive sample of ten ZOX senior managers, by including four one-on-one interviews, a focus-group interview, and company documents. The findings include the facts that codes of ethics are mandatory and they demand that the individual has his/her own values; ethical behavior follows general principles and values as ethical guides of duty regardless of the consequences; and the organizational culture is influenced by the leaders' ethical behavior. The findings also serve to trace and describe empirically and theoretically the components of a multi-dimensional approach of an ethical organizational culture. A suggestion for further research might be the testing of this multi-dimensional approach in other settings and going deeper into the relationship among its components.

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