Khavkina O.M.

Purpose. The problem of violence is one of the most acute issues in modern society. Ukrainian and foreign linguists are just beginning to take interest in how violence is reflected in the world languages. In modern linguistics there are several researches devoted to certain lexical and semantic groups of violence vocabulary, verbal violence in the socio-psychological aspect, invectives in periodicals and professional communication, etc. However, little attention is paid to the violence idioms. The purpose of the paper PROPOSED is to analyse English idioms with the semantics of violence from different aspects. allowed determining their lexical, semantic, structural, and grammatical features. Methods. The following scientific methods were used for the analysis of about 80 violence idioms: descriptive method, component, semantic, distributive, and transformational analyses. Results. All selected idioms fall into 2 groups: ones denoting acts of physical and psychological (verbal) violence. From the point of view of participants of the outrageous act such language units are divided into those that are semantically related to the abuser, and those that are related to the victim of violence. Some of the analyzed idioms can be varied, thus, their several equivalents can be found in the modern English language. Regarding their structural and grammatical features the studied idioms fall into verbal and nominal ones. There are a few communicative phraseological units among the idioms under the investigation. Somatisms as well as coloronyms and zoonyms are the components of the analyzed linguistic units. The article presents the history of the origin and explains the semantics development of some idioms, as well as explains the role of phraseological units of violence in the word-forming system of the modern English language. Conclusions. Violence idioms take an important place in the English linguistic world view. There are certain patterns of their functioning in the modern English language. Further scientific researches in this area can be useful for deeper understanding violence as a social phenomenon and can help reduce its level in the world.Key words: phraseological unit, violence, physical violence, verbal violence, abuser, victim of violence, component, semantics, structure. Мета. Проблема насильства, безсумнівно, є однією з найболючіших у сучасному соціумі, що може бути підтверджено великою кількістю конвенцій та резолюцій, прийнятих в останні півстоліття на міжнародному рівні, а також численними дослідженнями із цієї теми, проведеними спеціалістами з різних сфер людської діяльності, лідером з яких, звичайно, є пси-хологія. Щодо вітчизняних та зарубіжних лінгвістів, то вони тільки розпочинають проявляти цікавість до того, яким чином насильство знаходить відображення в мовах світу. На сьогодні відомі мовознавчі наукові праці, в яких висвітлюються окремі лексико-семантичні групи віолентної лексики, вербальне насилля у соціопсихологічном аспекті, інвективи в періодиці та професійній комунікації тощо. Проте практично не приділяється уваги фраземам віолентності, хоча ця група одиниць є однією з ключових у побудові мовної картини світу певного народу, що послуговується певною мовою. Мета пропонованого дослідження – різноаспектний аналіз англійських фразеологічних одиниць зі значенням віолентності.Методи. Для аналізу близько 80 англійських ідіом із семантикою насильства та визначення їх лексико-семантичних та структурно-граматичних особливостей було застосовано такі наукові методи: описовий метод, компонентний, семантич-ний, дистрибутивний, трансформаційний аналізи. Результати. Усі дібрані фраземи можуть бути розподілені на 2 групи: одиниці, які позначають акти фізичного та психо-логічного (вербального) насилля. Із точки зору учасників насильницького акта такі проаналізовані фраземи поділяються на ті, що семантично пов’язані із кривдником, насильником, і ті, що пов’язані з жертвою насильства. Деякі із фразеологічних одиниць підлягають варіативності й функціонують у сучасній англійській мові у вигляді кількох рівнозначних варіантів. Щодо структурно-граматичних особливостей досліджуваних мовних одиниць, то переважна їх більшість – дієслівні; наступна за чисельністю група – іменникові фраземи. У корпусі дослідження наявні поодинокі комунікативні фразеологізми. Серед ком-понентів ідіом віолентності виділяються соматизми (найчисленніша група), в меншому обсязі – кольороніми, зооніми. У статті наведено історію виникнення та пояснено розвиток семантики деяких ідіом, а також пояснено роль фразеологічних одиниць віолентності у словотворчій системі сучасної англійської мови. Висновки. Ідіоми із семантикою віолентності займають важливе місце в англомовній картині світу. Простежуються певні закономірності їх функціонування в сучасній англійській мові. Подальші наукові розвідки у цьому напрямку є перспективни-ми, оскільки вони можуть бути корисними у глибшому розумінні насильства як соціального явища та сприятимуть зменшенню його рівня у сучасному світі.Ключові слова: фразеологічна одиниця, насильство, фізичне насилля, вербальне насилля, насильник, жертва насильства, компонент, структура, сема.

2021 ◽  
pp. 195-199
I. V. Mima

The process of development of various directions of objective scientific analysis of problems of the theory of the state and law is investigated; the analysis of transformational processes of Christian-legal traditions in the legal system is carried out. The author argues that the Christian legal traditions are a unique religious and social value, because they embody the fundamental principles of civilized organization of religious relations in society, their regulatory requirements. Christian legal traditions generalize national law at the level of the legal space, reflect the unity of the legal system, which fixes the legal individuality and identity of the country, which affects the formation of the national idea. The author notes that in modern society, Christian legal traditions, Christian legal traditions appear as a legal category, a phenomenon of legal culture, an element of the legal system and a component of the succession of law, which captures generalized legal experience, legal memory, legal knowledge and legal ideas. passed down from generation to generation as acceptable ways of organizing society, models of formation of the legal system, order in law, hierarchy of values in law, etc. The point of view that Christian-legal traditions can be characterized from the standpoint of traditionalism and modernism is substantiated. Socio-historical heritage is a liability of past traditions and a basis for the formation of new traditions. In general, modern society is characterized by the action of real Christian legal traditions, which combines authentic and non-authentic Christian legal traditions and socio-historical heritage in ensuring the heredity of social development with its previous stages. Authenticity is determined by the preconditions for the formation of Christian legal traditions in society, arising from the laws of the stages of its development. Inauthentic Christian legal traditions are created artificially and act as declared social norms that have not yet confirmed their value nature in the course of social practice. They are most often observed in societies undergoing transformational periods of their existence, during which there is a need for new methods of regulating social relations and means of community unification. Such Christian legal traditions can be used to fill gaps in the mechanism of social and normative regulation of social relations by connecting the past with new conditions and needs. In addition, Christian-legal traditions occupy an important place in the socio-normative organization of modern society, and during the historical process of development of society the content of Christian-legal traditions was influenced by ideological, cultural and socio-economic deformations of society. Christian-legal traditions as religious-normative principles ensure the realization of Christian-legal ideals and values in religious relations, their indisputable status in public life. Keywords: legal system, Christian-legal traditions, legal heritage, traditionalism and modernism, legal culture, legal consciousness, authentic and non-authentic Christian-legal traditions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Sanela Kovačević Pejaković

The aim of this paper is to point out at the real role of English for specific purposes and its importance for the development of modern society (where English for specific purposes is accepted as the international language) and that the essential characteristics of English of maritime profession - as simultaneously creative and limited professional language are clearly and accurately defined. Under the linguistic creativity is primarily implied the ability of any natural language to create from a limited resource of linguistic units an unlimited number of linguistic units at all levels- the phonetic, phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic and semantic level. Thus, limitation of linguistic units accompanied by linguistic unlimited creativity allows linguistic functionality, respectively the ability of language to respond to all challenges of civilization, man and society. With its creativity language transcends all boundaries and is ready to respond to any new accomplishment, invention or appearance of the modern age.

Ekaterina V. Nikonorova ◽  
Ekaterina A. Shibaeva

The article reflects the main results of comparative bibliometric analysis of the scientific-practical Russian Journal of Library Science “Bibliotekovedenie” and foreign journals in the library sphere. The purpose of the study is to determine the growth points and development directions of the Russian Journal of Library Science for the formation of international scientific communication practices and professional discourse.The object of the research was metadata array of fourteen foreign English-language library journals included in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, and the journal “Bibliotekovedenie” for 2015—2019. The authors used content analysis method, the method of comparison and correlation, as well as criterion method based on determination of relevant indicators and development of criteria for evaluating journals to identify parameters of similarity and difference, followed by the use of method of data interpretation based on modern cultural-philosophical and cultural-theoretical principles and concepts.As a result, the study identified the typical topics for the most frequently cited articles in the foreign journals. The authors show that the journal “Bibliotekovedenie” publishes the articles that can be attributed to most of the presented topics. However, most often they are characterized by another emphasis, presentation style and structure of the text, as well as approaches to conducting research. Trends in the citation of articles in Russian publications indicate the difference in a set of priority topics.The authors conclude that these differences depend not only and not so much on the “collision” of traditional and modern vision of the situation from the point of view of scientific research, but rather on deeper reasons based on cultural differences. These reasons are driven by the postmodern increase of the impact of culture on the development of science, reflecting these differences in the languages of cultures and in the translations, as well as by other, sometimes opposite, trends in the development of socio-cultural situation in different countries, related to the understanding of place and role of libraries, books and information in modern society.Based on the obtained results, there was adjusted the development plan of scientific-practical journal “Bibliotekovedenie”, as well as its name in English, starting 2019 (no. 6) — Russian Journal of Library Science.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Alla Petrovna Minyar-Beloroucheva ◽  
Polina Igorevna Sergienko ◽  
Elizaveta Alexandrovna Vishnyakova ◽  
Olga Dmitrievna Vishnyakova

The paper focuses on the integrated approach to investigation of abbreviations that are referred to the units of secondary nomination. Abbreviations facilitate the communication process due to the principle of economy in language. Abbreviation that goes back to ancient times is one of the most actively performed and intensive processes in the English language. The use of abbreviations is connected with both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that to a great extent determine a variety of discourse under consideration and ways of decoding certain linguistic units of abbreviated form, where context plays the most important role. There exists a number of structural types or models, according to which abbreviations are created in order to function as separate linguistic units used in the communicative process, where in the course of time they tend to acquire new independent and sometimes unique semantic properties. In socially determined professional registers certain regularities of abbreviations constructing and functioning are observed. In this paper most of the examples refer to such discursive varieties as politics, public relations, business and to a less extent medicine. Interdiscursivity that in this particular context means actualisation of the same abbreviated form within different discursive varieties seems to be one of the basic features of the abbreviation process under analysis. From the cognitive point of view, the study of abbreviated forms is based on the theory of propositional structures in the human mind manifestation. The cognitive approach correlates with linguistic semiotic and general semiotic issues, as at the iconic level of representation an abbreviation can be considered a starting point for creation of new entities and images, based on the results of perception, and the object for subsequent interpretation. This involves operation with fragments of reality, subject to reflection in the domain of human consciousness. Cognitive communicative approach takes into account different formats of knowledge that present the foundation for abbreviations active use and distribution. The Internet as a new medium for the language existence, as well as application and formation of human thought, plays an important role in optimizing messages as well as the communication process as a whole due to abbreviation techniques.

2019 ◽  
pp. 182-188
G. V. Zhigunova ◽  
I. L. Tkachenko

The inclusion of people with disabilities in social processes is an important task of modern society, due to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the equal rights of persons with disabilities. However, the achievement of this task is hampered by the presence of inclusive barriers in society, an important place of which is occupied by attitudinal barriers. The article presents the results of author’s sociological research (expert survey) on the example of Murmansk region of Russian Federation, which has revealed the most vulnerable category of persons with disabilities from the point of view of its perception by the society and raised the issue of the ways of forming of tolerant attitude of society and achievement of the social integration of citizens. The obtained data are important for the development of effective measures to eliminate attitudinal barriers, impeding the processes of social integration.

Natalia Popova

The article is devoted to the relation and time-spatial dynamics research of the development of national conceptual sphere components’ lexical, pragmatic and grammatical meaning from the phenomenological point of view. Its role in the development of the synchronic-diachronic approach to Spanish national conceptual sphere concepts’ analysis is determined. The variability of concepts’ prototype nuclei is reflected in the lexical-pragmatic and grammatical meaning of the linguistic units. Changes in nationally-tagged concepts’ prototype core and the communicative context provoke a violation of the correlation among different types of linguistic units’ meaning, causing a chain reaction in the systems, which fact is confirmed by the postulate of the phenomenological concept that an individual perceives the surrounding world correlating himself/herself with objects of the surrounding reality. Logic-minded human brain operations, based on emotional and sensory experience, largely depend on historical layers of the prototype core of concepts determining the national identity of the individual. The everyday language use forms symbolic combination of semantic cognitive meaning and syntactic structure of the linguistic units representing the nationally-tagged concepts in the Spanish language world view according to the communicative context and is based on the philosophical theory of phenomenology, the provisions of which serve for both concepts’ actual state research and their historical development patterns investigation. The postulate on human thinking volatility and instability reflecting in the language determines the temporal and spatial development of the national conceptual sphere, the analysis of which components requires synchronic-diachronic approach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 161-179
Outi Paloposki

The article looks at book production and circulation from the point of view of translators, who, as purchasers and readers of foreign-language books, are an important mediating force in the selection of literature for translation. Taking the German publisher Tauchnitz's series ‘Collection of British Authors’ and its circulation in Finland in the nineteenth and early twentieth century as a case in point, the article argues that the increased availability of English-language books facilitated the acquiring and honing of translators' language skills and gradually diminished the need for indirect translating. Book history and translation studies meet here in an examination of the role of the Collection in Finnish translators' work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Asti Gumartifa ◽  
Indah Windra Dwie Agustiani

Gaining English language learning effectively has been discussed all years long. Similarly, Learners have various troubles outcomes in the learning process. Creating a joyful and comfortable situation must be considered by learners. Thus, the implementation of effective learning strategies is certainly necessary for English learners. This descriptive study has two purposes: first, to introduce the classification and characterization of learning strategies such as; memory, cognitive, metacognitive, compensation, social, and affective strategies that are used by learners in the classroom and second, it provides some questionnaires item based on Strategy of Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 5.0 that can be used to examine the frequency of students’ learning strategies in the learning process. The summary of this study explains and discusses the researchers’ point of view on the impact of learning outcomes by learning strategies used. Finally, utilizing appropriate learning strategies are certainly beneficial for both teachers and learners to achieve the learning target effectively.

Md. Abu Sayem

The present paper attempts to expose how the scientific world-view of nature contributes to the present environmental crisis. Alongside this, it relates European Renaissance, humanism, secularism, the scientific and industrial revolutions, modern philosophy, scientism, technology-based modern life, consumerism-based modern society, etc. with current environmental problems. By focusing on Nasr’s traditional understanding of nature, the paper explores how materialistic and mechanistic world-views are deeply connected with the present ecological crisis. It also offers a critical analysis of Nasr’s spiritual and religious world-view of nature and examines its relevance. In doing so, it aims to highlight some demerits of the present world-view, and to call to reform current perceptions of nature by revitalizing traditional wisdom in order to protect the environment from further degradation. Thus, the paper is scholarly addition to the ongoing discourse on the issue of religions and the environment. Keywords: Eco-theology, Environmental Degradation, Materialistic and Mechanistic Views of Nature, Scientism, Spiritual Crisis of Modern humans, Religious and Spiritual World-Views.   Abstrak Kertas kajian ini menerangkan bagaimana pandangan saintifik telah menyumbang kepada krisis alam sekitar semasa. Disamping itu, kertas ini akan menhubungkaitkan Gerakan Revolusi Humanisma di Eropah, sekularisme, revolusi  sains dan perindustrian, falsafah moden, saintisme, kehidupan moden yang berasaskan teknologi, masyarakat moden yang berasaskan consumerisme, etc. dengan krisis alam sekitar yang berlaku dewasa ini.  Dengan memahami pandangan Nasr terhadap alam sekitar, kertas ini akan merungkai bagaimana pandangan materialistik (kebendaan) dan mekanistik mempengaruhi krisis ekologi masa kini. Ia juga akan menganalisa pandangan spiritual dan agama Nasr terhadap alam sekitar secara kritikal dan akan menilai sejauh mana kesesuaiannya. Dengan sedemikian dapat menyedarkan manusia tentang kecacatan pandangan semasa, yang kemudiannya akan membawa kepada pembaharuan persepsi mereka terhadap alam sekitar dengan cara menghidupkan semula nilai-nilai tradisional demi mengelakkan kemerosotan alam sekitar. Kertas ini akan memuatkan idea-idea para cendiakawan dalam membincangkan isu  berkaitan agama dan alam sekitar. Kata Kunci: Eko-Teologi, Kemerosotan Alam Sekitar, Pandangan Materialistik dan Makanistik terhadap Alam, Saintisme, Krisis Spiritual Manusia Moden, Perspektif Spiritual dan Agama.

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