scholarly journals Genetic variation and trait relationship in the exotic and local eggplant germplasm

1970 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-96 ◽  
MS Islam ◽  
MS Uddin

Sixteen genotypes of local and exotic germplasms were studied to estimate variability, hcritability, genetic advance, and correlation coefficients. High genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were obtained for number of fruits/plant, individual fruit weight, and yield per plant. Heritability and genetic advance were also high for these traits indicating the possibility of selection to improve these characters. Yield of fruits showed highly significant and positive association with number of fruits per plant and individual fruit weight, which indicate the importance of these characters during selection for high yielding genotypes in eggplant. Among the genotypes, Islampuri produced the highest fruit yield (58.8 t/ha) followed by Tall begun (52.8 t/ha) and EG 120 (49.6 t/ha). Incidence of borer infestation ranged from 3.0 to 20.6 %. The lowest borer infestation was found in EG 120 (3.0%), while it was the highest in EG 192 (20.6%) Key Words: Genetic variation; trait relationship; exotic and local germplasm; eggplant. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v34i1.5758Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(1) : 91-96, March 2009

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 262-273
Syed Berjes Zehra ◽  
Shabir Hussain Khan ◽  
Asif Ahmad ◽  
Baseerat Afroza ◽  
K. Parveen ◽  

Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for different quantitative and qualitative characters were studied in 64 genotypes of chilli. The study indicated the existence of considerable amount of genetic variability for all the traits under study. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes for almost all the traits studied. The maximum range was recorded for fruit yield per plant (150-900 g) followed by vitamin-C content at red ripe stage (35.50 -207.17 mg/100g), vitamin-C content at green stage (24.93-195.83 mg/100g), capsanthin content (39.58-180.35ASTA units, number of fruits per plant (21.32-100.27) and plant height (50.20-105.00cm). The highest phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variability were observed for average fruit weight followed by seed yield per plant, average seed weight per fruit, number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant and fruit diameter. In general the phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were slight higher than genotypic coefficients of variation GCV), which indicates the minor role of environment in the expression of traits under observation. The estimates of heritability in broad sense was high for all the characters. The present investigation indicates a great scope of in the improvement of these traits as these characters in general possessed high estimates of heritability coupled with high genetic advancement except for days to first fruit set, days to first green fruit harvest, days to first ripe fruit harvest and dry matter content (high heritability but moderate genetic gain) indicating the preponderance of additive gene action for control of these traits.

M. N. Mamathashree ◽  
B. G. Prakash ◽  
B. Fakrudin ◽  
U. Jayashree ◽  
M. K. Honnabyraiah ◽  

A monotypic genus crop tamarind is one of the important grown in India. The multipurpose tree comprises multiuse in cuisine preparation to medicine. All the parts of the tree have been used in many industries. The present study was conducted to assess the quantum of diversity in seventeen morphological traits of identified distinct 96 tamarind genotypes collected from 30 districts of Karnataka during 2018-19 at College of Horticulture, Bengaluru. The morphological traits including fruit yield/plant were observed. Among major yield attributing morphological traits viz., fruit weight ranged from 4.27-32.45 g, pulp weight ranged from 2.10-15.00 g and fruit yield/plant ranged from 49.50 to 298.50 kg. The genetic variation components viz., PCV ranged from 13.93 to 48.25 while GCV ranged from 12.22 to 47.28. The high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent over mean was observed in the traits such as fruit weight (96%, 91.20%) and seed weight (96%, 95.45%) while moderate heritability and genetic advance as per cent over mean was revealed in fruit yield/plant (78.00 %, 55.83 %). Present study brought out and identified three top best performing tamarind genotypes TAM_KOL4, TAM_BEN(U)3 and TAM_BEN(U)4 expressed higher yield over the check GKVK17 recorded third highest fruit yield/plant but however it was not significant. The selection based on yield related traits and best performing genotypes in terms of fruit yield/plant could be effectively used in tamarind breeding programme.

1970 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-356
MS Islam ◽  
MM Rahman ◽  
MAK Mian

Forty four hyacinth bean genotypes were studied to estimate the variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation coefficients. There was a large variation among the genotypes for all the characters among which the number of pods per plant had highest (122 to 425). Green pod yield per plant varied from 0.46 kg to 3.45 kg indicating the presence of high yielding genotypes. High genotypic coefficient of variation was obtained for 100-green seed weight, pod yield per plant, number of pods per plant and harvesting duration. The highest heritability was observed for days to first flower (98.39%) followed by days to first harvest (96.1 %).The pod yield per plant also exhibited high heritability of 77.9% with highest genetic advance (68.28) indicating the possibility of selection to improve this traits. Yield of green pods showed highly significant and positive association with number of pods per plant (r=0.71**), individual pod weight (r=0.54**) and harvesting duration (r=0.198*), which indicates the importance of these characters during selection for high yielding genotypes in hyacinth bean. Keywords: Genetic variability; heritability; hyacinth bean. DOI: BJAR 2011; 36(2): 351-356

2013 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-167 ◽  
MS Islam ◽  
HC Mohanta ◽  
MR Ismail ◽  
MY Rafii ◽  
MA Malek

Nine traits of 11 cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. cerasiforme (Dunal) A. Gray) inbred lines exhibited a wide range of genetic variability. High geno- and phenotypic coefficients of variation were obtained for individual fruit weight (68.16 and 74.23%, respectively) followed by number of fruits/plant (58.8 and 68.34%, respectively). High estimates of heritability, genetic advance and genotypic coefficient of variation for the traits of individual fruit weight, number of fruits and clusters/plant were controlled by additive gene action indicating the possibility of selection to improve these characters. Fruit yield/plant showed low heritability along with low genetic advance and did not show significant and positive correlation with the remaining characters. It indicates that improvement of high yield through selection is difficult, rather hybridization can be effective for improving the fruit yield/plant. Among the lines, CH154 produced the highest number of fruits/plant (291) and highest fruit yield (1.89 kg/plant and 63.4 t/ha) and can be selected for cultivation under Bangladesh condition. DOI: Bangladesh J. Bot. 41(2): 163-167, 2012 (December)

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Isabel Homczinski ◽  
Afonso Figueiredo Filho ◽  
Fabiane Aparecida de Sousa Retslaff ◽  
Andrea Nogueira Dias ◽  
Ana Paula Micali Figueiredo ◽  

The present research aimed to analyze biometric characteristics of Campomanesia xanthocarpa and its fruits and its fruit yield. This study was developed in araucaria forest at Irati National Forest, Paraná state. To perform this analysis, 31 individuals were selected and the total height and commercial height, diameter breast height (DBH), crown diameter, crown length, crown proportion, crown formal, salience index, range index and slenderness rate were measured. From the fruits, variables as length, width, weight and number of seeds per fruit were measured. The fruit yield was estimated by means of the fruit number per branch and the average fruit weight per tree. The species presented total height, DBH and crown diameter of 14.2 m, 32.09 cm and 9.5 m, respectively. The crown diameter is 30 times greater than DBH, and 49.71% from total height is occupied by its crown. The fruits presented 22.01 mm, 19.74 mm, 6.64 g and eight units for width, length, weight and seeds/fruit, respectively. The yield was 1.273 fruits, with 8.64 kg.tree-1. The species presents slow growth, with slender crown and resistance to weathering. Its fruits had great potential for selection for commercialization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 1551-1556
S. Lal ◽  
O. C. Sharma ◽  
D. B. Singh

Thirteen exotic genotypes of olive (Olea europaea L.) were studied for the genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient analysis for fruit quality, yield and yield contributing traits at experimental farm of ICAR-CITH, Srinagar during 2009-2013. Maximum variability was recorded for fruit yield and oil content, however, low differ-ences between the phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variations indicated low environmental influences on the expression of these characters. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was obtained with fruit yield per plant, acidity, fruit pulp weight, fruit weight and stone weight. Fruit weight (r=0.329), stone weight (r=0.405) and oil content (r=0.841) were the most important traits, which possessed significant positive association with fruit yield per plant. Path coefficient analysis revealed that among the different yield contributing characters oil content (0.875), fruit weight (0.797) followed by acidity (0.501), peroxides value ( 0.199) and fruit length (0.054) influenced fruit yield per plant directly. The direct effects of these characters on fruit yield were found positive and considerably very high.The selection based on fruit weight, stone weight oil content and yield per plant will be effective for enhancing the fruit and oil yieldand making future olive breeding strategies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 104 (.1-.4) ◽  
Gopinath P ◽  
Irene Vethamoni P

Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for fifteen yield contributing traits were studied in F2 population obtained from the cross of Arka Vikas × EC 519809. The study indicated that existence of considerable amount of genetic variability for all the characters studied. The characters viz., fruit yield per plant, number of fruits per plant, number of primary branches, total phenol and pericarp thickness exhibited higher values of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation. Whereas, fruit yield per plant, individual fruit weight, pericarp thickness and number of primary branches per plant exhibited high estimates of heritability and genetic advance for yield per plant and average fruit weight. These characters can be effectively improved through selection. Correlation indicated that yield was significantly and positively associated with plant height, number of flowers per cluster, percent fruit set, fruit length, fruit diameter, individual fruit weight and number of fruits per plant. Number of fruits per cluster and number of fruits per plant showed the highest positive direct effect on fruit yield per plant. Direct selection may be executed considering these traits as the main selection criteria to reduce indirect effect of other characters during development of high yielding tomato variety.

Satish Kadwey ◽  
Ashwini Dadiga ◽  
Sunil Prajapati

Twenty five diverse chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes were evaluated in a field study to assess genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance. The highest PCV were recorded for number of fruit plant-1 (42.0), dry fruit yield plant-1 (30.34), seed yield plant-1 (28.94), fruit weight of dry chilli (23.38), number of primary branches plant-1 at 30 DAT (21.88) and fruit width (21.0). While, highest GCV was observed for number of fruit plant-1 (41.77), dry fruit yield plant-1 (29.61), seed yield plant-1 (27.67) and fruit weight of dry chilli (21.67), The value of heritability (h2bs) was found to be very high for fruit yield plant-1 (97.91), seed yield plant-1 (96.82), dry fruit yield plant-1 (95.24), days to first picking (94.88), fruit length (93.30), fruit weight of green chilli (93.26), fruit yield plot-1(92.91), fruit yield ha-1 (92.90) and fruit width (92.02). The highest estimates of genetic advance as percentage of mean was recorded for number of fruit plant-1 (45.59), fruit weight of dry chilli (41.38), fruit width (39.82), dry fruit yield plant-1 (39.52), seed yield plant-1 (38.70), fruit weight of green chilli (38.10), fruit yield plant-1 (37.33) and fruit length (36.78) were observed for these all the above characters, imply the potential for crop improvement in chilli through selection.

1981 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 525-531 ◽  
Deepika Bhatt ◽  
Tummala P. Reddy

Estimates of broad sense heritability, genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation, genetic advance, correlation coefficients, and path coefficient analysis were made on eight attributes of castor (Ricinus communis L.). Almost all characters showed high genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.152 for bean yield/plant to 0.893 for number of nodes to primary raceme. High genetic advance was exhibited by the characters plant height (124.0) and days to flowering (37.8). High positive phenotypic correlations on bean yield/plant were shown by all characters except days to flowering and number of nodes to primary raceme. Path-coefficient analysis indicated that both the number of capsules/primary raceme (0.74) and the number of secondary branches (0.62) have large positive direct effects on bean yield/plant. These observations indicate that semi-dwarf lines with a larger number of capsules/primary raceme, and a moderate number of primary and secondary branches should be considered as parents for castor breeding programs.

Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar ◽  
Mohamed Abd El-Maboud Abd El-Shafi ◽  
Mohamed Helmy El-Shal ◽  
Ali Hassan Anany

Strong correlations between wheat traits and drought tolerance (DT) associated with high heritability and high genetic advance from selection would allow plant breeder to use such traits as selection criteria. The objective of the present investigation was to determine the optimum selection criteria and selection environment for drought tolerance via estimation of correlation coefficients (r) among 13 agronomic, grain yield and quality traits and DT of 20 wheat landraces, broad-sense heritability (h2b) and genetic advance (GA) from selection for such traits under well-watered (WW) and water stressed (WS) environments. A two-year experiment was carried out using a split-plot design with four replications. Results concluded that the best selection criterion for drought tolerance in our study was grain yield/plant (GYPP), followed by a number of grains/spike (GPS), grain filling period (GFP), grain starch (GSC) and protein (GPC) content, plant height (PH) and days to maturity (DTM), since they showed high (r), high h2b and high GA estimates. The best selection environment was WW for days to anthesis, PH, spikes/plant, GPS, spikelets/spike, GYPP, GPC and WS for DTM, GFP, GSC and thousand-grain weight traits. This information could help future breeding programs in selection for improving drought tolerance of wheat.

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