2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Dinda Ayu Muthia ◽  
Yetrivo Efendy

The course is one of the education provided outside formal (non-formal) schools to develop personal abilities and skills. Eden Everyday English Course Institute is an Institution located in Bogor. In this institution, the registration process for students is done manually by filling in the registration form provided by the admin. Eden Everyday English Course Institute is one of the courses where the number of applicants increases every year, this causes the administration department cannot manage everything properly and feels overwhelmed so that it is not effective. With the increase in the number of students registering each year, it would be better if a web-based registration system was created, so that it could simultaneously serve as a medium for promoting the course institution. The purpose of this research is to create a web-based application to help the process of registration for new students in Eden Everyday English Course Institute using the waterfall method. Many studies, especially in the field of information system development, use the Waterfall method. This online course registration application is effective and efficient because it is supported by an integrated system. This application improves the quality of information and the efficiency of the implementation of online course registration.

Ito Riris Immasari ◽  
Istinur Alfiah

The existence of a system that is applied online can help and facilitate human work in various aspects of life so that it is easier and more effective. The implementation of the registration of prospective new students is used as the initial process of entering a new level in education. The implementation of the registration of prospective new students who have to come directly to the school to fill out the registration form is considered ineffective and inefficient. So, to make the registration process easier, it is necessary to create an online registration information system. For the analysis stage using flowcharts, activity diagrams, use case diagrams, Erd, and hierarchies for the design stage using class diagrams. With the design of a web-based system, it can simplify the process of registering new members, storing data relating to new student registrations can be stored neatly using a database and information relating to new student registration can be obtained quickly and accurately.

2018 ◽  
Akim Manaor Hara Pardede

In order to be registered in an institution / organization, each resident / community must register by providing identity data personally. When someone wants to be registered in an institution such as Birth Certificate, School, College, residence, Tax, BPJS, Bank, Driver Lisence, Passport and others, they must register and register one by one and have a registration number or account for each agency. It can be said that nowadays everyone is bothered with the registration process, starting from the time of birth they must register to be registered as residents, to enter the school must also register, this is felt to be ineffective and inefficient because one must continue to register one by one and redundancy have a registration number that is different for each agency. The presence of an electronic resident card (e-KTP) aims to make data collection easier and there is no double KTP number, but this is not yet maximal, there are still multiple KTP numbers, proven by many multiple data communities. Seeing these problems need to find a solution or an effort to ensure that the affairs of registration are not repeated and once up and the number is valid for all agencies. The presence of the latest technology namely IP v6 (Internet Protocol) brings the opportunity for the efficiency and effectiveness of the registration system, because IP v6 is able to provide numbers up to trillions addressing numbers. The objectives of this study are: 1) Designing an analytical model to build an IP V6 model on e-KTP registration. 2) Application of one IP v6 model on e-KTP registration using IPv6 IP address, once the child is born automatically has one registration number i.e. IPv6 address number, and the number applies to all agencies. The method used in this study is an exploration and modeling study of system development with NDLC to produce a model for building IP v6 implementation on e-KTP. The results of the study will show that the community has one registration number, namely IP v6, and the number is valid since the child is born and for all agencies such as birth certificates, e-KTP, Student Number, Passport, Driver’s License, Bank and others The results of the study that implemented IPv6 on numbering e-KTP with a total length of 128 bits, greatly facilitated citizens in terms of registration services because each resident only has one identification number will apply to all agencies, because there is no data repetition or data redundancy, one e-ID card can be applied to elementary schools, high schools, hospitals, BPJS, Driver’s License, passports and for communication addressing or IP addresses to be part of the e-KTP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Sunanto Sunanto ◽  
Ina Maryani ◽  
Gresi Wisma Pamukti

Abstract - Cars today have become a primary need for some people, based on the level of usage continues to increase in the community. Furthermore, with these conditions in line with the needs of many people to be able to have the skills to drive a car, many service providers later emerged as car driving courses (driving courses). LPK Citra Indotech Jaya Purwokerto is one of the businesses engaged in car wheel thin services that has been established since 2008 but still uses a manual system, the course registration process can only be done in person or in person. Based on these problems, we need an information system that can provide fast information services to customers, namely a website-based car steering course information system, so to get the information needed, customers do not have to come directly to the location. Participants can register for the course by filling in the registration form and clicking on the register button. When participants arrive at LPK Citra Indotech Jaya only need to show proof of registration to LPK Citra Indotech Jaya. The method used in software development uses a water fall model such as communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. With this web-based car course information system can facilitate participants in registering, expand the LPK marketing area, that is, unlimited promotion and make it easier for the LPK to manage the car steering course system. Keywords: Information System, Car Steering Course, Course Registration, website. Abstrak – Mobil saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan primer untuk sebagian orang, berdasarkan tingkat penggunaannya terus mengalami peningkatan di masyarakat. Selanjutnya dengan kondisi tersebut sejalan dengan kebutuhan banyak orang untuk dapat memiliki keterampilan mengendarai mobil yang kemudian banyak muncul penyedia jasa layanan kursus setir mobil (driving course). LPK Citra Indotech Jaya Purwokerto adalah salah satu usaha yang bergerak di bidang jasa layanan kurus setir mobil yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2008 namun masih menggunakan sistem manual, proses pendaftaran kursus hanya dapat dilakukan secara langsung atau tatap muka. Berdasarkan dari permasalahan tersebut, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan layanan informasi cepat kepada pelanggan yaitu sistem informasi kursus setir mobil berbasis website, sehingga untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan, pelanggan tidak harus datang langsung ke lokasi. Peserta dapat melakukan pendaftaran kursus dengan mengisi form pendaftaran dan mengklik tombol daftar. Ketika peserta sampai di LPK Citra Indotech Jaya hanya perlu memperlihatkan tanda bukti pendaftaran kepada pihak LPK Citra Indotech Jaya. Metode yang digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak ini menggunakan model water fall seperti communication, planning, modeling, construction, dan deployment. Dengan adanya sistem informasi kursus setir mobil berbasis web ini dapat mempermudah peserta dalam melakukan pendaftaran, memperluas wilayah pemasaran LPK yaitu adanya promosi tanpa batas dan mempermudah pihak LPK dalam mengelola sistem kursus setir mobil. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Kursus Setir Mobil, Pendafataran kursus, website.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-219
Ahmad Aris

Registration of Umrah in Jember Alkhairat Group is a regular activity performed almost every month, In implementation Alkhairat ' Umrah during the registration of the Group do not restrict Jember pilgrims to Mecca to perform the applicants, so that the required applications that handle the entire registration process bias ' in order to make it easy for prospective pilgrims to Mecca and it sysop Alkhairat Group registration in the service is doing. This study has formulated the problem how to build information systems services is doing in the web-based Alkhairat Group. Umrah service information system is being developed in the scope of the registration cost of doing ' Umrah and installments only, such as the registration procedures ' in the Alkhairat Group. Research conducted at the information system using the method prototype by using iterative System Development Life in models (SDLC) Cule. Research conducted can be concluded that the information system Services AlKhairat web-based Group can be a tool to assist and facilitate the service of process is doing. Facilities provided in this information system are charging from ' registration ' fee installment, option packages, and reports data umrah applicants with various details.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Meri Audrilia ◽  
Arief Budiman

Anugrah Workshop is a company engaged in the field of vehicle service and sales of four-wheeled vehicle spare parts. Every transaction is still done manually, that is still done by writing using a sales book, and there are no sales reports per period. There is often an out of stock of goods due to lack of information if the stock is out of stock. And customers must come directly to do service and get information on goods sold whether the goods are still available or not. The system development method uses web engineering methods (Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction, Deployment) and system design using UML. The author also uses observational research methods, literature reviews and documentation. The result achieved is a web-based workshop management application at Anugrah Workshop. This application was created using Dreamweaver and MySQL as a database, the system built can generate sales reports. ISO 25010 test results that have been carried out by involving 7 Respondents that the conclusion of the quality of the feasibility of the overall software produced with a percentage of 92.38%. Abstrak Bengkel Anugrah adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa service kendaraan dan penjualan sparepart kendaraan roda empat. Setiap transaksi masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu masih dilakukan dengan ditulis menggunakan buku penjualan, dan belum terdapat laporan penjualan per periode. Sering terjadi kehabisan stok barang dikarnakan tidak adanya informasi jika stok barang habis. Dan pelanggan harus datang langsung untuk melakukan service dan mendapatkan informasi barang yang dijual apakah barang masih tersedia atau tidak.Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode web engineering (Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction, Deployment) dan perancangan sistem menggunakan UML. Penulis juga menggunakan metode penelitian pengamatan, tinjauan pustaka dan dokumentasi.Hasil yang dicapai adalah sebuah applikasi berbasis web manajemen bengkel pada Bengkel Anugrah. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan dreamweaver dan mysql sebagai database, sistem yang dibangun dapat menhasilkan laporan penjualan. Hasil pengujian ISO 25010 yang telah diilakukan dengan melibatkan 7 Responden bahwa kesimpulan kualitas kelayakan perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan secara keseluruhan dengan persentase 92,38%. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Bengkel, Web Engineering, UML.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1801-1817
Gastan Gaoudio Thomas ◽  
Elmor Wagiu

Introduction: Graduate is one of the important support in the development of a university. Graduate have a role to assist universities in developing the university into the community through collaboration in academic terms. Since the establishment of the Adventist University of Indonesia (UNAI) to date has resulted in 12 608 qualified graduates, but the problems that exist today data on students graduated from UNAI difficult to find because UNAI not have a special service for containing information about the data the continuation of a career each of graduate that will be created as the relationships that can support the advancement of the quality of the Graduate at Adventist University of Indonesia. Methods: With the difficulty of knowing the whereabouts of graduate, an graduate tracer study system was created using Web-based GPS that aims to make it easier for universities to find out the alumni position and is expected to be able to overcome the problems above. The graduate tracer study system was designed using a website-based system. .The system of Graduate tracer study was designed using a web-based system. The system is easy to use by any user because it is built using the waterfall method as a method of system development, laravel framework for building websites and using the Global Positioning System (GPS) locator that serves Graduate. Results: The end result of this research is to facilitate UNAI system to track and determine the position of the Graduate as well as get information takes on new Graduate pass or long pass which spread to various area Discussion: It is expected that the future can be developed to add features that are useful scholarship to help students who are still studying, and add graphs about graduate information in getting a job.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yawen Su ◽  
Guofu Chen ◽  
Moyan Li ◽  
Tengfei Shi ◽  
Diandian Fang

It is an important reflection of modern education and an overwhelming way to strengthen the quality of teaching. In the current environment, the traditional multimedia classroom management model can no longer adapt to the current rapidly developing network environment. How to manage more and more campus multimedia classrooms is an urgent problem to be solved. The informatization construction and application of multimedia classrooms is the key to the realization of educational informatization. The traditional multimedia classroom management model has not been able to adapt to the rapidly developing network environment, which is mainly manifested in the following aspects: electronic education management personnel cannot discover and process teaching in a timely manner. Equipment failure has not formed a set of standard troubleshooting procedures and cannot accurately record the status, use time, and maintenance records of various teaching pieces of equipment. This will not only affect the teaching quality of colleges and universities but also slow down the process of education informatization. This paper develops a web-based multimedia teaching equipment management system based on artificial intelligence and jQuery, which realizes the centralized control and management of various multimedia teaching equipment. According to the actual needs of multimedia teaching, this paper follows the design and development of software engineering, using artificial intelligence, jQuery, Ajax, and Spring MVC technology to design and develop a web-based multimedia teaching equipment management system. On the basis of realizing the centralized control and management of multiple multimedia teaching equipment, it can also track and record the use status and maintenance content of the multimedia teaching equipment to form an information knowledge base of the multimedia equipment, which is convenient for later maintenance and management. Through the use of this system, management can be systematized, standardized, and automated, reducing the tedious workload of management and maintenance personnel. It can speed up the information management process of multimedia teaching equipment and improve the work efficiency of related managers. A course can be studied online, and an online teaching system has been developed. According to our survey on Mandarin online course training in Northwest China (N = 343), we found that 81.6% of samples are satisfied with the Mandarin online training courses; 21.6% think that they have learned new teaching methods/teaching concepts from the teacher through the Mandarin training; 36.2% think that they have learned the theoretical knowledge of Mandarin through the Mandarin training. Gender, age, ethnicity, and learning experience are related to the difficulty of learning Mandarin online courses. Therefore, we can satisfy learners of different ages, learning foundations, and cultural backgrounds by designing different online course patterns, so as to enhance the high-quality promotion of Mandarin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Mohammed Sultan Al-Ak’hali ◽  
Hytham N. Fageeh ◽  
Esam Halboub ◽  
Mohammed Nasser Alhajj ◽  
Zaihan Ariffin

Abstract Background Currently, the Internet seems to be a helpful tool for obtaining information about everything that we think about, including diseases, their prevention and treatment approaches. However, doubts exist regarding the quality and readability of such information. This study sought to assess the quality and readability of web-based Arabic information on periodontal disease. Methods In this infodemiological study, the Google, Yahoo!, and Bing search engines were searched using specific Arabic terms on periodontal disease. The first 100 consecutive websites from each engine were obtained. The eligible websites were categorized as commercial, health/professional, journalism, and other. The following tools were applied to assess the quality of the information on the included websites: the Health on the Net Foundation Code of Conduct (HONcode), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmarks, and the DISCERN tool. The readability was assessed using an online readability tool. Results Of the 300 websites, 89 were eligible for quality and readability analyses. Only two websites (2.3%) were HONcode certified. Based on the DISCERN tool, 43 (48.3%) websites had low scores. The mean score of the JAMA benchmarks was 1.6 ± 1.0, but only 3 (3.4%) websites achieved “yes” responses for all four JAMA criteria. Based on the DISCERN tool, health/professional websites revealed the highest quality of information compared to other website categories. Most of the health/professional websites revealed moderate-quality information, while 55% of the commercial websites, 66% of journalism websites, and 43% of other websites showed poor quality information. Regarding readability, most of the analyzed websites presented simple and readable written content. Conclusions Aside from readable content, Arabic health information on the analyzed websites on periodontal disease is below the required level of quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Dyah Ariyanti

Comitte nasional sports of Indonesia is the organization that focus on sport. Every two years, Probolinggo's KONI hold city sports week activity that specially for elementary and junior hight school students. In every registration process Porkota's participant currently it is still done manually which causes the registration process to occur a lot of error and requirs a longer time. Along with the development of technology, an online registration system is needed to simplify the registration process and prevent errors from occurring. The PORKOTA registration application consists of web and android applications. The android application is used by the school to register and the web application is used by KONI to make data changes, delete data and print data. Design of PORKOTA registration process system is described in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Then develop a client server based application using web and android with the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method as a solution to these problems. The results of this study is the creation of a client server-based PORKOTA online registration application using web and android. This application is expected to help the school and the Probolinggo's KONI in facilitating the PORKOTA registration process

Terry T. Kidd ◽  
Holim Song

This study assessed the perceptions of adult learners in online distance learning programs regarding the instructional quality of Web-based courses via WebCT. The results showed an overall positive perception regarding the instructional quality of online courses delivered via WebCT (M = 3.51, SD = 1.1362). The mean obtained for students’ perceptions regarding the instructional quality items ranged from 3.7 to 3.37. The visual appeal of Web site and appropriateness of the course materials received the highest rating (M = 3.625). Clarity and purpose in introduction to content components earned the lowest ratings (M = 3.37). These results were closely correlated to students’ responses regarding the important aspects of instructional quality of online courses. The most important aspect indicated by students was the idea of having online course content and materials relevant to the course. The results of the study also indicated other perceived aspects that affect students’ views of the instructional quality of an online course, including interaction, design, convenience, feedback, and usability.

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