Rully May Vikasari

Inspired by difficulties of grade 8 students of SMPN 4 Praya, Central Lombok in increasing their vocabulary mastery, the current study applied ESA (Engage Study Active) method to overcome the situation. The fundamental contribution of vocabulary in learning a foreign language encouraged the researcher to find a way to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. In an attempt to find the solution, the study was designed as a quasi-experimental study at SMPN (public junior high school) 4 Praya. To conduct the study, the researcher had conducted a preliminary study to collect information from the class to identify problems occurred in the school during vocabulary learning. By applying mixed method, this study was aimed to find the effectiveness of ESA method using the quantitative method and to see the improvement on the students’ mastery qualitatively by conducting classroom observation to see the quality of interaction in the class using English as the target language. Throughout the study, quantitative data showed increase in students’ vocabulary mastery after being treated using ESA method, in which the mean score of the pre-test of 53 increased in the post-test of 75. The result was found using descriptive statistic analysis towards students’ pretest and posttest results. Qualitatively, the observers’ notes also indicated increase in terms of students’ vocabulary mastery by viewing students’ engagements during classroom interactions. It can be concluded that ESA method may increase students’ English vocabulary mastery in writing class.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Aditya Blangsinga ◽  
Ni Nyoman Padmadewi ◽  
Putu Adi Krisna Juniarta

This study aimed at investigating the implementation of the process based approach in teaching writing in order to know its effect to the improvement of students’ writing achievement Furthermore, the quantitative method was used in this research with quasi experimental design. The subjects involved in this study were 35 Junior High School students from VII A7 class in SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia. The proficiency test such as pretest and post test were conducted in this study in oder to collect the data. The students were given a treatment for about eight weeks. The data obtained were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was analyzed using SPSS. As the result of statistical analysis, it was found that sig 2-tailed result in the paired samples t-test wast 0.00, which was below 0.05. In terms of the mean score, it was found the mean score in the post test (80.46) was higher than the mean score in the pretest (68.59). So, it can be concluded that process based approach had a significant effect on the seventh’ grade students writing achievement.

Delmus Puneri Salim ◽  
Fadhlan Saini ◽  
Farmi Paputungan

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR).  It aimed at improving students’ speaking skill of the 7th grade at SMP N 1 Kotabunan East Bolaang Mongondow through the snowball throwing technique. The subjects of this research were 31 students consisted of 21 girls and 10 boys. But, only 25 students who attended the classroom. In this research, the researchers used mixed method (quantitative and qualitative design). To collect the data, the researchers utilized by using tests and observation. The researchers conducted the tests by asking the questions that related to the lessons that students had previously learnt.  Meanwhile, observation was accomplished in order to observe qualitatively about the students’ learning process by the technique. The results showed that, in the first cycle, the mean score was 39.84 with percentage of students who passed the test was 52%. While in the second cycle, the mean score of post-test was 72.16 with the percentage of students who passed the test was 100%. According to the observation in the first cycle, it revealed that students could not carry out the technique properly and some students were not good in speaking such as having bad grammar and pronunciation. Furthermore, the researchers used the papers to construct as a ball in conducting the snowball throwing technique. In the second cycle, it indicated that the students were going better by carrying out the following technique. Based on the indication of the result, it can be said that there was an improvement of students’ speaking skill through snowball throwing technique of the 7th grade at SMP N 1 Kotabunan East Bolang Mongondow.

2019 ◽  

This research attempts to find out the possible effect of imagery strategy on students’ writing skill. The most problem faced by students such as their writing was not comprehensible because ideas are not clearly stated and sentences are not well organized. This research applied quasi-experimental design with two group pre-test and post-test design consisted of 70 students from two classes XI. IPA 1 as control class and XI IPA 2 as experimental class. The instrument used was writing test. The result of the data analysis showed that the students’ writing skill had improved. It was proven by the mean score of pre-test was 61.08 and the post-test was 76.34. The result indicated that the effect of imagery strategy could develop the students’ writing skill. Giving the positive results, the present research argues that imagery strategy could be a useful and effective in English Foreign Language teaching. However, additional research is needed to contribute to the knowledge base of this strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Abdul Wakhid ◽  
Ana Puji Astuti ◽  
Maya Kurnia Dewi

Logoterapi merupakan terapi untuk menemukan makna positif dibalik sebuah kejadian yang tidak diharapkan. Logoterapi dilaksanakan secara individu maupun berkelompok dalam bentuk konseling dan berorientasi pada pencarian makna hidup individu. Tujuan logoterapi meningkatkan makna pengalaman hidup individu yang diarahkan kepada pengambilan keputusan yang bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan pre-experiment dengan metode pre and post test group, artinya pengumpulan data dilakukan terhadap responden untuk membandingkan kualitas hidup sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode total sampling yaitu pengambilan seluruh sampel dengan tetap memperhatikan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Jumlah pasien yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUD Ungaran sebanyak 21 orang dan di RSUD Ambarawa sebanyak 25 pasien. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji t test dependent. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 46 responden didapatkan rata-rata skor kualitas hidup pasien yang mejalani hemodialisis sebesar 60.22 dengan skor terrendah 55 dan skor tertinggi 69. Bahwa dari 46 responden didapatkan rata-rata skor kualitas hidup pasien yang mejalani hemodialisis sebesar 88.72 dengan skor terrendah 79 dan skor tertinggi 103. Hasil uji statistik dengan uji t test dependent diketahui ada pengaruh logoterapi terhadap kemampuan memaknai hidup pada klien yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUD Kabupaten Semarang (p value: 0,0001). Saran perlunya peningkatan kemampuan perawat dalam memberikan layanan kesehatan termasuk pemberian atau pemanduan penemuan makna hidup bagi pasien hemodialysis, agar selain dengan hemodialysis, ada faktor internal dari pasien yang dapat dijadikan sebagai motivasi untuk sembuh dari penyakit.   Kata Kunci: Logoterapi, kualitas hidup   IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH RENAL FAILURE WHO UNDERWENT HEMODIALYSIS   ABSTRACT Logotherapy is a therapy to discover the positive meaning behind an unexpected event. Logotherapy is carried out individually or in groups in the form of counseling and oriented to the search for the meaning of individual life. This study aims to improve the quality of life of patients with renal failure who underwent hemodialysis. This research was conducted by using pre-experiment with pre-post test study. The sampling technique was done by the convenience sampling. The number of patients undergoing hemodialysis as many as 46 respondents. Data analysis was done by using test t test dependent. The result showed that from 46 respondents got the mean of quality of life of patients who had hemodialysis 60.22 with lowest score 55 and highest score 69. Whereas from 46 respondents got the mean score of life quality of patients who had hemodialysis 88.72 with score the lowest score 79 and the highest score 103. The result of statistical test with t test dependent is known there is influence of logoterapi to the ability of meaningful life on client who undergo hemodialysis at Semarang Regency hospitals (p value: 0.0001). Advice on the need to improve the nurse's ability to provide health services, including the provision or guidance of the discovery of the meaning of life for hemodialysis patients, in addition to hemodialysis, there are internal factors of the patient that can be used as a motivation to recover from illness.   Keywords: Logotherapy, quality of life, kidney failure.  

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Irma Nurbaeti ◽  
Kustati Budi Lestari

Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) masih merupakan masalah bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi bayi baru lahir. Dukungan agar ibu menyusui bayi merupakan hal penting dalam menginisiasi dan mempertahankan pemberian ASI. Strategi dibutuhkan untuk mendukung keberhasilan menyusui. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis efektivitas comprehensive breastfeeding education terhadap keberhasilan pemberian (ASI) pada periode postpartum. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen one group pre post test repeated measured design. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 22 ibu dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada bulan September–Oktober 2013 di Puskesmas wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan. Intervensi dilakukan selama 30 menit. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebelum intervensi, 3 hari setelah intervensi (post1), dan 10 hari setelah intervensi (post 2). Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Keberhasilan pemberian ASI berdasar pada parameter pengetahuan, langkah menyusui, perlekatan bayi, dan kecukupan ASI. Analisis data menggunakan general linear model repeated measureANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya signifikansi comprehensive breastfeeding education (p=0.001). Rata-rata keberhasilan pemberian ASI sebelum dan setelah intervensi meningkat. Sebesar 93,9% intervensi memengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan. Rata-rata sebelum intervensi 56,74 (SD 5,92), post 1 sebesar 60,83 (SD 6,38) dan post2 sebesar 74,55 (SD 5,32). Subvariabel yang memiliki efek secara signifikan setelah intervensi adalah pengetahuan (p=0.001) dan langkah menyusui (p=0.001), sedangkan subvariabel perlekatan bayi (p=0.061) dan kecukupan ASI (p=0.162) tidak secara signifikan berbeda antara sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Pelaksanaanbreastfeeding education disarankan pada ibu agar dapat melakukan posisi perlekatan bayi yang benar sehingga dapat mengurangi masalah-masalah berkaitan dengan perlekatan yang tidak sesuai seperti puting perih, lecet atau berdarah, dan bayi kurang puas dalam menyusu yang bisa mengakibatkan gagalnya program ASI ekslusif.Kata kunci:Menyusui, pendidikan, perlekatan, postpartum AbstractBreastfeeding have still been problem for adequate newborn nutrition. Adequate breastfeeding support is essential for mothers to initiate and maintain optimal breastfeeding practices. A strategic needed to support successful breastfeeding. The purpose of research is to analyze the effectiveness comprehensive breastfeeding education on successful breastfeeding at postpartum periods. A quasi-experimental one group pretest, post test, repeated mesaured was used. This study was conducted at public health in Tangerang Selatan municipality in September–October 2013 among 22 postpartum mothers, convenience sampling methods. Intervention was done 30 minute. Data were collected before intervention (pretest), third day after intervention (post 1) and tenth day after intervention (repeated/post 2) using four parameter, that are knowledge, breastfeeding steps, proper lacth-on and adequate breastmilk. Using repeated measures analysis of variance there was a significant increase (p=0.001) in the overall Successful breastfeeding mean. Around 93,9% the effectiveness of intervention influence on successful. The mean before intervention is 56,74 (SD 5,92), increased at post 1:60,83 (SD 6,38) and post 2:74,55 (SD 5,32). Subvariable which has effect significantly after intervention is knowledge (p=0.001) and breastfeeding steps (p=0.001), in contrary, proper latch-on (p=0,061) and adequate breastmilk (p=0.162) have no significant effect after intervention. Suggestion to support breastfeeding education and counselling proper latch-on adequately that can decrease the problem such as painful, creaks or bloody putting.Key words: Breastfeeding, education, latch-on, postpartum

Chiwon Ahn ◽  
Seungjae Lee ◽  
Jongshill Lee ◽  
Jaehoon Oh ◽  
Yeongtak Song ◽  

This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a novel chest compression (CC) smart-ring-based feedback system in a manikin simulation. In this randomized, crossover, controlled study, we evaluated the effect of smart-ring CC feedback on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The learnability and usability of the tool were evaluated with the System Usability Scale (SUS). Participants were divided into two groups and each performed CCs with and without feedback 2 weeks apart, using different orders. The primary outcome was compression depth; the proportion of accurate-depth (5–6 cm) CCs, CC rate, and the proportion of complete CCs (≤1 cm of residual leaning) were assessed additionally. The feedback group and the non-feedback group showed significant differences in compression depth (52.1 (46.3–54.8) vs. 47.1 (40.5–49.9) mm, p = 0.021). The proportion of accurate-depth CCs was significantly higher in the interventional than in the control condition (88.7 (30.0–99.1) vs. 22.6 (0.0–58.5%), p = 0.033). The mean SUS score was 83.9 ± 8.7 points. The acceptability ranges were ‘acceptable’, and the adjective rating was ‘excellent’. CCs with smart-ring feedback could help achieve the ideal range of depth during CPR. The smart-ring may be a valuable source of CPR feedback.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Khadijeh Panahi Dorche ◽  
Seyed Ali Kimiaei ◽  
Melika Ghahramanzadeh

This study investigated the effect of solution-focused counseling on improving the quality of marital relationships on childless couples. This study is a quasi-experimental using pre-test, post-test with a waiting list control group. Sample population of this study was visiting in a Welfare and Education center in city of Eafahan. Fourteen couples were selected randomly through stratified random sampling method and were equally assigned to experimental and waiting list control groups. They completed the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). The results showed that solution-focused counseling not only significantly increases the quality of marital relationship but also improve dyadic consensus, affective expression, dyadic cohesion and marital satisfaction.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 54
Arita Destianingsih ◽  
Ari Satria

The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the use of alphabet cards game as interesting tool to explain vocabularies and it make it easier to remember their meanings. This study belongs to the quasi experimental research and presents pre-test, post test and to investigate the effect of using alphabet cards game on vocabulary mastery of commercial business administration students. The participants were the students from commercial business administration students at the third semester (N=54) of State Polytechnic Bengkalis and divided into two groups. Both groups were taught vocabulary, however, the experimental group students who are exposed to alphabet cards game and the controlled group students who received conventional method. Pre-test and post-test were given to both experimental group students and controlled group students. The score of the vocabulary tests were compared through independent sample t-test. The mean value of pre-test of experimental class was 61.35, while the control class was 52.23. After learning using alphabet card games in experimental class the mean value obtained in post-test was 78.85, while in control class was 59.04.  The improved of learning outcomes can be seen from the level of significance was 0.000 and it was lower than t test 0.000<0.05.  It means that the hypothesis null is not accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that the score of the students in learning vocabulary between the experimental group and control group was significantly different. The experimental group students who learned vocabulary using alphabet cards game had increased their vocabulary mastery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Rizki Anugrah Putri Rahayu

Abstract:   This study aims to investigate collaborative writing combined with blog online learning on the writing skill of Indonesian English foreign language (EFL) learners’ across their motivation. This research included a quasi experimental with the comparative time series. A quasi experimental study was employed by involving 61 learners of Senior High School. This research applied in into two groups: experimental and control. The treatment was conducted at 7 sessions, including the pre-test and post-test. The scores of pre-test and post-test in writing were used as a base of quantitative data analysis whereas the learners’ responses to motivation questionnaire were used to categorize their motivation. The result revealed that the collaborative writing combined with blog online learning on the writing was effective to enhance the learners’ writing skill. In addition, to apply the combination of collaborative writing and online blog learning, teacher should not worry about different levels of motivation among students where the students were motivated to use language.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Muhammad Fauzi Bafadal

Origami is a kind of method for teaching language through dialogues whichstresses on the students’ habit formation by repetition, memorizing grammatical structures through substitutions, singular-plural and tense transformations etc, using the target language and the culture where the language is spoken. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of Origami in teaching writing procedure text. Method design this research was a true-experimental method. The population of this research was the second year students of SMA Muhammadiyah Mataram in Academic year 2016/2017. This study the writer took all population as the samples that consisted of 38 students. Because the population less than 100, they divided into two classes, namely experimental class 21 and control class 17. The writer collected the data using the testing method pre and post-test. According to Hughes rubric and t-test formula theory. The result of this research showed that the mean score of experimental group 9.5 and the mean score of control group 2.9. Based on t-test it showed that t- value 11.9 and after consulting to t-table, the t-value was higher than t- table. To conclude origami teaching and learning is more effective to improve students’ writing procedure text, this can be seen from the results of test score, it shows that the experimental class which was given treatment using origami teaching and learning got a higher score than control class without taught by used origami teaching and learning method. Besides the origami could improve the students’ motivation, the origami could attract the students’ attention, the origami help the students to memorize the vocabulary and the origami make the teaching and learning activities interesting. Presentation in which the writer presented the materials by using origami as media the students clearly and easily to understand. The writer concluded that Origami can warn up the student that was done to make students interested in learning writing procedure text and has a positive effect in teaching writing procedure text.

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