scholarly journals Diary of A Restless Teacher: How We Can Shift to The Learner-Centered Approach

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Mohini Vidwans

Beyond doubt, learner-centered approach has proved to be effective for better learning outcomes. Drawing on a personal experience, I present in this paper how a mix of being involved with a series of training workshops, discussion with my colleagues, and the ‘accidental’ introduction of social constructivist tools in my classrooms gradually changed my view on the potential of technology in the learning process. It also looks at how a reflective diary helped me to leverage these experiences more effectively. It records a journey of interaction with education designers, other teachers and students, and how I selected the resources and approaches that might produce better learning opportunities for the learners. It further looks at the adoption of learning technology as a vehicle for developing the teacher’s own understanding of the power of social learning. I address some of the challenges I encountered while making the shift. The paper concludes that intentionally reviewing one’s teaching in collaboration with education experts, one’s colleagues and learners is a positive experience and has resulted in an approach that has considerably shifted the focus to learners. I am optimistic that my fellow teachers find my experiences inspiring and we collectively can bring about a change for the benefit of the education sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-96

Low activity, student creativity in the learning process can result in the teaching and learning process being less than optimal so that the material presented is incomplete according to the expected completeness criteria. From the results of observations and discussions with the history subject teacher, information is obtained that the learning system has not fully involved students as the subject of learning consequently the final result to be achieved, namely individual and classical learning completeness with KKM (minimum completeness criteria) has not been achieved. One of the efforts made to improve the process and student learning outcomes, a learning method is used that makes it easier for students to compile and understand information or the content of the lesson text in increasing understanding of social studies subject matter so that learning outcomes are expected to increase, through the use of the SQ3R method. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in this study is: "How are the students' learning outcomes increased through the SQ3R method in history learning for students of XII SMA Negeri 1 Tembilahan Hulu Indragiri Hilir? "The purpose of this study is to determine the activities of teachers and students as well as the improvement of student learning outcomes in history subjects through the SQ3R method for class XI SMAN 1 Kateman Indragiri Hilir. The conclusion of this study is that the student learning outcomes, before CAR the average daily test was 64.3, after the CAR based on the daily test cycle I increased to 81.8 and was included in the good category. In the second cycle of daily tests, it increased again to 92.8 and was included in the very good category. Thus, the use of the SQ3R method can improve student learning outcomes in history learning for class XII at SMAN 1 Tembilahan Hulu, Indragiri Hilir Regency

Nicola Yelland ◽  
Jennifer Masters

This chapter will discuss the ways in teachers can support their student’s learning in new media contexts with the use of effective scaffolding techniques. The authors present two learning scenarios of children to illustrate the ways in which scaffolding pedagogies are deployed in order to enhance learning opportunities that incorporate the use of new media. In Scenario One, the Year 2 children (approximately 7 years) use digital technologies to communicate their ideas and investigations through stop-motion animation. In Scenario Two, the Year 1 children (approximately 6 years) edit digital video to create an advertisement for a new sports drink. This work is important since the use of computers and other new technologies in schools remains peripheral and is frequently an afterthought to be aligned with specific curriculum objectives and mandated learning outcomes. An important question for educators is how can we ensure and describe the learning that takes place in contexts that incorporate new media. Implicit in this is that teachers and students will guide and support each other in order to complete tasks that exemplify specific learning outcomes. Our findings suggest that the main challenges and issues for teachers with regard to new media are centered on how they might incorporate them into their pedagogical repertoire and of finding effective ways to support student learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 672
Radiah Alsolami

Corrective feedback is an important element in the language learning process. The issue of corrective feedback in language classrooms has been investigated by numerous scholars who believe that the strategy can effectively be used to improve the language skills of students. Though many forms of feedback approaches are used in learning, oral corrective feedback is the commonly used strategy in teaching languages. This is mainly because it captures the diverse elements of language lessons such as pronunciations and spelling. Oral corrective feedback presents a broad field which assists both teachers and students in error identification and eradication. It mainly focuses on highlighting the common errors and mistakes and addressing them enabling the students to avoid them in the future. This paper mainly explores the impact of oral corrective feedback on the language skills of learners. It generally analyses articles that address the issue of oral corrective feedback and derives information regarding the impact of the strategy in language learning outcomes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 581-586
Sindy Wulandari

Learning media is a tool that is used as a support for the implementation of learning to learn to learn to learn, ranging from book sources to other media, and researchers also provide learning media in the form of display board media to 4th grade students in SDN Panunggulan 2 as a learning media tool so that learning can run effectively. The display media itself is a medium that can be used to display images such as posters, and other small objects that are three-dimensional with this also as a support for student learning so that students can be used in learning and also seen directly by students. Therefore, researchers provided a media display in the form of this image to the 4th class on the material of ethnic diversity in Indonesia because in the material is still low learning results about VAT material diversity of ethnic groups in Indonesia and.the use of this media aims to help teachers and students in improving learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are changes in students including their behavior in real terms that are done through the teaching and learning process that is in accordance with the learning objectives and with the learning outcomes teachers are able to see the development that has been owned by the student.

M. Khoirudin ◽  
Cici Novitasari

The inquiry learning method in its development has a role in education in schools. In its implementation, the learning method for incuri plays a role for both teachers and students in the learning process, because the incuri method focuses on the activity of students in the learning process, while the teacher as a facilitator and mitivator when the learning process begins.The method used was Quasi Experiment with the Nonequeivalent Contol Group Design. This research was conducted at MT Agung Bandar Agung, East Lampung. In this study consisted of two groups namely the experimental and control groups. Learning outcomes instruments are in the form of a multiple choice form test that has been tested for validity, reliability and distinguishing features and the degree of difficulty. Data analysis using t-test on significance level of 0.05 can be seen from t table> t table.The results of the study revealed that, the learning outcomes of students after using the guided inquiry method was "significant" with an average final test of 84.83. While the learning process without using the guided inquiry method has a "less significant" qualification of 59.16. The t-test for the value of the final test obtained tcount> t table is 10.067> 1.658 at a significant level of 5% or 0.05. This is according to the t-test criteria which means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. From this study it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students who use guided inquiry methods have a positive effect on learning outcomes in the subject matter of the ecosystem.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 213 ◽  
Saminan Saminan ◽  
Nafilah Risa ◽  
Tarmizi Hamid

The low outcomes of studying physics by student at MTsN Tungkob can be influenced by several factors. One of this factor is the implementation of the method or model of learning is not suitable with the submitted materials by teachers.This study aims to find out the activities of teachers and students, the skills of teachers in managing the learning, student learning outcomes and student responses to the use of ARIAS learning model which integrated by constructivist theory of learning process. The results showed improvement of the activities both teachers and students, increasing the skills of teachers in managing the learning, and improving students’ learning outcomes. Students' response to the use of ARIAS learning model integrated by constructivist theory tend to be positive. From this study it can be concluded that the implementation of ARIAS learning model integrated by constructivist theory can improve student learning outcomes on the topic of Aircraft Simple.

2020 ◽  
risman iye

ABSTRACT The ability of students to understand the elements of fictional stories in particular determine the theme of the story, the character of the story, the place of the story, the storyline, the message of the story. This is caused by the lack of teachers in applying appropriate methods in learning to appreciate fiction. The problem of this research is (a) How to improve the learning process of the appreciation of fiction stories of SDN 1 Namlea students? (b) How the increase in learning outcomes appreciates the fiction of students at SDN 1 Namlea. The general objective of this study was to improve the ability to appreciate the fiction of students at SDN 1 Namlea by using the cooperative approach model STAD SDN 1 Namlea. The benefits of the research are (a) The results of this study are expected that teachers at SDN 1 Namlea and students have knowledge of the STAD model cooperative approach theory as one form of information. This type of research is a class act that is recycled / cycles, which includes planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Data obtained by teacher observation, student observation, end of the cycle test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant increase, both in the activities of teachers and students in appreciating fiction using the STAD type cooperative learning model. This increase can be seen in each cycle. Cycle one qualification is Poor (K), Cycle two is Good qualification (B), Cycle three is Very Good (SB). The conclusion of this research is to use the STAD model cooperative approach in learning to appreciate fiction in determining the theme of the story, the character of the story, the place of the story, the storyline and the mandate of the story in SD 1 Namlea students has increased. Research suggestions are expected to all governments involved in education so that learning can improve in schools, the right method is used.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Novi Safitri ◽  
F. Furqon

Behavioristic learning theory states that student learning outcomes are determined by the content of learning and environmental influences. One factor is the classroom environment, the comfortable classroom environment allows students to concentrate. Students spend more time in class than in other school environments. Education in economic subjects is a lifelong learning process, which is beneficial to life. Economic subjects discuss the basic economic concepts that are directly related to everyday life. The main objective of economic subjects is to prepare students with the knowledge necessary to understand the world and make better choices and prepare them to serve as economic actors in the future. The classroom environment on economic subjects will be connected to the teaching and learning process, including the physical and non-physical environments. Learning theory from Albert Bandura known as Social Learning Theory (social learning theory) with the main concept of reciprocal determination, states that there is a constant interaction between environment, behavior and people that influence the learning process that will ultimately affect the learning outcomes obtained. So it can be said that human behavior is the result of continuous interaction between internal factors (behavior, people) and external (environment).

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Arina Restian

Abstract: Dance teacher have a very important role in improving the learning outcomes of students in schools in learning the art of dance with management in the classroom. The field of dance lessons more emphasis on aspects of psychomotor, and this is what distinguishes the field of dance lesson with other lessons. So the solution was also different. One form solution is to select or determine the learning approaches that enable learners to participate actively in the learning and learning goals can be achieved. One approach appropriate learning is active learning, creative, effective, and fun (PAKEM) which requires the activity of teachers and students in the learning process. PAKEM make students can be more creative and learning process can take place in an effective and enjoyable. This study aims to determine learning the art of dance at the junior high schools in Malang by using. Dance lesson with an art management approaches. The scope of the study include: (1) Dance Lessons Planning, (2) Implementation of learning the art of dance (3) The role of teachers and students in learning the art of dance, (4) The results of student learning. The results showed that the dance teacher has made the completeness or learning devices, one of which is learning implementation plan (RPP). When viewed from the implementation of the lesson plan in mind that the learning is in conformity with the characteristics of PAKEM namely making students active and creative in finding new ideas. In addition teachers are also active in managing the classroom so as to create effective learning in a pleasant atmosphere. Additionally supporting infrastructure PAKEM learning approach is sufficient in the implementation of learning the art of dance, especially in the optimal use of instructional media so as to support the teaching and learning process (PBM). The results of the second study found that learning the art of dance in Junior High School in Malang in addition to using PAKEM approach also uses the approach to CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) in with the intent to be able to achieve the learning objectives and lesson plans that have been made previously. So as to create a more conducive learning environment in achieving optimal learning outcomes. Abstrak: Guru seni tari memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik di sekolah dalam pembelajaran seni tari dengan menajemen di kelas. Pelajaran bidang seni tari lebih banyak menekankan pada aspek psikomotorik dan hal ini yang membedakan pelajaran bidang seni tari dengan pelajaran lainya. Sehingga penanganannya pun juga berbeda. Salah satu bentuk penanganannya adalah dengan cara memilih atau menentukan pendekatan pembelajaran yang memungkinkan peserta didik berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dan tujuan pembelajaran bisa tercapai. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang tepat adalah pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan (PAKEM) yang menuntut keaktifan guru beserta siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan PAKEM siswa bisa lebih kreatif dan proses belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung secara efektif dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran seni tari pada SD di Malang dengan menggunakan pembelajaran seni tari dengan pendekatan menajemen seni. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini meliputi: (1) Perencanaan Pembelajaran Seni Tari, (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari (3) Peran serta guru siswa dalam pembelajaran seni tari, (4) Hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru seni tari telah membuat kelengkapan atau perangkat pembelajaran, salah satunya adalah rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Bila dilihat dari rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran diketahui bahwa dalam pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan karakteristik PAKEM yaitu membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif dalam menemukan ide baru. Selain itu guru juga aktif dalam mengelola kelas sehingga tercipta pembelajaran yang efektif dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Selain itu sarana prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dengan pendekatan PAKEM sudah cukup dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari khususnya dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran yang optimal sehingga mampu mendukung proses belajar mengajar (PBM). Hasil penelitian kedua ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran seni tari pada  di SD Negeri Malang selain menggunakan pendekatan PAKEM juga menggunakan pendekatan CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) secara beriringan dengan maksud agar mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran serta rencana pembelajaran yang telah dibuat sebelumnya. Sehingga tercipta lingkungan belajar yang lebih kondusif dalam pencapaian hasil belajar secara optimal. Kata Kunci: Desain pembelajaran PAIKEM GEMBROT, seni tari

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ayu Rizqiyah ◽  
Kamidjan ◽  
Heru Wiyadi

Role Play Model is a way of mastering teaching materials through the development of imagination and appreciation of students by playing as a character. The purpose of this study was to describe (1) the learning process of the Role Play model in social learning of grade 5 in Kedawong Public Elementary School in Jombang for the  academic year of 2019/2020 (2) the results of social learning of grade 5 in Kedawong Public Elementary School in Jombang for the  academic year of 2019/2020, and (3) the students' responses after learning the Role Play model in social learning of grade 5 in Kedawong Public Elementary School in Jombang for the  academic year of 2019/2020. This research design is applied research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sources of data obtained came from teacher and students of grade 5, and the school principal of the school. The subjects population were the fifth grade students. The object study was the application of role play model. Based on the results of research in the application of role play models from the first to third meeting shows that the learning process runs well and effectively. The student learning outcomes data showed that after being given the Role Play model, the student learning outcomes have increased at each meeting.

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