scholarly journals Enhancing students’ learning outcomes using guided inquiry learning model

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. e87791110504
Janurita Panggabean

This study aims to find out the enhancement of students’ performance and motivation using guided inquiry model in High School 2 Bandar, Simalungun. The methodology used is classroom action research with quantitative and qualitative approach. This study also used pretest and posttest as data collection which done in two cycle. The result showed that guided inquiry model could increase students’ performance and learning outcomes. The enhancement can be seen from (a) their average psychomotor score in the end of first cycle for 63 to be 71 in the second cycle; (b) their affective score that increased from zero to 19% in second cycle; (c) their high response toward guided inquiry model which showed that half of the students had very positive response and the other half had positive response. The analysis of students’ cognitive study obtained through pretest and posttest had average score in first cycle for 73 and increase to 76 in second cycle. Therefore, the guided inquiry learning model can increase students’ performance and learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 903
Rohmatus Syafi’ah ◽  
Tukiran Tukiran ◽  
Fida Rachmadiarti

This research aimed to describe the teaching material’s feasibility of IPA based on scientific approach with guided inquiry learning model. This research had been done in three phases, that are creating the teaching material’s, validating and doing  revision, and verifying them at learning activity in class with one group pretest-posttest design. Techniques for collecting data was conducted through questionnaires, validation, observation, and test. Techniques for analyzing data used descriptive qualitative. The result of research showed that (1) the feasibility of teaching material’s based on scientific approach with guided inquiry learning model of IPA that consist of syllabus,  lesson plan, student book, student worksheet and  the learning outcome test gained 4.89; 4.72; 4.81; 4.79; and 4.51 respectively that are categorized as valid. (2) The implementation of this lesson plan at two meetings in VII-A and VII-B class is categorized as good with average minimal scores 4.00 and got 94% in minimal percentage of agreement aspect; (3) Working in a group was the most dominant student activity at two meetings at VII-A and VII-B classes with average frequency of two meetings, observed are 19 and 10 times (VII-A class), and 18 and 10 times (VII-B class); (4) The learning outcomes that can be analyzed by calculating classical masteries at the first and second meetings on multiple choice and essay are 95.5%; 100%; 91%; 95% (VII-A class); and 91%; 86%; 91%; and 91% (VII-B class) respectively, and (5) Students gave the positive response to the learning process using teaching material’s of IPA based on scientific approach with guided inquiry model with average score to be 3.3 (VII-A class) and 3.4 (VII-B class). Based on the result of the analyzed data, it can be concluded that the teaching material’s of IPA based on scientific approach with guided inquiry model which had been developed was feasible to be used. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran IPA SMP berbasis pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu tahap mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran, tahap validasi dan revisi, dan tahap uji coba dalam pembelajaran di kelas dengan menggunakan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan angket, validasi, pengamatan, dan tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri dari silabus, RPP, buku siswa, LKS, dan tes hasil belajar masing-masing diperoleh hasil 4,89; 4,72; 4,81; 4,79; dan 4,51 dengan kriteria valid. (2) Keterlaksanaan RPP pada dua pertemuan di kelas VII-A dan VII-B mendapatkan kriteria baik dengan skor rata-rata minimal 4,00 dan rata-rata persentase kesepakatan antara dua pengamat minimal 94%; (3) Frekuensi aktivitas siswa yang paling dominan pada dua pertemuan di kelas VII-A dan VII-B adalah bekerja dalam kelompok dengan frekuensi pengamatan rata-rata pada kedua pertemuan berturut-turut 19 dan 10 kali (kelas VII-A), dan 18 dan 10 kali (kelas VII-B) (4) Hasil belajar siswa yang dilihat dari  ketuntasan klasikal pada pertemuan pertama dan kedua pada soal PG dan uraian berturut-turut sebesar 95,5%; 100%; 91%; 95% (kelas VII-A); dan 91%; 86%; 91%; dan 91% (kelas VII-B), dan (5) Respon positif siswa terhadap pembelajaran IPA berbasis pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan nilai rata-rata 3,3 (kelas VII-A) dan 3,4 (kelas VII-B). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing yang telah dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Nini Karlina ◽  
La Sahara ◽  
Luh Sukariasih

This study aims to : (1) describe the learning activities of students in learning science especially in the study of physics on the subject matter of light and optical devices in students of class VIII Togomangura Satap Junior High School taught through the guided inquiry learning model; (2) describing the improvement of science learning outcomes in the study of the physical subject matter of light and optical devices in grade VIII students of Togomangura Satap Junior High School which are taught through guided inquiry learning models; (3) describe the increase in completeness of natural science learning, especially in the physics study of eighth grade students of Togomangura Satap Junior High School who are taught by applying the guided inquiry learning model. The subjects of this study were all eighth grade students of Togomangura Public Middle School with 18 students, consisting of 11 men and 7 women. The data collection technique was carried out by observation and student learning achievement test in the form of a description test. Data analysis techniques using descriptive  statistics. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) the learning activities of students by applying the guided inquiry learning model in each cycle tend to increase and improve in each unit of student activity. This is indicated by the acquisition of an average score of cycle I of 2,6 which belongs to the sufficient category and increased in cycle II to 3,8 which belongs to the good category; (2) science learning outcomes of students in class VIII Togomagura Satpap can be improved by applying the guided inquiry learning model to the subject matter of light and optical devices, where in cycle I is obtained an average value of 59,2 with a standard deviation of 22,9 and at cycle II obtained an average value of 65,6 with a standard deviation of 23,4; (3) completeness of science learning for students of class VIII Togomagura Satpap Junior High School taught through the use of guided inquiry learning models in each cycle tends to increase, where in cycle I the percentage of mastery learning outcomes is 27,8 % and in cycle II is 66,7 % . 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Luh Sukariasih ◽  
I Gede Purwana Edi Saputra ◽  
Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan ◽  
Andri Estining Sejati ◽  
Khaerun Nisa

The study aims to improve the learning outcomes in the field of knowledge and inquiry skill in class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari on the subject matter of light in atmosphere as the effect of applying the guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT. The method of the study used a classroom action research with research design is cycle model. The research subject is the students of class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the academic year 2016/2017 which consist of 26 students. The learning data achievements of the learners' realm were obtained through the learning result test (cycle test), the skill data of the learners were obtained through the inquiry sheet, and then was analyzed used the descriptive statistics.  Results of data analysis are: 1) learning outcomes increased from 60,31 in cycle I to 75 in cycle II; 2) the students group inquiry skill increased form average value 2.68 (enough category) in the cycle I to 3.15 (good category) in cycle II; 3) the students mastery learning percentage increase from 42.31% (11 students) in cycle I to 77% (20 students) in cycle II. It could be concluded that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT could improve the learning outcomes of knowledge and inquiry skill domain on Class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the subject matter of light in atmosphere. Keywords: guided inquiry, inquiry skills, learning outcomes,science KIT.   References Ahmadi, L. (2015). 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Cartika Candra Ledoh ◽  
Sentot Budi Raharjo ◽  
Sulistyo Saputrome

The purpose of this study is to determine the cognitive and effective learning outcomes of chemistry students using a scientifically based guided inquiry learning model. This study employed a quantitative methodology.. The population in this study consisted of 58 students from class XI at State Senior High School 1 Rote Timur, NTT  For the 2019/2020 academic yea. Cluster random sampling was used to select the sample, which included two experimental and control classes. Tests, questionnaires, and observation sheets were used to collect data. The independent test samples t-test was used to analyze student learning outcomes.  The finding showed that learning outcomes using the Scientific-Based Guided Inquiry Model and the direct method differs significantly from average high school learning outcomes. The results of the two aspects of learning outcomes, namely aspects of knowledge, and attitudes show a value of p <0.05 so that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there are differences in student learning outcomes given the learning method using guided inquiry with students using conventional learning. However, from the results of data analysis, it was obtained that the p-value for the knowledge aspect was 0.000, the pvalue for the attitude aspect was 0.038.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 205 ◽  
Muhammad Zaky

The main objective of this research is to produce junior high school Physics teaching materials oriented to a simple practical tool that can be used to foster junior high school students 'creative thinking skills, with the specific aim of knowing the indicators of junior high school students' creative thinking skills that can be grown through the use of a guided inquiry learning model assisted by a simple practicum tool. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with the design of Equivalent Pretest-Posttest Design (Design of Prates-Pascates Equivalent). This research was conducted at the Labschool Junior High School of Tadulako University where  the class VIII students being the research subjects. The research instrument used was an essay test and observation sheet. The data analysis technique used was quantitative data analyzed by inferential statistics, calculating the significance of the differences in the average of both groups of samples and qualitative data analyzed by using the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that a guided inquiry learning model assisted by a simple practicum tool could foster the creative thinking skills of the students of Labschool UNTAD Junior High School in the indicators of flexible thinking, fluent thinking and originality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Fiza Sulastri ◽  
Lisa Utami ◽  
Zona Octarya

AbstractThis research was instigated by the low of students creative thinking ability at State Senior High School 1 Perhentian Raja. This research aimed at knowing the effect of implementing Guided Inquiry learning model with student workbook toward student creative thinking ability on Colloid lesson at State Senior High School 1 Perhentian Raja.  It was Quasi Experimental research.  Simple Random Sampling technique was used in this research.  The samples comprised two classes, the eleventh-grade students of Natural Science 1 that were 33 students as the Control group and the students of Natural Science 2 that were 32 studentsas the Experimental group. The techniques of collecting the data were tests in the form of homogeneity test as the preliminary data, pretest and posttest as the final data, observation, and documentation. The instrument of this research was creative thinking ability test in the form of essay with the indicators of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The pretest and posttest data were analyzed by using t test at 5% significant level.  The research findings showed that there was a significant effect of implementing Guided Inquiry learning model with student workbook toward student creative thinking ability on Colloid lesson that t was 4.268 and the score of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.00.  The coefficient of effect was 22%. Keywords: Guided Inquiry Learning Model, Student Workbook Guided Inquiry Based, Creative Thinking Ability, Colloid

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Susianingsih Susianingsih

Junior high school SATAP Sungai Bertam set KKM indonesian language subject class IX of 78 with the provisions of 100% complete, still very many students who have not reached completeness, the purpose of this research is to increase learning outcome in indonesian language subject in class IX. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles with two learning meetings, which includes: planning, implementation, and reflection, 26 study subjects consisted of 12 males and 14 females, Data collection techniques used a written assessment, observations in the form of indicators of teacher and student success, the results showed that on the pre cycle of percentage of student learning outcomes that is 35%, with the highest 79, the lowerst 50, and the average 66,58, in the first cycle increased by a percentage 73%, with the highest 80, the lowerst 65, and the average 76,27, then in the second cycle is 100% complete with the highest 85, the lowest 80, and the average score 82,81. Based on these results, it can be concluded that inquiry learning model can improve the learning outcomes of grade IX students in indonesian languange subjects at Junior high school SATAP Sungai Bertam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Sinthya Ningsih ◽  
Aidin Najihi

This study aims to 1) find out how the learning activities of students in the following learning using the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model with PowerPoint Media, 2) To determine whether there is an increase in economic learning outcomes in the subject matter of the market and market prices. After using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning model with Media PowerPoint on students of class X IPS-2 Katingan Hilir 2 High School. This type of research is Class Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were students of class X IPS-2 in Katingan Hilir Lesson 2 High School 2016/2017 in the amount of 30 students. Data analysis is used in research qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results of the study, 1) Economic learning activities using the Jigsaw type learning model with powerpoint media in Katingan Hilir 2 High School. The operation of students in segment 1 obtained an average score of 3.18 into the category of being right. While in cycle two there is an improvement to be better, with an average rating of 3.91 good classes. 2) there is an economic improvement in learning outcomes with material on market issues and market prices by using the jigsaw cooperative learning model with powerpoint media in the X IPS-2 class of Katingan Hilir Public High School 2016/2017 academic year. This can be seen from the learning outcomes of students' data in the pre-action process of the pre-test period, getting an average value of 61 with classical mastery of 20.00% with criteria not reached, cycle 1 getting an average score of 69.5 with traditional knowledge, 67% with no tests achieved, and in the post-test 2 cycle the average rating was 81 with 100% classical mastery with the criteria fulfilled.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 295
N. P. Sefnita Eka Sutarti ◽  
I M Citra Wibawa

This study aims to know the improvement of mathematics learning outcomes by applying the concrete media-based inquiry learning model in the third grade students of SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year 2017/2018. This type of research was Classroom Action Research (PTK) which was implemented in two cycles. The subjects of this study were 39 students in the third grade of SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year of 2017/2018. The objects of this research were the concrete media-based inquiry learning model and the learning result of Mathematics. The data in this study were collected by the test method. Data were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The results showed that there was an increase on the students' mathematics learning outcomes. Based on the observation result, the average value of teacher activity was 23 with good category and the average score of student activity was 51 with enough category in cycle I and there was improvement in cycle II with the average of teacher activity iof 27,5 with very category good and average student activity score of 78,5 with very good category. In addition, based on data analysis, the average percentage of students' learning achievement in cycle I was 66,67% (medium category), increasing to 85% (high category) in cycle II. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of inquiry learning model in concrete media can improve the learning outcomes of Mathematics students of third grade in SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year of 2017/2018.

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