Menumbuhkan Jiwa, Perilaku dan Nilai Kewirausahaan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Bisnis

MBIA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Deddy Hendarwan

Attitudes and behaviors are the unity of a person's character which is formed by habit everyday. Entrepreneurial behavior is influenced by internal and external factors. These factors are ownership rights (property right, PR), abilities / competencies (competency / ability,), and incentives while external factors include the environment thus Attitudes and behavior can be changed by oneself and / or there are environmental pressures / influences. there is an influence from within themselves and from outside the environment to associate then grow indi attitudes and specific behaviors. It is necessary to anticipate small businesses’ difficulties by conducting an empirical study  on  the  entrepreneurial  spirit,  entrepreneurial  values,  and  assessment  of entrepreneurial behavior that may affect the realization of independence efforts. This study  aims to  analyze the  influence of  entrepreneurial spirit  and entrepreneurial values on entrepreneurial behavior to create business independence. The findings show that the entrepreneurial spirit has a direct positive influence on entrepreneurial behavior and positive indirect effect on the business independence.

MBIA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Deddy Hendarwan

Attitudes and behaviors are the unity of a person's character which is formed by habit everyday. Entrepreneurial behavior is influenced by internal and external factors. These factors are ownership rights (property right, PR), abilities / competencies (competency / ability,), and incentives while external factors include the environment thus Attitudes and behavior can be changed by oneself and / or there are environmental pressures / influences. there is an influence from within themselves and from outside the environment to associate then grow indi attitudes and specific behaviors. It is necessary to anticipate small businesses’ difficulties by conducting an empirical study  on  the  entrepreneurial  spirit,  entrepreneurial  values,  and  assessment  of entrepreneurial behavior that may affect the realization of independence efforts. This study  aims to  analyze the  influence of  entrepreneurial spirit  and entrepreneurial values on entrepreneurial behavior to create business independence. The findings show that the entrepreneurial spirit has a direct positive influence on entrepreneurial behavior and positive indirect effect on the business independence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 117 ◽  
Sukirman Sukirman

<p><em>It is necessary to anticipate small businesses’ difficulties by conducting an empirical study on the entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial values, and assessment of entrepreneurial behavior that may affect the realization of independence efforts. This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial values on entrepreneurial behavior to create business independence. Our sample of 125 small business owners consist of 45 Pekalongan batik business owners, 42 small producers of typical Malang (Batu) food, and 38 ceramics business owners from Kasongan Bantul Yogyakarta. We use path analysis of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze our date. The findings show that the entrepreneurial spirit has a direct positive influence on entrepreneurial behavior and positive indirect effect on the business independence. Further, entrepreneurial values have a direct impact on entrepreneurial behavior and also a positive indirect effect on the independence of the business. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial behavior has a positive effect on independence of business.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p><em>Kesulitan usaha kecil perlu diantisipasi dengan melakukan tindakan pengujian empirik melalui kajian terhadap jiwa kewirausahaan, nilai kewirausahaan, dan kajian perilaku kewirausahaan yang dapat mempengaruhi proses terwujudnya kemandirian usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jiwa kewiruasahaan dan nilai kewirausahaan terhadap perilaku kewirausahaan untuk menciptakan kemandirian usaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan Analisis Jalur (Path Analysis). Sampel dalam penelitian ini 125 pelaku usaha kecil yang terdiri dari 45 pelaku usaha kecil batik Pekalongan, 42 usaha kecil makanan khas Batu Malang dan 38 usaha kecil keramik Kasongan Bantul Yogyakarta. Analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa jiwa kewirausahaan mempunyai pengaruh secara langsung terhadap perilaku kewirausahaan dan pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kemandirian usaha. Nilai kewirausahaan mempunyai pengaruh langsung terhadap perilaku kewirausahaan dan juga berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kemandirian usaha. Sedangkan perilaku kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap kemandirian usaha.<br /></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Vincent Feriano Mulja ◽  
Jacquelinda Sandra Sembel

<p>This research was triggered by the massive disruption caused by COVID-19 pandemic which has heavily affected small businesses in a negative way. The unprecedented pandemic resulted in a sharp decline in the number of micro businesses in affected areas in Indonesia, including Semarang. Thus, there is an urgent need to revive micro businesses. This research aims on analyzing the effect of entrepreneurial spirit and values through entrepreneurial behavior to develop business independence. Data analysis in this study was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Research samples consisted of 200 entrepreneurs in Semarang who have run their businesses for more than one year. The findings show that there is an effect of entrepreneurial value and spirit on entrepreneurial independence directly and through entrepreneurial behavior.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT:</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini dipicu oleh disrupsi secara massif pada usaha kecil di daerah-daerah terdampak di Indonesia di masa pandemi COVID-19, Semarang. Untuk itu perlu adanya upaya untuk membangkitkan kembali geliat para pelaku bisnis kecil menuju kemandirian usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara jiwa kewirausahaan para pelaku usaha dan nilai kewirausahaan yang mereka yakini, yang dapat meningkatkan kemandirian usaha melalui perilaku usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan <em>Structural Equation Modelling</em> (SEM) untuk melakukan analisis data. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 200 wirausahawan di Semarang yang sudah menjalani usaha selama lebih dari satu tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jiwa kewirausahaan dan nilai kewirausahaan berpengaruh terhadap kemandirian usaha baik secara langsung mampun melalui perilaku kewirausahaan. Perilaku kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap kemandirian usaha.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Putri Dewi Ambarwati ◽  
Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih ◽  
Retna Tri Astuti

masalah yang banyak dialami oleh usia dewasa awal yaitu harus membuat keputusan mengenai karir, pernikahan, stres pekerjaan & keluarga, ansietas, dan depresi. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya stres yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal, faktor eksternal terdiri dari keadaan fisik, konfik, emosional, dan perilaku. Sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari lingkungan fisik, lingkungan pekerjaan, lingkungan masyarakat, lingkungan keluarga, masalah ekonomi, dan masalah hukum. Beban stres yang dirasa berat dapat memicu seseorang untuk berperilaku negatif, seperti merokok, alkohol, tawuran, seks bebas bahkan penyalahgunaan napza. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik mahasiswa tingkat akhir dan mengetahui tingkat stres pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskritif kualitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, sampel sebanyak 101 mahasiswa. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata usia mahasiswa 22,01 tahun. Rata-rata masa studi untuk program Diploma III (D3) adalah 6,00 semester, untuk program Sarjana (S1) rata-ratanya adalah 8,05 semester. Tingkat stres pada mahasiswa menunjukkan stres ringan sebanyak 35,6%, stres sedang 57.4 %, dan stres berat sebanyak 6,9 %. Tingkat stres tertinggi dialami oleh jenis kelamin perempuan dengan hasil stres sedang 33,6 %, dan tingkat stres berat 4,0%. Gambaran tingkat stres pada mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang menunjukkan stres sedang sebanyak 33,6 %. Kata Kunci: Mahasiswa, Stres THE DESCRIPTION OF STRES LEVELS INCOLLEGE STUDENT ATMUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY MAGELANG ABSTRACTThe problem that many experienced by the early adult age is having to make decisions about career, marriage, job & family stres, anxiety, and depression. Factors that because stres are internal and external factors, external factors consist of physical condition, conflicts, emotional, and behavior. While external factors consist of physical environment, work environment, community environment, family environment, economic problems, and legal issues. Heavily burdened stres can trigger a person to behave negatively, such as smoking, alcohol, brawl, free sex and even drug abuse. This study aims to determine the characteristics of college student and know the level of stres in the college student at the university of muhammadiyah magelang. This research used descriptive qualitative design with cross sectional approach with sampling technique using purposive sampling, 101 college student samples. Instrument used is a questionnaire. Indicated that the average age of college student was 22.01 years. The average duration of program for Diploma III (D3) was 6,00 semesters. For the undergraduate program (S1) the average was 8.05 semesters. The college student stres level showed a mild stres of 35.6 %, moderate stres 57.4 %, and severe stres as many as 6.9 %. The highest level of stres experienced by female with moderate stres 33.6 %, and Severe stres 4.0 %. Description of stres level in college student at Muhammadiyah University of Magelang shows moderate stres as much as 33.6%. Keywords: College student, stres

Arif Cahya Wicaksana ◽  
Sukiman Sukiman

One important aspect that is needed in the face of the current industrial 4.0 era is how to interest entrepreneurs can thrive, especially in the younger generation. Vocational High School (SMK) as an educational institution is a very strategic place to instill entrepreneurial spirit. Planting the spirit of entrepreneurship to be more effective must be done through all subjects. The subjects of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) and Ethics (Budi Pekerti) are one of the compulsory subjects in Vocational School and should also contribute to instilling the entrepreneurial spirit. The form of contribution from Islamic Religious Education is in the way of non-technical skills that are strictly related to attitudes and behavior or character that must be possessed by an entrepreneur or in other words Islamic Religious Education contributes to instilling the spirit or spirit of entrepreneurial spirit in students. The cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit is not necessary by adding new material but can be integrated with PAI and Ethics learning material that already exists in the curriculum. The PAI teachers are an essential and central component in determining success in integrating PAI and Ethics character subjects with the entrepreneurial world. Therefore, the PAI teachers need to have adequate insight into entrepreneurship and create a conducive learning atmosphere to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Faris Budiman Annas ◽  
Ekawati Sri Wahyuni

<p>This study aims to analyze the existence of local wisdom Huyula measured by knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers to Huyula and its relationship with the internal and external factors farmers. The sample was Bongoime villagers who work as rice farmers. This study uses quantitative data with qualitative data furnished. This study tested using Spearman rank correlation test with significance level 0,05 level. Results of this study indicate that Huyula is a values contained in the mutual aid society. Farmers have the high knowledge, attitude and behavior towards Huyula although in practice only in the cleaning of irrigation channels. There is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers toward Huyula. There are two variabel like age and extention intensity that affects the existence Huyula.</p><p>Keywords: economic behavior, fisher, fisheries industrialization</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Suroyo Suroyo

This study aims to improve entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior in the field of translation services for students of English education research programs through internships. The research method was a comparative theoretical analysis related to the development of translation services and business development for students studying several librarians. The results of the study indicated that entrepreneurship was a process, traits, and traits that have a strong will to bring innovative ideas into real-world businesses and are able to develop.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ni Made Nurtini ◽  

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Entrepreneurship merupakan proses penerapan kreativitas dan emosi dalam memecahkan suatu pemasalahan atau persoalan dan menemukan suatu peluang untuk memperbaiki kehidupan. Entrepreneurial activity akan semakin tinggi entrepreneurship level suatu negara. Pendidikan kewirausahaan dapat membentuk pola pikir, sikap, dan perilaku pada mahasiswa menjadi seorang wirausahawan sehingga mengarahkan mereka untuk memilih berwirausaha sebagai pilihan karir. Metode : Desain dalam penelitian ini analitik cross sectional dengan populasi seluruh mahasiswa Prodi D III Kebidanan STIKES Bali yang berjumlah 61 responden dengan teknik nonprobability sampling (total populasi) 61 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik analisa data Pearson product moment test. Hasil : Pada faktor internal dalam berwirausaha paling banyak tinggi yaitu 52 orang (85,2%). Faktor eksternal dalam berwirausaha kesehatan paling banyak tinggi yaitu 38 orang (62,3%). Minat mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha kesehatan paling banyak tinggi yaitu 52 orang (85,2%). Analisis korelasi (r) antara faktor internal dengan minat mahasiswa kebidanan dalam berwirasusaha 0,870 menunjukkan bahwa terjadi hubungan yang kuat antara faktor internal dengan minat mahasiswa kebidanan dalam berwirasusaha dengan p-value sebesar <0,001. Analisis korelasi (r) antara faktor eksternal dengan minat mahasiswa kebidanan dalam berwirasusaha 0,439  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi hubungan yang kuat antara faktor internal dengan minat mahasiswa kebidanan dalam berwirasusaha dengan p-value sebesar <0,001. Kesimpulan : Meningkatkan faktor internal dan eksternal mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan minat berwirausaha sangat penting dalam rangka memantapkan mahasiswa agar mampu bersaing di pasar bebas khususnya wirausaha bidang kesehatan.Kata Kunci : Internal, Eksternal, Minat BerwirausahaABSTRACTBackground : Entrepreneurship is the process of applying creativity and emotion in solving a problem or problem and finding an opportunity to improve life. Entrepreneurial activity will be the higher level of entrepreneurship in a country. Entrepreneurship education can shape the mindset, attitudes, and behavior of students to become entrepreneurs so that it directs them to choose entrepreneurship as a career choice.Methods : The design in this study was cross sectional analytic with the participation of all students of Study Program D III of STIKES Bali Midwifery involving 61 respondents with nonprobability sampling (total population) 61 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire with Pearson product moment test data analysis techniques.Results : The most internal factors in entrepreneurship were 52 people (85.2%). External factors in entrepreneurship are 38 people (62.3%). The smallest number of students in health entrepreneurship were 52 people (85.2%). Analysis of the difference (r) between internal factors and the interest of midwifery students in entrepreneurship 0.870 shows the factors that occur between internal factors and the interest of midwifery students in entrepreneurship with a p-value of <0.001. Analysis of the difference (r) between external factors and the interest of midwifery students in entrepreneurship 0.439 shows the fact that occurs between internal factors and the interest of midwifery students in entrepreneurship with a p-value of <0.001.Conclussion : Improving the internal and external factors of students to increase entrepreneurial interest is very important in order to strengthen students to be able to compete in the free market, especially health care entrepreneurs.Keywords: Internal, External, Entrepreneurial Interest

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 22
Olfie Suzana Benu

This research has been conducted in Manado using primarydata, descriptive statistical analysis method. This study aims todetermine internal and  external factors in consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado. The results of this study indicate that the internal factor is the factor that comes from within the consumer  that is age, occupation,  income has a strong influence on consumer behavior of apples inthe city of Manado and external factors are factors that come fromout side the self that is consumer  reference group  and family  havean  important  influence  on consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado.  From the consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado to be see  kind of the most  popular  apples are fuji apples because according to consumer tastes and  behavior of apples in the city of Manado.

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