scholarly journals Peran Guru Dalam Menanamkan Karakter Disiplin Pada Siswa Kelas IV Melalui Kegiatan Pembelajaran Di SDN Karawaci Baru 6

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 641
Rita Novia Elviana ◽  
Hosnan Hosnan ◽  
Suparno Suparno

Discipline is one of the keys to success. Discipline is not only owned by students;but all jobs also must own discipline to show that the values of obedience and order are in accordance with the applicable norms and rules. Teachers also play an importand role to overcome the lack of discipline among students since students spend a lot of time at school with teachers, especially class teachers. This study aimed to determine how teachers embedded discipline to grade IV students through learning activities. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The resukts of this study indicated that teachers of SDN Karawaci Baru 6 were able to embed the discipline character to grade IV students and knew how to achieve subject characteristics through learning activities. 

Pujangga ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Evi Jovita Putri ◽  
Gilang Ilham Agustinus ◽  
Intan Kusuma Wardhani

ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of YouTube-based videos as a media in learning daily English conversation for children and to identify factors affecting learning daily English conversation for children by using YouTube-based videos as a media. To obtain the aims, this research uses six children whose ages vary from ten to twelve years old lived in Asrama Yatim Mizan Amanah located at Jalan Salihara, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta as the source of data. Descriptive qualitative method is applied as the research design. In collecting data, the researchers gather the result of learning activities in pre-tests, treatments, and post-tests. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the researchers compare the children’s pre-test score with their post-test score to see the development of learning which show their competence before and after being treated. in this case, the research is focused on two topics, Greeting and Introduction in English. The children are introduced some expressions of greeting and introduction in English children by using YouTube-based videos, then some roleplays or conversation containing expressions of greeting and introduction are shown to the children by watching together YouTube-based videos. The last, the children are asked to recognize and practice the expression of greeting and introduction in English. The result shows that the usage of YouTube based video as a media in learning daily English conversation for children is considered effective. Four out of six children are able to memorize new expressions of both greeting and introduction in English, whereas the two other children remains stagnant after learning using YouTube based videos. It is found that there are factors that affect learning English for children by using this media, they are; personality, motivation and attitude, intelligent, learners’ belief, and personality. The most influential factors affecting learning are motivation and attitude. The successful children have these factors stronger rather than the stagnant children. Based on the result, the effectiveness in learning English using YouTube-based videos will be stronger if it is supported by an interactive and conducive learning atmosphere. The learning atmosphere should be considered to achieve a stronger speaking English proficiency. Key words: YouTube based-videos, language learning, daily English conversation ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis keefektifan penggunaan video berbasis YouTube sebagai media dalam belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari pada anak-anak dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari pada anak-anak yang menggunakan video berbasis YouTube. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menjadikan enam orang anak berumur sepuluh hingga dua belas tahun yang tinggal di Asrama Yatim Mizan Amanah Jalan Salihara, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan sebagai sumber data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive qualitative. Disini, proses pengumpulan data meliputi pengumpulan hasil pre-tests, treatment, dan post-test. Sementara itu, proses analisis data dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan skor pre-test dengan skor post-test pembelajar untuk melihat perkembangan pembelajaran yang menunjukkan perkembangan anak-anak sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Penelitian difokuskan pada dua topik pembelajaran yaitu sapaan dan perkenalan bahasa Inggris. Dalam hal ini anak-anak diajak mengenal ekspresi sapaan dan perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris melalui video yang ada pada YouTube. Kemudian menonton beberapa simulasi dari perilaku menyapa dan berkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris juga melalui video You-Tube. Pada tahap terakhir, para pembelajar ini diminta untuk berlatih mengingat dan mempraktekkan ungkapan sapaan dan perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan video berbasis YouTube sebagai media belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari adalah efektif. Empat dari 6 anak mampu mengingat kosakata sapaan dan perkenalan yang baru secara signifikan setelah belajar menggunakan media video berbasis You Tube, meskipun ada 2 anak yang tidak mengalami peningkatan. Ada beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi pembelajaran pada anak-anak tersebut diantaranya kepribadian, motivasi dan sikap, kecerdasan, dan keyakinan. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada pembelajaran adalah motivasi dan sikap. Anak-anak yang mengalami peningkatan belajar yang pesat memiliki faktor motivasi dan sikap yang lebih kuat dibanding anak-anak yang tidak mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, keefektifan dalam belajar percakapan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari menggunakan video YouTube menjadi lebih besar jika didukung oleh atmosfer belajar yang interaktif dan kondusif. Hal ini mesti diperhatikan guna mencapai kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Video YouTube, Pembelajaran Bahasa, Percakapan dasar dalam Bahasa Inggris.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-171
Veny Purba ◽  
Maya Retnasary ◽  
Annisa P Nurfadhillah

Character education is important in the present given the rapid development of times can change the character of children to be backward. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by collecting field data and this research determines the subject of the research object by referring to interview guidelines for conducting interviews and observations. The result of this study indicate that character education in class 2 TKJ 2 always prioritizes approaches to be open to each other. So the teacher can easily understand the character of wild and deep children, and it is easy to be influenced towards a better direction. This research has implications for the school to pay attention to the character of their students and make changes more aggressively and shouldn’t break up communication with students and parents when outside teaching and learning activities, must continue to evaluate with parents, so student can help each other in educate the child’s character in a better direction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Ira Setia Pransiska

The objective of this research is to describe the implementation of teams game tournament in learning English at SMP Pasundan 1 Cimahi. The research using descriptive qualitative method, and took 33 samples from seventh grade students. The writer collected data by interviewing and spreading questionnaires asked the students motivation which have 10 items adopted from Muhlisin, (2018). Percentage and descriptive explanations are applied in data processing. Based on this study, the writer found that; 1. The students became more active in learning activities, 2. The student’s teamwork and courage were increasing while discussing group time, and 3. The materials were easier to be accepted and understood by students. Those results indicated that the implementation of this method has enhanced the interest of students in learning English. From the questionnaires and interviews most of  the students choose to agree statements too. So, it showed us that the implementation of cooperative learning type teams game tournament method was successfully improving student’s motivation in learning English.Keywords:  Cooperative Learning, Teams Game Tournament, Students Motivation

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Muhammad Fadlillah

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) konsep kurikulum pendidikan multikultural di Taman Kanak-Kanak, dan (2) model pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan multikultural di Taman Kanak-Kanak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-Kanak. Penelitian ini berhasil menemukan bahwa: (1) konsep kurikulum pendidikan multikultural di Taman Kanak-Kanak merupakan bentuk kurikulum yang memuat materi-materi pendidikan multikultural yang diperuntukkan bagi pembelajaran anak usia dini dalam rangka mengenalkan dan menanamkan sikap kebersamaan, keadilan, dan toleransi pada diri anak. (2) model pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan multikultural di Taman Kanak-Kanak dilakukan dengan menggunakan empat pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan kontribusi, aditif, transformasi, dan aksi sosial. Dari keempat pendekatan tersebut yang dapat diterapkan dalam pendidikan anak usia dini hanya ada dua, yakni: pendekatan kontribusi dan pendekatan aditif.Kata kunci: kurikulum, pendidikan multikulturan, taman kanak-kanak.  THE MODEL OF MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM IN KINDERGARTENAbstractThis article aims to know: (1) The concept of multicultural education curriculum in kindergarten, and (2) The model of multicultural education curriculum. This study method used descriptive qualitative method. The collecting data was done by interview, observation and documentation of learning activities in the kindergarten. This study resulted the findings that: (1) The concept of multicultural education curriculum in kindergarten as a form of curriculum contains the materials of multicultural education which given to the learning of the childhood in order to introduce and inculcate unity, justice, and tolerance in children. (2) The model of curriculum development of multicultural education in kindergarten is done by using four approaches, namely the contrivution of additives, transformation, and social action. From the four approaches that can be applied in early childhood education, there are only two, namely the contribution approach and additive approach.Keywords: curriculum, multicultural education, kindergarten

Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati ◽  
Victor Adiluhung Abednego

Abstract: Tourism in Indonesia, especially East Java, has huge potential. For this reason, it needs to be introduced to the wider community. Introduction of tourism can be done early on through learning activities both formal and informal. Therefore, we need media that can be utilized and can be reached by all groups. One alternative media that can be applied is through illustration books. Books are media that can be interesting for children, especially because they are equipped with interesting illustrations. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method to explain the Heritage of Java design process. It is hoped that this book can increase user knowledge of tourism in East Java.Key Words: children book, illustrations, tourism, east java

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Sri Harto ◽  
Sri Handayani

This research applied a descriptive qualitative method to identify the major problems encountered by students in analyzing transitivity. It also aims to find out some of the alternative solutions to the students

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Arif Yakub ◽  
Rafik M. Abasa

This research is making use of descriptive qualitative method. The data are collected with the method of Sudaryanto (1993) that is listening and interviewing method, make use the technique of free listening and interviewing with a list of questionaire. This research makes use the theory of Burning (1970) and Koentjaraningrat (1980) to answer the first problem, and of Spradley (1979) and Casson (1981) to the second one. The result of this research shows that the consanguinal kinship terms are Baba (father), Tou (grandfather), Wos (ego’s father), Galawewe (father of ego’s grandfather), Karekare ( grandfather of Ego’s grandfather), Baay (ego’s mother), Nene (mother’s mother), Nenewos (mother of nene), Nenegalawewe (mother of nenewos), Nenekarekare (mother nenegalawewe). Nikmapin (wife of masculine ego), Nikmon (husband of feminine ego), Tamno (ego’s elder brother),  Thano (ego’s younger brother), Damo 1 (ego’s sister), Damo 2 (ego’s brother), Mtu (ego’s child), Bbu (ego’s grandchild), Bbuwos (child of ego’s grandchild), Bbugalawewe (grandchild of ego’s grandchild), Bbukarekare (buyut dari ego). Afinal kinship terms: Nikmon (husband), Nikmapin (wife), Tafu (brother in-law), Hono (sister in-law), Iho (in-laws), Akmomon (wife’s father), Akmomapin (wife’s mother), Haliha (mother/father in-laws), Kanglolo (elder brother of father or mother), Kangkutu (younger brother of father or mother), Baaylolo (mother’s elder sister), Jojo (mother’s younger sister). Other kinship terms include: Jau (Allah), Kakang (guru ngaji), Engku (masculine teacher), Encik (feminine teacher). Keywords: kindship terms of East Makian language

Tegar Aprilio Armanda

Tegar Aprilio Armanda, NPM: 1532010014. “Student Communication Anxiety During Thesis Guidance (Analysis of Communication Anxiety To Alumni of Students of the Communication Studies Program Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015). Communication Studies Program, Merdeka Madiun University, Supervisor : Maria Madgalena W., S.Sos, M.Si, Supervisor 2: Zulin Nurchayati, S.Psi, M.Si. Year 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the cause and effect of communication anxiety between students of the Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015 with the supervisor when conducting thesis guidance, forms of communication anxiety itself that have been experienced by students of Communication Studies Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015, anticipatory steps taken by the Communication Sciences Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015 students, how important is the handling of communication anxiety, data related to communication anxiety among final year students. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Research data obtained through observation techniques, literature studies, interviews, and documentation. The informants came from the 2015 Communication Merdeka Madiun University alumni students. The results of this study are modeling and skill acquisition factors causing the emergence of communication anxiety, the type of communication anxiety perceived by informants is generalized context communication apprehension and situational communication apprehension, the form of communication anxiety perceived by informants is state anxiety, the most anticipatory step recommended by informants is to better understand the thesis material before the guidance and remain calm during the guidance.Keyword: Anxiety, Communication anxiety, Students of the Communication Studies Program Merdeka Madiun University Class of 2015,Thesis Guidance. 

Zimmatul Liviana

The research grammatical interference in a collection ofshort stories Biarkan Aku Memula iwork Nurul F. Hudaisa collection ofshort storiesset in the back that Is start work Let Nurul F. Huda contains many grammatical interference.The problem of this   study were(1)how   the various morphologi calinterference containedin   a   collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. (2)how the various syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. The purposeof this studyis to describe the morphological and         Syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. Sociolinguistics is the study of language variation and use in society. Interference is the event of the use of language elements of one into the other language elements that occur in the speakers themselves. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because to describe the actual realityin order to obtainan accurateand objective. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to analyzethe elements ofa word orphrase that incorporated elements of other languages with the analysis and description of the formulation of the problem is the answer. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, the determination ofthe object of research, the selection of short stories.Based on the analysis of the data in this study can be found that there are six forms of interference morphology, namely (1) the prefix nasal N-sound, (2) the addition of the suffix, (3) the exchange prefix, (4) exchange suffixes, (5) exchange konfiks, (6) removal affixes. While the syntactic interference only on the words and phrases in a sentence. The results of the study it can be concluded that the interference morphology more common than syntactic interference.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Mukodas . ◽  
Wildan F. Mubarock

HUMOR AND TASTE OF KHONG GUAN IN JOKO PINURBO’S POEMJoko Pinurbo is one of productive writer. The most interesting part of all works from Jokpin is the humour or jokes he inserted. What makes it interesting there are several poems that he wrote which published in Kompas newspaper on 31st Agustus 2019. There are twelve poems which consists the word Khong Guan in every title: Perjamuan Khong Guan, Hujan Khong Guan, Tidur Khong Guan, Lebaran Khong Guan, Minuman Khong Guan, Sabda Khong Guan, Agama Khong Guan, Keluarga Khong Guan, Mudik Khong Guan, Doa Khong Guan, Bingkisan Khong Guan, dan Hati Khong Guan. Those twelve poems are the subject to this research. The aim of this research is to define how humor was created.  Recent humors are mostly uneducated humor such as insult joke, bullying, and disrespectful. Joko Pinurbo gives alternative in doing humor, through poem. Humor found in the poem is dominated by tragedy humor. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. This research found that there are five poems which can be classified as tragedy

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