Zimmatul Liviana

The research grammatical interference in a collection ofshort stories Biarkan Aku Memula iwork Nurul F. Hudaisa collection ofshort storiesset in the back that Is start work Let Nurul F. Huda contains many grammatical interference.The problem of this   study were(1)how   the various morphologi calinterference containedin   a   collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. (2)how the various syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. The purposeof this studyis to describe the morphological and         Syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. Sociolinguistics is the study of language variation and use in society. Interference is the event of the use of language elements of one into the other language elements that occur in the speakers themselves. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because to describe the actual realityin order to obtainan accurateand objective. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to analyzethe elements ofa word orphrase that incorporated elements of other languages with the analysis and description of the formulation of the problem is the answer. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, the determination ofthe object of research, the selection of short stories.Based on the analysis of the data in this study can be found that there are six forms of interference morphology, namely (1) the prefix nasal N-sound, (2) the addition of the suffix, (3) the exchange prefix, (4) exchange suffixes, (5) exchange konfiks, (6) removal affixes. While the syntactic interference only on the words and phrases in a sentence. The results of the study it can be concluded that the interference morphology more common than syntactic interference.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Ira Eko Retnosari

This article aims to describe the mastery of affixation on student papers Malaysia UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The approach used in this article is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method is used documentation. Data collection procedures in this article are (1) the collection of papers, (2) copying papers, (3) readings papers, (4) marking with highlighter, (5) classification, (6) coding, (7) the manufacture of the card. Analysis of the data in this study used a qualitative descriptive method. In this method, use the following steps: (1) the selection of data, (2) classification of data, and (3) an explanation. In this article, the data in words in a Malaysian student papers UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Meanwhile, the source of the data acquired from Malaysian student papers UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This article analyzes the results found affixation process and the meaning of affixation include (a) prefix: pe(N)- ,ber-, se-, me(N)-, ter-, and di-. (b) suffix: an, -kan, –nya, and –i, (c) konfiks: me(N)-kan, ke-an, me(N)-i, ber- kan, di-kan, di-i, pe(N)-an, di-kan, di-nya, and se-nya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Inayah Januarti

ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana bentuk asonansi dan aliterasi dalam kumpulan puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar? (2) Bagaimana pemilihan konotasi dan denotasi dalam diksi yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar? (3) Bagaimanakah makna gaya bahasa dalam kumpulan puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik catat, karena data-datanya berupa teks. Berdasarkan analisis ini dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal, yaitu: (1) Pemanfaatan atau pemilihan bunyi-bunyi bahasa yang dipergunakan dalam Puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang Terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar, ditemukan adanya asonansi ‘persamaan bunyi vokal’ yang banyak dipakai bunyi a, i, u, e, o. Aliterasi ‘persamaan bunyi konsonan yang digunakan dalam Puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang Terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar adalah bunyi konsonan /p/, /s/, /g/, /k/, /t/,/l/,/k/./m/ dan /b/. (2) Diksi dalam puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang Terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar dapat ditinjau dari segi kosakata, pemilihan kata, dan denotasi serta konotasinya. (3) Pemakaian gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam puisi Kerikil tajam dan yang Terampas dan yang Putus karya Chairil Anwar adalah (a) metafora, (b) alusio, (c) hiperbola, (d) sinestesia, (e) alegori, (f) personifikasi, (g) fabel (h) simbolik, (i) repetisi.Kata kunci: Stilistika, diksi, gaya bahasa, aspek bunyiAbstractThe problems discussed in this study, namely: (1) How do the assonance and alliteration in poetry collection sharp gravel and seized and that the End works Anwar? (2) How does the selection of connotation and denotation in diction contained in a collection of poems sharp gravel and seized and that the End works Anwar? (3) What is the meaning of the language in the style of a collection of poetry and sharp gravel seized and the work of Anwar Disconnect.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used in this research was noted, because the data in the form of text. Based on this analysis we can conclude several things, namely: (1) The use or selection of language sounds used in Poetry Gravel sharp and seized and that the End works Anwar, found their assonance 'equation vowel' a widely used sound a, i, u, e, o. Alliteration 'equation consonant sounds used in Poetry Gravel sharp and seized and that the End works Anwar is consonant / p /, / s /, / g /, / k /, / t /, / l /, / k / ./m/ and / b /. (2) Gravel sharp diction in poetry and seized and that the End Anwar's work can be viewed in terms of vocabulary, diction, and denotation and connotation. (3) Use a style that is contained in the poem Gravel sharp and seized and that the End works Anwar is (a) metaphor, (b) allusion, (c) hyperbole, (d) synesthesia, (e) the allegory, (f) personification, (g) fable (h) the symbolic, (i) reps.Keywords: Stilistika, diction, style, sound aspects

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 306
Asri Soraya Afsari

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji perbandingan kepercayaan masyarakat Talagadi Majalengka dan masyarakat Nagoya di Jepang. Kepercayaan yang dimaksud dalampenelitian ini adalah kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu atau pamali dankepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakat tersebut.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskripstif kualitatif. Dalam memupudata digunakan metode lapangan karena peneliti terjun langsung ke masyarakat. Disamping itu, digunakan pula metode survey melalui penyebaran daftar kuesioner. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan tabu ataupamali pada masyarakat Talaga dan Nagoya meliputi kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia.Adapun kepercayaan yang berhubungan dengan keberuntungan pada kedua masyarakattersebut berkaitan dengan binatang, benda, dan kegiatan manusia. Sampai saat ini baikmasyarakat Talaga maupun Nagoya masih memegang teguh kepercayaan tersebut.Kata kunci: kepercayaan, Talaga, Nagoya, deskriptif kualitatif, komparasi budaya.AbstractThe aim of this research is to review the comparison of belief between the society ofTalaga in Majalengka and the society of Nagoya in Japan. The intended belief on this study isthe one related with a taboo or pamali, and the belief correlated to luck on both societies. Inachieving the goal, this research uses a descriptive qualitative method. To get the data, thewriter uses a field method that he (/she) directly involves with the people. On the other hand,the writer also uses a survey method by distributing questioners. The result shows that the beliefcorrelated with the taboo or pamali of Talaga and Nagoya societies covers the activities doneby human. Also with the belief related to luck of both societies corresponds to animals, things,and human’s activities. Until now, either Talaga society or Nagoya’s still keeps those beliefs.Keyword: belief, Talaga, Nagoya, descriptive qualitative, cultural comparison.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Rahmat Rahmat

This study aims to determine the Tourist Perception of Bokori Island Tourism Object in Bokori Village, Soropia District of Konawe Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Subjects in this study were tourists visiting attractions Bokori Island. Traveler sampling in this study set out in the quota sampling 50 respondents, in this study the sample collection technique by accidental sampling.Methods of  data collection using questionnaires, observation and documentation. Questionnaire data analysis in this research is the analysis presented in the table percentage and distribution. Based on the results obtained show that, according to the perception of tourists attractions of the Bokori Island (1) appeal to the average score - average rating of 3.31 with the perception of being in either category, (2) accessibility with a mean score - average of 3.40 with the perception of tourists are in good category, (3) visitor facilities with a mean score - average rating of 3.12 with the perception of being in either category, (4) infrastructure with a mean score - average 3.53 with the perception of tourists were in the excellent category, (5) security with a mean score - average of 3.24 with the perceptions of visitors are in good category, (6) the promotion with a mean score - average of 3.32 with the perceptions of visitors are in either category. Thus the perception of the overall rating showed a mean score - average rating of 3.32 with the perception of being in either category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Siti Inzali Listiadah ◽  
Sucipto Hadi Purnomo

ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur luar dan struktur dalam tradisi Bucu Kendhit serta untuk mendeskripsikan perwujudan sinkretisme dalam tradisi Bucu Kendhit di Desa Sidokumpul, Kecamatan Bangilan, Kabupaten Tuban. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan struktural dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. hasil penelitian ini adalah Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Tradisi Bucu Kendhit memiliki dua struktur yaitu struktur luar (surface structure) dan struktur dalam (deep structure). Struktur luar (surface structure) meliputi: a) Pra upacara dan komponen penyusun; b) Proses pelaksanaan dan c) Ubarampe. Sedangkan struktur dalam (deep structure) meliputi : a) Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Tradisi Bucu Kendhit. b) Adanya fungsi Tradisi Bucu Kendhit yang teridiri dari fungsi sosial dan fungsi religi. c) Makna filosofi Tradisi Bucu Kendhit yang terdiri dari makna kebendaan, makna perilaku, dan makna ucapan atau ujaran. (2) Tradisi Bucu Kendhit di Desa Sidokumpul, Kecamatan Bangilan, Kabupaten Tuban memiliki tradisi slametan sebagai perwujudan sinkretisme yang mengandung tiga unsur yaitu: unsur Hindu, unsur Jawa, dan unsur Islam. Kata Kunci: Sinkretisme, Struktur, Tradisi Bucu Kendhit   ABSTRACT   This research is aim to describe the surface structure and deep structure the tradition of Bucu Kendhit, and to describe the manifestation of syncretism in the tradition of Bucu Kendhit in Sidokumpul Village, Bangilan District, Tuban Regency. The approach used in this research is structure approach with descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study are: (1) The tradition of Bucu Kendhit has two structures namely the surface structure and the deep structure. The outer structure (surface structure) includes: a) Pre-ceremony and its components; b) The implementation process and c) Ubarampe. While the deep structure includes: a) Community trust in the Tradition of Bucu Kendhit. b) The function of the Bucu Kendhit Tradition which consists of social functions and religious functions. c) The meaning of the tradition of Bucu Kendhit's tradition which consists of material meaning, behavioral meaning, and the meaning of speech or utterance. (2) The tradition of Bucu Kendhit in Sidokumpul Village, Bangilan District, Tuban Regency has a slametan tradition as an embodiment of syncretism which contains three elements, namely: Hinduism, Javanese elements, and Islamic elements.   Keyword: Sinkretisme, Struktur, Tradisi Bucu Kendhit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-165
Dwi Utari ◽  
Nur Aini Puspitasari

This research aims to describe sentence production errors especially pause and tongue slips in the 2018 Student Constitutional Debate Competition. The benefits of research for the researcher are to deepen knowledge about language, especially errors in the production of sentences, and for the reader to give knowledge to the public about the study of psycholinguistics in producing a sentence and broaden the insight into language about sentence production. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. This research used source data of 2018 Student Constitutional Debate Competition semifinal one and final one video. In this study the tapping technique was used for the data collection technique. Based on the results of data management and analysis, the sentence production errors contained in the 2018 Student Constitution Debate Contest video are (1) Breathing pause, (2) Doubt pause, (3) Malaproprism, (4) Transposition tongue slip, (5) Anticipation tongue slip, (6) Perseveration tongue slip. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan produksi kalimat terutama senyapan dan kilir lidah pada Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa Tahun 2018. Manfaat penelitian bagi peneliti adalah untuk memperdalam pengetahuan mengenai bahasa khususnya kesalahan produksi kalimat dan bagi pembaca yaitu untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang kajian Psikolinguistik dalam memproduksi suatu kalimat serta memperluas wawasan kebahasaan mengenai produksi kalimat. Dalam penelitian digunakan metode berupa desktiptif kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan sumber data berupa video Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa tahun 2018 babak semifinal satu dan final satu. Penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik sadap catat. Berdasarkan hasil pengelolaan dan analisis data, kesalahan produksi kalimat yang terdapat dalam video Lomba Debat Konstitusi Mahasiswa Tahun 2018 yaitu (1) Senyapan pernapasan, (2) Senyapan keraguan, (3) Kilir lidah malaproprisme, (4) Kilir lidah transposisi, (5) Kilir lidah antisipasi, (6) Kilir lidah perseverasi. Kata Kunci:  Kesalahan Produksi Kalimat, Debat, Kilir Lidah, Senyapan

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-48
Monicha Destaria ◽  
Yulan Puspita Rini

Transferring meaning embedded by English idiom is not an easy way to do. The meaning contained by English Idiom cannot be comprehended by merely knowing the meaning from each word arranging the idiom. Dealing with English idiom in translation is quite hard because the translator has to transfer the meaning of English idiom into Bahasa Indonesia rightly. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to find the equivalence term in Bahasa Indonesia reflecting the same meaning as it is reflected in the source text. To manage this problem, the translation strategies need to be applied. This research focuses on analyzing the translation strategies used by the translator in transferring the meaning of English idioms into Bahasa Indonesia in the subtitle of  Pitch Perfect 3 Movie. The research method is descriptive qualitative method.. Baker’s translation strategies is used as guideline in classifying the translation strategies used. After finding the type of translation strategies employed, further identifying whether the meaning of English idiom is transferred rightly in Bahasa Indonesia. According to the finding, translation by using idiom in similar meaning and disimilar form was not used by the translator to translate the idioms. The frequency of  translation by using idiom in similar meaning but disimilar form strategy is 4 idioms. 46 idioms were translated by using paraphrased strategy. It is only 1 idiom was translated by using omission strategy. that the meaning of 36 idioms are transferred accurately. The meaning of four idioms were transferred Less-accurately. The meaning of 11 idioms were classified as inaccurate translation

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Neneng Siti Maryam

Abstract - Early March 2020, the corona virus began to spread in Indonesia. To suppress the wider spread of the virus, the government made policies regarding social restrictions. This has resulted in many schools and colleges, offices and companies, and other public places, deciding whether employees or their students should work or study from home. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning during the Corona virus pandemic in Bandung Kridatama Polytechnic students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. While the analysis of data acquisition was carried out by collecting data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that online learning carried out during the Corona virus pandemic was ineffective because obstacles were still found that interfered with the learning process, including the absence of two-way communication between students and lecturers, Besides other obstacles, namely students who do not have enough quotas to take part in online learning, or lecturers who do not understand technology so that learning is not carried out using online learning applications but through Whatsapp groups. Keywords: learning, online learning, pandemic, Corona virus Abstrak – Awal bulan Maret tahun 2020, virus corona mulai menyebar di Indonesia. Untuk menekan penyebaran virus yang lebih luas lagi, pemerintah membuat kebijakan mengenai pembatasan sosial.  Hal tersebut mengakibatkan banyak sekolah dan kampus, kantor dan perusahaan,  serta tempat-tempat publik lainnya, memutuskan  para karyawan atau anak didiknya untuk bekerja atau belajar dari rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas pembelajaran online di masa pandemi virus Corona pada mahasiswa Politeknik Kridatama Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis perolehan data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pembelajaran online yang dilaksanakan selama masa pandemi virus Corona kurang efektif karena masih ditemukan hambatan yang mengganggu proses pembelajaran diantara-Nya tidak terjalinnya komunikasi dua arah antara mahasiswa dan dosen, disamping hambatan-hambatan lainnya yaitu mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki cukup kuota untuk mengikuti pembelajaran online, atau dosen yang kurang memahami teknologi sehingga pembelajaran tidak dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran online tetapi melalui grup Whatsapp. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran, pembelajaran online, pandemik, virus Corona

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Zuyinatul Isro

This research discusses imagery, diction and figure of speech in a short story entitled “Jalan Gelap Langit Terang” written by Abdul Wachid. This short story is one of the author’s works in a short story anthology, Bacalah Cinta, published by BukuLaela in 2005. This research reveals some figure of speeches such as diction, imagery and elaboration employed by the author of the short story. This research applied both stylistic approach and descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was done by close reading observation and note taking. The result shows that the author takes the advantage of connotative, English and Indonesian diction in some sentences. The imagery employed by the author covers personification, hyperbole, metaphor, repetition, rhetoric, elypsis, and antithesis. Moreover, the author tends to show repetition and symblolism in his style.

Vitruvian ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Vicky Januastuti ◽  
Primi Artiningrum

Rumah-Toko merupakan salah satu ciri khas dari Pecinan. Dalam perkembangannya, rumah-toko pada kawasan tersebut mengalami beberapa perubahan fungsi ruang dan perubahan bentuk bangunan rumah-toko akibat dari beberapa faktor, sehingga terlihat karakteristik arsitektur cina pada kawasan tersebut semakin memudar. Pada penelitian sebelumnya belum ada yang mengaitkan antara perubahan dungsi dan bentuk rumah-toko terhadap arsitektur cina. Adapun beberapa penelitian sebelumnya hanya mengaitkan dengan topologi perubahan rumah-toko. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya perubahan fungsi pada rumah-toko dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan fungsi dan bentuk yang menyebabkan mulai pudarnya karakteristik arsitektur cina yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan karakter arsitektur cina di kawasan pecinan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data-data dari penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara survei lokasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Setelah dilakukan analisis dari data-data lokasi, maka didapatkan kesimpulan umum bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan fungsi dan bentuk yaitu faktor ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya serta fungsi ruang memiliki pengaruh yang lebih kecil terhadap memudarnya karakteristik arsitektur cina dibandingkan dengan perubahan bentuk bangunan yang memiliki pengaruh lebih besar terhadap memudarnya karakteristik arsitektur cina. Shop-House is one of the characteristics of Chinatown. In its development, Shop-House in the region experienced several changes in the function of space and changes in the shape of the houses due to several factors, so that the Chinese architectural characteristics in the area faded. In the previous research, there was no link between changes in function and the form of houses to Chinese architecture. As for some previous studies only linking with the change in the shop-house topology. The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of changes in the function of the Shop-House and to determine the effect of changes in function and shape that cause the fading of Chinese architectural characteristics that affect the changes in Chinese architectural character in Chinatown. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method, the collection of data from this study is done by surveying locations, interviews, and documentation and then analyzed with qualitative descriptive methods. After analyzing the location data, a general conclusion is that the factors that influence changes in function and form are economic, social, and cultural factors and the function of space has a smaller influence on the waning characteristics of Chinese architecture compared to changes in the shape of buildings that have influence. greater to the waning characteristics of Chinese architecture.

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