2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 852
Antonius Nainggolan

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the learning process, which is usually carried out face-to-face in front of the class, can no longer be carried out, resulting in the change of the learning system to online. This study aims to improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts at SMP Negeri 1 Bangko with the research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR comes from the west known as Classroom Action Research (CAR). As stated by Arikunto, CAR is research conducted in the classroom with the aim of improving or improving the quality of learning practices. The results obtained about the understanding of students' concepts before conducting the class action research showed an average class of 63.50 with the number of students who completed 13 people with a classical percentage of 42%. In the first cycle, the average class obtained was 69.83 with a total of 20 people who completed with a percentage of the classical number of 65%. The increase occurred in the second cycle with an average class of 81 with the number of students who completed 31 people with a percentage of the classical number of 100% so that it can be concluded that using the Think Talk Write (TTW) strategy can improve understanding of mathematical concepts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Kurniawan Prambudi Utomo ◽  
Fahmi Kamal

This research was conducted to form one part of national education and improve the culture of literacy among vocational students who are effective and efficient as well as to train intelligence and the ability to manage emotionally elegant so that it is expected to prepare future leaders. The purpose of this research is to examine the variables of political culture material with the method while the methodology of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) or Classroom Action Research. This class action research is a form of self-reflection carried out by researchers that are seen in the situation under study aimed at improving the quality of learning, as well as to improve the performance of the education system using a qualitative approach, the time of the implementation of this study was carried out for three months, namely in  June - September 2017 and the results of the study concluded that in the early stages of the cycle the increase in student understanding reached 62.5% and considered sufficient to understand while the research in the final cycle, after the given direction, and ability, students showed the role of some students quite significant, reaching 22.5% of students so that the understanding of political culture debate reached 100%.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Mufaizin ◽  
Bahrul Ulum

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is research based onproblems that arise in the learning process. The basis of this class action research departs from the beginning of the study of learning the Koran in class, the results are discussed with the homeroom teacher, class and group of teachers to diagnose the situation in the classroom, then planned, and systematically reflect with various alternative actions to overcome the problems of students in order to improve and enhance the ability to read the Koran. While the purpose of this study is intended: first to find out whether the method of Jibril is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read Al Koran for students of takhassusul koran Darul Hikmah. And secondly, to find out whether the method of Jibril can improve the ability to read Al-Koran students tahsin children takhassusul koran institute Darul Hikmah. From this research it can be seen that the Jibril method is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read the Koran tahsin students children takhassusul koran institute darul hikmah, the Jibril method can improve the reading ability of the Koran tahsin students children of the superstitious koran darul hikmah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-302
M. Nur Rohim

Improvement of the national education system is needed so that the quality of education increases one of the efforts to improve the quality of education is by increasing teacher professionalism. Increased professionalism of teachers is characterized by an increase in competencies that must be possessed by teachers, namely pedagogical competencies related to management of students, social competencies related to communication skills, personal competencies related to the ability of teachers to have wise personalities, and professional competencies related to ability teacher to master knowledge and improve the quality of learning. One way that can be taken in improving the quality of learning is to carry out classroom action research. Class action research is a research activity to solve learning problems. By conducting classroom action research, teachers are able to improve the learning process through a study of what is happening in their classrooms. The purpose of this training is to find out how far the teacher's knowledge and practices are about Classroom Action Research. The methods that will be used to provide this training include: lectures, questions and answers, discussions, assignments, individual guidance, and independent training in the form of projects. From the results of the overall evaluation of the implementation of the Classroom Action Research training at SD Nurul, Sidoarjo Wisdom was fairly successful, it was seen from the implementation indicators and the results obtained from this training with fairly good values.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 383
Erlinawaty Simanjuntak ◽  
Sudianto Manullang ◽  
Marlina Setia Sinaga

Abstrak Observasi awal yang dilakukan terhadap 74 guru-guru di SMPN 1 Tanjung Morawa dan SMPN 4 Tanjung Morawa menunjukkan bahwa hanya 10 orang yang mengaku mampu melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Dari 10 guru-guru tersebut hanya 4 orang yang mengaku sudah melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dan 6 guru mengaku tidak termotivasi untuk melakukannya. Sementara 64 guru lainnya memberikan alasan tidak memahami prosedur pelaksanaan, PTK bukan pekerjaan seorang guru. Seyogyanya, pelaksanaan PTK tidaklah hanya sebagai disamping tuntutan administrastif, namun guru harus mampu untuk merefleksi pembelajaran di kelas demi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran membutuhkan penelitian tindakan kelas. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar peningkatan profesionalisme guru-guru SMP melalui pelatihan penelitian tindakan kelas di kabupaten Deli Serdang. Pelaksanaan Iptek bagi Masyarakat  (IbM) ini adalah untuk membentuk kelompok guru yang mandiri dalam melaksanakan PTK serta mampu menghasilkan laporan serta karya tulis imiah yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal dengan pendekatan pendampingan yang berkelanjutan. Dosen-dosen yang sudah berpengalaman dalam hal PTK turut membantu sebagai pembimbing guru-guru tersebut. Pelaksanaan IbM ini memberikan kontribusi peningkatan motivasi guru dalam melaksanakan PTK secara signifikan dimana terdapat 13 orang dari 31 orang guru yang dibimbing dapat menuntaskan kewajibannya sampai pada seminar hasil PTK.  Kata Kunci : Jurnal Ilmiah, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Abstract Initial observations conducted on 74 teachers at SMPN 1 Tanjung Morawa and SMPN 4 Tanjung Morawa indicated that only 10 of them have the ability to perform classroom action research (PTK). More specifically, 4 out of 10 teachers have engaged with PTK and 6 teachers admitted that they are not motivated to do so. Accordingly, 64 other teachers had lack of understanding in the implementation procedure arguing that, PTK is not a teacher's job. As a matter of fact, the implementation of TOD is not only as a matter of administrative demands, but the teacher must be able to reflect on the classroom learning for the improvement of the quality of learning requires research of class action. This is the basis for improving the professionalism of junior high school teachers through classroom action research training in Deli Serdang district. The implementation of Science and Technology for Society (IbM) is to form a group of independent teachers in implementing PTK and able to produce reports and writings imiah published in the journal with a sustainable approach mentoring. Lecturers who have experience in terms of PTK helped as mentors of these teachers. The implementation of IbM contributed to the improvement of teachers' motivation in implementing PTK significantly where 13 people from 31 guided teachers could complete their obligation until the PTK seminar result. Keywords: Scientific Journal, Classroom Action Research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Asri Putri Anugraini ◽  
Anik Kurniawati

Learning success is created if students want to be serious in learning, active, creative in solving math problems. The focus of the study was the learning process by improving the mathematics learning system on fractions (multiplication of fractions) with the PAKEM approach. By improving the learning system in the classroom, it can lead to success in increasing students' abilities actively, independently, and creatively. So that researchers commit to strive for improvement of the quality of learning. The research used by researchers was Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects of this classroom action research were students of grade V SD Mangunrejo 2, totaling 20 students. The results of the research cycle I and cycle II increased from 74,90% to 80,20%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Hesti Yulianti ◽  
Cecep Darul Iwan ◽  
Saeful Millah

This class action research aims to improve the quality of student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education subjects. The alternative offered to achieve that goal is to introduce the giving question and getting answer method. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method of Kurt Lewin's model. Data collection techniques used were observation and tests. Classroom Action Research in class VIII H, SMP Negeri 1 Baregbeg, Ciamis Regency. The steps of data analysis are as follows: data selection, data correction and data weighting. The results of this study prove that the giving question and getting answer method has succeeded in improving the quality of student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education subjects at the Baregbeg State Middle School in Ciamis Regency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-297
Loecita Sandiar ◽  
Dwi Narsih

The purpose of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out with the aim to find out the increase in social studies learning achievements of ASEAN material through the application of cooperative learning methods to class VI SDN Jatiasih Bekasi students in 2018/2019. This Classroom Action Research was carried out by applying the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model in order improve the quality of the learning process and is a concept of learning activities that help teachers in carrying out mathematics learning activities on fractions taught by trying to maximize the active role of students, especially the knowledge they have and how they are applied in everyday life. With this concept, learning outcomes are expected to be more meaningful for students. The learning process takes place naturally in the form of activities students work and experience, not transfer knowledge from teacher to student. The quality of learning is more important than learning outcomes. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is carried out in stages 2 cycles, and the results of the actions taken have been proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes / achievements in terms of classical student mastery learning in the first cycle of 53%, could increase to 74.5% in the second cycle and in terms of the average value of the evaluation results of 74.5 in the second cycle of 79.2, this means there is an increase of 22%. From the results of this class action research also showed an increase in the level of student learning activities from 3 categories Active Enough in the first cycle to 3.5 Active categories, Active categories in the second cycle to 3.8 categories Very Active means there was an increase of 28.5%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Lilis Suryani

Education and Training is a form of institutional intervention so that employees have competency standards so that they are able to carry out their duties properly and appropriately. This study discusses the improvement of teacher competency in the implementation of scientific publications through Training in the Workplace (DDTK) Classroom Action Research (PTK). DDTK aims to improve the technical competence of civil servants and non-civil servants of the ministry of religion according to their duties and positions and develop insight into employee duties related to new regulations / policies / provisions, new technologies, or new knowledge relevant to their main tasks and functions. The main objective of Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the improvement and improvement of learning services. The population and sample of this study were participants of the Madrasah teacher training in the Workplace (DDTK) in Bangka, Belitung, and East Belitung Regencies in the 2016 and 2017. The study used multiple regression using Adjusted Square. Calculations for this multiple regression using SPSS statistical version 16 software. From the results of the research, it was found that the average of DDTK Bangka District Classroom Action Research (PTK) 2016 and 2017 were 51.41, and the average DDTK Class Action Research substance (PTK) Belitung Regency in 2016 and 2017 amounted to 50.39, with a difference in mean scores of 1.02. The average understanding of madrasah teachers in Bangka Regency 2016 and 2017 PTK writing was 118.20, and the average madrasah teacher understanding in Belitung Regency PTK writing in 2016 and 2017 was 118.88, with a mean difference of 0.68. The regression coefficient of the Education and Training Center (DDTK) variable (X2) has a positive sign (0.074), which means that the Education and Training Center (DDTK) variable has a positive influence on teacher understanding. The hypothesis which states that there is an effect of the Workplace Education Training (DDTK) substance on Classroom Action Research (CAR) on the understanding of madrasah teachers in writing PTK is statistically proven. Keywords: Training at Workplace, Classroom Action Research, Teacher's Understanding

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Muslainy Muslainy

This study is a class action (class action reseach). Based on test results daily writing on students' class XII IPA 4 SMAN 9 Pekanbaru encountered symptoms as follows: only 11 students or 30,55% of the 36 students who have the ability to write a developing Paragraph of explanation textdalam good English so it has reached KKM predetermined is 85. A total of 25 students or 69,4% of the 36 students had difficulty in writing textsehingga developing paragraph of explanation they have not been able to achieve a predetermined KKM. Students find it quickly bored with the lessons presented, it can be seen from their activities are often played or talked with friends when subjects exercised. This study was conducted in two cycles, the data is described is writing developing paragraph of explanation text, ie before the action on the first cycle, the second cycle, each cycle is done in one meeting. This classroom action research in order to work well without barriers obstructing the smooth running of the study, researchers compiled stages traversed in action research, namely: (1) planning/ preparatory actions; (2) Implementation of the action; (3) observation; and (4) reflection. Based on the results of the discussion and analysis as presented in chapter VII can be concluded that the application of the approach contextual teaching and learning (CTL) can improve the ability to write a text explanation developing paragraph of english in english class students of class XII IPA 4 SMAN 9 Pekanbaru. Based on the survey results revealed that developing writing skills of explanation text paragraph british student before action classical gained an average of 64,40 in the first cycle of classical gained an average of 72,50, the second cycle obtain the average classical 90,20.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 807
Helpiyotwitra Helpiyotwitra

This research is motivated by low student social studies learning outcomes. This study aims to improve social studies learning outcomes by using video media in class VI SDN 004 Teratak Buluh. This research is a classroom action research that includes activities with stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. The results showed that the increase in social studies learning outcomes of class VI students, the average classical completeness before class action research was 75% in the first cycle of 82.14% and in the second cycle it was 92.85%. Scientific performance learning outcomes before class action research is 65.36%, and scientific performance learning outcomes after class action research cycle I is 72.76% increased by 7.4%, and scientific performance learning outcomes after class II cycle action research is 73.17% also increased by 0.41% from cycle I. The occurrence of increased learning outcomes of scientific performance also affects student learning outcomes. Based on the results of classroom action research, it can be concluded that using video media can improve social studies learning outcomes. Grade VI students of SDN 004 Teratak Buluh.

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