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Published By LP2M Universitas Ibrahimy

2580-0884, 2252-8164

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-93
Syaifullah Syaifullah ◽  
Sukandi Sukandi

Gender issues become a very serious issue today. This is identified by a number of discourses on the women’s equal rights and men. Although the actual focus of gender studies is not limited to aspects of women, but also men. But in fact, the figure who is often marginalized is women. On the other hand, men often get more privileges in terms of rights and opportunities. Therefore, this discussion focuses on gender studies of women's aspects by comparing men's rights. Indonesian citizens have the particular rights to receive education, especially Islamic education. This paper designed to describe the problems of gender in education, the theoretical lens of Islamic education on gender equality, as well as the strategy towards gender equality in education.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Achmad Yusuf ◽  
Mahmudi Mahmudi

the effective learning is the learning that can stimulate the enthusiasm and enjoyment of students follow the learning process. However, the obstacle of that, there are no many Islamic religious education teachers who are skilled in preparing and implementing lessons that are able to arouse the enthusiasm of their students and the lack of attention from school principals on the development of PAI learning in schools, including the availability of inadequate facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, teachers must be creative in designing learning activities, one of which is using appropriate learning strategies. The learning strategy that can create active and creative learning is the PAIKEM strategy. PAIKEM is a teaching and learning strategy that contains six important elements, that are learning, active, innovative, creative, effective and fun. The six elements have different characteristics and interpretations and must be integrated by the teacher who will apply them. The supporting factors of PAIKEM implementation include infrastructure, the ability of teachers to implement PAIKEM, and the readiness of students to receive the lessons. The inhibiting factors in implementing PAIKEM include the number of students, time allocation, and schedule changes.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-85
Aprilina Wulandari ◽  
Agus Fauzi

This article discusses the urgency of moral and character education in shaping the personality of students. Character is an important thing in a person's life, because character is one of the determinants of a person's success. Therefore, a strong and positive character needs to be well formed. Education not only aims to make students smart, but also must be able to create noble values ​​or character. Character building, especially students, is urgent and urgent to be realized in order to create a better society, namely a society that can face regional and global challenges. The regional and global challenge in question is how our young generation does not only have academic abilities that focus on cognitive abilities, but affective aspects and morality are also touched. The birth of moral and character education as an effort to revive the ideal-spiritual pedagogy that was lost by the wave of positivism. The substance of moral and character education is to form a complete personality for each student. The behaviors that are expected to be born are; do honesty, help people, respect, be responsible, appreciate, cherish, accept each other, sympathy, empathy, and accept what it is. Education as the totality of efforts and actions must be carried out through three educational institutions, namely, family, school and community. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate family education institutions, school education, and community education institutions in carrying out character education. The strengthening of the three educational institutions shows that character education is needed in order to anticipate future problems that are increasingly complex.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Abd. Latif

Character education applied to students is the essence of the learning process. Islamic religious education is one of the compulsory subjects which contains a lot of character material. So that the implementation of student morals in schools require to be considered properly. This research aims to (1) describe the forms of moral improvement of students at SMP Negeri 7 Bondowoso, (2) describe the steps for improving the morals of students at SMP Negeri 7 Bondowoso. This research using qualitative research methodology and data collection technique by observation, interview, documentation. The data was analyzed by data reduction, display, as well as taking the result and verification technique. The result of this research is the form of students' morals which consists of morals to others and morals to God. Meanwhile, the steps to improve students' morals consist of direct and indirect improvements.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Asmuki Asmuki

Meaningful learning is learning that can make students understand and think critically. That learning can be created, one of which through the role of super teacher. However, the problem today, there are still many Islamic religious education teachers who are less skilled in teaching, especially in preparing and implementing lessons that are able to generate the enthusiasm of their students. Therefore, the purpose of this discussion to provide an explanation of the terms and characteristics of teachers, patterns of making Muslim educators and their ecosystem, competencies as well as steps to be future super educators.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
St. Shofiyah ◽  
Shofwatul Fu’adah

Educational institutions are a learning environment that is a planned container that is believed to be able to change or shape children's character to be better than before with all their potential. The learning environment should be understood as an important factor in shaping the character of students after the family environtment. The thing that needs to be considered in the success of character education in schools is a conducive-academic environment.The school environment can affect the child's personality, and from the environment, students will learn and shape their character naturally.The result showed the things that affect to character formation in educational institution at Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’iyah area conducive learning environment and then in its implementation exemplary models, habituation, and discipline from all parties so that there is a real role model for students how to give examples of real character in life.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Kandiri Kandiri ◽  
Arfandi Arfandi

Dalam lingkungan sekolah kewibawaan, keperibadian dan keteladanan yang dimiliki oleh guru akan memberikan dampak yang positif terhapap keperibadian dan moralitas siswa, inilah pemahaman nilai-nilai agama islam yang benar lahir dari proses pelatihan dan pembiasaan atau pembinaan moral dengan memberikan suri tauladan yang baik, kultum, sanksi serta sikap tegas dari seorang guru PAI. Dalam pembinaan moral yang baik tidak didasarkan pada ajaran-ajaran yang sifatnya perintah atau larangan semata. Akan tetapi harus berdasarkan pada pemberian contoh yang baik dari seorang guru yang berada di lingkungan sekolah. Oleh karena itu peran dan tanggungjawab guru dalam meningkatkan moralitas siswa adalah (1) Guru yang memiliki kapasitas sebagai pendidik akan menjadikan dirinya sebagai teladan, panutan dan identifikasi bagi para peserta didik dan lingkungannya. Dengan demikian, ada standar kualitas pribadi tertentu yang harus dimiliki oleh guru yang di dalamnya mencakup kewibawaan, kedisiplinan, kemandirian, dan tanggungjawab. Berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab; guru harus mengetahui, serta memahami nilai, norma moral, dan sosial, serta berusaha berperilaku dan berbuat sesuai dengan nilai dan norma tersebut. (2) Peran guru sebagai model dan teladan yaitu guru merupakan model atau teladan bagi peserta didik dan semua orang yang menganggap dia seperti guru. Sebagai teladan, tentu saja pribadi dan apa yang dilakukan guru akan mendapat sorotan peserta didik serta orang disekitar lingkungannya yang menganggap atau mengakuinya sebagai guru.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Hasanah Hasanah

Islam is an religion that is not only on the social and theological doctrine, but also has an glorious civilization. Because of that, the number of experts who study about Islam produce various definition. That matter also create variant interpretation and understanding. One thing that must be noticed is when religious radicalism grow and negative stigma to Islam. In the same aspect, ideology doctrine of religious radicalism having in sight in Indonesia, in other words in the educational institution which the main target is students. Annemarie Schimmel uses fenomenological approach to understand about Islam holistically and disclaim negative stigma about Islam. This approach also create natural thought of an religion based on the religion believer perspective. So the impact can minimize religious radicalism doctrine.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Djuwairiyah Djuwairiyah ◽  
Noviasari Maimunah

The encounter of Greek philosophy and the Islamic paradigm produce a glorious civilization in the Islamic world. Furthermore, Islamic civilization became the center of the science development and was visited by a number of Western scholars to enhance knowledge. In addition to the Qur'an and hadith, one aspect of science that is no less important in the Islamic advancement is philosophy. A few indicators supporting the entry of Greek philosophy into the Islamic world include the establishment of a magnificent library, baitul hikmah, and the association of Muslim scholars who founded the first institute. Which are the shoots of the most urgent education post the establishment of the Alexandria Museum.

Edupedia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Mohamad Aso Samsudin ◽  
Ukhtul Iffah

Learn history can help someone to determine several options that will be made, how to act, and also to know all of the factor failure as well as the success in the past. So that's why material of history must be explained comprehensively in order to the wisdom that have taken by it is historical episodes would be implemented for students. Material study in this discussion is succession process of khilafah on the material history of Islamic development class X at senior high school. It turns out found that no standard system or procedure in the Islamic government. Proven by processes selecting leaders of Islam society in the Khulafaurrasyidin periods, almost all of them implementing different systems. There are similar aspects on the Khulafaurrasyidin systems includes candidates inauguration assessed by criterias of seniority, pieties, most can be keep integrity and entity of Islam societies. Ijtihad space given in Islam to implement government structure based on the people's wishes. That matter occurs cause of no postulate found about state concept.

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