scholarly journals Compliments as Speech Acts: To Whom or What Are They Given?

Monitor ISH ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-131
Tadej Praprotnik

The article presents various aspects and dimensions of interpersonal communication as a field where interpersonal relationships are established. Special focus is directed toward the interactional and ritual character of speech acts, which are processed and embedded in speech as a form of social practice. An utterance is not only a matter of talking, but of acting too. By saying something we also perform a specific set of actions, which largely depend on the broader interpersonal circumstances within which the interaction occurs, as well as on the identities and social roles attributed to the interlocutors. Each instance of communication is part of a larger social situation, so the motivations behind the performance of individual speech acts vary widely. This article presents compliments as specific speech acts aiming to satisfy various sets of intentions. Affective and instrumental talk are highlighted as two different sets of language function, of which the former is oriented toward expressing emotion and maintaining social relations, while the latter is concerned with conveying information and facts. This distinction is the basis for further elaboration of compliments as speech acts conveying a positive appreciation of an action or person. Compliments are closely interconnected with maintaining the face (and positive emotions) of the other. The article also investigates the gender-motivated distinctions among the various versions and types of compliments, which serve as a kind of verbal gift.

Dániel Z. Kádár

Politeness comprises linguistic and non-linguistic behavior through which people indicate that they take others’ feelings of how they should be treated into account. Politeness comes into operation through evaluative moments—the interactants’ (or other participants’) assessments of interactional behavior—and it is a key interpersonal interactional phenomenon, due to the fact that it helps people to build up and maintain interpersonal relationships. The operation of politeness involves valences: when people behave in what they perceive as polite in a given situation, they attempt to enactment shared values with others, hence triggering positive emotions. The interactants use valenced categories as a benchmark for their production and evaluation of language and behavior, and valence reflects the participants’ perceived moral order of an interactional context/event, that is, their perceptions of ‘how things should be’ in a given situation. Thus, the examination of politeness reveals information about the broader in-group, social, and cultural values that underlie the productive and evaluative interactional behavior of individuals. As politeness is a social action that consists of both linguistic and non-linguistic elements and that embodies a social practice, the research of politeness also provides insights into the social practices that surround individual language use. Pragmatics-based research on politeness started in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and has become one of the most popular areas in pragmatics. The field has undergone various methodological and theoretical changes. These include the “first wave” of politeness research, in the course of which researchers either attempted to model politeness across languages and cultures by using universal frameworks, or engaged in culture-specific criticism of such frameworks. In the “second wave” of politeness research, researchers attempted to approach politeness as an individualistic, and often idiosyncratic, interactionally co-constructed phenomenon. A key argument of the second wave is that politeness can only be studied at the micro-level of the individual, and so it may be overambitious to attempt to model this phenomenon across languages and cultures. In the “third wave” of politeness research, scholars attempt to model politeness across languages and cultures, without compromising the endeavour of examining politeness as an interactionally co-constructed phenomenon. Key phenomena studied in politeness research include, among others, impoliteness, intercultural interaction, cross-cultural similarities and differences of politeness, the gendered characteristics of politeness behavior, and convention and ritual. Politeness research is a multidisciplinary field that is engaged in the examination of a wide variety of data types.

Kruhlov K.O. ◽  
Blyskun O.O.

Метою дослідження є визначення особливостей суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя молодих співробітників в організації. Методи: аналізування та узагальнення результатів наукових досліджень; «Опитувальник параметрів суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя» (Т.В. Данильченко); методи математичної обробки даних, зокрема порівняльний аналіз за допомогою критерію кутового перетворення Фішера.Результати. Констатовано, що психологічне благополуччя є умовою, чинником та водночас критерієм успішної адаптації співробітника в організації. Визначено, що стан благополуччя створює сприятливі позитивні міжособистісні відносини, можливість спілкуватися, позитивні емоції, тому переважно йдеться про суб’єктивне соціальне благополуччя. Висновки. Виявлено відмінності у проявах показників суб’єктивного соціального благополуччя між групою молодих працівників, які перебувають у процесі трудової адаптації, та більш досвідченими співробітниками, які мають більший стаж роботи, а саме: за параметрами: соціальна помітність, соціальна дистантність, соціальне схвалення, соціальні переконання (р ≤ 0.05), тобто молоді співробітники вважають недостатньою свою соціальну значущість, соціальний престиж та авторитетність з погляду інших осіб; вони відчувають іноді соціальну ізольованість, відчуженість, незадоволеність соціальними стосунками; працююча молодь в оцінках своїх особистісних та професійних якостей переважно орієнтується на сторонні думки колег, керівництва, водночас має позитивні уявлення про якості, чесноти інших осіб та справедливість та контрольованість світу. Отримані дані є корисними для роботи з адаптації молодих працівників в організації.Ключові слова: суб’єктивне соціальне благополуччя, співробітники організації, працююча молодь, молоді співробітники, трудова адаптація. The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the subjective social well-being of young employees in the organization.Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific research results; “The questionnaire of parameters of subjective social well-being” (T.V. Danylchenko); methods of mathematical data processing, the comparative analysis by means of Fisher’s angular transformation criterion, in particular.Results. It has been stated that psychological well-being is a condition, factor, and, at the same time, a criterion of successful adaptation of an employee in the organization. It has been determined that the state of well-being creates favorable positive interpersonal relationships, a possibility to communicate, get positive emotions, satisfy a person’s need for that; therefore, it is mostly about subjective social well-being.Conclusions. Some differences have been revealed in the manifestations of the indicators of subjective social well-being between a group of young workers in the organization, who are in the process of labor adaptation, and more experienced employees, who have more work experience: social noticeability, social remoteness, social approval, social beliefs (p ≤ 0.05), that is, young employees consider their social significance insufficient, social prestige and authority from the point of view of other people; they sometimes feel social isolation, alienation, dissatisfaction with social relations; working youth, in assessing their personal and professional qualities, is mainly guided by the extraneous opinions of colleagues, directorship, and, at the same time, has positive ideas about qualities, virtues of other people, justice and positiveness of the world. The obtained data are useful for work on the adaptation of young employees in the organization.Key words: subjective social well-being, employees of the organization, working youth, young employees, labor adaptation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 524-532
Ferdinand Eskol Tiar Sirait

This article aims to examine the behavior of interpersonal interactions before and after digital media. The method of scientific articles uses descriptive qualitative methods through literature study, namely research based on literature studies and analysis of the development of problems in society. This study concludes that with interpersonal communication a person is more interested, so that creative ideas will grow for self-development. The presence of social media not only has an impact on interpersonal communication but also has an impact on interpersonal relationships. Social media has changed the attitude and style of a person, people who are initially friendly will experience changes to be ignorant of their surroundings because their attention has been diverted to social media. Changes in social relationships or changes as a balance (equilibrium) of social relations and all forms of changes in social institutions within a society, which affect the social system, including values, attitudes and behavior patterns among groups in society. Positive social changes such as obtaining information, obtaining social and economic benefits. Meanwhile, social changes that tend to be negative include social groups acting on behalf of religion, ethnicity and certain behavior patterns that sometimes deviate from existing norms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-85
Xintong Lu

Within Chinese societies, as in western ones, interpersonal relationships, which can also be called social relations, are one of the most important needs for human beings. Within universities, Interpersonal Communication Efficacy (ICE) has been regarded as having a direct influence on the psychological health of undergraduate students. Based upon the theory of Bandura’s self-efficacy and Xie Jing’s ICE, this article compares the extent of ICE between domestic and international students in a Chinese university. The aim is to identify the similarities and differences between the two research groups, and the implications for the stakeholders (students, teachers, policy-makers, and researchers). A case study was conducted using a questionnaire survey. By employing the methods of quantitative analysis, the questionnaires of 390 respondents were analysed by using variance analysis of SPSS software. The findings of the study reveal that Chinese students are more likely to pay attention to interpersonal communication, and are more interdependent than other international students. This implies the importance of teaching communication skills, improving interpersonal communication efficacy, and understanding teaching and learning across cultures within the ongoing internationalisation of education.

Zubayda Fozilovna Sharopova ◽  
Marat Normadovich Tojiboyev

In this article, kindness is the highest and most sincere love of a person for existence, the expression of individual high human feelings in society in an impressive, constant interpersonal social relationship, human kindness, its importance in social relations, categories, its evaluation through quantitative analysis, laughter, smiles, doing good, sincerity, helping, the emergence of mutual affection, but there are also factors that extinguish affection, such as slapping in the face, pushing from the chest, abusing, comparing to others, over-controlling, discrediting in front of others, not supporting when needed, in interpersonal relationships, especially today, to the child by the parents, the parents by the children, the grandchildren by the grandparents, the mother-in-law, the brothers, the relatives, methods of increasing the affection of members of society in general for each other have been analyzed. KEYWORDS: social relations, social roles, kindness, affection, environment of kindness, service, expression of kindness, contact and non-contact kindness categories.

Muhammad Thariq

This study intends to know "How can interpersonal communication build family resilience in the face of increasingly tough challenges"? To reveal the reality of the authors use qualitative methods. To get the data, the author uses three techniques of data collection that is observation, in-depth interview and documentation study. The results of this study found that interpersonal communication plays an important role in shaping family resilience and strengthen the functioning of families facing increasingly severe challenges. Interpersonal communication between parent and child through the giving of statements such as "Know your family and remember who you are", "we live not alone" and "remember neighbors, remember family" can form self concept or character of child and family in society as do parents to the children / family in Neighborhood 1 Pasar 6 Kelurahan Tanjungsari Kecamatan Medan Selayang, Medan City, North Sumatera Province. There are positive family relationships and actions built on the basis of conversation, conformity, dependency and distribution of powers derived from parents and children as in families in Neighborhood I Pasar 6 Tanjungsari Village, Kec. Medan Selayang, so as to build a warm and supportive relationship that is characterized by mutual respect and care for each other. With the capital of interpersonal communication, the family can function in building relationships between families and social relations in the form of arisan aged 20 years more. Finally, the family communication (old family) upholds family secrets and restrictions on taboo matters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (9) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Reynier Espinosa García ◽  
Elizabeth Guerra Roblejo ◽  
Maylin Yero Perea ◽  
Alisa Natividad Delgado Tornés ◽  

Discourses are viable mechanisms for the study of different positions in relation to certain objects and phenomena. As a form of social practice, discourses refer to agents, institutions and practices that are structured in certain contexts. This preliminary exploratory study analyzes the diverse discursive positions of young people in the face of the emerging social situation in the context of COVID-19. It was carried out from the perspective of the sociological analysis of discourse, in the perspective of socio-hermeneutical analysis. The object of study consisted of the provoked speeches of 13 young bayameses residing in an interval between the Urban Historic Center (calle 3 de Camilo Cienfuegos) and the northern periphery (calle 24 de Ciro Redondo), using the semi-structured interview technique. The results show some discursive positions regarding the perception of risk of contracting the pandemic, the main changes associated with hygiene standards, local initiatives, the protection of vulnerable groups, and the management evaluation of the information they receive. Key words: discourse analysis, discursive positions, COVID- 19, youth discourse.

2011 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70 ◽  
Leszek Koczanowicz

The Dialogical concept of consciousness in L.S. Vygotsky and G.H. Mead and its relevance for contemporary discussions on consciousness In my paper I show the relevance of cultural-activity theory for solving the puzzles of the concept of consciousness which encounter contemporary philosophy. I reconstruct the main categories of cultural-activity theory as developed by M.M. Bakhtin, L.S. Vygotsky, G.H. Mead, and J. Dewey. For the concept of consciousness the most important thing is that the phenomenon of human consciousness is consider to be an effect of intersection of language, social relations, and activity. Therefore consciousness cannot be reduced to merely sensual experience but it has to be treated as a complex process in which experience is converted into language expressions which in turn are used for establishing interpersonal relationships. Consciousness thus can be accounted for by its reference to objectivity of social relationships rather than to the world of physical or biological phenomena.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-57 ◽  
Christina Landman

A majority of the black community of Dullstroom-Emnotweni in the Mpumalanga highveld in the east of South Africa trace their descent back to the southern Ndebele of the so-called ‘Mapoch Gronden’, who lost their land in the 1880s to become farm workers on their own land. A hundred years later, in 1980, descendants of the ‘Mapoggers’ settled in the newly built ‘township’ of Dullstroom, called Sakhelwe, finding jobs on the railways or as domestic workers. Oral interviews with the inhabitants of Sakhelwe – a name eventually abandoned in favour of Dullstroom- Emnotweni – testify to histories of transition from landowner to farmworker to unskilled labourer. The stories also highlight cultural conflicts between people of Ndebele, Pedi and Swazi descent and the influence of decades of subordination on local identities. Research projects conducted in this and the wider area of the eMakhazeni Local Municipality reveal the struggle to maintain religious, gender and youth identities in the face of competing political interests. Service delivery, higher education, space for women and the role of faith-based organisations in particular seem to be sites of contestation. Churches and their role in development and transformation, where they compete with political parties and state institutions, are the special focus of this study. They attempt to remain free from party politics, but are nevertheless co-opted into contra-culturing the lack of service delivery, poor standards of higher education and inadequate space for women, which are outside their traditional role of sustaining an oppressed community.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-50
Aygul Fazlyeva ◽  
Aliya Akhmetshina

Children, brought up in foster families, experience various problems (diffi culties in interpersonal relationships with parents, diffi culties in communicating with peers, emotional instability), which lead to confl icts, quarrels, running away from home, destructive phenomena, etc. One of the eff ective forms of working with children brought up in foster families is individual counselling. Individual counselling is used by various specialists (psychologists, educators, psychotherapists), where a special place is taken by a social educator. His or her activity involves the implementation of social-protective, preventive, educational, informational, advisory functions. In the process of organizing individual counseling, the social educator takes into account the social situation of the family and the child, personal characteristics, social conditions, social and cultural characteristics and the nature of the relationship with the social environment. To organize individual counseling, a social educator needs to master various and eff ective techniques, and take into account a number of recommendations. An analysis of the literature and practical socio-pedagogical experience led to an understanding of the insuffi cient degree of elaboration of this issue. The purpose of this article was the solution to this problem.

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