scholarly journals Management of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis in a Patient with High Recurrence Frequency

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Sri Hernawati

RAS (Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis) is an inflammation of soft tissues of the oral cavity characterized by recurrent and painful ulcers. These lesions can be marked early on with a burning sensation, and when the wound has formed, the pain is getting worse. Occasional symptoms of precursors, paresthesia and hyperesthesia, are sometimes reported. Pain and discomfort arise along movement around the ulcer e.g. eating, talking and swallowing. Characteristics of RAS are usually single or multiple ulcers occurring recursively on the oral mucosa, round or oval in shape, clearly demarcated, with a grayish-yellow necrotic center and reddish edges. Lesions occur at young ages i.e. children and puberty, and may occur in adults as well. Ulcers usually last in 1 week or month. This disorder is classified into three categories according to size i.e. recurrent aphthous stomatitis minor, major and herpetiformis. The aim of this report is to show the management of cases of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis Minor on the left side of tongue, left buccal mucosa, and lower labial mucosa in female patient aged 19 years. A 19-year-old female patient came to the Dental Hospital of Jember University with complaints of thrush on the left side of her tongue, left buccal mucosa and lower labial mucosa, pain, and feeling disturbed due to the pain when eating, talking, and laughing. In this case, the diagnosis showed Recurrent Aphthous Minor Stomatitis on the left side of the tongue, left buccal mucosa, and lower labial mucosa. The therapy was using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory mouthwash containing aloe Vera and hyaluronic acid as well as giving multivitamin of becomzet (vitamin B complex, A, C, E, and Zinc). Keywords: recurrent aphthous stomatitis; high recurrence

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 45
Rina Kartika Sari ◽  
Diah Savitri Ernawati ◽  
Bagus Soebadi

Background: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is inflammation in oral mucosa characterized by recurrent single or multiple ulcers that usually affected in non keratinized mucosa. Etiology RAS is unknown but psychological stress, allergy, and gastrointestinal disease can be predisposing factors Case Management: A 23rd years old complained recurrent oral ulcer with free ulcer period for 3-5 days. The patient had a history of food allergy, GERD and psychological stress. Intraoral examination showed recurrent multiple ulcers in variation site of the mouth. DASS 42 screening showed high stress and high anxiety. Skin Prick Test showed positive allergy to kapok, beef, chicken, cow milk, white egg, duck egg, shrimp, cob fish, milkfish, chocolate, and peanut. Ulcers treated with nonsteroid antiinflammation Aloe Vera gel and stress management by reading assignment method.Discussion: Psychological stress altered the immune system so oral mucosa prone to inflammation, and make the history of GERD getting worse. Stress causes cortisol secretion that changes the imbalance of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines. Oral mucosa becomes more susceptible to hypersensitivity. In addition, stress decreased oral and esophageal mucosa resistance to GERDConclusion: RAS triggered by psychological stress, allergy, and GERD. Treatment of RAS is by elimination predisposing factors to prevent recurrence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-187
Indah Suasani Wahyuni ◽  
Irna Sufiawati ◽  
Wipawee Nittayananta ◽  
Irma Melyani Puspitasari ◽  
Jutti Levita

Oral mucosal inflammation is one of the oral diseases causing pain and reducing the quality of human life. The types of oral mucosal inflammation that commonly found were recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) and oral mucositis (OM). Anti-inflammatory drugs, both synthetic and plant-based, have been used to treat RAS and OM. Plant-based drugs have been attracted the attention of some researchers to minimize the side effects of synthetic drugs. However, a comprehensive review addressing the use of plant-based drugs for RAS and OM therapy, including drug formulation and species of plant, has not yet been reported. Here, we reported the article review of 9 publications derived from the databases of PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and other additional relevant works, in order to find the effectiveness and safety of plant-based drugs for RAS and OM therapy. This review was written by following the PRISMA guidelines, and the risk of bias of the articles was evaluated using the Oxford Quality Scoring System. It was found that the effective and safe drugs for RAS therapy contained acemannan from Aloe vera and curcumin from Curcuma longa, both in an oral gel formulation. For OM therapy, drugs contained curcumin from Curcuma longa; licorice from Glycyrrhiza glabra; Aloe vera and black mulberry from Morus nigra, in soft tablet, mouthwash solution or mucoadhesive film formulation. In conclusion, the most effective and safest plant-based therapy for RAS is Acemannan 0.5% in oral gel, whereas for OM is Licorice root extract 0.18 mg in mucoadhesive film.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
Aliny Thaisy Araújo Costa ◽  
Júlia Kiara da Nóbrega Holanda ◽  
Lara Danúbia Galvão de Souza ◽  
Lorena Layanne Pereira Custódio ◽  
Louise de Araújo Rodas ◽  

A utilização de extratos de plantas medicinais, como a Camomila (Matricaria chamomilla) e a Babosa (Aloe vera), no desenvolvimento de formulações para tratamento de lesões como a úlcera aftosa recorrente apresentam menos efeitos colaterais e tóxicos para o organismo, exibindo inúmeras propriedades (anti-inflamatória, cicatrizante, etc.), vantagens e custo benefício satisfatórios para pacientes. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender o uso da Babosa e Camomila em úlceras, através de buscas em bancos de dados computadorizados e livros para elaboração de revisão narrativa de literatura. As bases de dados utilizadas foram Google Acadêmico, PubMed e LILACS, acessadas no período de novembro e dezembro de 2018. Critérios de inclusão foram publicações entre 2000 a 2018, em inglês e português, utilizando os descritores: Aloe vera, Matricaria chamomilla, estomatite aftosa, odontologia. O uso da Aloe vera pode ser opção eficaz na promoção da redução de úlcera através de efeito anti-inflamatório, de re-epitelização, ativação de fibroblastos e propriedades imunomoduladoras, podendo contribuir para cicatrização de feridas. Estudos mostraram que pacientes portadores de úlceras aftosas recorrentes, que fizeram uso da pomada à base de extrato fluido de Matricaria recutita (Ad-Muc®), com proposta ação anti-inflamatória, antibacteriana e propriedades auxiliadoras na cicatrização de lesões da mucosa bucal, obtiveram sucesso terapêutico em 94% dos casos. Assim, conclui-se que a utilização de tais fitoterápicos mostra-se necessária e promissora dentro da odontologia e outras áreas de saúde, visando o desenvolvimento de métodos alternativos de tratamento cada vez mais eficazes. Entretanto, mais estudos clínicos precisam ser realizados para confirmar esta utilização em seres humanos.Descritores: Aloe; Matricaria; Estomatite Aftosa; Odontologia.ReferênciasAleluia CM, Procópio VC, Oliveira MTG, Furtado PGS, Giovannini JFG, Mendonça SMS. Fitoterápicos na Odontologia. Rev Odontol Univ Cid São Paulo. 2015;27(2):126.Brasil. Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde, Departamento de Atenção Básica. Práticas integrativas e complementares: plantas medicinais e fitoterapia na Atenção Básica. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2012.Borges FV, Sales MDC. Políticas públicas de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos no Brasil: sua história no sistema de saúde. Pensar Acadêmico. 2018;16(1):13-27.Monteiro MH, Fraga S. Fitoterapia na odontologia: levantamento dos principais produtos de origem vegetal para saúde bucal. Fitos. 2015;9(4):253-303.Gupta V, Mittal P, Bansal P, Khokra SL, Kaushik D. Pharmacological potential of Matricaria recutita-A review. Int J Pharm Sci Drug Res. 2010;2(1):12-6.Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CM, Chi AC. Patologia Oral e Maxilofacial. 4 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier; 2016.Fonseca CME, Quirino MRS, Patrocínio MC, Anbinder AL. Effects of Chamomilla recutita (L.) on oral wound healing in rats. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011;16(6):e716-21.Catão MHCV, Silva MSP, Silva ADL, Costa RO. Estudos clínicos com plantas medicinais no tratamento de afecções bucais: uma revisão de literatura. UNOPAR Cient Ciênc Biol Saúde 2012;14(4):279-85.Costa GBF, Castro JFL. Etiologia e tratamento da estomatite aftosa recorrente - revisão de literatura. Medicina (Ribeirao Preto Online). 2013;46(1):1.Miziara ID. O tratamento da estomatite aftóide recorrente ainda intriga. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(2):96.Azul AM, Trancoso PF. Patologia mais frequente da mucosa oral. Rev Port Clin Geral. 2006;22(3):369-77.Ximenes Filho JA, Miziara ID. Estomatite aftóide recorrente: atualização no tratamento. Arq Fund Otorrinolaringol. 2001;5(4):199-201.Quijano D, Rodríguez M. Corticoides tópicos en la estomatitis aftosa recurrente. Revisión sistemática. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2008;59(6):298-307.Weckx LLM, Hirata CHW, Abreu MAMM, Fillizolla VC, Silva OMP. Levamisol não previne lesões de estomatite aftosa recorrente: um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(2):132-38.Gorsky M, Epstein J, Rabenstein S, Elishoov H, Yarom N. Topical minocycline and tetracycline rinses in treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a randomized cross-over study. Dermatol Online J. 2007;13(2):1.Mimura MAM, Hirota SK, Sugaya NN, Sanches Jr JA, Migliari DA. Systemic treatment in severe cases of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: an open trial. Clinics (São Paulo). 2009;64(3):193-98.Gorsky M, Epstein J, Raviv A, Yaniv R, Truelove E. Topical minocycline for managing symptoms of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Spec Care Dentist. 2008;28(1):27-31.Lorenzi H, Matos FJA. Plantas medicinais no brasil - nativas e exóticas. Nova Odessa: Instituto Plantarum; 2002.Baracuhy J, Furtado D, Francisco PR, Lima J, Pereira J. Plantas Medicinais de uso comum no Nordeste do Brasil. Plantas Medicinais de uso comum no Nordeste do Brasil. Campina Grande: UFCG; 2016.Surjushe A, Vasani R, Saple DG. Aloe vera: A short review. Indian J Dermatol. 2008;53(4):163-66.Rodríguez-González V, Femenia A, González-Laredo R, Rocha-Guzmán N, Gallegos-Infante J, Candelas-Cadillo M et al. Effects of pasteurization on bioactive polysaccharide acemannan and cell wall polymers from Aloe barbadensis Miller. Carbohydr Polym. 2011;86(4):1675-83.El-Batal AI, Ahmed SF. Therapeutic effect of Aloe vera and silver nanoparticles on acid-induced oral ulcer in gamma-irradiated mice. Braz oral res. 2018;32:e0004.Babaee N, Zabihi E, Mohseni S, Moghadamnia AA. Evaluation of the therapeutic effects of Aloe vera gel on minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Dent Res J(Isfhan). 2012;9(4):381-85.Oliveira BP. Teor e composição química do óleo essencial em amostras comerciais de camomila Matricaria chamomilla L [tese doutorado]. Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa; 2012.Singh O, Khanam Z, Misra N, Srivastava MK. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): An overview. Pharmacogn Rev. 2011;5(9):82-95.Stanojevic LP, Marjanovic-Balaban ZR, Kalaba VD, Stanojevic JS, Cvetkovic DJ. Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of chamomile flowers essential oil (Matricaria chamomilla L.). J Essent Oil Bear Pl. 2016;19(8):2017-28.Wehba C, Fernandes F, Oppi EC. Aplicação de pomada a base de extrato de camomila como coadjuvante na redução de sintomatologia dolorosa das lesões ulceradas de mucosa oral. RBM Rev Bras Med. 2008;65(5):129-32.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-149
Kovac I.V., Kravchenko L.I., Gargin V.V.

Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis (CRAS) belongs to the group of chronic, inflammatory, ulcerative diseases of the oral mucosa. The aim of this study was to identify the morphofunctional peculiarities in chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis with therapeutical correction in soft tissues of the oral cavity of experimental animals in the modeling of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. We performed experimental investigation for study of the morpho-functional state of tissues of the oral mucosa in CRAS and formed three groups of animals (rabbits) with different methods of treatment. Histological investigation have been performed. Conclusion of our research is that correction of tissual changes in chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis could be obtained with application of gel with β-carotene, α-tocopherol, a mixture of vegetable oils; with ozone therapy and their combination.Keywords: chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, histology, experiment. АннотацияКовач И.В., Кравченко Л.И., Гаргин В.В*.Морфофункциональные особенности тканей ротовой полости при хроническом рецидивирующем афтозном стоматите с терапевтической коррекциейХронический рецидивирующий афтозный стоматит относится к группе хронических, воспалительных, язвенных заболеваний слизистой оболочки полости рта. Целью данного исследования явилось выявление морфофункциональных особенностей мягких тканей ротовой полости экспериментальных животных при моделировании хронического рецидивирующего афтозного стоматита с терапевтической коррекцией. Мы моделировали хронический рецидивирующий афтозный стоматит и изучили морфо-функциональное состояние тканей слизистой оболочки полости рта сформировав три группы животных (кроликов) с различными методами лечения. Было проведено гистологическое исследование. Вывод наших исследований заключается в том, что коррекция тканевых изменений при хроническом рецидивирующем афтозном стоматите может быть получена при применении геля с бета-каротином, альфа-токоферолом, смесью растительных масел, кроме этого при озонотерапии и комбинации указанных методов.Ключевые слова: хронический рецидивирующий афтозный стоматит, гистология, эксперимент. АнотаціяКовач І.В., Кравченко Л.І., Гаргін В.В.*Морфофункціональні особливості тканин ротової порожнини при хронічному рецидивуючому афтозний стоматит з терапевтичної корекцією Хронічний рецидивний афтозний стоматит відноситься до групи хронічних, запальних, виразкових захворювань слизової оболонки порожнини рота. Метою даного дослідження було виявлення морфофункціональних особливостей м'яких тканин ротової порожнини експериментальних тварин при моделюванні хронічного рецидивуючого афтозного стоматиту з терапевтичної корекцією. Ми моделювали хронічний рецидивний афтозний стоматит і вивчали морфо-функціональний стан тканин слизової оболонки порожнини рота сформувавши три групи тварин (кроликів) з різними методами лікування. Було проведено гістологічне дослідження. Висновок наших досліджень полягає в тому, що корекція тканинних змін при хронічному рецидивуючому афтозному стоматит може бути отримана при застосуванні гелю з бета-каротином, альфа-токоферолом, сумішшю рослинних масел, крім цього при озонотерапії та комбінації вказаних методів.Ключові слова: хронічний рецидивуючий афтозний стоматит, гістологія, експеримент.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Amelia Thantawi ◽  
Khairiati . ◽  
Mela Meri Nova ◽  
Sri Marlisa ◽  
Abu Bakar

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth that is characterized by recurrent ulcers. SAR is clinically divided into three types, ie recurrent aphthous stomatitis minor, major and herpetiform. Clinical features of minor types usually with a diameter of about 2-4 mm with yellow-gray base and surrounded by an erythematous halo, affects mainly the non-keratinized mobile mucosae such as lips and tongue, a few ulcers (1-5) or multiple at a time, minor ulcers usually heal within 10-14 days without scarring. Early lesions on the SAR is usually felt by people as burning, followed by extremely pain. The aetiology of RAS is unknown, but associated with a variety of predisposing such as menstrual cycle and trauma. Case management is topical steroids, topical antiseptic and vitamins C to relieve the symptoms and fasten healing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 237
Dewi Zakiawati ◽  
Nanan Nur'aeny ◽  
Riani Setiadhi

Introduction: Oral ulceration defines as discontinuity of the oral mucosa caused by the damage of both epithelium and lamina propria. Among other types of lesions, ulceration is the most commonly found lesion in the oral mucosa, especially in the outpatient unit. Oral Medicine Integrated Installation (OMII) Department in Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital serves as the centre of oral health and education services, particularly in handling outpatient oral medicine cases. This research was the first study done in the Department which aimed to observe the distribution of oral ulceration in OMII Department university Dental Hospital. The data is essential in studying the epidemiology of the diseases. Methods: The research was a descriptive study using the patient’s medical data between 2010 and 2012. The data were recorded with Microsoft® Excel, then analysed and presented in the table and diagram using GraphPad Prism® Results: During the study, the distribution of oral ulceration cases found in OMII Department was 664 which comprises of traumatic ulcers, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, angular cheilitis, herpes simplex, herpes labialis, and herpes zoster. Additionally, more than 50% of the total case was recurrent aphthous stomatitis, with a precise number of 364. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the OMII Department in university Dental Hospital had been managing various oral ulceration cases, with the most abundant cases being recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

Yan Shi ◽  
Kehong Wei ◽  
Jiachen Lu ◽  
Jing Wei ◽  
Xiaojing Hu ◽  

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common disorder in the oral mucosa that affects the daily quality of life of patients, and there is currently no specific treatment. In the present study, we developed aloe vera fermentation gel under the action of probiotics on aloe vera. In total, 35 patients with the history of aphthous stomatitis were enrolled to explore the potential benefits of aloe vera fermentation gel to treat RAS, and the healing-promotion effects were recorded and compared; microbial compositions in different groups were tested by high-throughput sequencing. Our results indicated that the duration of healing time of the aloe group showed potentially better effects because of the higher proportion of 4–6 day healing time (35% vs. 20%) and lower proportion of 7–10 day healing time (65% vs. 80%) compared with that of the chitosan group. Also, the use of aloe vera fermentation gel could return oral bacteria to normal levels and reduce the abundance of harmful oral bacteria including Actinomyces, Granulicatella, and Peptostreptococcus. These results suggest that aloe vera fermentation gel has the ability to treat patients with RAS and has positive prospects in clinical applications.


The objective was to describe and recommend the most effective combination of Natural-Based Product (NBP) and mucoadhesive for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) treatment. This systematic review writing was based on PRISMA guidelines. The articles published in the last 10 y were selected using PubMed and Google Scholar database carried out during May 2021. The keywords were: natural-based product, mucoadhesive, and Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. The risk of bias was assessed using the Oxford Quality Scoring System. Six articles of Randomized Controlled Trial were selected. The NBP were: Aloe vera, Myrrh, Curcuma longa, propolis, ginger, Punica granatum flower, and sesame oil. The drug’s formulation was: gel, film, and spray. The mucoadhesive polymers as vehicles were Hydroxy Propyl Ethyl Cellulose (HPEC), Hydroxy Propyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Benzocaine, Tragacanth Gum, Carbomer 934, Sodium CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose), and chitosan. Curcuma longa 10 mg/g with HPMC was the most effective to relieve pain, while Punica granatum flower extract with Carbomer 934 and Sodium CMC was the most effective to reduce the ulcer size in RAS. Both of the formulations were in gel form.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1318-1323
Taufik Septiyan ◽  
Gofarana Wilar ◽  
Nasrul Wathoni

A mouth ulcer or recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a mouth mucous tissue inflammation. This disease mainly occurs in patients 10-40 years of age, preferably in women and high socioeconomic backgrounds. The cause of mouth ulcers or RAS could be trauma, infection, digestive problems, or blood disorders. Herbal practitioners widely use herbs, folks, and society to treat various diseases. This research aimed to describe the herbal treatment for RAS. The review results show there are nine plants with the ability to cure RAS, they are Persea americana Mill., Averrhoa bilimbi L., Abrus precatorius Linn., Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze., Psidium guajava L., Kaempferia galanga Linn., Aloe vera, Curcuma longa and Citrus hystrix DC. The most parameters used in the studies are clinical trials and in vitro tests.

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