scholarly journals Effectiveness of Three Terminating Products on Reducing the Residual Moisture in Dwarf Castor Plants: A Preliminary Study of Direct Mechanical Harvesting in Central Greece

Agronomy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
Francesco Latterini ◽  
Walter Stefanoni ◽  
Chris Cavalaris ◽  
Christos Karamoutis ◽  
Luigi Pari ◽  

The contribution of castor oil for reaching the targets set by RED1 and RED2 in Europe can be tangible if the problem related to the mechanical harvesting is overcome. Dwarf hybrids suitable for mechanical harvesting are already available on the market but the residual moisture of plants and capsules has to be lowered in order to allow mechanization. In the present case of study, three common terminating products (Glyphosate GLY, Diquat DIQ and Spotlight DEF) were tested on Kaiima C1012 hybrid in a complete randomized block design to assess the effectiveness of using chemical products to decrease residual moisture in castor plants. Plants were harvested via combine harvester equipped with cereal header to evaluate seed loss (due to dehiscence, impact and cleaning shoe) and the dehulling capacity of the combine harvester’s cleaning shoe. DIQ decreased significantly moisture content of capsules (7.32%) in comparison to the other treatments, while the lowest plant moisture was recorded in DIQ (62.38%) and GLY (59.12%). The use of DIQ triggered the highest impact seed loss (61.75%) in comparison with GLY (46.50%) and DEF (29.02%). Control plants could not be harvested mechanically due to the high residual moisture content and high density of weeds. The present case of study provides highlights regarding the need to further investigate the best practice to terminate castor plants and to develop a specific combine header to reduce seed loss from impact.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-243
Raudhatul Aiyuni ◽  
Heru Prono Widayat ◽  
Syarifah Rohaya

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu pengeringan kulit buah naga dan konsentrasi penambahan jahe terhadap teh herbal serta mengetahui tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah suhu pengeringan (T) yaitu T1 = 50⁰C, T2 = 60⁰C, T3 = 70⁰C. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi jahe (J) yaitu J1= 0%, J2= 10%, J3= 14%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu pengeringan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P≤0,01) terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, dan nilai organoleptik warna teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe yang dihasilkan, dan berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa. Konsentrasi jahe (J) berpengaruh sangat nyata (P≤0,01) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe, dan berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap kadar air, dan nilai organoleptik warna. Interaksi suhu pengeringan dengan konsentrasi jahe (T×J) berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh perlakuan terbaik yaitu perlakuan dengan suhu pengeringan 50OC (T1) dan penambahan konsentrasi jahe 14% (J3) memiliki kadar air 10,89%, kadar abu 5,85%, aktivitas antioksidan 59,05% dan total fenol 6,07 mg GAE/g bahan. Utilization Of Waste Dragon Fruit Peel (Hylocereus Costaricensis) In The Production Of Herbal Tea With Additional Ginger Abstract. The purpose of this study was to know the impact of dried temperature and concentration additional of ginger and also to know the level of accept consumen for herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) Faktorial two factors. The first factor is dried temperature (T) that is T1 = 50⁰C, T2 = 60⁰C, T3 = 70⁰C. Factor II is consentration to add ginger (J) that is J1= 0%, J2= 10%, J3= 14%. The result of it showed that dried temperature obviously affected (P ≤ 0.01) on the moisture content, ash content, and sensory evaluation of color herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger, and obviously affected (P≤0,05) to the sensory evaluation of taste. While, the ginger consentration obviously affected (P ≤ 0.01) on the sensory evaluation of taste herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger, and obviously affected (P≤0,05) on the moisture content, and sensory evaluation of color. The interaction type of dried temperature with the ginger consentration obviously affected (P≤0,05) on the on the sensory evaluation of taste herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger. The best treatment is obtained from dried temperature 50°C (T1) and the addition of ginger concentration of 14% (J3) that product moisture content of  10,89%, ash content 5,85%,  antioxidant activity 59,05% and total phenol 6.07 mg GAE / g of material.

Tika Kusmaryanti ◽  
Ratna Ibrahim ◽  
Putut Har Riyadi

ABSTRAK   Usaha penyamakan kulit ikan Pari umumnya dilakukan oleh usaha kecil menengah dan hanya menggunakan metode aldehid dengan bahan samak formalin, Selain itu juga belum diketahui kualitas kulit ikan Pari Mondol tersamak yang menggunakan bahan samak krom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan penggunaan jenis bahan penyamak terhadap kualitas fisik dan kimiawi kulit ikan Pari Mondol tersamak. Materi penelitian berupa kulit ikan Pari Mondol (Himantura gerrardi) dan bahan samak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental laboratoris. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan perlakuan bahan samak yang berbeda, yaitu formalin, krom, dan kombinasi. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Variabel mutu yang diamati adalah kekuatan tarik, kemuluran, kekuatan sobek, ketebalan, suhu kerut, ketahanan bengkuk (bengkok), pH dan kadar air. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan perbedaan diantara perlakuan diuji dengan Uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan bahan penyamak menyebabkan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek dan ketebalan tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai pH, kadar air dan ketahanan bengkuk. Produk yang terbaik yaitu kulit ikan Pari Mondol yang disamak dengan bahan samak kombinasi antara krom dan mimosa, yang sebagian persyaratan mutunya sudah memenuhi persyaratan mutu kulit ikan Pari tersamak menurut SNI 06-6121-1999.   Kata kunci: Kualitas, kulit Ikan Pari, penyamak     ABSTRACT  Meanwhile the quality of Stingray tanned leather which using chrome tannin materials was not yet known. This research aims to determine the effect of different types used tannin materials towards physical and chemical quality of Stingray leather quality. The materials used in this research isStingray (Himantura gerrardi) skin and tannin materials. The study was conducted with laboratory experimental method. The experiments was designed according to the Randomized Block Design with different tanning materials (formalin, chrome, and chrome-combination). Each treatment was done with in triplicate. The quality variables that measured were tensile strength, elongation, tear strength, thickness, shrinkage temperature, bent resistance, pH and moisture content. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance. To find the difference between treatments, the data were tested with Honestly Significant Difference Test . The results showed that various of tannin materials gave significant effects to the values of tensile strength, tear strength and thickness however there was not any significant effect on bent resistance, moisture content and pH value. The best product were Stingray tanned leather with chrome-combination tannin material, which partially quality requirements has been comply with Stingray tanned leather quality requirements according to SNI. Keywords: Quality, stingray skin, tanning

Supti Mallick ◽  
H. M. Zakir ◽  
M. S. Alam

A pot experiment was conducted at the net house of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period of November, 2017 to March, 2018 to optimize different levels of Zn and B for better growth and yield attributes of tomato (cv. Ruma VF). The experiment included two factors [factor- A viz., control (Zn0 ), Zn @ 4.0 kg ha-1 (Zn4),  Zn @ 6.0 kg ha-1 (Zn6) and Zn @ 8.0 kg ha-1 (Zn8) and factor B viz., control (B0), B @ 2.0 kg ha-1 (B2) and B @ 3.0 kg ha-1 (B3)], which was laid out in a completely randomized block design with 4 replications, thus total number of pots were 48. Zinc sulphate and boric acid were applied as the source of Zn and B that were applied during pot preparation along with recommended doses of N, P, K and S. The study revealed that application of different doses of Zn increased number of flower clusters plant-1 at 80 days after transplanting, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of fruits plant-1 and yield of tomato up to 4.0 kg ha-1. Similarly, application of B @ 2.0 kg ha-1 produced the highest number of flower clusters plant-1, fruit length and fruit diameter. On the other hand, the highest number of fruits plant-1 and yield of tomato were obtained by the application of B @ 3.0 kg ha-1 which was statistically similar to the application of B @ 2.0 kg ha-1. Combined application of Zn and B, @ 4.0 and 2.0 kg ha-1, respectively appeared as the best practice for better growth and yield of tomato, and therefore it may be recommended to boost up tomato productivity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 119
Veronicah Njeri ◽  
Monica Mburu ◽  
Kipkorir Koskei

Chia seeds are functional food that have been considered highly nutritious. They have high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acid content therefore counteract lifestyle disorder such as cardiovascular diseases. This study sought to determine the level of mould contamination in chia seeds; enumeration and characterization of the types of molds and quantification of mycotoxin level, for chia seeds grown and sold in Kenya. A complete randomized block design with triplicates was used in the study. Samples were collected at random from farmers and distributors in Nyeri, Nakuru, Busia and Trans Nzoia counties. Moulds species were isolated from PDA and MEA Medias and morphological characteristics was determined under X 40 magnification power. Mould counts were found to be between 1.33 X 103cfu/ml to 2.67 X 103cfu/ml. Mould characterization done by microscopic and macroscopic technique showed evidence of Rhizopus spp, Trichoderma spp and Fusarium spp. Amongst the three genera found, Rhizopus spp was the predominantly occurring mould. The percentage moisture content of chia seeds samples ranged from 6.49±1.26 and 9.16±0.43. Significant variations on moisture content (p< 0.05) were observed among chia samples from different farmers. Aflatoxin was not detected in all chia samples. It can therefore be concluded that the chia samples were not contaminated with aflatoxin although different species of mold were present. Farmers need to be trained on proper postharvest handling methods of chia seeds, as well as proper storage and an objective method of analyzing the moisture content of the chia seeds need to be developed.

Jacques Djodda ◽  
Elias Nukenine Nchiwan ◽  
Pierre Ngassam ◽  
Bouba Djilé

Introduction: Among cereals, Sorghum is the most consumed as food in the Far North of Cameroon. Muskuwari, which is an off season sorghum, plays a key role in the regulation of its availability. On the other hand, stem borers (Sesamia cretica Lederer) constitute a major constraint, compromise its yield and reduce cereal supply. Despite this fact, ecological control measures to reduce losses are still little known. Objective: The present research aimed at evaluating the susceptibility of ten local varieties of Muskuwari against Lepidoptera stem borers in natural conditions. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted during the 2012 and 2013 agricultural campaign at Ngassa, a locality of Maroua. Methodology: Experimentation was carried out in a Completely Randomized Block design with tree replications. Ten local varieties were then under natural infestations. Degrees of infestation were estimated by visual observation and destructive methods. Each year, Seed losses in term of percentage of total harvest loosed, were estimated from 30 ears per variety randomly selected from infested and uninfected plants. Results: The results showed a large variation in agronomic performance depending on the parameters considered. Mandouéri, Bourgouri, Tchangalari and Soukatari with infestation rates ranging from 4% to 11% and seed losses ranging from 0.96% to 23.42% are more tolerant or less susceptible than other varieties while Safra’s varieties are always the most susceptible to stem borers with over to 40% seed loss. Conclusion: The study showed there are resistant or tolerant varieties of Muskuwari able to cope with the attacks of stem borers not exploited to mitigate damages. Degree of infestation, seed loss, number of caterpillars and gallery length per plant are suitable parameters for varietal screening of stem borer resistance. Since varietal resistance is an ecological and easily adoptable option, investigations that could lead to Muskuwari varietal improvement could boost cereal supplly in the Far North Region of Cameroon.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Maribel Apodaca-Martínez ◽  
Victor Manuel Cetina Alcalá ◽  
Jesús Jasso-Mata ◽  
Miguel Ángel López-López ◽  
Héctor González-Rosas ◽  

<p><strong>Backgraund</strong>: The low availability, low percentage of germination, pests, and juvenile period higher than 25 years, are the problems to propagate C. pentadactylon by seed.</p><p><strong>Hypothesis</strong>: There is morphophysiological variation of the seeds between trees and the pregerminative treatments increase the percentage and speed of germination in seeds with six months of storage at room temperature.</p><p><strong>Species studied</strong>: Chiranthodendron pentadactylon Larreat.</p><p><strong>Study site and year of study</strong>: Postgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Campus Montecillo, Estado de  Mexico, Mex. June, 2016</p><p><strong>Methods</strong>: The moisture content, the viability and the effect of pregerminative treatments on the percentage and speed of germination of the seeds were determined. A randomized block design was used. The random blocks included the treatments: 1 (mechanical scarification + cold stratification at 5 ° C for 5 days), 2 (mechanical scarification + imbibition for 12 h), 3 (mechanical scarification + cut at the base of the seed) and 4 (control). The treatments were randomized within each block.</p><p><strong>Results</strong>: The moisture content was less than 10 % and the viability was 100 %. Significant differences between treatments were found for germination percent. The Tukey test (α = 0.05) showed differences between pregerminative treatments 1, 2 and 3 with respect to T4. Germination speed recorded the highest value in treatment 3.</p><p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: With treatments 1, 2 or 3, more than 77 % germination was obtained. Treatment 3 showed greater germination speed, which is important for seedling production.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-97
Sugito Sugito ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto ◽  
Arfah Arfah

The objective of research was to determine the effect of slice thickness and frying temperature on the physical, chemical and sensorycharacteristics of pumpkin chips by vacuum frying method. Research used a Factorial Completely Randomized Block Design with 2 treatments and 3 replications. A factor (the slice thickness: 1, 2, and 3 mm) and B factor (frying temperature : 80, 90, and 100oC). The results showed that the slice thickness had significant effect on the crispy texture, yield, and water content of pumpkin chips. The temperature had significant effect on the lightness, chroma, crispy texture, yield, and moisture content. Interaction slice thickness and temperature had significant effect on the water content of pumpkin chips. A3B3 treatment (slice thickness 3 mm and frying temperature 100oC) was the best treatment with physical characteristic (yield 17.47%, crispy texture 183.6 gf, colour with 54.63% lightness, 42.17% chroma and 54.90o hue), chemical cha-racteristic (1.63% water content, 8.08% ash content) and sensory characteristics by scoring preferences 3.48 crispy texture, 3.2 flavour, 2 colour and 3.32 taste. A3B3 treatment had 1.58 dissoluble fiber content, 12.92 mg/mL IC50 antioxidant activity, 21.90 fat rate,1.46 ppm total carotene.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Alfajri Ula Ashfarina ◽  
Noor Harini ◽  
Listiari Hendraningsih

The extraction of carrageenan by Eucheumma cottonii using siwalan neera as a solvent which contains pottasium 236mg per 100g and others mineral. Carragenan extract applied on pineapple jelly drink powder as a gelling agent by different concentration. This research was conducted into two stages by 3 times repitition. First, carrageenan extraction using a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is the ratio of seaweed with neera siwalan (S) (1:10, 1:20, 1:30) and second factor is extraction time (T) (60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes). Extract of carrageenan was analyzed on yield, viscosity, gel strength, moisture content and ash content. The second stage is application of carrageenan extract on pineapple jelly drink powder (K) with carrageenan concentration differently (K) of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%. The parameters analyzed in the second stage are viscosity, gel strength, syneresis, and organoleptic (taste, suction power, and mouthfeel). The results shows that there was a significant effect on the Siwalan neera ratio on the carrageenan produced on yield, viscosity, gel strength, water content. The best carrageenan at stage 1 was produced from the treatment of seaweed and neera siwalan ratio 1:30 with extraction time of 120 minutes (S3T3), namely yield 82.87%, moisture content 15.3%, ash content 15.97%, gel strength 102.95 g/cm2 and 5,3 cP viscosity. The addition of the best extract carrageenan to pineapple jelly drink and it was obtained the best result namely the addition of carrageenan 1% (K2) with viscosity of 2.3 cP, gel strength 8.6615 g/cm2, sineresis (24 hours) 0.9183%, sineresis (48 Hours) 3.5430%, and sineresis (72 Hours) 5.1905%, taste 3.3 (enough in tasting), suction power 3.75 (easy to suck) and mouthfeel 2.9 (enough to feel the gel).

Enzyme Modified Cheese (EMC) is the cheese flavor that was being made through an accelerated enzymatic process by biochemical processes that occur on protein and fat in natural cheese. The research objective is to determine the effect of stirring speed and temperature of fermentation in the manufacture of Enzyme Modified Cheese (EMC) that was made with raw materials Cheddar cheese. The benefits of this research are as diversification to dairy products thereby increasing the economic value and flavor. The study consisted of preliminary and primary research. The preliminary study aims to determine the optimal fermentation time consisting of 6 hours, 8 hours and 10 hours in the manufacturing of Enzyme Modified Cheese (EMC) that taken for the reference for main research. The main research aims to determine the stirring speed and optimal fermentation temperature for the manufacture of Enzyme Modified Cheese (EMC). Stirring speed used was 50 RPM, 60 RPM, and 70 RPM, while the fermentation besides, temperature used was 400C, 450C, and 500C. The experimental design to be used in the research was (3x3) factorial in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Preliminary and primary research responses include chemical response that consists of a water amount, protein amount and fat amount, as well as sensory responses to the aroma and flavor. Based on the results of this study concluded that the sample was selected from the preliminary study is a sample with a fermentation time of 10 hours. Results of a major study presented stirring speed factors affect the water amount, fat amount, aroma and flavor. Fermentation temperature factors affect the water amount, fat amount, aroma and flavor. The interaction between the rate of stirring and the temperature of fermentation affect the water amount, protein amount, aroma and flavor.

Widya Karina Wijono ◽  
Teti Estiasih

The addition of carbohydrates on gluten meat analogue has the potency to improve texture, such as lesser yam flour. It can be processed by steaming and baking. This study aimed to determine, analyze, evaluate the effect of cooking methods (steaming and baking) and substitution of lesser yam tuber flour (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) on the texture of meat analogue and chemical properties only for the best meat analogue. This study used Randomized Block Design, Nested Design of 3 replications with 2 factors, levels of lesser yam tuber flour nested in cooking methods. The texture of meat analogue was compared to beef texture. The results showed that the cooking method affected hardness and cohesiveness significantly. The substitution of lesser yam tuber flour significantly affected hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewability. The best steamed meat analogue was at 5% substitution level of lesser yam tuber flour, contain of 49.79% moisture content, 28.39% protein, 17.04% carbohydrates, 2.57% ash, 2.21% fat and red grayish color. The best baked meat analogue was at 0% substitution level of lesser yam tuber flour, contain of 48.64% moisture content, 29.87% protein, 16.89% carbohydrates, 2.60% ash, 2.00% fat and red grayish color. The steamed meat analogue was more similar to beef, than the baked meat analogue. This production of a meat analogue would be suitable as a simple household-scale meat substituent.

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