scholarly journals Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC/TiB Composite Ceramic Coatings In-Situ Synthesized by Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Laser Cladding

Coatings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Hangbiao Mi ◽  
Tao Chen ◽  
Zixin Deng ◽  
Shengchen Li ◽  
Jian Liu ◽  

Laser cladding coating has many advantages in surface modification, such as a small heat-affected zone, and good metallurgical bonding. However, some serious problems such as pores, and poor forming quality still exist in the coating. To suppress these problems, a novel process of ultrasonic vibration-assisted laser cladding process was adopted to in-situ synthesize TiC/TiB composite ceramic coating on the surface of titanium alloy. Results showed that the introduction of ultrasonic vibration effectively improved the surface topography of the coating, reduced the number of pores in the coating, refined the crystal grains of the coating, decreased the residual tensile stress in the coating, and increased the micro-hardness of the coating. The tribological properties of the coating were significantly improved by the ultrasonic vibration, the wear resistance of the coating fabricated with ultrasonic vibration at power of 400 W increased about 1.2 times compared with the coating fabricated without ultrasonic vibration, and the friction coefficient decreased by 50%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (18) ◽  
pp. 6331
Zixin Deng ◽  
Tao Chen ◽  
Haojun Wang ◽  
Shengchen Li ◽  
Defu Liu

The formation process of surface coatings fabricated with laser cladding is very complicated and coating quality is closely related to laser cladding process parameters. Generally, the optimization and control of process parameters play key roles when preparing high-quality ceramic coating. In this paper, three reasonable parameters were selected for each process parameter based on the preliminary experiment. The experiment of Ti(C, N) ceramic coating prepared with laser cladding was designed via the Taguchi method. The laser power, spot diameter, overlapping ratio, and scanning velocity were selected as the main process parameters, and their effects on coating micro-hardness were analyzed using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Then, based on the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm, we created the prediction model of BPNN-QPSO neural network for laser cladding Ti(C, N) ceramic coating. The mapping of process parameters to the micro-hardness of the coating was obtained according to the model and we analyzed the influence of process parameters that interacted with the coating’s micro-hardness. The results showed that the interaction of laser cladding process parameters had a significant effect on the micro-hardness of the coating. The established BPNN-QPSO neural network model was able to map the relationship between laser cladding process parameters and coating micro-hardness. The process parameters optimized by this model had similar results with ANOVA. This research provides guidance for the selection and control of ceramic coating process parameters Ti(C, N) prepared via laser cladding.

2013 ◽  
Vol 275-277 ◽  
pp. 2304-2307 ◽  
Duo Zhang ◽  
Yu Ling Yang ◽  
Yi Ju

In-situ fabrication of TiB ceramic coating by laser cladding technology (LC) was investigated. Pulsed YAG laser with the power of 500 W was used. The mixture of Titanium powder (with the size of 20 m) and B powder (with the size of 140 m) were utilized as the precursor. The reactive transformation mechanism and phase constituents of the in-situ fabricating coating during the laser cladding process were studied by thermodynamics analysis, as well as XRD methods. Gibbs free energy theory was used to calculate the increment of Gibbs free energy at different temperature. The results show that the increment of the Gibbs free energy for the reaction equation to the in-situ fabricate TiB2 keep to be negative within the temperature of 3000K, this indicate that TiB2 can be obtained by laser cladding the mixture powder of Ti and B. XRD results show that the main phases of the coating are TiB2, TiO2 and B2O3 with relative percentage of 67.6%, 18.0% and 14.4%, respectively.

2014 ◽  
Vol 978 ◽  
pp. 36-39
Dong Sheng Wang ◽  
Guang Qu ◽  
Jin Lan Su

In this study, Al2O3–13 wt% TiO2ceramic coating was prepared on the substrate of a GH416 Ni-base superalloy by squash presetting laser cladding. The effects of processing parameters on dilution ratio were investigated. The result shows that the coating consists of two zones: the ceramic clad zone and dilution zone. The dilution ratio increases with the increase of laser power, whereas, the dilution ratio decreases with the increase of laser beam moving velocity. However, the coating with a low laser power is difficult to obtain metallurgical bonding to substrate, and with a high moving velocity can easily produce pores. The clad ceramic coatings characterized by a dense structure, no cracks, low dilution, and good metallurgical bonding to substrate were obtained under optimum processing parameters.

2010 ◽  
Vol 434-435 ◽  
pp. 485-488 ◽  
Yu Ling Yang ◽  
Wei Yan ◽  
Duo Zhang ◽  
Gen Zong Song ◽  
Yi Ran Zheng

The insitu-fabrication of TiCN ceramic coating by laser cladding-laser nitriding technique (LC-LN) was investigated. Pulsed YAG laser with the power of 500W was used as radiation source. Highly pure N2 was selected as the nitriding element; Titanium powder whose size is 20 m and the pure carbon powder were utilized as the coating materials. The influence of technology parameters such as pulse width, pulse frequency and scanning speed etc. on the insitu-formation of TiCN ceramic coating was studied. XRD results show that the main phases of the coating are TiC0.3N0.7 (or TiC0.2N0.8),TiN and TiN0.3. It was revealed that the appropriate process parameters for insitu-fabrication are the pulse frequency 15 Hz, pulse width 3.0ms, the scanning speed in the range of 9cm/min to 12cm/min, the pressure of N2 0.4MPa. The result of OM showed a metallurgical bonding without crack and bubble between the coating and the substrate was obtained. The microstructure of cladded coating is characterized by fine dentrites. The average microhardness in the coating is more than 1300HV which is about 4 times of that in the substrate.

Yilin Lv ◽  
YunLong Chi ◽  
XinYe Mao ◽  
MingMing Xue ◽  
Yanchun Dong ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 139-141 ◽  
pp. 364-368 ◽  
Ju Zhou ◽  
Chang Jun Qiu ◽  
De Wen Tang

Micro-plastic deformation is produced on the surface of the laser cladding layer by micro-forging, and crack makes a change in cladding layer. In this paper, a finite element model with a simplified panel strain model elastic-plastic of stress and strain relationship and adaptive meshing technique was used to simulate laser cladding layer crack by using DEFORM-2D software. Laser cladding process of cracks by micro-regulation forging is simulated. Comparing to the measurement of crack width, the results show that micro-forging can make the surface of laser cladding layer the residual tensile stress to adjust compressive stress, and the micro-forging can significantly reduce or eliminate the laser cladding layer crack. Reasonable and effective regulation of high-frequency micro-forging can improve the surface quality in micro-cladding layer.

Optik ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 127 (11) ◽  
pp. 4596-4600 ◽  
Meiyan Li ◽  
Bin Han ◽  
Yong Wang ◽  
Lixin Song ◽  
Lanyang Guo

2020 ◽  
pp. 2050046

To increase the strength and wear resistance of material surfaces, various combinations of B4C and 80TiFe powder were mixed into a Fe60 self-fluxing alloy powder; the composite coatings reinforced by TiB2–TiC were successfully prepared on Q235 steel surfaces by laser cladding. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to study the microstructure and chemical and phase composition. Microhardness and wear testers were used to investigate the mechanical properties. The results show that the interfaces of composite coatings and substrate materials are excellent for metallurgical bonding. The block-like TiB2 particles and flower-like TiC particles are uniformly distributed in the cladding coating. When the mass fraction of the mixed powder is 30%, the average microhardness of the coating is approximately 1100 HV[Formula: see text], which is 50% higher than that without the mixed powder, and demonstrates the best wear with a performance twice as better as that of the substrate.

2012 ◽  
Vol 19 (02) ◽  
pp. 1250009 ◽  

The synthesis of hard composite coating on titanium alloy by laser cladding of Al/Fe/Ni+C/Si3N4 pre-placed powders has been investigated in detail. SEM result indicated that a composite coating with metallurgical joint to the substrate was formed. XRD result indicated that the composite coating mainly consisted of γ- (Fe, Ni) , FeAl , Ti3Al , TiC , TiNi , TiC0.3N0.7 , Ti2N , SiC , Ti5Si3 and TiNi . Compared with Ti-3Al-2V substrate, an improvement of the micro-hardness and the wear resistance was observed for this composite coating.

2012 ◽  
Vol 512-515 ◽  
pp. 639-642 ◽  
Xiao Qin Guo ◽  
Jing Bo Chen ◽  
Xin Fang Zhang ◽  
Yong Kai Wang ◽  
Rui Zhang

Cu-TiB2 composite coatings were in-situ synthesized on the copper substrate by using a Nd: YAG laser. The microstructure of the coating and the bonding interface between the laser cladding layer and the substrate were studied by X-ray and SEM. The microhardness and the wear resisting property were tested. The results show that the TiB2 particles were well-proportioned and spherical existing in the coating layer, the bonding interface between the layer and substrate was metallurgical bonding. The microhardness reaches HV450 and the wear resistance is about 10 times as much as that of Cu substate.

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