scholarly journals Author Cooperation Network in Biology and Chemistry Literature during 2014-2018: Construction and Structural Characteristics

Information ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 236
Zhang ◽  
Yang ◽  
Hu ◽  

How to explore the interaction between an individual researcher and others in scientific research, find out the degree of association among individual researchers, and evaluate the contribution of researchers to the whole according to the mechanism and law of interaction, is of great significance to grasp the overall trend of the field. Scholars mostly use bibliometrics to solve these problems and analyze the citation and cooperation among academic achievements from the dimension of "quantity". However, there is still no mature method for scholars to explore the evolution of knowledge and the relationship between authors; this paper tries to fill this gap. We narrow down the scope of research and focus the research content on the literature in biology and chemistry, collect all the papers from PubMed system (a very comprehensive authoritative database of biomedical papers) during 2014–2018, and take year as a specific analysis unit so as to improve the accuracy of the analysis. Then, we construct the author cooperation networks. Finally, through the above methods and steps, we identify the core authors of each year, analyze the recent cooperative relationships among authors, and predict some changes in the cooperative relationship among the authors based on the networks’ analytical data, evaluating and estimating the role that authors play in the overall field. Therefore, we expect that the cooperative authorship networks supported by the complex network theory can better explain the author's cooperative relationship.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 457-471 ◽  
Po-Yuan Chen ◽  
Kuan-Yang Chen ◽  
Lei-Yu Wu

Purpose Previous studies have argued that trust and commitment can create value in cooperative relationships. However, this study observed that, in practice, trust and commitment alone may not ensure value creation in asymmetric relationships. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate the mediating role of specific assets in the effects of trust and commitment on value creation in asymmetric buyer–seller relationships. Design/methodology/approach Contract manufacturers (CMs) in Asia were sampled to validate the argument proposed by this study. Most Taiwanese CMs are partnered with international brands (original equipment manufacturers [OEMs]) that have stronger bargaining power. This cooperative relationship is characteristically asymmetric. A questionnaire method was applied, and structural equation modeling was performed to verify the proposed hypotheses. Findings Specific asset investment (SAI) was a crucial mediator that explained the effects of trust and commitment on the relationship value of an asymmetric cooperative relationship. Past studies have claimed that power asymmetry results in an unequal distribution of benefits. Nevertheless, regarding the relationship between CMs and OEMs, the study revealed that relationship value could still be increased once the congruent goals have been achieved by both parties. This finding contradicts past theoretical predictions. Practical implications Characteristically asymmetric CMs–OEMs (seller–buyer) relationships cannot be maintained merely through trust and commitment, particularly in the context of power and resource imbalances in which the stronger party often possesses a wider selection of prospective partners. The results of this study suggested that the CM should unilaterally invest in specific assets conducive to a cooperative relationship as an expression of faith in the relationship with the stronger firm, thereby creating opportunities for value cocreation. Originality/value The analysis of the relevance of relationship quality in the context of asymmetric cooperative relationships confirmed the mediating influences of SAI on ensuring value creation and the maintenance of the relationships. Relationship value could still be created despite the highly asymmetry power relationship. The CMs’ SAI is the key mechanism for this achievement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095042222199511
Rosivalda Pereira ◽  
Mário Franco

This study aims to present the relationship between universities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through a systematic literature review. SMEs play an important role in economic development. Similarly, universities are important actors in the innovation system. To fulfil the study objective, data were collected from the Scopus database. The bibliometric results found, using bibliometrix software, reveal that this topic first appeared in the literature in 1995 and entered a growth stage in 2014. Systematically, studies have focused mostly on European countries and the emphasis in cooperation is on knowledge transfer. In addition, the results show that SMEs form cooperative relationships with universities in search of competitive results. However, the main difficulty with regard to the establishment of such relationships is a lack of knowledge in SMEs about university programmes that can support them and about how to access such programmes. Therefore, it is suggested that universities should establish more effective communication channels in order to reach this type of firm.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73 ◽  
Zbigniew Smalko

Relations Between Safety and Security in Technical Systems The subject of this paper deals with the relationship between safety and security of the man - machine system. In the above system a man can act both as a decision - maker and operator. His desired psychophysical efficiency lies in the undertaking the correct decisions as well as in the skilful machine control and operating.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-149
Michael O. Slobodchikoff

This article investigates how states can begin to cooperate and form bilateral relationships given severe barriers to cooperation. Certain issues can prevent cooperation from occurring despite strategic interests in doing so by both states. However, if states agree to use the institutional design feature of territorial or issue neutralization, then conflict can be averted even if some of the major hindrances to cooperation remains unresolved. I examine in greater detail how both territorial and issue neutralization are used as institutional designs feature in building a cooperative bilateral relationship. Through two major case studies, the self-imposed territorial neutralization of Finland in its relations with the Soviet Union as well as issue neutralization in the relationship between Russia and Ukraine following the collapse of the Soviet Union, I am able to show that territorial and issue neutralization may be effective tools for resolving conflict in the post-Soviet space and could create cooperative relationships instead of conflictual ones.

2015 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Stefano Ricciardulli ◽  
Qiang Ding ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  
Hongzhao Li ◽  
Yuzhe Tang ◽  

Objective: To evaluate differences between Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (LPN) and Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy (RAPN) using the Margin, Ischemia and Complications (MIC) score system and to evaluate factors related with MIC success. Materials and Methods: Single centre retrospective study on 258 LPN and 58 RAPN performed between January 2012 and January 2014. Success was defined when surgical margins was negative, Warm Ischemia Time (WIT) was ≤ 20 minutes and no major complications occurred. Mann-Whitney-U and Pearson χ2 correlation were used to compare LPN and RAPN. A matched pair comparison was also performed. Spearman correlation (Rho) was used to evaluate the relationship between clinical, intra and post-operative and pathological patients characteristics with MIC score. A binary regression analysis was also performed to evaluate independent factors associated with MIC success. Results: The MIC rate in LPN and RAPN was 55% and 65.5% respectively. No differences in clinical, intra and post-operative outcomes between groups were found. Clinical tumor size (p-value: < 0.001; OR: 0.829; 95% CI: 0.697-0.987), PADUA score (p-value: < 0.001; OR: 0.843; 95% CI: 0.740-0.960), PADUA risk groups (intermediate; p-value: < 0.001; OR: 0.416; 95% CI: 0.238- 0.792; high: p-value: < 0.001; OR: 0.356; 95% CI: 0.199- 0.636), WIT (p-value: < 0.001; OR: 0.598; 95% CI: 0.530- 0.675) were independently associated with MIC. eGFR (< 60 vs ≥ 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2: p-value: < 0.001; OR: 3.356; 95% CI: 1.701-6.621) and Fuhrman nuclear grade (p-value: 0.014; OR: 1.798; 95% CI:1.129-2.865) were also independently associated with MIC. Conclusions: MIC score system is a simple and useful tool to report and to compare different surgical approach.

Ana Bela Couto ◽  
Eunice Barbosa ◽  
Sara Silva ◽  
Tiago Bento ◽  
Ana Sofia Teixeira ◽  

Previous laboratory studies have explored the importance of participants adopting an immersed or distanced perspective in the analysis of their experiences. These studies concluded that distancing allows analyzing emotions in a healthier way and immersion leads to higher vulnerability. However, in psychotherapy, the relationship between these perspectives and clinical change has been less investigated. The present study aims to contribute to understanding how these variables evolve during psychotherapy and also to explore the therapist’s contributions to this process. This study analyzes a good-outcome case of emotion-focused therapy for depression through two observational measures of psychotherapy process: the measure of immersed and distanced speech – which identifies client’s adoption of an immersed or distanced stance when talking about their problems – and the helping skills system – which identifies therapist’s interventions focused on exploration, insight or action. Results showed a decrease of immersed speech and an increase of distanced speech along the process, with a higher frequency of exploration skills preceding both types of client’s speech. Finally, the evolution of therapist’s and client’s speech showed a reasonable flexibility of therapeutic dialogue throughout the sessions, in particular due to the evolution of client variables (evidencing a higher diversity of behaviors).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Iwan Sunardi ◽  
Vini Wiratno Putri

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the trust of co-workers and proactive personalities on career satisfaction by exchanging leader-members as mediation on employees of bus assembly companies in the city of Semarang. Career satisfaction is the phase in which employees’ long-term career needs are aligned with what they get while working. Employees will always look for opportunities and trust in the organization and people who will help them in achieving career satisfaction. The sampling method uses a purposive sampling technique in the category of staff and foreman employees who have worked for more than five years with a sample of 160 employees. The analytical data in this study uses descriptive statistical test methods, instinctual tests include validity and reliability, and hypothesis testing. The tool used to test in this study uses SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study, colleague trust cannot directly influence career satisfaction. However, it can be mediated by the exchange of leader members and produce significant influence. For further researchers, they can re-examine the relationship of coworkers’ trust with career satisfaction. And can expand the object of research or respondents under study.

Ilya Inishev

В статье идёт речь о формах образного, которые во всё возрастающей степени становятся характерными для современной культуры. Центральная характеристика этих форм – распределённость в пространстве и времени, их способность сопровождать нас практически повсеместно, не будучи привязанными к каким-либо организационным формам. Распределённые разновидности образного противопоставляются «традиционным», нераспределённым образам, «репрезентирующим» некоторое идентифицируемое содержание. Одна из базовых черт нераспределенного образного – заключённое в нём нормативное притязание, затрагивающее не только способы его интерпретации, но и телесные практики воспринимающего «субъекта», релевантные для его восприятия. В отличие от репрессивного характера нераспределённого образа, являющегося его структурной характеристикой, связанной с характерным для него режимом восприятия, распределённая образность базируется не на редукции и контроле телесности воспринимающего, но – напротив – на интенсификации (и в этом смысле эмансипации) его эмоционально-телесного самоприсутствия. В диахронической перспективе отношение между нераспределённой и распределённой образностью опосредовано сложной социально-исторической и материально-технологической динамикой развитого и позднего модерна. Реконструкция этой динамики позволяет выстроить генетическую связь (континуальность) между нераспределённой и распределённой образностью. В синхронической перспективе распределённая и нераспределенная разновидности образности генерируют несовместимые типы опыта с взаимоисключающими структурными характеристиками и социально-политическими импликациями (дискретность).Main theme of the article are the types of imagery becoming increasingly characteristic of contemporary culture. The core feature of these types is their being distributed across time and space, their ability to accompany us virtually everywhere, without being tied to any organizational form. Distributed imagery opposes “traditional”, non-distributed images “representing” some identifiable subject-matter. One of the essential traits of non-distributed imagery is its normative claim addressing not only the ways of its interpretation but also bodily practices of the perceiving subject, relevant for experiencing images of this kind. In contrast to the inherent oppressiveness of non-distributed image connected to a perceptual regime characteristic of it, the distributed imagery draws not on reduction and control of body of the perceiving subject but – on the contrary – on intensifying (and in this sense, on emancipating) its bodily emotional self-presence. From a diachronic point of view, the relationship between distributed and non-distributed imageries is mediated by quite a complicated socio-historical and material-technological dynamic of the developed and late modernity. Reconstruction of this dynamic enables us to identify the genetic interrelation (continuity) between non-distributed and distributed imagery. From a synchronic point of view, distributed and non-distributed imagery forms generate incompatible experience types with mutually exclusive structural characteristics and social-political implications (discontinuity).

2019 ◽  

This article is about how the relationship between the school and the community around the school, the purpose of which is to improve the community about the importance of education for the surrounding community so that there is a good cooperative relationship in the community, the method used in this article is descriptive methods and techniques.

Peter Smuk

<p>La regulación de los partidos políticos parece un tema ligeramente descuidado en la literatura constitucional húngara. Así, a pesar de que hay un gran número de cuestiones que deben analizarse y entenderse en los ámbitos de la democracia representativa, en el sistema electoral y en la financiación de los partidos, derivadas de las particularidades del cambio del régimen político, y que hace necesaria la interpretación de nuestro sistema político actual. Un análisis sustantivo de estas cuestiones en términos de derecho constitucional (y desde las ciencias políticas) podría contribuir a una mejor comprensión de la democracia representativa húngara, el estado constitucional, así como la relación entre la sociedad civil y el Estado. En este documento voy a ofrecer una visión general de las normas constitucionales relativas a los partidos políticos europeos y comparar la redacción de la Ley Fundamental de Hungría con las normas constitucionales creadas en 1989.</p><p>The regulation of political parties seems a slightly neglected topic in the Hungarian constitutional literature. It is so despite the fact that there are a large number of questions to be analysed and understood in the fields of representative democracy, election system and party financing arising from the particularities of the change of the political regime, the recent constitution-making or the necessary interpretation of our current political system. A substantive analysis of these questions in terms of constitutional law (and political science) could contribute to a better understanding of the Hungarian representative democracy, constitutional state as well as the relationship between civil society and the state. In this paper I will provide a rough overview of constitutional rules relating to European political parties and compare the wording of the Fundamental Law of Hungary with the constitutional rules created in 1989.</p><div> </div>

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