scholarly journals Ethnomycological Investigation in Serbia: Astonishing Realm of Mycomedicines and Mycofood

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 349
Jelena Živković ◽  
Marija Ivanov ◽  
Dejan Stojković ◽  
Jasmina Glamočlija

This study aims to fill the gaps in ethnomycological knowledge in Serbia by identifying various fungal species that have been used due to their medicinal or nutritional properties. Ethnomycological information was gathered using semi-structured interviews with participants from different mycological associations in Serbia. A total of 62 participants were involved in this study. Eighty-five species belonging to 28 families were identified. All of the reported fungal species were pointed out as edible, and only 15 of them were declared as medicinal. The family Boletaceae was represented by the highest number of species, followed by Russulaceae, Agaricaceae and Polyporaceae. We also performed detailed analysis of the literature in order to provide scientific evidence for the recorded medicinal use of fungi in Serbia. The male participants reported a higher level of ethnomycological knowledge compared to women, whereas the highest number of used fungi species was mentioned by participants within the age group of 61–80 years. In addition to preserving ethnomycological knowledge in Serbia, this study can present a good starting point for further pharmacological investigations of fungi.

2020 ◽  
Sandra Célia Coelho Gomes da Silva

This work is the result of the doctoral thesis entitled Pilgrimage of Bom Jesus da Lapa: Social Reproduction of the Family and Female Gender Identity, specifically the second chapter that talks about women in the Pilgrimage of Bom Jesus da Lapa, emphasizing gender relations, analyzing the location of the pilgrimage as a social reproduction of the patriarchal family and female gender identity. The research scenario is the Bom Jesus da Lapa Pilgrimage, which has been held for 329 years, in that city, located in the West part of Bahia. The research participants are pilgrim women who are in the age group between 50 and 70 years old and have participated, for more than five consecutive years in the Bom Jesus da Lapa Pilgrimage, belonging to five Brazilian states (Bahia, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Goiás) that register a higher frequency of attendance at this religious event. We used bibliographic, qualitative, field and documentary research and data collection as our methodology; we applied participant observation and semi-structured interviews as a technique. We concluded that the Bom Jesus da Lapa Pilgrimage is a location for family social reproduction and the female gender identity, observing a contrast in the resignification of the role and in the profile of the pilgrim women from Bom Jesus da Lapa, alternating between permanence and the transformation of gender identity coming from patriarchy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Cristián Mansilla ◽  
Cristian A Herrera ◽  
Andrea Basagoitia ◽  
Tomás Pantoja

Informing the health policymaking process with the best available scientific evidence has become relevant to health systems globally. Knowledge Translation Platforms (KTP), such as the World Health Organization’s Evidence Informed Policy Networks (EVIPNet), are a recognized strategy for linking research to action. This report describes the experience of implementing EVIPNet in Chile, from its objectives, organizational structure, strategy, activities, and main outputs, to its evolution over the course of its first year. Lessons learned are also covered. Of the activities initiated by EVIPNet-Chile, the Rapid Response Service proved to be a good starting point for engaging policymakers. Capacity building workshops and policy dialogues with relevant stakeholders were also successful. Additionally, EVIPNet-Chile developed a model for engaging academic institutions in policymaking through a network focused on preparing evidence briefs. A number of challenges, such as changing methods for producing rapid evidence syntheses, were also identified. This KTP implementation model located in a Ministry of Health could contribute to the development of similar initiatives in other health systems.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4780 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-274

The family of non-biting midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) represent one of the most common and abundant group in freshwaters, inhabiting a wide variety of habitats and ecological niches. Although there is a long tradition of limnological research in Croatia, to date no extensive species list has been made for this insect family. Thus, we summarized the results of our research and reviewed published data on chironomid fauna of Croatia in various freshwater habitat types, including extreme ones, such as caves, peatbogs or marine littoral. A total of 239 species were recorded representing five subfamilies: Chironominae (125 species) Orthocladiinae (83 species), Tanypodinae (23 species), Diamesinae (6 species) and Prodiamesinae (2 species). The most frequent species were Cricotopus bicinctus, Dicrotendipes nervosus, Synorthocladius semivirens, each found in more than 20% of the studied localities. Ablabesmyia monilis and Procladius choreus represented the most frequent Tanypodinae species, recorded in more than 12% and 17% of the sites, respectively. The research of chironomid ecology, diversity and distribution continues, which will provide new data and information, but this first comprehensive checklist provides a good starting point for those studying Chironomidae or other freshwater Diptera, in Croatia and Europe. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-205 ◽  
Miguel Julião ◽  
Bárbara Antunes ◽  
Ana Santos ◽  
Maria Ana Sobral ◽  
Sara Albuquerque ◽  

AbstractObjectiveDignity therapy (DT) is well established in adult populations, and it is likely that it could benefit younger people. This study aimed to adapt the adult Portuguese DT question framework for adolescents (DT-QF-Adol) (ages 10–18).MethodFive stages were followed: (1) the Portuguese DT-QF for adults was adapted for adolescents with the original author's collaboration, (2) an expert committee provided feedback on the adapted version, (3) an initial consensus version of the DT-QF-Adol was created, (4) expert committee consult affirmed final consensus, and (5) validation stage with a sample of 17 adolescents followed in ambulatory psychology clinic.ResultsDT's original author endorsed the final Portuguese DT-QF-Adol, reinforcing that it captures the fundamental dimensions of DT. There was 100% agreement on the final consensus version and defined age group (10–18 years old). Twenty adolescents were invited to participate, and 17 were included after informed consent was obtained; 53% were female. The average age was 12.7 years. The interviewed adolescents reported that the DT-QF-Adol was clear, and they did not identify any ambiguity or difficulty in answering any of the questions. They assumed that this information could positively affect the way parents and friends see and cared for them, permitting others to understand their concerns and preferences. Participants felt that the DT-QF-Adol could be a good starting point for a conversation with their loved ones. Although they did not consider vital for health professionals to access their answers, they strongly felt that the DT-QF-Adol might be essential to sick adolescents and they would recommend it to others.Significance of resultsWe developed a DT-QF of nine questions for Portuguese adolescents (DT-QF-Adol), coined Protocolo de Perguntas da Terapia da Dignidade para Adolescentes — 10–18 anos. This tool can potentially be considered a good addition for pediatric palliative care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 6660-6666

Family business is India’s proudest institution, symbolizing courage and common sense, energy and enterprise, aspiration, and adventurousness(Business Today, 1998). In India, with its historic spiritual and cultural value system, they play a hugely important role – it is estimated that up to 90 per cent of Indian Businesses are Family Controlled. With Indians benefitting from a centuries-old innate sense of the enduring worth of the family business sector, a good starting point for this section is to examine some important early sources of Indian trade & commerce. There are many family businesses worldwide but Indian Family Businesses are irreplaceable and have their peculiar governing characteristics. With this notion, an attempt has been made to identify the level of harmony in family business. For this purpose, primary data has been collected through structured questionnaire using snow-ball sampling technique. A sample of 750 family business owners has been selected. The collected data have been analysed by employing simple percentage analysis, Correlation, Regression, Factor analysis. The results of the study indicate that, harmony in family business, prominently influence the level of satisfaction of the owners. Furthermore, there is definitely a relationship between the demographic variables and harmony in family business.

2019 ◽  
Vol 82 (20) ◽  
Camila Melo Borba ◽  
Edirlei Machado Dos- Santos ◽  
Patricia da Silva Pires ◽  
Michela Macedo Lima Costa

Objetivou-se identifi car e analisar as percepções de homens no grupo etário de 25 à 59 anos, sobre o planejamentofamiliar e a vasectomia. Pesquisa qualitativa, com dados coletados em entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisadaspela técnica análise de conteúdo temática, no período de junho à julho de 2016. Participaram 13 homens residentesda área de abrangência de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, no município de Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.Depreenderam-se duas categorias: Olhares masculinos sobre o planejamento familiar, tendo como subcategorias:a importância do planejamento familiar sob a ótica masculina; fragilidade acerca do conhecimento/participaçãomasculina no planejamento familiar; e O Antagonismo da vasectomia, tendo como subcategorias: benefícios davasectomia; estereótipos/desconhecimento. Os participantes apresentaram conhecimento superfi cial quanto aosmétodos contraceptivos e sobrecarga direcionada à mulher diante da escolha e utilização dos mesmos. Observou-sea ambivalência de opiniões, por um lado os homens sabem sobre a efi cácia da vasectomia, mas ainda apresentammedos relacionados ao procedimento. Uma atenção de qualidade no planejamento familiar requer dos profi ssionaisde saúde preparação para assistir aos homens; implementação de estratégias para que os homens sejam maisatuantes nas ações de planejamento, para que haja destruição dos estereótipos que permeiam à vasectomia.Palavras-chave: Planejamento Familiar; Vasectomia; Saúde do Homem; Enfermagem. ABsTRAcTThe aim is to identify and analyze the perceptions of men in the age group between 25-59 years on familyplanning and vasectomy. Qualitative research, with data collected in semi-structured interviews and analyzed bythematic content analysis technique, in the period June to July 2016. 13 resident men of the spanning area of Unitof Health of the Family had participated, in the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. It had inferred in two categories:male Glances on family planning, with the subcategory: the importance of family planning under the maleperspective; fragility about knowledge/male participation in family planning; and the Vasectomy antagonism,with subcategories: vasectomy benefi ts; stereotypes/ignorance. The participants presented superfi cial knowledgeregarding contraception and there is directed at women on overload of choice and use of them. It was noted theambivalence of opinions, on the one hand the men know about the effectiveness of a vasectomy, but still havefears related to the procedure. Quality care in family planning requires health professionals preparing to watchthe men; implementing strategies for which men are more active in planning, as far as to destroy the stereotypesthat pervade the vasectomy.Keywords: Family Planning; Vasectomy; Men's Health; Nursing

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 604-620 ◽  
Lelani Maree ◽  
Kieran D. McKenzie

Understanding the key elements of the drivers of strategic innovation remains elusive. Limited research has been conducted on the drivers, namely strategy processes, people, culture, and resources, in a South African context. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with innovation specialists of five participating banks to explore the key elements that constitute the drivers of strategic innovation in South African banks. The findings indicate that the elements of the drivers of strategic innovation, as outlined in the literature, were evident in the participating banks and that the exploration of these elements provides a good starting point for South African financial service companies to build innovation capacity.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Muskinul Fuad

The education system in Indonesia emphasize on academic intelligence, whichincludes only two or three aspects, more than on the other aspects of intelligence. For thatreason, many children who are not good at academic intelligence, but have good potentials inother aspects of intelligence, do not develop optimally. They are often considered and labeledas "stupid children" by the existing system. This phenomenon is on the contrary to the theoryof multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner, who argues that intelligence is theability to solve various problems in life and produce products or services that are useful invarious aspects of life.Human intelligence is a combination of various general and specific abilities. Thistheory is different from the concept of IQ (intelligence quotient) that involves only languageskills, mathematical, and spatial logics. According to Gardner, there are nine aspects ofintelligence and its potential indicators to be developed by each child born without a braindefect. What Gardner suggested can be considered as a starting point to a perspective thatevery child has a unique individual intelligence. Parents have to treat and educate theirchildren proportionally and equitably. This treatment will lead to a pattern of education that isfriendly to the brain and to the plurality of children’s potential.More than the above points, the notion that multiple intelligences do not just comefrom the brain needs to be followed. Humans actually have different immaterial (spiritual)aspects that do not refer to brain functions. The belief in spiritual aspects and its potentialsmeans that human beings have various capacities and they differ from physical capacities.This is what needs to be addressed from the perspective of education today. The philosophyand perspective on education of the educators, education stakeholders, and especially parents,are the first major issue to be addressed. With this step, every educational activity andcommunication within the family is expected to develop every aspect of children'sintelligence, especially the spiritual intelligence.

This paper examined the socio-economic profile of farm households in the cotton belt of Rural Punjab. The result revealed that as a whole, more than two-thirds fall in the working-age group of 15-59 years. The average size of the family worked out to be 5.74 and the average size of owned land holdings was 11.50 acres. The data highlights that 34.96 percent were earners, 31.39 percent were earning dependents and 33.65 percent of the persons were dependents. The major proportion (88.46 percent) of total sampled households followed Sikhism and as many as 87.50 percent were from the general category. About 23 percent of the sampled persons were illiterate and literacy levels were found to be positively linked with the size of landholdings. About 34 percent of the heads of sampled farmer households were illiterate and the majority of the heads of sampled farmer households had education below secondary level. None of the heads among marginal farmers had obtained education up to graduation level, whereas, this proportion was 7.41 for the large farmers. The study points out that overall only 11.54 percent of the sampled farm households read the newspaper. There is a need for effective measures which could enhance the educational and awareness levels of farmers and their family members for raising their levels of living.

The present paper is an attempt to analyze the socio-economic profile of the labour households in rural Punjab. The study revealed that majority of rural labour households belonged to the scheduled caste category. As far as the distribution of sampled rural labour households according to the family type was concerned, it was found that 46.42 percent of the total rural labour households had nuclear families, while the remaining 53.58 percent have joint families. Majority of the rural labourers were living in semi-pucca houses. Further, if we look at the housing condition, 54.72 percent of rural labourers owned the houses of average condition, 40.19 percent owned good condition households and 5.09percent owned dilapidated houses. The analysis further showed that as many as 20.35percentof the sampled labour population was illiterate. A few persons from sampled labour households educated above matric. Although large majority of the sampled labour population were from the working-age group yet the ratio of dependents was high among rural labour households. This was due to lower employment opportunities in rural areas.

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