Beef productivity of steers of Kalmyk breed of different breeding

S. G. Lumbunov ◽  
B. D. Garmaev

The success of the development of beef cattle breeding in the Republic of Buryatia mostly depends on the effectiveness of using animals of Kalmyk breed of different origins in order to increase beef production. The study of the productive traits and expediency of using the gene pool of Kalmyk breed from other regions in comparison with the animals of local selection when breeding beef herds has practical and scientifi c significance. The purpose of the research was to study the productive traits of cattle of Kalmyk breed imported from various climatic zones of Russia. For the experiment, 3 groups of newborn calves of Kalmyk breed of different breeding of 15 heads in each have been selected according to the principle of analogues. The 1st group consisted of steers Kalmyk breed of Buryat breeding, the 2nd – of Kalmyk breeding, the 3rd group – of Rostov breeding. During rearing and feeding, the steers were in the same feeding and housing conditions. During the growth process, the largest live weight at the age of 7 months has been observed in the 1st group of steers received from parents of local reproduction. They surpassed the herdmates of the 2nd group by 3,1 kg or 1,7 %, and the 3rd group by 4,8 kg or 2,7 %. With age the differences in live weight increased at 14 and 18 months the steers of Buryat breeding exceeded their herdmates of the 2nd group by 10,6 kg or 3,4 % and 15,7 kg or 3,8 % (P > 0,95) and the 3rd group by 16,8 kg or 5,4 % (P > 0,95) and 23,5 kg or 5,8 % (Р > 0,99), respectively. A comparative study of the beef productivity of steers of Kalmyk breed obtained under the conditions of the Republic of Buryatia and imported from the Republic of Kalmykia and the Rostov region has shown the advantage of the animals of Buryat breeding, while the herdmates of Rostov selection were the worst, and Kalmyk breeding steers occupied an intermediate position.

10.12737/7744 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-127
Самоделкин ◽  
Aleksandr Samodelkin ◽  
Еремин ◽  
Sergey Eremin

There was studied the distribution of postpartum pathology of cows and disease of calves in early postnatal period in conditions of Nizhny Novgorod region. It was established, that the new tissue drug "bio-tec" has positive influence on reproductive function, safety and live weight gain of calves. The postpartum pathology of cows gained wide spread among nizhnynovgorod farms up to 80%, e.g. Endometritis and subinvolution of uterus 37,4 and 23,9 respectively. By clinical examination of newborn calves it was established, that in the first month of life 50,3% fall ill with gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies. The die-off of calves reached 29%. Using "bio-tec" drug to dry cows decreased the percentage of postpartum pathology by 35% and reduced the time of involution of uterus for 11,2 days; the service period reduced by 21,2 days and the diseases of newborn calves was twice less, that increased the energy of growth and in 16 month age heifers went over animals of the control group by 10%, that allowed their earlier use for reproduction. So, the results of conducted research showed, that twice a day injection of tissue drug "bio-tec" to dry cows in 10ml dose 60-55 and 40-35 days to calving contributes reducing of obstetric pathology. Subsequent use to calves in 4ml dose in 5-8 days age increases the safety of calves and positively influences the live weight gain, that in fact gives abilities of more effective cattle breeding.

S. Abugaliev ◽  
L. Bupebaeva ◽  
M. Baybatyrova ◽  
N. Matkerimov ◽  
K. Matkerimova

At the present stage of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dairy cattle breeding should be competitive, highly productive and cost-effective, which contributes to ensuring the country’s independence from imports of dairy products. The formation of milk productivity of future cows begins with the preparation of cows for calving and the purposeful rearing of replacement young cattle, based on the achievements of scientific and technical progress, a systematic approach to the production of high-quality products. The researches have been carried out in the farm “Tauelsizdik” in the Eskeldinsky district in the Almaty region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the research, the average daily gain of live weight in 3 months of the post-embryonic period was 458,9±71,9 g in heifers have reared in narrow-sized pens, and 682,2±44,6 g in heifers have reared in group pens. At 3 months of age the live weight of heifers at rearing in narrow-sized pens has reached 76,5±2,5 kg in narrow-sized pens, and 98,3±1,7 kg in group pens (P < 0,001). The data of the experiment have convincingly shown the effectiveness of rearing heifers in group pens. The live weight of heifers at birth was 36,4±1,1 kg, at one month of age – 54,2±1,6 kg, at 2 months of age the live weight increased to 70,2±2,1 kg, at 3 months of age to 87,4±3,3 kg, at 4 months of age to 116,8±3,5 kg, at 5 months of age to 132,7±4,2 kg and at 6 months of age to 157,4±4,6 kg. The indices of lengthiness, chest, hip-chest and blockiness increased up with age, while the indices of high-leg and overgrown decreased down. For example, the lengthiness index has increased with age from 90 to 97 %, the chest index from 62 to 70, and the high-leg index has decreased from 59 to 54, overgrowth from 109 to 108 %.

E. Tishkova ◽  
N. Kostomakhin

One of the main tasks of the development of the national economics of the Altai Republic is a rapid and signifi cant rise in animal husbandry, both in terms of increasing the number of all animal species, and in terms of increasing the productivity of maral breeding. New methods, new breeds, and highly productive types and lines are needed to solve these complex problems. Any breed is characterized by the unique gene pool and is the result of a long, purposeful and hard work. The scientists had the task of breeding and researching a breed type of maral of Altai-Sayan breed, which is common in some regions of the Republic. The object of the research was marals of the breed type has been bred in the APC BF “Tenginsky”, which were distributed both in the Republic of Altai and in other regions of the Russian Federation. In the sharply continental environments of the highlands animals have been bred that are characterized by a large live weight, high antler productivity and reproductive traits. With regard to the typicality and technological properties of antlers, marals in the APC BF “Tenginsky” occupy the first place in the production of antler products and breeding young animals. A complex evaluation of the method for the distinctiveness, uniformity and stability of breed type of marals has shown that the antler productivity of Tenginsky type antlers has higher indicators not only relative to the marals of neighboring farms, but also higher than the average indicators of the AltaiSayan breed by 30 %. Adult Siberian stags of Tenginsky type have live weight in the range 270–350 kg. Marals of the tengin type belong to large deer with a height of 150–165 cm at the withers. The horns of marals of the Tenginsky type are large in size and have 6–7 appendages. A distinctive feature of the main array of antlers in the Tenginsky type of antlers is the presence of short, but thick in girth trunks. The antler productivity of individual Siberian stags reaches 19,0–23,6 kg of raw antlers. The bred type includes high-class animals (91,6 % elite and class I), which annually produce more than 5,5 t of antlers and at least 350 breeding calves.


В совершенствовании крупного рогатого скота важную роль играет обмен генетическими ресурсами между разными странами. Данная статья посвящена изучению продуктивных качеств и воспроизводительных способностей дочерей симментальских быков импортной селекции, поскольку для успешного ведения селекционно-племенной работы необходимо решить вопрос о выборе породы, обеспечивающей высокую эффективность производства при сохранении способности к воспроизводству. Исследования проведены в Республике Хакасия на трех группах коров: I контрольная (дочери симментальских быков местной селекции), II опытная (дочери симментальских быков немецкой селекции), III опытная (дочери симментальских быков австрийской селекции). Были изучены хозяйственно-полезные признаки симментальских животных новых генотипов с целью выявления лучших в условиях Хакасии. Установлено, что дочери быков импортной селекции превышали сверстниц отечественной селекции по удою на 359,7—375,5 кг (9,0—9,4%), содержанию в молоке жира на 0,01%, белка — на 0,02—0,03%, живой массе — на 26,9—34,1 кг (5,2—6,6%). Потомки импортных быков имели достаточно высокий коэффициент воспроизводительной способности (0,99—1,02) и средний индекс плодовитости (45,9—47,5). Для совершенствования симментальского скота рекомендовано на местном маточном поголовье использовать симментальских быков австрийской и немецкой селекции с целью повышения молочной продуктивности и живой массы коров. Установленные взаимосвязи между основными хозяйственно полезными признаками необходимо использовать в дальнейшей селекционной работе с целью повышения генетического потенциала симментальских животных. An important role in improving cattle is played by the exchange of genetic resources between different countries. This article is devoted to the study of the productive qualities and reproductive abilities of daughters of Simmental bulls of imported selection, since for successful breeding and breeding work it is necessary to solve the problem of choosing a breed that provides high production efficiency while maintaining the ability to reproduce. Studies were conducted in the Republic of Khakassia on three groups of cows: I control (daughters of Simmental bulls of local selection), II experienced (daughters of Simmental bulls of German selection), III experienced (daughters of Simmental bulls of Austrian selection). The economically useful traits of Simmental animals of new genotypes were studied in order to identify the best in the conditions of Khakassia. It was established that the daughters of bulls of imported selection exceeded the peers of domestic selection in milk yield by 359.7—375.5 kg (9.0—9.4%), milk fat content by 0.01%, protein — by 0.02— 0.03%, live weight — 26.9–34.1 kg (5.2–6.6%). The descendants of imported bulls had a rather high reproductive capacity coefficient (0.99–1.02) and an average fertility index (45.9–47.5). To improve the Simmental cattle, it is recommended that the Simmental bulls of Austrian and German breeding be used in the local breeding stock to increase milk production and live weight of cows. The established interconnection

А. А. Ozdemirov ◽  
R. А. Akaeva ◽  
P. O. Alieva ◽  
Е. M. Alieva ◽  
S. K. Gamzatova ◽  

In the Dagestan Republic, sheep breeding has been assigned one of the leading roles in the livestock system for a long time. The vast territory of high-mountainous, alpine pastures, influenced by the nature of agriculture in the republic. The main feature of sheep breeding in Dagestan is distant pasture cattle breeding. In early spring, to summer high-altitude pastures, and in autumn to winter, desert and semi-desert pastures of the Caspian lowland, up to 75 percent of sheep are herded annually. The livestock is on the way for more than two months, roaming from summer pastures to winter ones and back. Meat and wool sheep farming is intensive and very profitable. Live weight of young animals while ensuring good fattening-off at the age of 6 months reaches 40 kg, and can be realized. These meat has a fine texture and is easily digestible. Sheep of the meat and wool types are register for large growth, good meat forms, as well as significant early maturity, high-quality meat in large quantities and good quality crossbred wool. The article presents a brief history of breeding sheep of meat and wool types. The preliminary studies carried out made it possible to determine the Gunib breed as the initial breed, as the most optimal, showing the best results. The Württemberg breed of sheep was chosen as the improver breed.

A. S. Durov ◽  
V. S. Deeva

 The assessment of cattle of black-and-white, red steppe, Simmental breeds, differentiated by live weight, was carried out. Three groups were formed: selection, production, and marriage. The selection parameters are calculated using the standard deviation. The calculated parameters of selection of animals of breeding groups by live weight in full-aged cows of the black-and-white breed are 527–472 kg, red steppe-595–514, Simmental breed from the Novosibirsk region – 555–447, the Republic of Khakassia – 610–475, Hereford – 570–462 kg. The animals of the breeding group of the black-and – white breed have an average live weight of 552.5 kg, the red steppe – 641.1 kg, the Simmental Novosibirsk region – 576.7 kg, the Republic of Khakassia – 648 kg, and the Hereford Region-591.1 kg. The analysis of interbreed differences of cows of breeding groups shows that animals of Simmental and Red steppe breeds surpass their peers in most measurements. Animals of the black-and-white breed are the leaders in milk yield and milk content index, Red steppe-in milk fat content and milk fat, Simmental cows bred in the Republic of Khakassia – in live weight. The assessment of production groups of animals by live weight allows us to note that the black-and-white breed surpasses its peers in milk productivity and is characterized by broadness; the red steppe breed – by live weight and fat content of milk and is characterized by elongation; the Simmental breed has a greater development of high-altitude measurements. Evaluation of breeding groups of animals by live weight allows us to note its relationship with other productive traits. The formation of a breeding group with a high live weight allows you to create a tall and stretched array of cattle. 


According to the current “Instruction” used in dairy cattle selection and breeding in the Republic of Kazakhstan, bulls-producers of dairy breeds are assessed according to the their offspring quality based on the principle of “peer daughter”. This means that the phenotypic indicators of the daughters of the tested bulls are compared with the corresponding indicators of their peers. In European countries with developed dairy cattle breeding, as well as in Canada, the USA, etc., to ensure a reliable forecast of the genetic value of individuals (primarily, bulls-producers), use is made of the best linear unbiased forecast method (BLUP method). This method implies that the breeding value of producers is determined by the deviation values of the development of traits of the examined animal from its average values in the population. Especially urgent area is the research aimed at improving breeding programs, including assessing the breeding value of bulls-producers of dairy breeds using BLUP methods based on the productive qualities of the mass of dairy cattle in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The research material included the data on the phenotypic indicators of the milk productivity of first-calf cows (the amount of milk yield, the content of fat and protein in milk, the yield of milk fat and protein) of the Holstein black-motley dairy cattle breed, obtained from the information and analytical database of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016–2017. It was found that when evaluating according to the official “Instruction”, 16 sires out of 256 bulls (6.2%) got the stud category in 2016, 14 sires (9.2%) out of 152 bulls in 2017, and – 30 sires of 249 bulls (12.0%) over the cumulative period. The results of the conducted research prove that the use of the classic “Instructions” in dairy cattle breeding has lower efficiency (by 42.8–90.0%) as compared with the assessment of the breeding value of bulls based on the BLUP method.The selection of sire bulls into breeding groups based on the “peer daughter” methodology is not reliable enough and rather ineffective. Comparing the results of assessing the breeding qualities of sire bulls, obtianed using two methods in all compared periods (2016, 2017, 2016–2017), the authors established a clear superiority of the BLUP method over the current Instruction used in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 82-94 ◽  
A. Ye. Pochukalin

One of the ways of increasing level of animal economically useful traits is selection work with farm families. In pedigree cattle breeding of Ukraine families are a statistical component of breed genealogy. Among the main scientific works on working with families, it should be noted minimum number of female ancestors, proposed by D. T. Vinnichuk, to determine the breeding value, different categories, classification and techniques for evaluating related groups of females. The aim of our research was to analyse importance of farm families for genealogical structure of the breed. The research was on basis of data of primary breeding records at the herd of Volyn Beef cattle of “Zorya” breeding farm, Kovel district, Volyn region. Akula 102, Galka 37 and Galka 1537 families belonging to Krasavchyk 3004 bloodline, Smorodyna 613, Korona 2382 and Visla 1016 families – Tsebryk 3888 bloodline, Kalyna 212, Verba 1536 and Garna 536 families – Yamb 3066 bloodlines, Kazka 433, Galka 421 and Bystra 1124 families – Buinyi 3042 bloodline, Rozetka 1313, Arfa 599 and Bulana 943 families – Sonnyi-Kaktus 3307-9828 bloodline, and Palma 275, Desna 870 and Veselka 444 families – Mudryi 9100 bloodline were characterized. Belonging to a bloodline was determined by the father's side of female ancestors. Structural units of families: branches, branching with identifying the best individuals on breeding traits were submitted to identify the best combinations and successful use of closely related breeding. Comparing assessment of related groups of females on the main breeding traits belonging to Krasavchyk 3004 bloodline, it was noted that the cows of Akula 102 family predominated in live weight at 5 years’ age, milk ability and economic use duration, whereas the cows of Galka 1537 family – on traits of reproductive ability. Smorodyna 613 family of Tsebryk 3888 bloodline had high duration of economic use and cows’ live weight at 5 years’ age compared with Korana 2382 and Visla 1016 families with equal values of the exterior traits (height measures) and coefficient of reproductive ability. The families of Mudryi 9100 bloodline in terms of reproduction (calving interval, coefficient of reproductive ability) had the highest figures of cows’ milk ability and live weight. The cows of Bulana 943 family had a considerable predominance over representatives of Rozetka 1313 and Arfa 599 families of Sonnyi-Kaktus 3307-9828 bloodline by main economically useful traits. High indices of reproductive ability were noted in these families. Heifers of the families of Buinyi 3042 bloodline had high live weight at 18 months’ age at average values of milk ability and cows’ live weight at 5 years’ age. More equal figures of growth rate, exterior and economic use duration were observed in the cows of Kalyna 212, Verba 1536 and Garna 536 families of Yamb 3066 bloodline. Breeding by families in beef cattle breeding is an important element of selection, because it allows to evaluate not only related group of female ancestor, but also to analyse a successful combination with lines and purposeful use of closely related breeding by the best representatives of a breed.

A. Balnikov ◽  
I. Gridyushko ◽  
Yu. Kazutova ◽  
M. Mikhailova ◽  
E. Romanishko

Purpose: evaluation of pigs Yorkshire rocks and Landraz on PRKAG3, MC4R and MyOD1 markers.Materials and methods. The paper presents the analysis of the results of genetic testing, and determines the frequency of alleles and genotypes of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds at the State Enterprise ZhodinoAgroPlemElita" of the Minsk region of the Republic of Belarus by the genes-markers of productive traits: PRKAG3, MC4R and MYOD1. Zootechnical and molecular genetic methods were used in the research (PCR/PDRF). Snapshot analysis was developed for the genotyping of pigs to detect polymorphic markers of meat-feeding productivity of pigs on the Genas PRKAG3, MyOD1, MC4R. At the first stage, there was an assessment of tribal young (173 heads) on its own productivity in terms of indicators: the age of achieving the living mass of 100 kg, the average daily increase (d) from birth to the live weight of 100 kg, the length of the body (cm), the lifetime meat quality of the thickness of the scrape (mm), height of the longest back muscles (mm), the content of meat in the body (%). At the second stage of the research, the controlling fastenings of 200 goals of pigs and evaluation of feedst and meat qualities in the following indicators were carried out: the age of achieving a living mass of 100 kg (days), the average daily increase (d), feed consumption per 1 kg of growth (to. Units). Also determined: the length of the carcass (cm), the slaughter output (%), the thickness of the spick over 6-7 breast vertebrae (mm), the area of "muscular eye" (cm2), the mass of the rear third of the half carcass (kg), the flow of meat in the carcus (%). Then, genetic studies were compared with productivity indicators.Results. As a result of the research, it was found that in the tested animals, the frequency of the preferred allele I-PRKAG3 made 0.171-0.288, A-MC4R – 0.243-0.315, and C-MYOD1 – 0.064-0.477, respectively. The developed comprehensive system for assessing the breeding value of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs based on the marker genes PRKAG3, MC4R, and MYOD1 allowed us to identify the preferred alleles and determine correlation with productivity traits that provided increase in the average population values: for self-productivity - by 2-4%, for fattening traits - by 2.7-12.5%, for meat traits - by 2.8-34.4 %.Conclusion. The use of integrated system in pig breeding will speed up the selection work to increase the indicators of fattening and meat productivity of the created breeding herds of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs.

A. A. Balnikov ◽  
Yu. S. Kazutova ◽  
N. M. Kostomakhin ◽  
I. F. Gridyushko ◽  
E. S. Gridyushko

The purpose of the work was a comprehensive evaluation of the productive and reproductive traits of sows of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds and their offspring under the conditions of a breeding enterprise in the Republic of Belarus. During the studies of reproductive traits, it has been revealed that the highest rate of prolificacy among the evaluated breeds was distinguished by Yorkshire sows 14,0 heads for farrowing. In terms of milk content, Landrace sows were 2,5 kg or 4,57 % higher than Yorkshire sows. In terms of weight and socket weight per piglet at weaning at the age of 28 days sows Landrace piglets surpassed herdmates Yorkshire breed in the weight of the litter by 6,8 %, and the weight of one pig by 0,9 %. It has been found by the results of the evaluation of fattening and meat qualities of purebred young pigs that the best parameters were different gilts of Landrace breeds, whose age achieve the live weight of 100 kg was 163,1 days, and average daily gain of live weight – 864,8 g, which was higher than in young pigs of Yorkshire breed by 1,8 day or 1,09 %, and 28,9 g or by 3,46 %. The young pigs of Landrace breed has been characterized by the best values of the area of the “eye of loin” – 73,8 cm² and the highest yield and amount of meat – 68,5 % and 24 kg, which was 11,4 cm² or 18,2 % and 0,4 kg or 3,5 abs.%, respectively, higher than the herdmates of Yorkshire breed. The results obtained indicate the possibility of using boars and sows of Landrace and Yorkshire breeds not only in breeding, but also in industrial pig breeding.

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