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Metabolites ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Abdul Sammad ◽  
Muhammad Zahoor Khan ◽  
Zaheer Abbas ◽  
Lirong Hu ◽  
Qudrat Ullah ◽  

Early successful conception of postpartum dairy cows is crucial in determining the optimum reproductive efficiency and profitability in modern dairy farming. Due to the inherent high production potential of modern dairy cows, the extra stress burden of peri-parturient events, and associated endocrine and metabolic changes causes negative energy balance (NEBAL) in postpartum cows. The occurrence of NEBAL is associated with excessive fat mobilization in the form of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs). The phenomenon of NEFA mobilization furthers with occurrence of ketosis and fatty liver in postpartum dairy cows. High NEFAs and ketones are negatively associated with health and reproductive processes. An additional burden of hypocalcemia, ruminal acidosis, and high protein metabolism in postpartum cows presents further consequences for health and reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cows. This review intends to comprehend these major nutritional metabolic alterations, their mechanisms of influence on the reproduction process, and relevant mitigation strategies.

Athenea ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 15-21
William Cabezas ◽  
Daniel Davila ◽  
Carlos Freire ◽  
Steven Hernandez ◽  
Alexander Morales

The paper is one of the most used elements in modern society, despite the fact that its invention dates back to ancient times. The paper is used for different domestic, labor and industrial purposes. Its manufacture is made from cellulose pulp and vegetable fibers, which have had a significant environmental impact in recent years. This work proposes the analysis of the production of paper from the use of residues of the banana plant, which could offer a better use of natural resources and a lower impact on nature. In addition, the natural fiber of bananas is resistant and is easily obtained in Latin American countries such as Ecuador, which has a high production of it. The results found show that it is possible to make paper with fiber from banana residues and that it is possible to commercialize and make good use of resources. Keywords: Organic paper, banana waste, environmental protection. References [1]A. Herrera, «ELABORACIÓN DEL PAPEL ORGÁNICO A BASE DE PSEUDOTALLO DE BANANO, CANTÓN SANTA ROSA, PROVINCIA DE EL ORO, ECUADOR,» Guayaquil, 2019. [2]R. d. León, «Fabrican papel con desechos de plátano,» CIENCIAMX, 1 julio 2016. [En línea]. Available: http://www.cienciamx.com/index.php/tecnologia/biotecnologia/8476-generacion-de-celulosa-a-partir-de-desechos-de-la-planta-del-platano. [3]A. Cortéz, «ELABORACIÓN DE PAPEL A BASE DE RESIDUOS DE BANANO,» Guayaquil, 2014. [4]M. Dávalos and S. Zurita, «Organic paper, banana waste, environmental protection,» Universidad Politécnica del Litoral, Chile, 2004. [5]G. Castillo-Tumaille and W. Espinoza- Espinoza, «Análisis de aceptación del papel a base de pinzote de banano como alternativa de,» Ingeniería Industrial. Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias, vol. V, nº 18, pp. 59-70, 2017. [6]M. Mazzeo, L. León, L. Mejía, L. Guerrero and J. Botero, «APROVECHAMIENTO INDUSTRIAL DE RESIDUOS DE COSECHA Y POSCOSECHA DEL PLÁTANO EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE CALDAS,» Educación en Ingeniería, vol. junio de 2010, nº 9, pp. 128-139, 2010. [7]M. Arzola and A. Mejías, «Modelo conceptual para gestionar la innovación en las empresas del sector servicios,» Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, vol. 12, nº 37, pp. 80-98, 2007. [8]I. Azman and S. Yusrizal, «Service quality as a predictor of satisfaction and customer loyalty.,» Scientific Journal of Logistics. , vol. 12, nº 4, pp. 269-283, 2016.    

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Irma Vybernaite-Lubiene ◽  
Mindaugas Zilius ◽  
Marco Bartoli ◽  
Jolita Petkuviene ◽  
Petras Zemlys ◽  

Estuaries are biogeochemical reactors able to modulate the transfer of energy and matter from the watershed to the coastal zones and to retain or remove large amounts of terrestrially generated nutrients. However, they may switch from nutrient sink to source depending upon interannual variability of the nutrient supply and internal processes driving whole system metabolism (e.g., net autotrophic or heterotrophic). We tested this hypothesis in the Curonian Lagoon, a hypertrophic estuary located in the south east Baltic Sea, following the budget approach developed in the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project. Annual budgets for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) were calculated for the 2013–2015 period. The lagoon was divided in a flushed, nutrient loaded area, and in a confined, less loaded area. The lagoon was always a sink for dissolved inorganic Si and P whereas it was a N sink in the confined area, dominated by denitrification, and a N source in the flushed area, due to dinitrogen (N2) fixation. The net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) indicated that the Curonian Lagoon was mainly autotrophic because of high primary production rates. In this turbid system, low N:P ratio, high summer temperatures, and calm weather conditions support high production of N2-fixing cyanobacteria, suppressing the estuarine N-sink role.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Motasem Alazaiza ◽  
Ahmed Albahnasawi ◽  
Gomaa Ali ◽  
Mohammed Bashir ◽  
Dia Nassani ◽  

Pharmaceutical contamination threatens both humans and the environment, and several technologies have been adapted for the removal of pharmaceuticals. The coagulation-flocculation process demonstrates a feasible solution for pharmaceutical removal. However, the chemical coagulation process has its drawbacks, such as excessive and toxic sludge production and high production cost. To overcome these shortcomings, the feasibility of natural-based coagulants, due to their biodegradability, safety, and availability, has been investigated by several researchers. This review presented the recent advances of using natural coagulants for pharmaceutical compound removal from aqueous solutions. The main mechanisms of natural coagulants for pharmaceutical removal from water and wastewater are charge neutralization and polymer bridges. Natural coagulants extracted from plants are more commonly investigated than those extracted from animals due to their affordability. Natural coagulants are competitive in terms of their performance and environmental sustainability. Developing a reliable extraction method is required, and therefore further investigation is essential to obtain a complete insight regarding the performance and the effect of environmental factors during pharmaceutical removal by natural coagulants. Finally, the indirect application of natural coagulants is an essential step for implementing green water and wastewater treatment technologies.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
Priyanka Prakash ◽  
Wing-Hin Lee ◽  
Ching-Yee Loo ◽  
Hau Seung Jeremy Wong ◽  
Thaigarajan Parumasivam

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural polymers produced under specific conditions by certain organisms, primarily bacteria, as a source of energy. These up-and-coming bioplastics are an undeniable asset in enhancing the effectiveness of drug delivery systems, which demand characteristics like non-immunogenicity, a sustained and controlled drug release, targeted delivery, as well as a high drug loading capacity. Given their biocompatibility, biodegradability, modifiability, and compatibility with hydrophobic drugs, PHAs often provide a superior alternative to free drug therapy or treatments using other polymeric nanocarriers. The many formulation methods of existing PHA nanocarriers, such as emulsion solvent evaporation, nanoprecipitation, dialysis, and in situ polymerization, are explained in this review. Due to their flexibility that allows for a vessel tailormade to its intended application, PHA nanocarriers have found their place in diverse therapy options like anticancer and anti-infective treatments, which are among the applications of PHA nanocarriers discussed in this article. Despite their many positive attributes, the advancement of PHA nanocarriers to clinical trials of drug delivery applications has been stunted due to the polymers’ natural hydrophobicity, controversial production materials, and high production costs, among others. These challenges are explored in this review, alongside their existing solutions and alternatives.

PeerJ ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. e12676
Ramon E. Jaimez ◽  
Luigy Barragan ◽  
Miguel Fernández-Niño ◽  
Ludger A. Wessjohann ◽  
George Cedeño-Garcia ◽  

Many decades of improvement in cacao have aided to obtain cultivars with characteristics of tolerance to diseases, adaptability to different edaphoclimatic conditions, and higher yields. In Ecuador, as a result of several breeding programs, the clone CCN 51 was obtained, which gradually expanded through the cacao-production regions of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Peru. Recognized for its high yield and adaptability to different regions and environments, it has become one of the most popular clones for breeding programs and cultivation around the world. This review aims to summarize the current evidence on the origin, genetics, morphological, volatile compounds, and organoleptic characteristics of this clone. Physiological evidence, production dynamics, and floral biology are also included to explain the high yield of CCN 51. Thus, characteristics such as osmotic adjustment, long pollen longevity, and fruit formation are further discussed and associated with high production at the end of the dry period. Finally, the impact of this popular clone on the current and future cacao industry will be discussed highlighting the major challenges for flavor enhancement and its relevance as a platform for the identification of novel genetic markers for cultivar improvement in breeding programs.

Marta Klimek-Szczykutowicz ◽  
Michał Dziurka ◽  
Ivica Blažević ◽  
Azra Đulović ◽  
Anna Apola ◽  

Abstract The study has proved the stimulating effects of different strategies of treatments with elicitors on the production of glucosinolates (GSLs), flavonoids, polyphenols, saccharides, and photosynthetic pigments in watercress (Nasturtium officinale) microshoot cultures. The study also assessed antioxidant and anti-melanin activities. The following elicitors were tested: ethephon (ETH), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), sodium salicylate (NaSA), and yeast extract (YeE) and were added on day 10 of the growth period. Cultures not treated with the elicitor were used as control. The total GSL content estimations and UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS analyses showed that elicitation influenced the qualitative and quantitative profiles of GSLs. MeJA stimulated the production of gluconasturtiin (68.34 mg/100 g dried weight (DW)) and glucobrassicin (65.95 mg/100 g DW). The elicitation also increased flavonoid accumulation (max. 1131.33 mg/100 g DW, for 100 μM NaSA, collection after 24 h). The elicitors did not boost the total polyphenol content. NaSA at 100 μM increased the production of total chlorophyll a and b (5.7 times after 24 h of treatment), and 50 μM NaSA caused a 6.5 times higher production of carotenoids after 8 days of treatment. The antioxidant potential (assessed with the CUPRAC FRAP and DPPH assays) increased most after 24 h of treatment with 100 μM MeJA. The assessment of anti-melanin activities showed that the microshoot extracts were able to cause inhibition of tyrosinase (max. 27.84% for 1250 µg/mL). Key points • Elicitation stimulated of the metabolite production in N. officinale microshoots. • High production of pro-health glucosinolates and polyphenols was obtained. • N. officinale microshoots have got tyrosinase inhibition potential. • The antioxidant potential of N. officinale microshoots was evaluated. Graphical abstract

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 966-972
Isna Dini ◽  
Hapsoh Hapsoh ◽  
Rachmad Saputra ◽  
Desita Salbiah ◽  
Sri Yoseva

Oyster mushroom is a mushroom that is quite in demand by the people of Pekanbaru City. One of the oyster mushroom producers in Pekanbaru is a young entrepreneur named Solihin who is a student of the Department of Agrotechnology, Riau University. Oyster mushroom production ranges from 15-40 kg/day. The high production of mushrooms is supported by the number of baglogs owned by Solihin. After being used to produce mushrooms, this baglog will of course become waste. The high content of organic matter in baglog waste makes baglog waste a potential medium for the development of African Night Crawlers (ANC) worms. Furthermore, the remaining growth media for this worm can be used as vermicompost fertilizer. Therefore, the purpose of this service is to provide assistance in the cultivation of ANC worms to entrepreneurs who are partners in this service. Based on the results of the service carried out, partners have succeeded in developing by-products other than oyster mushrooms into useful and selling products which can certainly increase partners' income. In addition, partners are also developing fish farming as a continuation of the use of ANC worms as fish feed. This is because ANC worms are a high source of protein for fish feed. Through this service activity, the development of integrated agricultural agribusiness has been realized.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Diego Ariel Meloni ◽  
María José Nieva ◽  
Carlos Alberto Martínez

In recent decades, the phytogeographic region of the Western Chaco has been subjected to heavy deforestation. The native forest was gradually replaced by agricultural crops using high doses of herbicides. Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide, and its impact on the surrounding native flora is unknown. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of glyphosate on the germination of Prosopis alba seeds and the photosynthesis of seedlings.  Seeds were placed between paper towels, moistened with solutions of 0, 10, 20, 20, 30 and 40 mg a.i. glyphosate l-1, in a growth chamber at 25 oC and a 12 h photoperiod. The percentage of germinated seeds and the mean germination time were calculated. The respiratory rate was measured in these seeds, and the activity of complexes I and III of the respiratory chain was quantified. The shikimate concentration and antioxidant response of the seeds were also quantified. Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission variables were measured in the cotyledons. It was concluded that glyphosate inhibits germination in P. alba seeds and decreases the speed of the process.  This effect can partly be explained by inhibition of respiration, mainly at the level of complex III of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. It is also due to oxidative stress produced by the herbicide, since the antioxidant response of the seeds fails to compensate for the high production of reactive oxygen species. Glyphosate inhibits the photochemical stage of photosynthesis on P. alba cotyledons.

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