2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
María Verónica Inga Farías ◽  
Oscar Elías Bolívar Chávez ◽  
José Grismaldo Pico Mieles

  El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal Analizar las técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación que emplean los docentes con los estudiantes en el aula de clase en la Unidad Educativa Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño; para ello se aplicó una investigación cuantitativa con una metodología inductiva-deductiva, con los métodos participativos, investigativo, reflexivo y analítico, a través de las técnicas de la observación, la entrevista, el cuestionario y la encuesta que permitieron alcanzar los resultados deseados; La población sujeta de estudio fueron de 100 estudiantes del tercero de bachillerato técnico del Colegio Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño y para la selección de la muestra se realizó un análisis estadístico de frecuencias y media aritmética, dando como resultado 30 estudiantes y 9 docentes de la misma. El proceso de investigación realizado dentro de la institución por los autores, concluyen que en la aplicación de este proceso se presentan algunas situaciones que se tienen que mejorar para cumplir con los objetivos educacionales tanto estatales como institucionales, pues la realidad de los resultados de las evaluaciones y las situaciones es urgente y visible sobre todo en el uso de las técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación que se aplicaban a los mismos, pues los resultados de las calificaciones son bajas en repetidas ocasiones, esta insatisfacción se sienten tanto en docentes como en estudiantes, ocasionando incertidumbre, malestar y relaciones hostiles dentro del aula que producen dificultades al momento de cumplir con los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje. PALABRAS CLAVE: Proceso de Evaluación; estudiantes de bachillerato; técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación; resultados de evaluación. THE TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTS OF EVALUATION AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN THE STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL BACCALAUREATE ABSTRACT The main objective of the research work was to analyze the evaluation techniques and instruments used by teachers with students in the classroom at the Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño Educational Unit; For this purpose, a quantitative research was applied with an inductive-deductive methodology, with participatory, investigative, reflective and analytical methods, through the techniques of observation, interview, questionnaire and survey that allowed achieving the desired results; The population subject of the study was 100 students from the third year of the technical baccalaureate of the Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño School and for the selection of the sample a statistical analysis of frequencies and arithmetic mean was made, resulting in 30 students and 9 teachers of the same . The research process carried out within the institution by the authors, concludes that in the application of this process some situations are presented that have to be improved to comply with the educational objectives both state and institutional, as the reality of the results of the evaluations and the situations are urgent and visible especially in the use of evaluation techniques and instruments that were applied to them, because the results of the grades are low repeatedly, this dissatisfaction is felt both in teachers and students, causing uncertainty, discomfort and hostile relationships within the classroom that produce difficulties when fulfilling the teaching - learning processes. KEYWORDS: Evaluation process; high school students; evaluation techniques and instruments; evaluation results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Enedina Felicidad Pico Gómez ◽  
Silvio Alejandro Alcívar Molina ◽  
Gabriel García Murillo

La presente problemática trata sobre el desempeño profesional pedagógico en el aprendizaje, la cual tuvo como objetivo principal determinar las nuevas prácticas educativas que utiliza la institución formativa y analizar la manera en que éstas influyen en el proceso de aprendizaje de los educandos. Para poder desarrollar la investigación se aplicó la investigación bibliográfica, incluida la investigación de campo, se obtuvieron datos a través de la aplicación de encuestas realizada a los estudiantes de la institución. Basándome en toda la información se llegó a la conclusión que el uso adecuado de las nuevas prácticas educativas por parte de los docentes beneficia al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes, siempre y cuando el educando esté predispuesto a innovar y enriquecer sus conocimientos. Además, hay que resaltar la importante labor del docente ya que es un factor clave en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Es importante destacar que los resultados obtenidos en la encuesta realizada a docentes y estudiantes permitieron estructurar las conclusiones y recomendaciones. La investigación se abordó de acuerdo a las técnicas empleadas las cuales fueron la observación, la encuesta aplicada a los estudiantes y docentes de la institución. Finalmente, para resolver la problemática se realizó una propuesta que contribuyó a dar solución a la problemática. PALABRAS CLAVE: Desempeño pedagógico; estudiantes de bachillerato; proceso de enseñanza; evaluación. PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGICAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE LEARNING OF THIRD-GRADUATE STUDENTS OF THE NIGHT NATIONAL SCHOOL OLGA VALLEJO DE BRIONES OF THE CITY OF PORTOVIEJO ABSTRACT The present research work called, It was carried out at the Olga Vallejo de Briones National Night School, which had as its main objective the new educational practices used by the educational institution and analyze the way in which they influence the learning process of the students. In order to develop the research, bibliographic research was applied, including field research, data was obtained through the application of surveys made to the students of the institution. Based on all the information, it was concluded that the proper use of new educational practices by teachers benefits the teaching-learning process of students, as long as the student is predisposed to innovate and enrich their knowledge. In addition we must highlight the important work of the teacher as it is a key factor in the learning process of students. It is important to highlight that the results obtained in the survey made to teachers and students allowed to structure the conclusions and recommendations. The investigation was approached according to the techniques used which were the observation, the survey applied to the students and teachers of the institution. Finally, to solve the problem, a proposal was made that helped to solve the problem. KEYWORDS: Pedagogical performance; high school students; teaching process; evaluation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (9) ◽  
Leonor Alexandra Rodríguez Álava ◽  
Gabriela Somaira Acosta Santana ◽  
Carmen Azucena López Chica

El artículo como parte de un proyecto de investigación, aborda el rol que desempeña el psicólogo educativo como orientador en la elección de la carrera universitaria  por  parte de los estudiantes de bachillerato en Ecuador, se plantea como objetivo el análisis de los aspectos que consideran los estudiantes al momento de elegir la carrera universitaria, así como los métodos y técnicas que los orientadores  utilizan para el efecto. Para la puesta en marcha de esta experiencia se encuestaron 166 estudiantes y 2 psicólogos de la Unidad Educativa Abdón Calderón; a través de los resultados arrojados se concluyó que los docentes y estudiantes limitan esta tarea en   el desarrollo de charlas y test psicométricos desaprovechando de esta manera la gama de actividades proyectivas que permiten junto a otras herramientas una elección no sólo de la carrera profesional sino de un futuro integral de la persona.  Palabras clave: orientación profesional, orientación vocacional, proyecto de vida, psicología educativa   Abstract The article as part of a research project addresses the role played by the educational psychologist as counselor in choosing the university degree by high school students in Ecuador, is presented as objective analysis of the aspects that consider students when choosing a university profesional degree as well as the methods and techniques used for the counselors and educational psychologist for this effect. For the implementation of this experience 166 students and 2 psychologists from educational unit Abdon Calderon were surveyed. Through the results we conclude that teachers and students limit this task in the development of conferences and psychometric tests missing the broad range of projective activities that allow with other tools a choice not only one profesional career but the integral formation of a person.  Keywords: Vocational guidance, vocational guidance, life project, educational psychology

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
Génessis Lisbeth Laz Rodrígez ◽  
Rosa Lilibeth Laz Rodríguez

El artículo como parte de un proyecto de investigación, aborda la necesidad de la utilización del aula virtual con fines educativos por parte de los estudiantes de bachillerato en Ecuador, se plantea como objetivo el análisis de la utilización del aula virtual y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Para la puesta en marcha de esta experiencia se encuestaron 16    profesores, 110 estudiantes y 2 directivos de la Unidad Educativa ITSUP;  a través de los resultados arrojados se concluyó que los docentes y estudiantes limitan la utilización del aula virtual en actividades tradicionales como el envío de tareas, desaprovechando de esta manera la gama de actividades que el aula virtual contiene y que permiten junto a otras herramientas la adquisición de verdaderos aprendizajes.  Palabras clave: Actividades, docentes, tecnología, recurso didáctico The virtual classroom as a teaching tool in the High school Abstract The article as part of a research project states the need for the use of the virtual classroom for educational purposes by High school students in Ecuador. The objective was to analyze the use of the virtual classroom and its impact on the learning of the students. For the implementation of this experience 16  teachers,  110  students and  2  directors of  “Unidada Educativa  ITSUP” were surveyed. The results concluded that teachers and students limit the use of virtual classroom in traditional activities such as homework  and the like , thus wasting the range of activities that contains the virtual classroom and allowing other tools for acquisition of the real  learning.  Keywords: Activities, teaching, technology, teaching resource

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Richard Washington Góngora Zambrano ◽  
Freddy Eduardo Santana Giler

El presente trabajo de investigación se lo realizo con la finalidad de poder atender una necesidad que viven la mayoría de las instituciones de educación media, en el área de las ciencias experimentales, específicamente en la enseñanza de la Química, la cual se torna compleja para los docentes al momento querer vincular los conocimientos teóricos con los conocimientos prácticos, debido a la carencia de equipos, materiales, sustancias y en la mayor parte de los casos de un espacio físico adecuado en el cual poder impartir las prácticas de experimentación. Por tal motivo se propuso una investigación con enfoque de innovación, mediante la utilización de simuladores virtuales, los cuales permiten a docentes y estudiantes poder fortalecer su proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la asignatura de Química, para lo cual se capacitó a los docentes y estudiantes del área de ciencias experimentales de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Uruguay, con la finalidad de que conozcan el manejo de la aplicación y de esta manera pudiesen adquirir las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para el manejo de los simuladores. PALABRAS CLAVE: Simulador virtual, enseñanza, aprendizaje, Química. Theoretical-practical strengthening of the teaching of Chemistry through the application of virtual simulators to the students of the 2nd year of Baccalaureate of the Uruguay Technical Educational Unit of the city of Portoviejo of the province of Manabí ABSTRACT This research work was carried out in order to be able to meet a need that most secondary education institutions live in the area of ​​experimental sciences, specifically in the teaching of Chemistry, which becomes complex for students, teachers at the time want to link theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, due to the lack of equipment, materials, substances and in most cases of an adequate physical space in which to teach the experimentation practices. For this reason, an investigation with an innovation approach was proposed, through the use of virtual simulators, which allow teachers and students to strengthen their teaching - learning process in the Chemistry subject, for which teachers and students were trained from the area of ​​experimental sciences of the Uruguay Fiscal Education Unit, in order that they know how to use the application and, in this way, they could acquire the skills and abilities necessary to use the simulators.KEYWORDS: Virtual simulator, teaching, learning, chemistry.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-123
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Fika Hastarita Rachman ◽  
Yonathan Ferry Hendrawan

Programming is a basic skill in computing (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi–TIK) feld. In our school partners located at Bangkalan, the teachers of computing course have non-computing background (physics, mathematics, biology). Tis condition means that their programming skill is not good enough. Tis is certainly a suboptimal circumstance since teacher’s mastery of a subject has a lot to do with the success of the teaching-learning process. Computer olympics (olimpiade komputer) is a programming competition for high school students. It has two kinds of tests. Tey were mathematical logic and programming problem solving. Because of the lacking in teacher’s programming skill, the preparation event focused only on mathematical logic. Tis approach had led the students to pass through frst/city selection, but it was not enough to pass the second/provincial selection. In this community service, we gave programming learning modules to the school partners and also train them about pascal programming. Te initial targets were TIK teachers who were also the preparation event coaches. Afer several considerations, we asked the schools to also send their best students as participants for the training. Te purpose were to not only prepare the current participant team, but also to support the regeneration of future teams. By the end of this activity, our partners’ teachers and students have had a better pascal programming skills. Tis result is shown in the increasing scores they get in their pre, mid, and fnal training evaluations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 96
Sarah Hebbouch

This study investigates the overall use of project-based work in enhancing Moroccan high school students’ autonomous learning and attenuating their being over-reliant on teachers. It was observed, in two Moroccan high schools, -where the study was carried out-, as is the case in many other English foreign language contexts, that students were generally unable to learn by themselves, and that teachers were the solemn imparters of knowledge and learners were merely passive receivers of that knowledge. The study involved a sample of 30 students from science stream belonging to two adjacent high schools, which are located in a big city in Morocco. In the absence of a standard framework on how to implement project-based work properly, effective ways on how project work can improve independent learning proved useful in this study. In order to collect data for the study, three major instruments were employed, involving students and teachers, namely observation, interviews, and survey questionnaires. The data analysis highlighted the importance of project-based strategy in boosting students’ autonomous learning, through analyzing interview excerpts of teachers’ and students’ experience with the concept The research findings revealed that teachers assigned projects for students but did not identify each student’s role within a group, which deepened students’ disorientation, and reinforced sheer dependence on the teachers. The interviews showed as well the difficulties teachers encountered when assigning projects. This study is but a roadmap to teachers who are willing to increase students’ autonomy and improve the quality of the teaching-learning situation. The study also identifies the role of the teacher and the stages that should be followed to a better achievement of results. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 754-760
Alparslan Ince ◽  

The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between physical education and sports high school students' positive thinking skill levels and attitudes of learning in terms of gender and years of doing sports. The study is a descriptive method, one of the quantitative research methods. The study group consisted of 280 (age: 20.98 ± 1.390) university students from School of Physical Education and Sports in Ordu university. As a result, it was concluded that the students' positive thinking skills were at a high level, and the nature of learning, anxiety, expectation, and openness to learning sub-dimensions of the attitude tolearning scale were at high levels. It was concluded that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between the nature of learning, Expectation, and openness to learning, and positive thinking skill from sub-dimensions of the attitude to learning scale, but there is a negatively significant relationship between anxiety and positive thinking skills

2020 ◽  
Nélia Lúcia Fonseca

This study first approaches the history of the observer’s gaze, that is, as observers, we are forming or constructing our way of visualizing moving images. Secondly, it reaffirms the importance and need of resistance of the teaching / learning of Art as a compulsory curricular component for high school. Finally, the third part reports an experience with video art production in a class of first year high school students, establishing an interrelationship between theory and practice, that is, we study video art content to reach the production of videos, aiming as a final result, the art videos created by the students of the Reference Center in Environmental Education Forest School Prof. Eidorfe Moreira High School. The first and second stages of this research share a theoretical part of the Master ‘s thesis, Making films on the Island: audiovisual production as an escape line in Cotijuba, periphery of Belem, completed in 2013.

2017 ◽  
Alex Wirth ◽  
Boris Aberšek ◽  

Discipline in class is essential. Without it the educational processes and teachings are difficult. In this manner curricula goals are almost impossible to achieve. There are and there always will be some kind of conflicts between teachers and students, but they should not evolve to become a problem. Teachers (especially elderly teachers) often express pessimism of contemporary students. They say that today's students have less knowledge, they do misbehave more often than previous generations. A study among students was conducted. It was trying to determine the rate of discipline in schools in Celje to see if these statements are true. The questionnaire to students of one primary and one high school in Celje, Slovenia were distributed. The answers from 234 students were received. On the one hand, it was found out that senior high school students have the worst level of discipline of all the grades tested. They themselves assess their class atmosphere as less disciplined. They report that teachers use a lot of time to calm the class down. All this is probably a factor in lower average grade that the senior high school students have. On the other hand, it was found out that teachers do not react to the disturbance or they are trying to be repressive. These are not the correct ways of dealing with discipline issues. Therefore, there are some recommended ways how teachers should react. Keywords: discipline in class, primary school, contemporary student, elderly teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 704-711
Emre Turegun ◽  

The study aimed to examine the levels of aggression and violence of students and other professional groups who are Düzcespor football fans. For the research model, the survey model, one of the quantitative research types, was chosen. The study's data collection process was carried out during the 2019-2020 season of the Turkey Football Federation, and the population of the study consisted of Düzcespor fans between the ages of 12-68. The sample of the study, on the other hand, consists of 498 people who voluntarily participated in the study using the random sample selection technique. As a result of normality tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk), it was determined that the scores obtained from the scales did not show a normal distribution. For this reason, non-parametric tests Mann Whitney-U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test, and Bonferroni Test, one of the Post Hoc tests, were used to determine which group caused the significant difference between the groups as a result of the analysis. Frequency, percentage, minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation values were also used to analyze the data. The level of significance was determined as p < 0.05. The study's findings showed that Düzcespor supporters had moderate aggression and violent behaviors. There was a significant difference between the variables of gender, age, education level, occupation and income, and aggression and violent behavior. The study results revealed that aggression and tendency to violence are higher in males, younger people, high school students and people with low income.

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