scholarly journals Rational use of washed soil

A.I. Petelko ◽  

Integrated agricultural practices contribute to increasing and restoring the fertility of washed lands, reducing water erosion of soils on the slopes. When cultivating eroded soils, it is necessary to introduce organic and mineral fertilizers into the arable layer, enrich it with nutrients and eliminate the acid reaction. To do this, you need to carry out deep plowing up to 30 cm with the simultaneous introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is acidic, then liming is necessary. This will help to create a better soil environment and better absorption of fertilizers.

2007 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 36-39 ◽  
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska ◽  
Jolanta Robak ◽  
Katarzyna Głowala

Granulated organic and mineral fertilizers: Technology and utility properties This work presents the selected aspects of a technological concept for the production of organic and mineral fertilizers from communal sludge stabilized with volatile ash, by using two methods of granulation: coating and pressure. The presented concept is the effect of optimization, taking into account an interference of a number of factors exerted onto the fertilizing values and the mechanical strength of the final products. The fertilizers (contain ash from brown coal) obtained according to that method are characterized by a sufficient (according to law) content of organic matter (35,73% w/w), total nitrogen (1,70% w/w), phosphorus P2 O5 (3,62% w/w) and after the modification, also potassium K2O (8,43% w/w). The mechanical properties are better for the granulates, prepared by using pressure granulation (15,1 kG/cm2) and allow for their transportation, storage and application.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-104
O. A. Litvinova ◽  
D. V. Litvinov ◽  
S. E. Dehodiuk ◽  
O. V. Dmitrenko ◽  

The article presents the results of research on the biological activity of gray forest soil depending on the systematic use of organic and mineral fertilizers. It is established that effective reproduction of humus in gray forest soil is provided by organo-mineral (12 t of manure together with N80P60K80 application per 1 ha of crop rotation area) and organic (24 t/ha of manure), respectively 36,5 t/ha, and 35,6 t/ha. The application of only mineral fertilizers in the norm of N80P60K80 per 1 ha of crop rotation area resulted in a decrease in humus reserves by 9 % relative to the initial level (32,4 t/ha). The highest degree of humification of organic matter provided the option of applying organic fertilizers (60 t/ha) both separately – 36,0% and compatible with mineral – (60 t/ha manure + N80P60K80) – 34 %. Prolonged use of organic and mineral fertilizers in crop rotation significantly increased the total number of microorganisms in the soil. The result was increased decomposition of organic matter and increased release of CO2 from the soil. The areas with the highest biological activity and CO2 intensity were characterized by areas where the soil was systematically enriched with fresh organic matter. The intensity of biological processes in the organo-mineral system increased by 67 % relative to the variant without fertilizers and by 30 % relative to the variant with only N80P60K80. The use of organic and mineral fertilizers in one system stimulated the process of decomposition of fiber – at the level of 78,5 %, which in percentage terms exceeded the value of the indicators obtained for a purely mineral fertilizer system.

2019 ◽  
pp. 18-24
Ilya Sergeevich Poletaev ◽  
Anatoly Petrovich Solodovnikov ◽  
Natalya Nikolaevna Gusakova ◽  
Aleksandr Sergeevich Lynkov

The features of changing the productivity of spring wheat under the influence of weather conditions and after foliar  application with humic acid fertilizers, mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers are considered. It is shown that at 56% of the norm of precipitation for vegetation and air temperatures fall above the annual average by 4–7 ° C, the yield of spring wheat decreases by 0.85 t / ha or by 41%. After three-year experiments, it was noted that, under the influence of the studied agricultural practices, the yield of spring wheat increases as well as the grain quality of this crop. The highest yield was in the variants after application of Biocomplex and Biohumus; it was 1.76 and 1.71 t / ha, respectively, which is 29.4 and 25.7% higher than the control. Organic and mineral fertilizers containing a complex of microelements and organic acids had a greater effect. Thus, the protein content   was up to 17.6%, dry gluten – up to 30.8%, raw gluten – 33.5%, IDK was 78.2 units.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-28
Н.Т. Чеботарев ◽  
Н.Н. Шергина

Пахотные угодья Республики Коми в основном представлены дерново-подзолистыми почвами с низким естественным плодородием, которые без применения удобрений быстро подвергаются деградационным процессам, что резко снижает их продуктивность. Цель исследований: оценка эффективности долговременного применения органических и минеральных удобрений при выращивании картофеля в кормовом севообороте в условиях Республики Коми. Методической основой выполнения работ были комплексные исследования дерново-подзолистых почв, клубней картофеля на участках многолетнего полевого эксперимента, заложенного на землях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН в соответствии с «Методическими указаниями географической сети опытов с удобрениями». Длительный период исследований (более 40 лет) характеризовался различными климатическими условиями, которые отразились на количестве урожая и качестве клубней картофеля. Было проведено 7 ротаций (14 лет) с выращиванием картофеля. Вносили органические удобрения – торфонавозный компост (ТНК) в дозах 40 и 80 т/га (1 и 2 фон, соответственно) под картофель и минеральные удобрения – NPК в дозах 1/3; 1/2 и 1 для восполнения выноса растениями элементов питания. Установлено положительное влияние комплексного применения органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество картофеля, а также на плодородие дерново-подзолистой легкосуглинистой среднеокультуренной почвы в кормовом севообороте в почвенно-климатических условиях Республики Коми. В результате применения шестипольного севооборота и комплексного внесения удобрений с 1978 года к 2019 году в почвах снизилась обменная и гидролитическая кислотность; повысилось содержание гумуса на 0,5% (в контроле); на 0,2–0,5% (с тремя дозами минеральных удобрений); на 0,3–1,1% (с ТНК); на 0,2–1,6% (при совместном применении органических и минеральных удобрений). Наибольшие урожаи картофеля получены при совместном применении органических (80 т/га) и минеральных удобрений (1 NPК) и составили 37,1 т/га клубней (8,5 тыс/га кормовых единиц). При таком соотношении удобрений показано высокое качество клубней картофеля: содержание крахмала 15,5%, витамина С – 19,4 мг%, сырого протеина – 14,1%. Количество нитратного азота не превышало ПДК (ПДК 250 мг.с.м.). Экономические расчеты показали, что при внесении ТНК 40 т/га + 1 NPК в дерново-подзолистые почвы с.-х. использования в среднетаежной зоне Республики Коми при выращивании картофеля, условный чистый доход составит 68,4 тыс. р. с 1 га, себестоимость 1 т картофеля – 2,8 тыс. р., рентабельность 188,7%. The arable land of the Republic of Komi is mainly represented by dern-sub-ground soils with low natural fertility, which without the use of fertilizers are quickly subjected to degradation processes, which dramatically reduces their productivity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers in the growing of potatoes in feed crop rotation in the conditions of the Komi Republic. The methodological basis for carrying out the works was comprehensive studies of dern-subhead soils, potato tubers on the sites of a multi-year field experiment laid on the lands of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the FRC Komi SC UB RAS in accordance with the «Methodological Instructions of the Geographical Network of Experiments with Fertilizers». A long period of research (more than 40 years) was characterized by different climatic conditions, which affected the number of crops and the quality of potato tubers. There were 7 rotations (14 years) with potato cultivation. Organic fertilizers – peat-avous compost (TNK) in doses of 40 and 80 t/ha (1 and 2 background, respectively) for potatoes and mineral fertilizers – NPK in doses of 1/3; 1/2 and 1 to replenish the carry-out of food elements by plants. The positive effect of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of soddy-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil in fodder crop rotation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Komi Republic, has been established. As a result of the use of six-bed crop rotation and the integrated application of fertilizers, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity decreased in soils from 1978 to 2019; humus content increased by 0.5% (in control); 0.2–0.5% (with three doses of mineral fertilizers); 0.3–1.1% (with TNCs); 0.2–1.6% (with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers). The largest potato yields were obtained from the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha tubers (8.5 thousand/ha feed units). The largest potato harvests were obtained with the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha of tubers (8.5 thousand/ha of feed units). With this ratio of fertilizers, the high quality of potato tubers was also determined: the starch content was 15.5%, vitamin C – 19.4 mg%, crude protein – 14.1%. The amount of nitrate nitrogen did not exceed the MPC (MPC 250 mg.s.m.). Economic calculations showed that if TNK is added 40 t/ha 1 NPK to the dern-sub-ground soils of agricultural use in the medium-sized zone of the Komi Republic when growing potatoes, the conditional net income will be 68.4 thousand rubles from 1 ha, the cost of 1 t of potatoes – 2.8 thousand rubles, profitability 188.7%.

V. А. Shevchenko ◽  
A. V. Nefedov ◽  
A. V. Ilinskiy ◽  
А. Е. Morozov

Long-term observations of the drained soil of peat-podzolic-gley light loam on ancient alluvial sands state on the example of the meliorative object "Tinky-2" showed that under the influence of agricultural use in the soil, the organic matter mineralization processes are accelerated. During the drainage process, the soil evolutionarily suffered the following changes: the peat layer was compacted, humified and mineralized, which was a reason of the transformation them into the humus horizon. Based on the monitoring studies results it was established that during 21 intensive use years the peat layer thickness was decreased by 74.5% and amounted to 5.51 inch, which in the following 20 years was decreased to a layer of 1.18 inch, and for another 14 years it became a homogeneous humus horizon containing difficulty identifiable plant remains. For half a century, the bulk density increased by 6 times and the total moisture capacity of the soil decreased by 3.6 times. Other indicators were changed significantly. So, the ash content by 2016 increased from 11.2% to 52.7%. It was a reason of the plough-layer decreasing and it mixes with the mineral sand horizon during plowing. It should also be noted that the total nitrogen content in the soil decreased by 1.13%, and total carbon by 15.3% from 1982 to 2016. The dynamics of changes in the soil acidity, phosphorus and potassium content is associated with the introduction of calcareous, organic and mineral fertilizers in the 1980s. The unsystematic exploitation of such soils leads to decrease in the agricultural products productivity and increase in energy costs. When planning these soils usage in agricultural production, it is necessary to develop and implement modern melioration technologies and techniques aimed to increase soil fertility.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (91) ◽  
pp. 57-62
O.L. Kyrylesko

Influence of top-dressing is considered in the article, norms and terms of sowing on of winter-annual rape. The assessment conducted by the yield of green mass and seeds, output capacity by about 1 hectare of dry matter, feed units and digestible protein, the number of dead plants and density of herbage. Established that hardiness and productivity of winter rape can be enhanced through the use of farming practices as: by creating a moderate density of herbage, using optimal terms of planting and doses of mineral fertilizers, selection of predecessors and careful preparation of the soil ect. The mechanism of influence of agrotechnical receptions is exposed on of winter-annual rape through determination in roots before the offensive of the winter of separate biochemical indexes (sugar, starch, to protein).

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