2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-224
Aneta Deneva

There is always a definite point in the life path of every person when he starts asking a number of questions about his being, skills and desires. Very often just then the desire for cardinal changes appears, for escaping from the familiar and routine. It is this moment of truth when we give a clear account of who we are, where we are, what we have achieved and want to continue in the same way. Starting an entrepreneurial activity then is a serious bet for its success. The prerequisites for such success are the existence of a clearly conscious purpose and willingness, unrelenting and accurate assessment of opportunities and capabilities, and most of all determination and will to break the status quo.The perception of the vast majority of people for a successful entrepreneurial activity is related to the receipt of big profits. For the entrepreneur, however, things can be quite different. Here we intervene and the desire to prove ourselves, to increase the social status, to address new challenges, etc., which we usually summarized call success. The vast majority of society perceives the entrepreneurial success rather negatively. The main importance of the gains achieved and the external characteristics of a higher standard of living. Much more background and very rarely noticeable are the enormous efforts made by entrepreneurs in realising their ideas, their great responsibility not only for those working in their own enterprises, but also in terms of their families and Society as a whole.Success and failure go hand in hand. Failure, failure and fear of them are part of the daily life of the entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneur is not the one who tries to avoid in one way or another the failures, and the one who is taught by his faults and failures, is able to accept them with dignity, to learn from them, not to allow them again, and has the power to stand up and move on.Every new business is a new beginning, hiding a multitude of uncertainties and pitfalls, placing many questions and trials. The important thing is to possess the courage and courage to try despite the fears and dangers, as long as the risk of this attempt is judged correctly. Not in vain in the past have seen entrepreneurs such as gambling personalities, adventurers, etc., and today they are the ones who carry the new, create the unknown and discover opportunities where for others they are lacking.

2008 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-35
Gunter Faltin ◽  
Liv Jacobsen

Current discussions about entrepreneurship are framed primarily in terms of business administration. But entrepreneurship is more: a complex, dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon with a creative dimension that is in parts beyond economic-rationale discourse. Business models can be built upon something else than patents or research findings by transforming genuine concepts into entrepreneurial activity. Unconventionality and original thinking are essential factors for entrepreneurial success. In a world of ever-easier division of labor, entrepreneurs have the possibilities to use existing components to create new business models. This will open up perspectives for many more people to participate in entrepreneurship than previously imagined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 471-495 ◽  
Per Engzell ◽  
Mathieu Ichou

Immigrants experience an ambiguous social position: on the one hand, they tend to be positively selected on resources from the origin country; on the other, they often occupy the lower rungs of the status ladder in receiving countries. This study explores the implications of this ambiguity for two important individual outcomes: subjective social status and perceived financial situation. We study the diverse sample of immigrants in the European Social Survey and use the fact that, due to country differences in educational distributions, a given education level can entail a very different rank in the sending and receiving countries. We document a robust relationship whereby immigrants who ranked higher in the origin than in the destination country see themselves as being comparatively worse off. This finding suggests that the social position before migration provides an important reference point by which immigrants judge their success in the new country.

O. Shubna ◽  
Y. Denysova ◽  
A. Sanchych ◽  
A. Marylova ◽  

The article analyzes one of the effective innovative tools used by the united territorial communities in the provision of social services, the social order. It was found that the social order system can promote the development of entrepreneurial activity in the regions. In the case of its widespread use, residents are interested in joining this type of activity, creating business structures or acquiring the status of private entrepreneurs. This contributes to the expansion of employment, training and retraining, the development of the business climate, stimulates the development of civil society through its participation in the process of social procurement and social responsibility. It is determined that in order to provide a social order on a real competitive basis, it is necessary to ensure absolute equality of service providers – state, municipal, private, public, religious, individuals, etc. And this is possible only if the autonomy of utilities, their transition to the status of utilities, which should be provided for in the new law on social services. It is determined that an innovative method of social policy is an integrated approach to the provision of social services, which significantly enhances their effectiveness due to improved coordination of social services. It was found that the key problems that in practice complicate the use of the social order mechanism as an innovative method of improving the provision of social services in OTG, are insufficient regulatory support; opposition from state entities that provide social services; non-acceptance by public authorities of "third sector" organizations as an equal partner for social cooperation, leveling their role in providing social services; lack of relevant experience in joint implementation of tasks related to the provision of social services, low level of professional training of many non-governmental organizations.

Ю.Ю. Александрова ◽  
И.В. Кохова ◽  
Н.С. Пряжников ◽  
Е.Ю. Пряжникова

В статье обосновывается статус «сослагательного проектирования» как перспективного метода психолого-педагогической и профориентационной работы со школьниками и студентами, в основе которого — стремление рассмотреть возможные варианты развития страны, ее регионов и городов, а также конкретных профессий, с учетом готовности молодежи реализовать себя в этих профессиях на благо общества и в соответствии со своими собственными интересами. Кроме того, анализируются проблемы и риски, возможные в процессе практического использования метода «сослагательного проектирования», в частности риски персонификации и чрезмерного «раздувания» реально существующих в обществе и экономике проблем, что провоцирует нежелательную критику власти и даже экстремистские настроения. В качестве противодействия этим рискам предлагается направлять творческую энергию школьников и студентов в конструктивное русло, нацеливая их на поиск путей делового сотрудничества с теми, кто реально обладает властью и другими возможностями, но пока недостаточно использует их для развития страны. При этом эмоциональная включенность участников в обсуждение перспектив развития страны должна рассматриваться как показатель сопричастности, неравнодушия к процессам трансформации России, что соотносимо и с профессиональной, и с гражданской идентичностью. В статье также приводятся примеры использования конкретных профориентационных методик в контексте общего метода «сослагательного проектирования». Опыт использования таких методик показывает, что, с одной стороны, школьники и студенты готовы с интересом обсуждать перспективы развития страны, ее отраслей экономики, конкретных профессий и собственной жизни, но с другой — далеко не все из них делают это осознанно, а большинство вообще не утруждает себя размышлениями о возможных изменениях в технологиях и социальной жизни общества, ориентируясь лишь на реалии сегодняшнего дня. The article substantiates the status of “subjunctive design” as a promising method of psychological- educational, and professional orientation work with schoolboys and students, based on the idea of considering possible options for the development of the country, its regions and cities, as well as — specific professions and their willingness to realize themselves in these professions for the benefit of society and by their interests. Risks and possible problems in the development and practical use of the ”subjunctive design” method are analyzed, in particular the risks of excessive fantasization and personification of real problems in society and economy, which could provoke undesirable criticism of the authorities and even extremist sentiments, including the search for ways of business cooperation with those who have power and other opportunities, but so far, do not use them enough for the development of the country. On the one hand, that schoolchildren and students are ready to discuss with interest the prospects of the country’s development, its branches of the economy, specific professions and their prospects. However, on the other hand, not all of them are ready to do it reasonably, and most of them are not ready to think about possible changes in technology and the social life of society, focusing only on the realities of today.

1981 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-8

One of the fields of sociology which is experiencing a dramatic explosion is that catch‐all area of Women's Studies. Books and articles touching on women's experiences in the labour market or in the home, the education of girls or images of femininity, the impact of the law on women or sexism in the social sciences have been proliferating in the last decade. Much of the impetus has been provided by the renascent Women's Movement, and the various academic concerns echo the diverse attacks on the status quo being made by politically active women. The one thing which holds all this material together is an explicit concern to bring women to the centre of the stage in the social sciences, instead of leaving them (as they so often have been) in the wings or with mere walk‐on parts. Taking the woman's point of view is seen as a legitimate corrective to the tendency to ignore women altogether. But is this sufficient to constitute the nucleus of a new speciality within sociology, which is what seems to be happening to ‘Women's Studies’ and ‘feminist’ social science? More seriously, should sociological discussions of women be ghettoised into special courses on women in society? As a preliminary attempt to redress the balance maybe such separate development can be justified, but if that is all that happens, the enriching potential of feminist social science may well be lost to mainstream sociology. It is not just that feminist social scientists want women to be brought in to complete the picture. It is not just that they claim that half the picture is being left unexposed. The claims are often much more ambitious than that: what much feminist writing is attempting is a demonstration of the distortion in the half image which is exposed. An injection of feminist thinking into practically any sociological speciality could lead to a profound re‐orientation of that field. More than this, a feminist approach can indicate the ways in which traditional boundaries between sociological specialities can obscure women and their special position in society. Feminist social scientists throw down the gauntlet on the way in which the field of sociology has traditionally been carved up. But if women's studies are kept in their ghetto, this challenge will be lost: to me, the explicitly critical stance which feminist research takes with respect to mainstream sociology is one of its most exciting qualities, and such research has important insights to contribute to the development of the discipline.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the good ethics metaphysical basis. As a phenomenon whose nature is transcendent, the good reveals itself in two projective optics. It is on the one hand about the ontological aspects of the good ethics, acting as a being together mode. On the other hand, the relevance of the human charitable nature to the good ethics principles. Thus, the good builds the basis, the output operating mode of co-existence. The phenomenon has objective properties and a universal character. In other words, goodness creates the condition, the nature of the order of being. This logic has traces of Socrates, which identifies concepts: good, knowledge and virtue. Good is a living knowledge that acquires the status of Truth – the knowledge of real. It opens to the person the essence of its purpose, improves and transforms its personality. It is about spiritual knowledge that opens to a person who knows, in the process of mastering the world around him. This knowledge fills the personality with the content, gives uniqueness. It is a living knowledge, aimed at improving the image, its spiritual development, growth. And, consequently, the projection of knowledge-good at the level of society acts as a mechanism for organizing and maintaining social order. A person who through the social context knows the ethical principles of good (love, respect, complicity, etc.), comprehends the laws of the spiritual order. She is an integral part of the order, and thus recognizes itself as real, unique, finds a connection to reality. The transformation of these principles into cultural universal, opens the world to the world as a single whole, an integral part of which is itself. With the explication of meanings, culture «introduces» a person in the previously compiled symbolic-communicative space, forming the ability to understand, with the message, with participation, in general forms an orientation to the community, the integrity of social relations. In this perspective well-being issues are opened. This is the principle of the spiritual knowledge power, realized in accordance with human principles of the good ethics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Saiful Amin

<p>Discussing social injustice against women with gender analysis, will often face opposition from both men and women themselves. This is because questioning the status of women is essentially concerned with established systems and structures. In addition there are many misunderstandings about why women's issues should be questioned. This paper discusses gender issues that essentially discuss power relationships that involve individuals. This paper is not meant to discuss feminist flows, but rather addressing the debate about gender in the theological discourse of Islamic intellectual traditions. In the discourse of women's theology in Islam, its social implications will be colored by the tug of war between the struggle to equalize gender on the one hand and the struggle to unite them in cosmic harmony on the other. The first seeks to eliminate the social injustice that affects women by raising the existence of gender in order to be equal and equal. While the latter seeks to eliminate social injustice by reinforcing, not to elevate gender differences in order to mutual respect and equality in the natural unity.</p><p> </p><p class="Bodytext30">Membincang ketidakadilan sosial terhadap perempuan dengan analisis gender, sering kali akan menghadapi perlawanan baik dari kalangan kaum laki-laki maupun perempuan sendiri. Ini disebabkan karena mempertanyakan status perempuan pada dasarnya adalah mempersoalkan sistem dan struktur yang sudah mapan. Selain itu banyak terjadi kesalahpahaman tentang mengapa masalah kaum perempuan harus dipertanyakan. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan persoalan gender yang pada dasarnya membahas hubungan kekuasaan yang melibatkan individu. Tulisan ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mendiskusikan tentang aliran-aliran feminisme, tetapi lebih ditujukan pada perdebatan tentang gender dalam wacana teologis tradisi intelektual Islam. Pada wacana teologi perempuan dalam Is­lam, implikasi sosialnya akan diwarnai oleh tarik ulur antara perjuangan menyetarakan gender di satu sisi dan perjuangan menyatukan keduanya dalam keharmonian kosmis di sisi yang lain. Yang pertama berusaha menghilangkan ketidakadilan sosial yang menimpa perempuan dengan mengangkat eksistensi gender agar bisa sama dan setara. Sedangkan yang kedua berusaha menghilangkan ketidakadilan sosial itu dengan mempertegas, untuk tidak mengangkat perbedaan gender agar bisa saling menghormati dan melengkapi dalam kesatuan alamiah.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Matvienko Valentin Viktorovich

Abstract Journalistic education in India in the context of booming media sector is a relatively new topic of scientific interest in the Russian Federation. The object of scientific research is vast: it includes a numerous list of problems and specific circumstances of the Indian national level concerning the freedom of journalism as a social institution and consists of fragmentary issues such as the rights of journalists, peculiar properties of journalistic trainings in India and their practical realization. It should be mentioned that journalistic education in India is a peculiar system with its specific structure, concrete goals and traditional objectives.The article is devoted to the analysis of the Indian national system of journalists training and its role in the social and partly “ political environment of the country. As the topic is rather complicated, the author researches different aspects of journalistic education in India: the process of forming the professional ethics, working on the qualification upgrade, communication with the audience and other media workers. After the conducted research the author concludes that despite the improving economic policy of the country and growing role of social responsibility, the Indian journalists are in their mass still poorly qualified on the one hand and the editorial policy doesn’t objectively reflect the kaleidoscopically changing economic and social conjuncture of the country” on the other hand.

2019 ◽  
Per Engzell ◽  
Mathieu Ichou

Immigrants experience an ambiguous social position: on the one hand, they tend to be positively selected on resources from the origin country; on the other, they often occupy the lower rungs of the status ladder in receiving countries. This study explores the implications of this ambiguity for two important individual outcomes: subjective social status and perceived financial situation. We study the diverse sample of immigrants in the European Social Survey and use the fact that, due to country differences in educational distributions, a given education level can entail a very different rank in the sending and receiving countries. We document a robust relationship whereby immigrants who ranked higher in the origin than in the destination country see themselves as being comparatively worse off. This finding suggests that the social position before migration provides an important reference point by which immigrants judge their success in the new country.

2020 ◽  
pp. 739-752
Paulo Vitor Siffert ◽  
Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães

The demands for a development model that considers the social and environmental dimensions, as well as the economic dimension, has become increasingly imperative, either by society in general or by the initiative of national or supranational bodies, as oversight and regulatory agencies. In this way, the precepts of sustainable development have been gaining more space in political agendas and civil debates. We propose here that this model of development, especially the one linked to strong sustainability (and relative to the branch of ecological economy), would be ideal. For this, based on literature review, we formulate a theoretical model that combines sustainable regional development (as a dependent variable), mediated by the independent variables of entrepreneurship and sustainability. That is, the objective of this paper is the proposition of a theoretical framework that assumes that the sustainable regional development can be reached from the articulation between the foment to the entrepreneurial activity and the precepts of sustainability. As an additive to this model, we also consider the construct of the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a catalyst for entrepreneurial activity at the regional level and sustainable entrepreneurship as a type of business conducive to a more equal income generation, improvement of social structure, and environmental preservation.

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